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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

What Is a Baby Fox Called? — Baby Fox Name, Facts & Pictures

Baby foxes are interesting creatures that have captured the admiration of many animal lovers due to their cute features. But have you ever wondered what they are called? Where do they live? What do they eat?

These are just some of the many questions this article will try to answer for you as we explore the lives and some interesting facts about these lovable forest beings.

Additionally, we will also look into how much a baby fox costs and legitimate places where you can acquire one, just in case you fall in love with the appearance and the quirks of this delightful exotic animal.

What Is a Baby Fox Called?

Interestingly, a baby fox can go by many names. It can be called a kit or kitten, similar to baby beavers, squirrels, and cats. Sometimes it is called a cub, the same as newborn wolves and bears.

On the other hand, it can also be called a pup, and a group of pups is called a litter, just like with baby dogs. A litter of baby foxes is around 4 to 5 pups on average, with some reaching as high as 10 to 11 pups.

In addition, female foxes are called vixens, while males are called dog foxes or tods. A group of foxes is commonly referred to as a skulk or a leash.

What Does a Baby Fox Look Like?

Baby foxes are small and fuzzy and look very distinct from their parents. They belong to the Canidae family, similar to dogs, wolves, coyotes, and jackals, so they have a lot of physical similarities with their canid cousins.

However, foxes and their cubs stand out from other canids due to their long and thin legs, small frame, pointed snout, and bushy tails.

Cubs are born without the ability to see or hear and do not have any teeth. They are nursed by their mother for up to about four weeks or until the cubs start exploring the outside world.

There are 12 different species of the true fox family, with the red fox being the most common and widespread.

Hence, the kit’s fur may differ in density, length, and color depending on what species they belong to.

However, most kits are born with tan, brown, or charcoal-colored fur, and their true fur color will appear only after 3 to 4 months. This is also when their eye color change from blue to their actual adult eye color.

Further, kits have some similarities to cats as well. They are the only canid capable of retracting their claws and have elongated pupils like those of cats.

These pupils give them sharper vision and allow them to see better at night, being nocturnal animals.

How Much Does a Baby Fox Weigh?

When baby foxes are born, they weigh only about 0.15 to 0.25 pounds. However, they grow quickly and may triple in size in just about a week. By about six weeks old, cubs may already weigh about 2.5 pounds.

As they reach four and a half months, baby foxes would already be at their full body size, which is about 36 to 42 inches long, but not their weight. At this stage, they could be somewhere around 6.5 pounds.

It takes about ten months for foxes to stop growing, where they may weigh up to 24 pounds and stand about 15 to 16 inches from the shoulder. However, cubs would only reach adulthood by the time they are a year old.

Further, some of the smallest species of foxes, like the fennec fox, may only grow to about 2.2 to 3.3 pounds.

Where Do Baby Foxes Live?

Foxes dig burrows which are called dens. These dens are where baby foxes are born and nursed. These are also where they stay up until they are ready to start exploring the outside world.

These dens also may have several exits, making it easier for the foxes to flee with the cubs in case a predator penetrates it.

Baby foxes are also very adaptable. They can live in different climates, even in subtropical or icy tundra conditions.

They can also thrive on various land types, such as sea cliffs, sand dunes, high mountains, peat bogs, woodlands, and salt marshes. They are even common sightings in some urban areas.

Further, the widespread red fox can be seen across the globe — North America, Asia, Europe, and even parts of the Middle East and Australia.

What Sounds Do Baby Foxes Make?

Kits use whining or whimpering noises when they want to call their parents’ attention, especially when they are hungry or cold. They do this more often in the first few weeks of life.

When they grow to about a month old, they become more active, and they tend to play and sometimes even fight with their siblings. While doing so, they make smacking noises and little peeping sounds.

You may check this video to hear the sound a baby fox makes while playing:

Cute baby fox noises!<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Cute baby fox noises!" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

What Do Baby Foxes Eat?

Fox pups are mammals, so they rely entirely on their mother’s milk up to about four weeks old. They need about 17 ounces (500 mL) of milk daily for proper growth and development.

