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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Teacup Pomeranian: 15 Things You Need to Know About

Want a dog that fits right inside your purse? How about in your teacup? If so, the teacup Pomeranian could be the dog you’re looking for.

There are dog lovers who prefer giant dogs like the slobber-monster St. Bernard or lanky yet clumsy Great Dane. But for others, it’s all about how small they can get.

This is where cute, “teacup dogs” come in. One of the most adorable and popular of the bunch is the teacup Pomeranian.

Get to know more about this breed – what they’re like, their temperament, how to care for them and what you need if you want to own one by checking out our comprehensive guide below.

What Is a Teacup Pomeranian?

To understand what a “teacup Pomeranian” is, it’s important to know about the term “teacup” first.

Most non-dog breeders believe teacup dogs, like teacup Pomeranians or teacup Yorkies, are recognized as distinct dog breeds. But they’re not.

A teacup dog is a smaller, miniature version of the standard official dog breed.

Put simply, a “teacup Pomeranian” is just a Pomeranian that’s smaller than normal. In general, teacup dogs are defined as adult dogs weighing between 2 and 3 pounds and standing less than 17 inches.

Their small size makes these dogs look adorable since they retain that puppy cuteness even as they become full adults. Their size can be the result of natural causes – they’re born tiny or because they’re the runt of the litter.

But more often than not, a teacup dog’s size is a result of selective and careful breeding.

How Do Breeders Produce Such a Small Version of Pomeranian?

There are three main ways breeders do this.

One, they introduce the dwarfism gene into the gene pool, so the puppies born are naturally small. Two, they could breed a Pomeranian with an even smaller breed so the resulting puppies will be tiny. Three, they are the result of inbreeding from the runts of a litter.

Unethical breeders purposely keep these runts and raise them, so they could be bred together. Now, a dog’s standard size is often taken as a sign the dog is healthy.

So, a runt of the litter by nature is already unhealthy, weaker, and bombarded with health problems.

When runts are bred together, just to get a tiny-sized dog, it could mean the resulting puppies could also suffer from a host of inherited genetic health issues as well.

To make it worse, there are breeders who purposefully stunt the growth of the puppies through a lack of nourishment, so they remain small.

Are there any ethical breeders out there, you ask?

It really depends on how you would describe ethical. There are those who believe the practice of breeding and the mere existence of non-natural teacup dog varieties is unethical and should be stopped right away. While on the other hand, the huge demand for such tiny dogs is still on the rise.

What Does the Teacup Pomeranian Look Like?

One reason why so many people are attracted to having a teacup Pom is its adorable face and size. Their head shape and face can be classified into three different types:

  1. Teddy Bear: because their face looks exactly like a tiny teddy bear

  2. Fox Head: which closely resembles the look of a fox

  3. Baby Doll: because the dog comes with a cute, doll-like face

Teacup Poms are super tiny, have a short and compact body with a soft and luxurious coat. Pure breeds could sport that distinctive Pomeranian double coat. Like their standard-sized counterpart, they look fluffy and furry.

Their double-coated fur is thicker around their shoulders, chest, and neck area. They also have hair on their back running from the thighs and their hock. A teacup Pom’s tail is usually displayed in a fan-like or plume manner.

Here are some cute and fluffy teacup Pomeranian videos:

Cutest Teacup Pomeranian Puppies and Dogs<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Cutest Teacup Pomeranian Puppies and Dogs" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Cute Pomeranian Teacup Puppies Compilation<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Cute Pomeranian Teacup Puppies Compilation" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Are Teacup Pomeranians Healthy Dogs?

Because of their tiny size and the possibility of questionable breeding, tiny teacup Poms are at a higher risk of health problems than normal Pomeranian pups.

Standard-sized Pomeranians, weighing around 3-7 lbs., already face regular health problems of their own. Just imagine what it would be like for a teacup Pom weighing less than 3 lbs.?

Here’s a quick list of common health issues you’ll find in a teacup Pomeranian:

  1. Cryptorchidism: Male teacup Poms often suffer from this. It’s a condition when one or both of the dog’s testicles fail to descend into the scrotum.

