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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Why Does My Dog Nibble on Me With His Front Teeth?

Have you ever wondered why do dogs nibble on you? While nibbling on dogs may not be an aggressive behavior, it could unintentionally hurt or scare someone. That is why pet owners need to understand why dogs nibble.

The most common reasons why a dog nibbles are because of excitement and affection. It is an instinctive behavior that starts when pups desire to nurse from their mother’s teat, play with their doggy friends, display affection, and ease teething discomfort.

If the question “Why does my dog nibble me with its front teeth?” still lingers on your mind, keep scrolling down.

In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about dog nibbling. This covers the causes, differences between nibbling, mouthing, and biting, practical preventative methods, and frequently asked questions.

Why Do Dogs Nibble?

For young dogs, dog nibbling or doing a “corn on the cob” is an instinctive behavior, which means it is a normal dog mouthing behavior.

And as they become adult dogs, they may continue to do so for various reasons.

To give you a more detailed answer to your question, “why does my dog nibble on me?”, here are the 13 possible reasons:

1. Show of Affection

This is one of the most frequent causes of general nibbling or mouthing activities. Your furry buddies frequently use their mouths to convey messages, and this specific message is one of dog-mouthing affection.

If your dog gently nibbles you, it might just be its way of saying, “I love you, Hooman,” to you.

2. ​​Excitement

Some dogs become so hyper and thrilled that they begin to nip at their closest favorite object or person.

Dogs may become excited when encountering new people, playing with other dogs, or hearing loud noises.

If you can figure out what situations cause your puppy to become aroused and hyper, you may start developing strategies to assist them in relaxing during such circumstances.

3. Oral Problem

Tooth discomfort is always unpleasant. When a dog mouths, nibbles, or gnaws at you, it may occasionally be a sign of an oral problem.

Periodontal disease, gingivitis, and cavities can all irritate and hurt your dog.

This may agitate your dog, and as a result, it may mouth or nibble on your hands and fingers to calm itself.

4. Means of Relieving Stress and Anxiety

Similar to humans, some dogs are more prone to anxiety and neurotic behaviors than others. Because of these negative emotions, your dog may chew, gnaw, or even suckle on your hands and fingers.

For instance, when your dog develops separation anxiety, nipping can be its coping mechanism.

You should constantly look for minor body language changes, such as nipping and gnawing, since a worried or anxious dog could unintentionally lash out.

5. Display of Ownership

When a dog puts its mouth on its owner, it might be because it is claiming possession of its human, which would be you. Typically, this behavior is carried out by a puppy in a kind and playful way.

Mild possessiveness is good and common, but if it escalates into violent behavior, you might want to think about acting and controlling your puppy.

6. Common Puppy Behavior

Gnawing, nibbling, and biting behavior are instinctive behaviors for dogs. These behaviors start during their young age when they undergo the teething phase or when they nibble their mother’s breast to stimulate milk production.

Aside from puppies’ teething process and breastfeeding, they also use their mouths to pick up random stuff, give them a little chew, spit them out, and then go on their way.

7. Canine Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Many dogs that have experienced traumatizing events may exhibit post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. This trauma may be the result of an accident, abuse, neglect, or long-term thirst or hunger.

Hyperawareness, anxiousness, bowel issues, and aggressiveness are just a few of the signs of canine PTSD.

Dogs that suffer from this disorder are more inclined to bite out of fear and may comfort themselves by nibbling.

8. Poor Impulse Control

Self-control issues can be a major contributor to biting and nibbling behavior. Some puppies love biting, gnawing, and munching because they simply can’t help themselves.

They’ve never been taught how to stop these at a young age, making it worse. Fortunately, you can teach impulse control to your dog at any age.

The next time your dog nips you, make a loud, high-pitched yelp to let your dog know you were “hurt,” and out of concern, it will behave differently around you.

9. Seeking Attention and Playtime

When they are puppies, dogs nip at one another during play and to interact. So if your dog nibbles you, it may be trying to gain your attention because it wants to play or go to the dog park.

