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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

The Chocolate Labradoodle: Your Complete Guide

The chocolate Labradoodle or brown labradoodle is what we call a dog that is a brown Poodle Labrador Retriever mix. These dogs weigh around 50-65 lbs and are created when you breed a Poodle and Labrador Retriever.

Their distinctive brown coat is what makes them stand out from the other Labradoodle variations.

Not to worry though, chocolate Labradoodles are no different from other Labradoodles in terms of behavior, size, or health. They are just brown!

What Is a Chocolate Labradoodle?

As stated by the Australian Labradoodle Association, there are fourteen recognized color coats for Labradoodles, with the chocolate color included.

The Chocolate Labradoodle is one of the most common and sought-after out of the different coat variations. To get a chocolate Labradoodle, it needs to be bred between a Labrador Retriever and a standard or toy Poodle, with the correct coloring genetics.

They are very friendly, easily trainable, and make the perfect family pet. This is because they have a great balance between a Labrador Retriever’s playfulness and sociability while also hosting a Poodle’s hypoallergenic coat.

The coat type can vary between shaggy, straight, and curly. This also means not every chocolate Labradoodle is hypoallergenic.

Those who are looking for a hypoallergenic Labradoodle need to make sure their future dog has a shaggy or curly coat, depending on the severity of their allergies.

Breeders are still trying to work on creating the perfect chocolate Labradoodle, as there is also an issue of the chocolate color fading from the coat as the dog gets older.

For example, a chocolate Labradoodle puppy can be born with a rich chocolate or brown color, but the color has a possibility of fading into a light brown as it grows up.

This means there is no perfect chocolate Labradoodle, but purchasing from professional Labradoodle breeders will increase your chances of finding one with the traits, coloring, size, and coat type that you are looking for.

The Australian Labradoodle Association works closely together with Labradoodle breeders, where they collaborate ideas in finding the right mixture of genetics needed to create the perfect chocolate Labradoodle.

What Does the Chocolate Labradoodle Look Like?

People tend to confuse a chocolate Labradoodle and a chocolate Poodle because of their similarities. You will notice that chocolate Labradoodles have their own distinct characteristics upon closer inspection.

For example, you’ll notice that their eyes are more like a Labrador Retriever’s and the coat texture is much softer than a Poodle.

Also, depending on the parents, a full-grown chocolate Labradoodle on average can be between 25 to 45 inches tall and weighing about 35 to 75 pounds.

This can vary since breeders often mixed Labradors with toy Poodles, creating a mini chocolate Labradoodle, which can be between 14 to 16 inches and weighing 15 to 25 lbs.

A Labradoodle’s coat is heavily determined by the coloring of the parents before breeding. This makes it hard for breeders to determine a standard size for this hybrid.

Labradoodles will still show characteristics like drooped ears, long snout, and an elongated tail. A chocolate Labradoodle can also come in three different types of coats that include curly, straight, and shaggy.

Curly Coat

Also known as a ‘wooly’ coat, Labradoodles that have curly fur almost resemble sheep. A chocolate Labradoodle with a curly coat appears when the Poodle parent gene is most dominant.

Maintenance can be difficult, as the coat is dense and thick. Owners whose dog has a curly coat must stay on top of weekly brushing to keep it healthy.

Straight Coat

A straight coat is one of the least common coat types, only showing in chocolate Labradoodles where the Labrador gene is dominant. This coat can cause more shedding and looks nothing resembling a chocolate Labradoodle.

You will find that dogs with this coat are F1 Labradoodles with a chocolate coat, meaning they are the first generation. Unfortunately, they are less desired and can be hard to home.

Shaggy Coat

A brown Labradoodle with this coat is also known as a Chocolate Fleece Labradoodle. This coat is most common with the breed and is the most preferred among Labradoodle owners.

A shaggy coat is low maintenance and has low shedding, making it great for those with allergies. It is soft to the touch and gives the breed a classic look.

Does Labradoodle Color Really Matter?

The color of your dog should only matter if it is important to you. You can adopt a Labradoodle in many different colors, but if you want a chocolate one, it is best to go with a breeder who specializes in breeding the chocolate coat.