  2. Hypoglycemia: Puppy Pomeranians and teacups can suffer from hypoglycemia or a sudden drop in blood sugar levels. Even if the teacup Pom you have might look healthy, it’s still important to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia. This includes the puppy looking disoriented, being sleepy all the time, or at worse, becoming unresponsive and unconscious.

  3. Teeth Problems: A teacup Pomeranian has a smaller mouth so their teeth tend to become crowded. This results in a lot of tooth problems. Tiny dogs also tend to do less chewing compared to bigger dogs. Plus, their roots are shorter. An even bigger issue involving smaller dogs, in general, is their jaw bone degenerates faster. This issue combined with their shorter dental roots can cause teacup Poms to have their teeth pulled out earlier in their lives than later.

  4. Hypothermia: Because a tiny dog’s body doesn’t contain as much fat as a regular-sized dog, they are prone to suffer from hypothermia. Teacups are sensitive to drops in temperature especially when left in cold spaces. Owners are advised to always regulate their home temperature so their pets are comfortable at all times.

  5. Prone to Injury: While their tiny size means they look absolutely adorable, a teacup’s size can make it prone to injury. They are easy to overlook and can be stepped on and injured easily. They have fragile, small bones too so if they fall off a couch or even from your hands, they can sustain fractures. If the fall is serious, it could even lead to death.

  6. Tracheal Collapse: This happens when the cartilage around a dog’s windpipe collapses causing an obstruction. This results in a lot of coughing for the dog which further irritates and inflames the throat.

  7. Other Possible Health Issues: There are other health problems a teacup could experience in its lifetime. Some of it include severe or mild deafness, skeletal or cardiac issues, reproductive problems, and more.

On the bright side, there are teacup owners who claim their dogs have lived long and healthy lives. This is a rare exception but it does happen. And usually, teacup dogs who live long are given the best care possible by their owners.

Why Is Breeding Teacup Pomeranian Considered Controversial?

The shady breeding practices around this variety of dogs is one of the main reasons for the controversy.

As mentioned earlier, breeding runts or less than healthy dogs could lead to serious health complications for the mother dog and her next generation of puppies. That’s why so many people believe it’s unethical to reproduce such tiny dogs.

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding the breeding and even ownership of a teacup dog. It’s really up to you to consider your options and decide whether you should own one or not.

If you would still like to get one, it’s important to get your teacup Pomeranian from an honest and responsible breeder. I’ve provided plenty of great tips below on how you can safely and legally buy a teacup Pom of your own.

Teacup Pomeranian vs. Other Varieties of Pomeranian: What’s the Difference?

The only real difference between a “teacup” Pomeranian versus other varieties of Pomeranian is their size. According to the American Kennel Club, a standard Pomeranian stands about 6-7 inches tall and weighs 3-7 lbs.

Meanwhile, any tiny dog dubbed as a “teacup” usually weighs between 2-3 lbs. However, it’s important to remember the term “teacup” is largely a marketing ploy by dog breeders. The breed by itself doesn’t exist.

Teacup Pomeranian Temperament: Do Teacup Pomeranians Make Good Family Dogs?

Teacup Pomeranians are great dogs in a family setting. They’re known for being loyal, brave and absolutely playful. Usually, they love to play with their owners or other pets.

Despite their tiny size, they make excellent guard dogs since they bark to signal if there’s anything new to them. This is perfect for alerting you if something’s wrong.

They are loyal to their owners and would show spunk if anybody else is stealing their favorite human’s attention away from them.

A teacup Pomeranian is also great with kids and other pets since they’re naturally playful.

Of course, because of their size, it’s best for young children to be under strict supervision or be given firm instructions on what they can and cannot do with a teacup dog. Its fragile size can make it prone to injury, after all.

This is also true when teacups are with another dog. Teacups have no idea how small they are and will sometimes pick fights with bigger dogs. Again, constant supervision along with proper training can help make sure their natural temperament is reinforced in the right way.

Teacups are also a highly intelligent breed and will learn fast when taught a trick. It’s recommended to keep them busy by introducing new tricks they can learn and practice every few weeks.

