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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

The Truth About the White Pitbull: An In-Depth Guide

Image credit: nalacoconut / Instagram

The White Pitbull is an equally popular and controversial breed in the Pitbull world. As its name implies, this canine is covered in a neat white coat, making it eye-catching and unique.

This descendant of bulldogs and terriers shares the intimidating build of Pitbulls. Sadly, they also share their tragic history of blood-baiting, which is why they often get the reputation of being aggressive.

But contrary to popular belief, the white Pitbull is a gentle sweetheart under its ferocious façade. For this reason, the bully breed and dog lovers alike seek after them.

Pitbulls are generally captivating, but the white one is particularly interesting. For starters, they hold more special stories than their regular counterparts. In this article, I’ll debunk some myths and unveil all you need to know about this canine companion.

What Is a White Pitbull?

The white Pitbull is a variation of the Pitbull breed. Although it is rare, an all-white Pitbull is considered a standard coat color and not a product of albinism. Contrary to an albino dog, a white Pitbull has more noticeable skin pigmentation and colored eyes.

Before we dig further, you must know that the Pitbull is originally a general term rather than a specific breed. This is a classification for the group of dogs that descend from bulldogs and terriers.

Among the dog breeds that fall under the “Pitbull” term are the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and the American Bully.

It wasn’t until 1898 that the United Kennel Club (UKC) recognized the American Pitbull Terrier as an official and separate breed. Hence, the Pitbull we know today is often referenced as the American Pitbull Terrier.

Through the years, dog fanciers sought Pitbulls for their gaming and fighting abilities. In modern times, they are fancied for being a great companion in numerous households and an equally good competitor in performance events.

The white Pitbull, just like the Pitbulls of its kind, exhibits the quality of a great warrior and a loyal companion. They have also been regarded as nanny dogs due to their reliability and fondness around children.

White Pitbull Appearance

Image credit: molly.butch / Instagram

You may be wondering how vastly different white Pitbulls look. Simply put, they only differ in their coat color, and they share the same regularities as the other Pitbulls.

The white Pitbull has a solid build and well-defined musculature. It boasts of a powerful and athletic appearance. Its defined muscles appear in the right proportion without being overly bulky. According to the UKC, any disproportionality that hinders the dog’s capabilities is considered a fault.

Considered a medium-sized dog, the white Pitbull stands anywhere from 18 to 22 inches and weighs 35 to 60 pounds. It also has a medium-length and well-proportioned head, a broad flat skull, and a deep muzzle. The ears can be half-pricked or rose and are set high on the head.

Their oval-shaped eyes come in various colors, ranging from hazel, brown, red, and black. Blue eyes and multi-colored eyes are considered breed defects. The nose color ranges from black to blue, chocolate, and red. A Dudley or an unpigmented nose is considered a fault.

Their coats are wiry with a glossy sheen and smooth texture. For the white Pitbull, the white coat can be mixed with other dominant colors. You may have seen a white Pitbull with patches of black or brown. That variation is called the Moo Moo Pitbull since its coat mirrors that of the cow.

Further, it has a thick medium-length tail that is wide at the base and narrower at the tip.

Check out this cute all-white Pitbull puppies video.

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Are White Pitbulls Rare?

The white Pitbull is either widely-sought or frowned upon in the Pitbull community. The reason for this is that this dog color is indeed rare, so rare that it is often linked to the development of health-related issues.

Given that white Pitbulls are uncommon, they are equally viewed as admirable and questionable.

White Pitbulls usually come with mixes and markings of other colors. In those forms, they aren’t considered as rare.

In fact, Pitbulls with a tuxedo-like coat which can be a combination of white markings and colored coat are the most common among its variations. Those with colored spots are also typical.

On the other hand, a pure white Pitbull with no traces of secondary color is considered rare. Sometimes, they are even misclassified as albino dogs although they are considered leucistic.

Leucism is a condition that presents a partial loss of pigmentation, leading to white fur coloring among canines. Compared to albino dogs, leucistic ones do not have the complete absence of melanin.

The association of health-related problems among white Pitbulls can be true, but it tends more to albino dogs since the genetic mutation present in albinism also leads to visual and auditory impairments.

Can White Pitbulls Have Blue Eyes?

Image credit: vherrer122 / Instagram

Crystal blue eyes are a fancied characteristic among white Pitbulls. However, the American Pitbull Terrier community, in particular, is not pleased with the blue-eyed Pitbulls for some valid reasons.

Further, the American Kennel Club also considers blue eyes and heterochromia (different colored eyes) as a breed fault.

Pitbulls can actually have blue eyes. In fact, Pitbull puppies are usually born with blue eyes. This is because the production of melanin, which brings pigment to the eyes, only starts four weeks after birth.