Once their eyes open at about a month old, their parents start regurgitating food into their mouths. However, they have very small stomachs, so they need small, frequent feedings throughout the day.

As tiny cubs, they need to be given up to four meals a day for their nourishment. They would also mainly rely on the scraps of food that male foxes hunt and bring to the den.

By the time they are six weeks old, they start to eat more solid food. They may go for mice, rodents, small birds, and vegetation as omnivores.

How Much Do Baby Foxes Cost?

The price of a domesticated baby fox may range from $500 to $6,000. This price relies heavily on the type of fox you want. Other factors influencing pricing are the breeder’s reputation and the pup’s quality.

For example, a fennec fox kit may be small but has a higher price range, at around $2,500 to $3,500.

On the other hand, a red fox cub may be between $300 and $1,000, while the arctic fox pup, such as the Canadian marble fox, may cost around $400 to $3,000.

Keep in mind that these are just the cost of the baby foxes themselves. Foxes in captivity live up to about 14 years, so prepare to spend on food, hygiene, a robust enclosure, and other maintenance costs for this long.

Places to Find Baby Foxes for Sale

Fox cubs are challenging to locate since owning a fox is illegal in most states. Further, a special permit is needed before you can acquire a fox pup in the states where it is legal to own one.

As you begin the search for your cub, diligently research the breeder’s background, especially since the legalities matter in owning this exotic pet.

To help you with this, here are some reputable breeders where you can find baby foxes for sale:

  1. Dragonstone Ranch (DR) – Dragonstone Ranch is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) licensed breeder of tamed fennec, bat-eared, and cape foxes. DR is based in Texas, where owning these types of foxes is legal. They require a $500 non-refundable deposit and an approved adoption application to reserve a fox kit.

  2. Frazier Farms Exotics – Frazier Farms is a Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and a USDA-licensed breeder with red, polar, blue, shadow arctic, and gray species in their fox line-up. Their price range is between $300 and $1,000, depending on the type of kit you want.

  3. Janda Exotics – Established in 2008, Janda Exotics is a Texas-based breeder of fennec foxes. They are also owners of an animal ranch that houses 35 different species of exotic animals and is open for private tours. The standard price of their fennec foxes is $4,100.

Owning a baby fox would require a lot of socialization to keep its tame status, especially as it reaches adulthood.

Credible breeders of domesticated foxes should be able to take care of this at the start.

But it is still the responsibility of the new kit owner to continue this training and interaction to manage its behavior throughout its lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Fox Babies Pups or Kits?

There are different ways by which fox babies may be called, which are all equally correct and acceptable. They may be named pups, kits, or even cubs.

Further, a group of young baby foxes born from the same set is called a litter.

Can a Baby Fox Survive on Its Own?

Until they are about six weeks old, newborn cubs will heavily rely on their parents for survival inside their den.

The mother should provide them with milk and comfort while the father hunts and brings them scraps of food as soon as they can feed on solid food by about four weeks old.

Both parents should also be able to protect their cubs from predators while they are still too young to defend themselves.

How Long Do Baby Foxes Stay With Their Mother?

At six months old, the cubs will start to look very similar to adults, but they only leave their mother and start a life of their own when they reach one full year.

They are also already sexually mature at this time and will follow the breeding pattern of their parents. They will start to mate during the winter season, build their own dens, and have cubs of their own.

Do Baby Foxes Have Teeth?

Kits are born without any teeth. Their deciduous or milk teeth start to grow a few weeks after birth and will total about 28 a few more weeks later.

As the baby teeth fall off, they are replaced with the permanent 42 adult teeth. Some species, like the bat-eared fox, may grow an additional six molars, giving them a total of 48 adult teeth.

Final Thoughts

Taking care of fox cubs is definitely a unique experience that lovers of exotic animals may try to explore.

These cute canids are very interesting to watch as they play, wrestle, wander about, and even hunt for food.

However, not everyone may have the privilege of owning one since it is illegal in many states. They also require a lot of socialization and attention to keep them tamed and to develop their relationship with their owners.

At the end of the day, no matter what you call your baby fox, whether you name it a cub, kit, or pup, it is bound to keep you entertained. Share with us your thoughts about owning a fox cub in the comments below!

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