How Many Colors Available for Teacup Pomeranian? (with Pictures)

As far as colors go, they come in different possible colored coats. Some of the most popular include:


Photo from @luxythepom (IG)

This lovely color is one of the most sought-after for a teacup. Socialite Paris Hilton’s own teacup, “Mr. Amazing,” sports this same, all-white luxurious coat.


This all-black variety has both its undercoat and guard hairs all in deep black shade.


One thing that separates red-colored teacups from those of sable or tan is that the red colored teacup usually sports a deep, sunset-colored coat with no other shades of color mixed in.


Photo from @moimoi.abu (IG)

In Pomeranians, the chocolate or brown color can go from light to dark. There are some puppies that sport a lighter brown shade while others feature a super dark chocolate brown that’s nearing black.


Brindle teacups usually come with a single solid color underneath like red or sable and it’s mixed in with black stripes all over. They’re also quite rare and thus, sought after by Pom enthusiasts.


One of the most common colors in a Pomeranian is the tan shade. This can be mixed in with a lot of different shades, from brindle, black to shades of red or cream.


Orange teacup Pomeranian can be born a lighter shade of cream and later develop an orange shade of coat. They can also initially have a dark sable shade that turns later into a lighter orange.

Size & Weight of a Teacup Pomeranian

Typically, “teacup” dogs weigh less than 3 lbs. and stand between 3-7 inches. This is true for the teacup Pomeranian.

In contrast, a standard Pomeranian breed stands between 6-7 inches and weighs 3-7 lbs.

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Teacup Pomeranian?

Even though teacups are prone to health issues, they can live long and full lives if they are well cared for by their owners. Typically, a teacup Pomeranian’s lifespan is between 7 and 12 years, even going up to 15 years.

Provided the dog receives a balanced diet, has regular exercise and check-ups with the vet or treatment for any health problem, there’s no reason why it won’t live its full life span and more.

How to Care for Your Teacup Pomeranians Basic Needs?

Don’t be fooled by its tiny size because the teacup requires every bit of a regular-sized dogs’ needs. In fact, it will require a little extra care and loving because of its super tiny size.


Feeding your tiny teacup should be done 3-4 times a day. Some owners find “free-feeding” a teacup is better. (Basically, food is left out so the dog can eat whenever it feels hungry.)

Since teacup dogs are prone to seizures and hypoglycemia, it’s important to keep their sugar levels constant. You can go for Pomeranian specific food, but make sure the size of the food is something a teacup can chew and swallow.

It’s recommended to give them dry feed to help combat later tooth loss. This can be mixed in with high-quality wet food too.


Like standard Pomeranians, teacup Poms require regular grooming. And yes, they do need a bit of upkeep to ensure their coats continue looking shiny and neat.

Ideally, brush a teacup’s fur twice a week for about 20 minutes. This helps them shed excess fur while making sure the skin underneath is healthy and stimulated. It also prevents hair matting.

Some owners like to style and cut their teacup’s fur or take them to a professional groomer. There’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, it can add to the cute factor, but this is more for aesthetics.

Pomeranians are known for moderate shedding so expect to see hair in your home. Luckily, because of the teacup’s size, this can be manageable.

Suggested Video: An adorable teacup Pomeranian taking a bath.

My Morning Routine! Teacup Pomeranian Edition 🐶<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="My Morning Routine! Teacup Pomeranian Edition 🐶" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>


Teacups require a moderate amount of exercise. They might be tiny but they are highly active dogs. They love to play and wouldn’t mind if you keep them busy and entertained.

Take your dog out for a brisk walk 2x a day for about 20 minutes. Of course, take into consideration your teacup’s age. If they’re too young, take care not to overexert them because it can affect growth plates.

Never overexert your dog with physical activity. A teacup Pomeranian can get tired fast and may overheat. If you take them outside for a longer period, be sure to have some way to carry them after their 20-minute walking time is up.


Teacup Pomeranians are smart dogs. They respond well to positive, consistent training. And like any dog, it’s important for them to be trained and socialized while they are still puppies.

Socialization is important for this breed since Poms in general, tend to be territorial and protective. They can bark incessantly if there’s a stranger or be completely shy around them.