At around 10 weeks of age, your puppy’s true eye color will begin to show. Adult Pitbulls hardly retain them. But if they do so, they are considered non-standard.

Pitbulls with coat colors of black, brown, and grey rarely have blue eyes because they have the full black pigmentation in their melanin. Having said that, white Pitbulls are more likely to develop such since they usually have a lower concentration of melanin.

However, just like regular pits, white Pitbulls with blue eyes are considered non-standard. This can also be an indication of albinism and the health issues that come with it.

Having blue eyes along with pink noses is the distinction of albinism. You may notice that white Pitbulls commonly have dark-colored eyes and black noses, whereas an albino presents the absence of pigmentation in those areas.

What Makes a White Pitbull Different From Other Pitbulls?

When it comes to appearance, the white Pitbull is strikingly like no other. But although it may seem unique, a purebred white Pitbull exhibits the same general traits of its kind. Aside from its coat color, it only differs in some aspects.

Among the very few points that are particular to this canine are its sunlight sensitivity, price, and genetic makeup.

Due to their pale coat color, white Pitbulls, especially the red-nosed ones, are more sensitive to sunlight. This increases the risk of skin damage and possible skin cancer. Thus, they need to be walked under the shade and kept indoors.

Since they are rarer than their regular counterparts, white Pitbulls are more in demand. If you ought to buy one, expect it to be more costly than its other variations.

Lastly, the genetic makeup responsible for their partial loss of pigmentation is specific among white Pitbulls. They also carry recessive traits, which makes them ideal for a breeding program that seeks higher offspring diversity.

Is the White Coloring Recognized by Kennel Clubs?

Pitbulls were originally bred more for their traits rather than their looks. This is why there is a lot of variation in this breed. But certain standards call for uniformity to retain the line’s integrity.

The first standard was set by the United Kennel Club in 1989. In this standard, all coat colors are permissible except merle. Hence, white is recognized.

The American Dog Breeders Association and the All American Dog Registry standard likewise accept all coat colors.

The American Kennel Club, on the other hand, has a stricter standard for the American Staffordshire Terrier. It allows solid, parti, and patched coats, but dogs with more than 80 percent of white coloring are not recognized.

In case you are wondering if this serves any relevance to the Pitbull, it does. The American Staffordshire Terrier is another name formerly given to the American Pit Bull Terrier by the AKC.

They have been bred separately for more than 50 years but still share many similarities. Hence, the American Staffordshire Terriers can participate in UKC shows if registered as American Pit Bull Terriers.

In general, white Pitbulls are widely recognized by kennel clubs except for the AKC. As long as they don’t exhibit albinism traits and other breed faults, they are still qualified.

White Pitbull Genetics

Image credit: molly.butch / Instagram

As aforementioned, Pitbulls were never bred for their looks throughout their history. All coat colors were previously considered equal. For this reason, genetic research into the genotype of coat color among UKC and ADBA registered Pitbulls is not that prevalent.

But if you want to understand the genetic makeup behind the white coloring of Pitbulls, it starts with the two pigments that produce the coat color of canines: eumelanin (black) and phaeomelanin (red).

Like some other characteristics of a dog, color is determined by the intervention of genetics in melanin production.

The merle gene, specifically, can alter the production of eumelanin and result in pigment dilution. A double merle gene doesn’t allow cells to produce black pigment. Thus, it produces lighter shades of eyes, pale skin, and white coats, whereas a total absence of melanin is what produces albinism.

The other gene, called the Piebald gene, also causes color deletion. It results in the absence of melanocytes, which produce melanin. Pitbulls that carry the piebald gene may have black-and-white spots or a solid white coat.

The lack of melanin also alters visual and hearing development; that is why health-related concerns lean heavily on dogs with predominantly white coats.

The Piebald gene is common among Pitbulls, while the double merle gene is not. Whether or not they will produce solid white offspring depends on the dominance of these genes.

Effects of White Coloring on Health & Behavior

According to the AKC Canine Health Foundation, dogs with merle or white coats have a predisposition to congenital deafness. White Pitbulls are among those breeds.

The cells that enable hearing and pigmentation come from the same stem cell source. When there is unpigmented skin in the inner ear, the nerve endings die off. This loss of sensory hair cells inhibits nerve impulses; thus, it cannot transmit sounds to the brain.

Congenital deafness is often noticed a few weeks after birth and could be on one or both ears. But this does not necessarily mean that all white Pitbulls are deaf; they are just at higher risk of inheriting such.

Meanwhile, the linkage of blindness to white coats is vague. The absence of pigmentation in their melanin is more likely to cause pale-colored irises than blindness.