Genes play a major role in determining the color of the litter. This is when breeders need to look closely at the genetics and lineage of the parents to make sure they have a high chance of producing chocolate puppies.

Their coat can turn out to be a mix of two different colors when the recessive dark genes are intermingled with light genes. This also causes a chocolate Labradoodle to come in different shades of brown, varying from light to dark.

When you have a chocolate Labradoodle puppy, you can notice that they will start with darker or richer colors but then see the colors become lighter as they get older.

Be aware of this when searching for your puppy, especially if you are determined to purchase one with a specific brown or chocolate shade.

Typically the success of creating a chocolate Labradoodle can be determined based on the specific gene combinations bbEe and bbEE.

Though it isn’t 100% full proof that these gene combinations will result in a chocolate Labradoodle, it has a much higher chance than the other possibilities.

What Makes a Chocolate Labradoodle Different From Other Labradoodles?

Chocolate Labradoodles stand out amongst other Labradoodles because of their coloring!

You’ll also notice that they won’t ever have a black nose. This is due to their liver pigment genetics, and they will always have a brown or pinkish nose color.

The chocolate or brown color variations are what make them more popular than other Labradoodles. You’ll find other Labradoodle colors can be more expensive, as they are harder to breed and come by.

Other than coloring, chocolate Labradoodles aren’t much different from other Labradoodles!

They even come in the same three fur types as other Labradoodles, meaning someone with allergies can get a hypoallergenic brown Labradoodle.

You will find that all other aspects like health, size, personality, features, and fur types will vary from each Labradoodle litter.

Only the lineage of each parent will determine the chances of having a well behaved, healthy, and chocolate-colored Labradoodle.

Any experienced breeder can supply a dog’s family tree, where you can better predict these attributes. In any case, they will make great pets just like a Labradoodle of any other color.

Are Chocolate Labradoodles Rare?

Luckily, chocolate Labradoodles are not hard to come by! They typically come in different variations of brown too, since that is also the most common color in a Labrador Retriever.

Depending on how determined you are in finding the perfect chocolate Labradoodle, you can expect to search through a good amount of dogs before finding the one with the color you want.

This is because breeding Poodles with Labrador Retrievers can create an almost unlimited amount of coat color combinations, including different variations of chocolate color.

Some will be brown mixed with different colors creating rarer dogs like Chocolate Merle Labradoodle or even a Chocolate Phantom Labradoodle.

The chocolate color actually comes from the Chocolate Australian Labradoodle, originating from the first Labradoodle named Sultan, as mentioned earlier.

To get an authentic chocolate Australian Labradoodle, you will find a majority of them from breeders located in Australia.

However, if you are in the United States, there is still a chance for you to find a chocolate Labradoodle from specialty breeders!

The dogs themselves and their lineage may not be from Australia, but breeders in the U.S. have successfully started breeding chocolate Labradoodles.

They have coined themselves as chocolate Labradoodle breeders and have dedicated themselves to creating a reusable lineage for future generations.

Chocolate Labradoodle Genetics

As discussed previously, there are unique genetics that make a chocolate Labradoodle different from the others.

Even though the breeding process to get specific Labradoodle coat colors isn’t exactly perfect, there are a few pairings that have shown higher success rates to get cream, brown, and black.

As of right now, there are two genetic combinations that will most likely produce a chocolate Labradoodle – bbEe and bbEE. Breeders must find the perfect combination of Poodle and Labrador parents that carry the “B/b” gene and “E/e” gene.

The “B” gene refers to dogs that carry the black color gene, and a “b” gene refers to dogs that have the brown color gene.

An “E” gene combined with either “B” or “b” gene refers to dogs that will most likely be brown, but the “e” gene can create a cream or different colored dog instead.

This is why finding the balance between “bbEe” and “bbEE” gene pairings is critical in producing a successful chocolate Labradoodle litter.

Other gene pairings will not create a chocolate Labradoodle and a breeder will end up having dogs that are mixed in color or completely opposite solid colors.

Successful chocolate Labradoodles that are bred together still run a risk of having puppies that are different in color due to the recessive genes already within them.

This is why it is important for breeders to be sure about each genetic pairing before breeding.

Chocolate Labradoodle Temperament: Do They Make Good Family Dogs?