However, if your dog did not have a lot of socialization at an early age, this play bite could be uncomfortable. The best course of action is to outright forbid this kind of playful behavior by training it.

10. Aggression

Nibbling can also be a warning sign of the development of aggressive behavior. Some dogs nip or bite when they feel threatened.

This may be due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to conflict toward other dogs, fear, possessiveness, food guarding, and redirected violence.

Whatever the reason, it must be stopped as quickly as possible.

11. Dog Grooming Practice

Nibbling is a common method of grooming for dogs. They clean off fleas, dried dead ticks, ear wax, and matted fur with their front teeth.

They also gnaw at their skin to ease itching caused by dog tumors, cysts, lumps, or warts.

A lot of mother dogs also do this to keep their offspring clean. Adult dogs may also invite other dogs to groom them.

12. Your Salty Skin

Dogs enjoy the flavor of salt. Your skin may taste like salt to your dog even if you are not sweating, which is why it may nip or lick you playfully.

You might also observe your dog rush towards you when the salt from your body is quite visible on your skin when you sweat.

If you don’t want your dog’s mouth to catch your post-workout sweats, you should either stay away from it or make sure you take a shower before approaching it again.

13. Boredom

Keeping your dog occupied rather than leaving it in its crate or bed can keep it out of mischief all day.

Intelligent dog breeds that are quickly bored include the Border Collie, Doberman Pinscher, and Belgian Malinois.

These dogs often find themselves in messy situations while trying to amuse themselves. Activities such as nibbling, excessive chewing, non-stop barking, and digging are some of the results of dog boredom.

What’s the Difference Between Nibbling, Mouthing & Biting?

Distinguishing nibbling, mouthing, and biting is very important to know when to intervene. Even though all three are fairly similar to one another, these behaviors are exhibited by dogs with varying intentions.


Nibbling is also a way for dogs to communicate with their owner. Most of the time, dogs nip with their incisors (front teeth) to play.

Their enthusiastic nibbling during playtime can be directed towards you, a toy, or other animals.

A dog’s reasons for nibbling differ slightly when it is still a puppy. While puppies do nibble to explore the world, the most frequent cause of their persistent nibbling is the teething phase or growing teeth.

Puppies experience some discomfort while teething; therefore, they may nibble on you or your belongings to ease their discomfort.

It’s important to give them a toy during this stage; otherwise, they’ll nibble on your new couch or jacket!

Here’s a video of a dog nibbling on the bed sheet, trying to get attention from its owner:

Dog Nibbles On Bed Sheets For Attention From Owner<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dog Nibbles On Bed Sheets For Attention From Owner" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>


Similar to nibbling, dog mouthing is mainly risk-free. The main distinction is that dogs use their entire mouth instead of incisors. When mouthing, a dog will utilize their full mouth but exert no pressure.

Often, dogs mouth when they are excited. You may feel their teeth, but they are aware that biting would be bad. Although this seems cute, some people may feel uncomfortable with a dog mouthing them.

Giving your dog a toy whenever they start to get overexcited is one easy approach to stop mouthing behavior.

But even though they sometimes go a little out of control, mouthing is considered to be a playful gesture.


Unlike nibbling and mouthing, dog biting, in most cases, displays dominance rather than a playful behavior.

Sometimes dogs bite when they become overly excited during play. On the other hand, some bite out of aggression, stress, or due to separation anxiety.

Even though biting can take many different forms, it’s simple to distinguish between real and playful biting.

If your dog bites firmly, and it has wrinkles on its muzzle and shows off all of its teeth, then it is expressing aggressive behavior.

A playful dog will always appear comfortable; therefore, this type of dog biting indicates that your dog is either terrified or acting in self-defense.

If you encounter this, make an effort to get your dog out of the stressful situation.

What to Do If Your Dog Nibbles on You

Aside from the question “what does it mean when a dog nibbles on you?” many dog owners also search for advice on how to prevent their dog from nibbling or doing a “corn on the cob.”