In terms of their behavior, white Pitbulls exhibit pretty much the same personalities that you can expect from their regular counterparts. A white pit is not more aggressive or less endearing than the other coat colors.

A breeder colleague who has been focused in producing high quality American Pitbull Terriers for more than 10 years can validate that regardless of what color they produce, it does not have any bearing with how the puppies behave.

The care, obedience training, and early socialization they do for their puppies matter more in molding the behaviors of their Pitbulls.

White Pitbull Temperament and Personality

Image credit: nalacoconut / Instagram

Pitbulls have a tragic and bloody history of fighting. This is why they are still perceived as vicious dogs. But nowadays, this is nothing but a misconception.

On the temperament tests conducted by the American Temperament Test Society, Pitbulls had a passing rate of 86%.

Under varying situations, they were found to be less aggressive than the Golden Retriever, Beagle, and Corgi. The UKC consequently asserts that aggression toward humans is highly uncharacteristic of the breed.

With this in mind, it is undeniable that their overly aggressive personality is nothing but a fear-driven myth. Under the right hands, the white Pitbull is a softy at heart.

Today, Pitbulls are known to be social animals that are friendly and loyal. They equally love being around their family and being familiar with other people. This is why they make bad guard dogs and good nanny dogs.

They also love cuddling and rolling over for belly rubs. They can also be needy, so you need to shower them with ample attention.

Further, white Pitbulls are impressively intelligent and agile too. Hence, they require sports and moderate exercise to practice their strength. Due to their dog-fighting ancestry, these dogs can also be tenacious. This can make them stubborn if you are not an equally strong-willed trainer.

Around other house pets, white Pitbulls can maintain their peace, but their dormant instincts can still fire up if triggered. They may never start fights, but they won’t back down when challenged.

Like many dogs, they require socialization, persistent training, and discipline to reach their best behavior.

White Pitbull Lifespan and Health Issues

Aside from the previously mentioned health risks, white Pitbulls are generally healthy. On average, they can live up to 12 to 14 years. But just like other dog breeds, they are prone to developing health problems throughout their lives.

Some health implications you need to watch for are:

  1. Skin conditions and sunlight sensitivity: Pitbulls are generally prone to skin allergies, but the true white Pitbull is more at risk to this. Food sensitivity is among its common causes. To be safe, it is best to keep a hypoallergenic food diet. Due to their pale skin coloring, they are also highly sensitive to sunlight which in turn increases their likelihood of developing sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancer.

  2. Cataracts: Pitbulls have a 50/50 chance of developing this eye condition. It can either be developed or inherited. Cataracts appear as a cloudy lens that blocks light from entering the retina. This impairs vision and eventually leads to total blindness. Old age and underlying conditions such as diabetes are among its risk factors. Depending on its stage, it can be corrected through pharmaceutical treatments or surgery.

  3. Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia skeletal condition results in an improperly formed joint. Over time, it causes joint pain, arthritis, and prolonged limping. To prevent this, it’s best to keep your Pit’s weight managed and give them joint supplements.

Regular veterinary visits are essential to catch these illnesses early before they get worse. Early detection should make treatment easier as well.

How Much Does a White Pitbull Cost? Puppy Prices & Expenses

First of all, Pitbulls in general, are priced variously. Factors such as gender, breed certifications, and breed quality influence its price. Most of the time, a higher pedigree indicates higher prices.

For Pitbulls with decent bloodlines, the price ranges from $800 to $2,000. You may find lower-priced pups but often, these are from non-reputable breeders.

Those that are advertised for their superior bloodlines are priced from $2,000 to $20,000. They are more expensive because they come with the documents necessary for dog shows.

White Pitbulls with patches or colored spots fall in the average price range. It’s easy to stumble upon white Pitbulls that are almost pure but with either small patches around their eyes or ears, and they cost exactly the same as their regular counterparts.

But if you’re on the search for a pure white Pitbull, you can expect higher prices. This is because they are rarer, and you can hardly find one from online breeders. Also, if you opt for documents that indicate its lineage to ensure its health, this may cost additional prices.

Aside from the actual price of the white Pitbull puppy, you also need to prepare for the initial cost of keeping your puppy healthy and happy.

Below are the expenses for a first-time owner of a white Pitbull:

To save on the cost for some of these expenses, you may want to look for reputable breeders who offer these as freebies along with rehoming a puppy from them.

Places to Find White Pitbull Puppies for Sale and Adoption

Image credit: bananathepitbull / Instagram

Before you proceed on your search for a white Pitbull, keep in mind to stay away from puppy mills and backyard breeders. You can expect to pay less from them since they raise puppies in unethical conditions. But in turn, you can get a puppy with no documents and, worse, with undesirable traits.