Breeding a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle will create a relatively friendly dog. Chocolate Labradoodles will often be energetic, gentle, and playful. There are exceptions, as every dog has its own personality.

If your dog has mostly Labrador Retriever dominant traits, it will likely be easy going. It is possible for them to carry aloof traits from the Poodle parent, but it can be fixed if addressed early on in training.

With all of the energy they have, keeping up with their spirit will make them the best companion. They will always be ready to play and run around, so having an active lifestyle to meet those needs is important for a happy dog.

If they get bored, just like any dog, they can be led to unwanted chewing on items in your home or other bad behaviors. All in all, they have a temperament making them perfect for families, even those with small children.

Other than being mostly hypoallergenic, their family-friendliness is why people choose to own Labradoodles over other breeds.

As noted earlier, this dog was specifically bred to be a seeing eye dog for those with handicapped disabilities.

Their combined traits from Poodle and Labrador Retriever make them great companions for their owners and easy for first-time dog owners to handle!

This is a video about a day in the life of a dog owner raising a cute chocolate Labradoodle puppy. Watch the video below to find out what is it like owning a chocolate Labradoodle.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF WATSON🐶CHOCOLATE LABRADOODLE PUPPY DAY IN THE LIFE‼️<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="A DAY IN THE LIFE OF WATSON🐶CHOCOLATE LABRADOODLE PUPPY DAY IN THE LIFE‼️" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Effects of Chocolate Coloring on Health

The chocolate coloring in a Labradoodle does not affect its overall health, and the only way for a chocolate Labradoodle to have health issues is if there is interbreeding.

Interbreeding with closely related chocolate Labradoodles used to be an issue when breeders were still figuring out how to correctly breed this dog.

However, this is no longer an issue with reputable breeders that have successfully created chocolate Labradoodle bloodlines.

Most chocolate Labradoodles will live until they are about 15 years of age! This is fully determined by the parents which you can find by simply asking the breeder you are purchasing from.

No dog doesn’t come without it’s set of health issues, even in hybrid breeds. Various health concerns can be associated with the Labrador and Poodles breeds, and of course, the severity can be different depending on the individual dog.

A few common health issues that can be associated with the chocolate Labradoodle involve:

  1. Various Eye Conditions: The eye concerns related to chocolate Labradoodles can be where they are epileptic and cause seizures. Your dog can get injuries from seizures if it happens in an unsafe area. In worse cases, the dog can have multiple seizures that occur one after the other, taking a toll on its brain activity. A vet should always be involved in the regular care of any dog that experiences seizures.

  2. Elbow & Hip Dysplasia: Poodles and Labrador Retrievers regularly suffer from this issue, and it is not uncommon for a Labradoodle to have the same problem. This means the elbow, hip, or both can be disjointed from the socket. It can make the movement for your dog especially hard in severe cases. It’s important for owners to keep an eye on their dog and make sure they aren’t showing signs of limping or difficulty walking.

  3. Thyroid Issues: This can occur when a dog’s system produces too much of its thyroid hormone, resulting in a super-fast metabolism. In some cases, it can be linked with cancer, but a vet will have to provide a thorough inspection and formulate a plan to fix it.

  4. Addison’s Disease: This is a common ailment that affects Poodles, where the adrenal gland doesn’t produce adequate amounts of aldosterone or cortisol. It conflicts with the dog’s ability to handle stress and can lead to severe vomiting, hair loss, lack of appetite, and diarrhea. Fortunately, there is medication to help regulate this issue, as there is no cure.

Chocolate Labradoodle Grooming

Depending on your chocolate Labradoodle’s coat type, grooming can vary from dog to dog. Some dogs need to be groomed weekly, while others may need to be groomed every few weeks.

Whatever the case may be, your dog’s coat is nothing to be neglected and proper care is important to maintain a healthy dog.

Coats that are the curly type are denser and less likely to shed. But because it is so thick, weekly brushing is recommended to prevent any build-up or matting.

Be aware that matting can occur when brushing is neglected for a long period of time and is exposed to dirt, debris, and wet substances.

On the other hand, dogs with straight coats can shed more and may require more maintenance. Brushing regularly, either weekly or every few days can reduce the overall shed amount produced by your dog.