Teaching them at a young age to be confident and happy dogs will go a long way to getting the right behavior you want from them.

You can enroll them in local dog training classes. This will also give them a chance to interact with other dogs. Just make sure it’s a class for small dogs.

If you are training the dog yourself, be consistent and firm with your commands. Give positive reinforcement and rewards for good behavior.

One area teacup owners do find challenging is training their teacup Pomeranian to go potty. Because of their small size, they can be difficult to train.

A tiny dog means a tiny bladder. And with their size, they can easily go under the couch and pee there if they want and you won’t even know about it.

The key, like with all training, is to be consistent. At the same time, be patient with your dog. It will help if you take him to a designated spot to pee for several hours.

If he responds well and does so, then provide praise or offer a reward, so he recognizes it’s the right spot.

Wellness Visits

It’s highly recommended that soon after you’ve gotten your teacup Pomeranian, take it to the vet and have a full medical check-up.

It’s important to know you have a healthy dog or puppy. And if there are existing health problems, this will help address it as soon as possible.

Regular vet visits are also expected when you have a teacup in your care. As mentioned, they are prone to a host of health issues, so this can significantly impact your vet bills as your dog grows older.

If you don’t mind investing, you might want to get a pet’s health insurance ahead of time when your pet requires medical assistance.

Your Love & Affection

The Pomeranian breed, in general, loves to cuddle. They are a funny, charming, and affectionate breed. If you want a dog you can snuggle with and lavish attention to, you picked the right breed.

Teacups are no different. They are easily attached to their owners and aren’t shy about showing it.

The desire for a teacup Pom to snuggle is especially apparent if the dog has a strong bond with its owner. If a dog makes contact when its owner calls, loves to play or eagerly approaches when called or commanded, it means there’s a strong bond between the two.

One thing to note though, even though a teacup may be affectionate, don’t overdo it. If you force them to cuddle with you when they feel like running free, this could raise their anxiety level and stress them out.

To create a loving bond with your dog, start them off early. Like anything, your dog has to be able to trust you and see you as their safe haven.

Also, take into consideration your dog’s personality. Not all dogs are made the same, and they experience a range of emotions like any 2.5-year-old toddler.

So don’t feel bad if there are moments when your teacup doesn’t want to spend time with you. This is healthy and normal.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Teacup Pomeranian

Photo from @luxythepom (IG)

Teacup or not, there’s always pros and cons to owning any type of dog. For teacup Pomeranians, it’s no different. Here are some great advantages and disadvantages you can expect when you choose to get one.


  1. Teacup Pomeranians are cute and affectionate.

  2. They cost less to feed.

  3. You can easily cuddle with them.

  4. You can take them with you everywhere.

  5. You can transport them with ease.

  6. They’re easier to put on a leash.

  7. They’re easy to groom.

  8. They’re an instant hit with friends, family, and even strangers.

  9. They have plenty of personalities.

  10. They’re easier to keep in small apartments or homes.


  1. Teacup Pomeranians when left untrained can bark incessantly.

  2. You can never leave them outdoors by themselves.

  3. They require their own “territory” within your home.

  4. Teacup Pomeranians have no idea they’re tiny and will want to be Alpha even with bigger dogs.

  5. They are fragile so they can get injured easily.

  6. They can be prone to a host of health issues.

  7. Teacup Pomeranian prices can get pretty expensive.

  8. They require constant supervision especially around young children.

  9. They can tire easily so it’s not ideal if you have an active lifestyle.

  10. They can be difficult to potty-train.

  11. They can be mistaken as prey by other animals.

Where to Find Teacup Pomeranian Puppies for Sale?

I recommend adopting or checking local shelters first before considering buying your teacup Pomeranian. This way, you not only get a wonderful new dog but also get to help save a life from the shelter.

If you decide to go with this route, you can check out the following sites to adopt or rescue a dog of your own. While it may be rare to find a teacup right away, with a little patience, you will eventually land on one.

  1. Adopt-A-Pet: One of America’s largest non-profit pet adoption site

  2. American Pomeranian Club – Rescue Contacts: This provides a list of people you can contact to find more information about Pomeranian rescue organizations in your area.