A reputable breeder will have in-depth medical records and, thus, ensure premium breeding standards. But since the pure white Pitbull is rare, you may have to wait for its availability.

Here are some places where you can find reputable breeders of white Pitbulls:

  1. UKC Breeders Directory – With the credibility of the United Kennel Club, you are ensured that all breeders in their breeders’ directory implement ethical breeding practices. They also uphold and even improve the standards of the breed.

  2. ADBA Classifieds – As a credible organization for American Pitbull Terriers, breeders posting their puppies on the site have expertise on the breed. As they promote responsible ownership of the breed, you can also be assured of excellent behavior.

  3. Good Dog – With their own set standards, Good Dog screens the breeders advertising on their site thoroughly. This means that you only deal with breeders who focus on the health and temperament of the puppies they produce.

If you’re eyeing adoption as an option, you can coordinate with animal shelters and rescue organizations, and you can adopt a rescue Pitbull for less than $150.

Adopting also gives homeless dogs a second chance at a better life. It’s a noble act, and the best way to start is to search for rescues that specialize in Pitbulls.

Here are a few rescue organizations you should consider:

  1. Pit Bull Rescue Central – Pitbull Rescue Central main goal is to rehome Pitbulls and their mixes in responsible and loving homes. They are also focused on the education of the public for the proper care of Pitbulls. You can check regularly if they have white Pitbulls for adoption.

  2. HugABull Advocacy & Rescue Society – HugABull’s adoption program has already successfully rehomed 1,000 Pitbulls to wonderful homes. The group also advocates for ethical rescues, responsible guardianship of all breeds, and evidence-based breed-neutral laws.

  3. Rescue Me! – Rescue Me is an online adoption site that has a very effective interface that features a map of the United States, indicating how many Pitbulls are up for adoption per state, which may include white Pitbulls. Since its inception, it has already rehomed 90,283 Pitbulls.

No matter if you decide to get your white Pitbull from a reputable breeder or a rescue organization, make sure to conduct your research thoroughly so you end up with a healthy and good quality white Pitbull that fits your lifestyle and preferences.

Male vs. Female White Pitbull: What’s the Difference?

The differences between male and female white Pitbulls are not vast, but you may find them crucial when choosing the one that suits you best. Perhaps, you’re at a loss whether to take home a male or a female Pitbull. Here is a quick comparison.

  1. Price: Breeders tend to price females more because they can provide you the option of breeding more puppies.

  2. Size: A female is smaller in terms of height, weight, and muscle mass. Males usually weigh between 35 and 60 pounds, whereas females weigh between 30 and 50 pounds.

  3. Bone Structure: An evident difference in the bone structure is present in their heads and faces. Females have narrower heads than males.

  4. Dog Aggression: Male Pitbulls, especially those unneutered, are reported to show more aggression toward other dogs, whereas females are more placid and less likely to fight.

  5. Heat and Marking Behavior: Unneutered males tend to urinate in particular areas of your home to mark their territory. On the other hand, females go on a heat cycle twice a year wherein they urinate more and secrete red discharge. Both of this behavior and cycles can be stopped by spaying the female and neutering male.

As you can see, males and females have their own advantages and their own drawbacks. It all boils down to personal preference and your future plans for your dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Image credit: _mambodog / Instagram

Is a White Pitbull a Good Family Dog?

The white Pitbull is a loving addition to any household. Their zest in life and enthusiasm will surely bring life to the family. They are intelligent too so you can easily train them to conform to your lifestyle.

Are White Pitbulls Albino?

White Pitbulls are not albinos. Albinos have pink noses, depigmented skin, lips and eyelids, and pale-colored eyes. If any but not all of these is present in your white dog, it doesn’t make it an albino.

Do White Pitbull Terriers Lock Their Jaws?

The few studies conducted on the Pitbull’s skull structure show that there is nothing anatomically unique about their jaw compared to other breeds.

As for bite statistics, the American Veterinary Association assures that Pitbulls are not disproportionally dangerous.

Final Thoughts

White Pitbulls may lack coat color, but their personality is truly colorful. Due to their history, common misconceptions may have tainted their reputation to you.

But now that you know better, you may be convinced that they are such huge teddy bears beneath their vicious appearance. For years, they have been winning hearts rather than violent fights.

You can never go wrong if you’re in the prospect of owning one. But just like with any dog, you must be ready enough to take up the responsibility.

You have to consider any health issues that they may potentially carry or develop. You also need to shower them with attention and the right training.

Nevertheless, taking home a white Pitbull, with all its favorable characteristics, is definitely worth it. Let us know your thoughts about the white Pitbull in the comments below!

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