Lastly, chocolate Labradoodles that have a shaggy coat are the best for those with allergies, as they are not prone to shedding as often as dogs with straight coats.

You can get away with brushing your canine friend once every few weeks or as needed depending on the outdoor activities they participate in.

If you are unsure about the type of coat that your dog has, you can always check in with the breeder that you purchased your dog from or take them to a groomer.

Chocolate Labradoodle Price: Do They Cost More Than Other Labradoodles?

With any specialty breed, you can expect to pay a great cost for your new companion. This also applies when you are shopping for a puppy or a full-grown chocolate Labradoodle.

While the brown or chocolate coat colors won’t drive up the price, more rare ones will definitely do so.

For example, chocolate merle Labradoodles are among the highest-priced Labradoodles that you can purchase through breeders, topping it at $3,000 for a puppy.

More common coat colors like brown, black, cream, red, and caramel are priced closer to $2,500 depending on where you look.

At just those base-line costs, it’s important to not forget the additional fees for the adoption form, shots, vet fees, and extra fees that might show up, totaling about $600.

Lineage also plays a role in your dog’s price since breeders are working on specializing a reputable chocolate Labradoodle bloodline. If you purchase a Labradoodle with a successful lineage, then the price tag may be up above the $3,000 mark.

It could be worth the investment if you are dead set on purchasing a pure chocolate Labradoodle with a lineage that’s easily traceable.

You’d be able to see into your dog’s family tree and you can be made aware of any possible health concerns or issues related to its relatives.

Places to Find Chocolate Labradoodle Puppies for Sale

These are reputable Labradoodle breeders within the United States that make getting your new best friend that much easier!

Note: When looking for a dog, ever be shy with a breeder! Always ask questions. Remember, if it seems too good to be true or if a breeder is not communicative, it’s best to move on.

Commonly Asked Questions

To simplify your inquiries regarding a chocolate Labradoodle, here are some commonly asked questions!

Do Chocolate Labradoodles Shed?

Labradoodles typically don’t shed if they have a curly or shaggy coat due to the dominant Poodle traits. A Labradoodle will shed if they have a straight coat and are not considered hypoallergenic.

When purchasing your dog, make sure that their coat fits your needs if you have severe allergies!

What Is the Most Popular Labradoodle Color?

The most popular Labradoodle color is chocolate! The chocolate or brown color can be in different variations of dark and light, or even mixed with other colors.

If you have your heart set on a chocolate Labradoodle, check in with expert breeders that have long-standing experience in breeding this specific coat color.

What Are The Coat Styles of Labradoodle?

The coat styles of a Labradoodle include:

  1. Curly Coat: Or a ‘wooly’ coat, Labradoodles that have curly fur almost resemble that of a sheep.

  2. Straight Coat: A straight coat is more prone to shedding and holds no classic Labradoodle curls.

  3. Shaggy Coat: This coat is most common and preferred among labradoodle owners. It has low shedding, making it perfect for those with allergies.

Are Chocolate Labradoodles Hypoallergenic?

This answer depends on the coat type of your chocolate Labradoodle. Chocolate Labradoodles with shaggy coats are hypoallergenic and are desired by those with pet allergies.

Labradoodles with curly coats will shed a small amount, meaning they aren’t as hypoallergenic as one with a shaggy coat. But they are still suitable for allergy sufferers.

Labradoodles with straight coats will shed more often and are not hypoallergenic.

Final Thoughts

You are looking for a new, hypoallergenic family companion, a chocolate Labradoodle is right for you! They are well-rounded dogs that are behaved but still love everyday excitement.

As long as you’re committed to them, they will show you nothing but love back. Now it’s your choice if you’d rather adopt or buy it!

Adopting won’t allow you the opportunity to review your dog’s lineage or be made aware of any health concerns.

You also won’t be able to pick a specific color if you already had your mind set on one and you will have to accept whatever the shelter has. On the other hand, adopting will save you a ton of money compared to buying!

When buying your chocolate Labradoodle, you will be able to look over its family tree, pick its coloring, and choose its coat type. Of course, the money you put out will ensure that you are the dog that you’ve always wanted!

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