The following organizations are recommended by the American Kennel Club for Pomeranian Rescue. You can contact them individually.

If you do choose to buy a puppy instead, I recommend only purchasing from reputable breeders. Take time to do research and make sure you are getting your dog from a responsible seller or breeder.

Here’s a list of reliable websites you can check out.

  1. American Kennel Club (AKC Marketplace for Puppies): AKC Marketplace helps you search for purebred puppies. They list responsible, certified breeders in their system. Just remember, the AKC does not register teacups as dog breeds.

  2. Petfinder: You can enter your city and the type of animal you are looking for.

  3. American Pomeranian Club: They provide a list of reputable Pomeranian breeders by states that you can contact.

  4. You can find reputable Pomeranian breeders to contact through this site.

Teacup Pomeranian Puppy Price & Expenses: Can You Afford a Teacup Pomeranian?

Because they’re considered a “designer breed,” the price of a teacup Pomeranian puppy can get pretty high. They can go for as low as $500 to $4,500, even up to $7,000 per puppy.

The price varies greatly depending on the puppy’s color. White and brindle teacups are more expensive. Another factor that affects the price is if the puppy is a pure breed or a half-breed/mix.

Purebred teacup puppies can go as high as $5,000 to $7,000. Finally, your location or where you’re buying the puppy can also affect the price.

As mentioned above, when buying a teacup puppy, I strongly recommend purchasing only from reputable, certified breeders.

If possible, see their breeding ground and if the puppies are raised in a family or home-like environment. Never buy from pet shops or puppy mills.

Another option of getting a teacup Pomeranian puppy is by adopting or rescuing one from a shelter.

While they may be hard to find in the shelter or rescue system, there are dog owners who surrender or give up their teacups after realizing that having a designer dog isn’t for them.

You can increase your chances by visiting Pomeranian rescue shelters or organizations first and signing up for their waitlist.

Adopting or rescuing a teacup can cost anywhere between $50 to $250 in adoption fees. And usually, the shelter spays or neuters the animal and will also give you an idea about their personality or health.

Should You Adopt or Buy Your Teacup Pomeranian? Tips on How to Find a Healthy Teacup Pomeranian

It really depends on what’s most important to you. I recommend adopting or rescuing a puppy from a shelter instead of buying.

You might need extra patience or wait in order to find a teacup Pom, but shelters do occasionally receive them as surrenders from owners.

To increase your chances, contact Pomeranian rescue shelters first. Local shelters in your area are also a good place to start.

When you find a teacup in the shelter system, you can bet the adoption fees will be cheaper than buying one. (See the previous section for more details on this.) Plus, you get to save a beautiful dog and give it a chance at a new life!

In contrast, buying from breeders is always tricky even if they are certified and trusted. It’s up to you to double-check and make sure the breeder isn’t reproducing these teacups in unethical ways.

Once you’ve decided where to get your teacup Pomeranian, how do you figure out if the puppy you’re getting is healthy?

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Check to see how the puppy behaves with other dogs or in a social setting; A healthy, socialized teacup Pom means it’s living in a good, comfortable family-style environment.

  2. Ask to meet the parents if buying from a breeder, so you can see their status and condition.

  3. Ask a lot of questions about the puppy’s health.

  4. Inquire how the breeders managed to breed such a small puppy

  5. Look for health certificates, their registration and other pertinent paperwork.

My Final Thoughts on Teacup Pomeranian

There’s no denying owning a teacup Pomeranian is controversial. But it’s also understandable why so many people, including celebrities and royalty, would want to own one – they look like tiny teddy bears and are so cute!

If you’ve decided to own one, it’s best to prepare yourself for the responsibility of owning a teacup.

This means going with a reliable breeder or looking at the shelter system first. Considering their fragility and making sure they are protected from rough handling. And finally, preparing for the possible health issues and extra care a tiny teacup Pomeranian would require.

If you’re up for all the responsibility and can provide a tiny, adorable teacup Pom a new home, then they would make a great addition to your household. They can give you and your family plenty of love, laughter and adorable fun energy all around.

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