But before you can correct the nibbling behavior, you need to know the reason behind it because not all dog nibbling is caused by dog mouthing affection or excitement.

Some dog breeds could experience anxiety and distress. If you are unsure of the cause of your dog’s biting or have any concerns, your best option is to seek advice from an animal behaviorist for a precise evaluation.

Even if the behavior is a result of affection or excitement, it’s best to address the problem as soon as possible before it becomes ingrained and more difficult to stop.

How to Stop Your Dog From Nibbling

You might need to try one or more of these techniques if you wish to stop your dog from engaging in nibbling behavior.

1. Teach bite inhibition

Puppies often bite when they play with other animals. In these situations, if they bite the other animal too fiercely, they might receive a warning bite or yelp which will eventually prompt them to release the other dog.

Recreate this effect in your home to get your dog to stop nipping you the next time they do so.

To do this, try letting out a loud, high-pitched “Ouch!” But be careful – yelping can enrage certain dogs and increase their tendency to bite.

2. Walk away

It could seem like a good idea to yell at your dog for biting, but doing so has the opposite impact. It will keep biting as it understands that biting brings your attention rather than being taught that its behavior is wrong.

Leaving and walking away quietly is actually a good resort. With these, it will learn to avoid the behaviors that make you turn away from it after seeing how its actions affect your attention.

3. Provide chew toys

Puppy teething is comparable to baby teething. Puppies with new teeth are still trying to figure out how to use them. Of course, your arms and legs are not an exception.

If you don’t want to get nibbled, offer them chew toys as an alternative. It’s always best to carry chew toys when your pup is developing biting habits, so you have them on hand.

Giving your dogs chew toys, instead of leaving them to chew your furniture or you, will help develop good dog behavior. Eventually, your dog will think it’s okay to bite the toys but not people or furniture.

4. Use positive reinforcement

Similar to dog training, you must praise and treat your dog when it behaves well. This way, it will understand that good behavior earns rewards and attention and will stop unnecessary nibbling.

If you’ve tried every at-home tip and your dog is still biting, it might be time for it to participate in an obedience class.

This can help your dog stop nibbling while also providing you with some useful tips on how to deal with it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Dog Nibble My Hand When I Pet Him?

Dogs nibble on their owner’s hands for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, they’re simply too excited about something, like a reward in your hand.

In this case, you have to work on teaching your dog how to accept treats gently. Dogs may also nibble because they want your attention, they want to play, or they lack discipline and self-control.

Do Dogs Nibble for Affection?

Nibbling could also be a sign of affection for dogs. It is typically learned when young pups are around older dogs.

Canines show affection by nibbling on the neck or ears of other dogs and puppies adopt the actions and mimic them.

If your pooch is around you, it might nibble you as well to express its dog mouthing affection.

Should I Let My Dog Nibble on My Hand?

No, it’s not a good idea to let your dog nibble your hand or any part of your body. Although dog nibbling might is generally a playful gesture, there is no telling when a dog will get too hyper and bite.

So, when your dog starts to do this, stop him with a firm no for the sake of both your dog and you. Instead, offer your dog a chew toy or any chewable item and compliment it when it chews appropriately.

Why Is My Dog Cobbing Me?

If your dog is cobbing you, it may be a sign that it is attempting to grab your attention and wants to have playtime.

Most dogs begin to nibble when they are puppies as a form of socialization with other dogs. So, out of instinct, dogs might act the same way toward their owners.

Final Thoughts

Nibbling is totally normal dog behavior. Although it is an adorable behavior for some, it can occasionally verge on becoming annoying.

Giving your beloved pet something enjoyable to chew on is usually all that’s required!

However, you might need to step in if the nibbling becomes excessive or persistent. A veterinarian should always be consulted to rule out any potential medically treatable underlying causes.

Have you experienced this behavior with your dog before? For us to have a more fruitful discussion about why your dogs nibble on you, share with us the challenges you’ve had in the comments.

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