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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Info, Pictures, Facts, FAQs & More

Packed with the majestic looks of the Maine Coon and the playfulness of the Russian Blue, the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is surely one cat you don’t want to miss!

Although this hybrid cat is yet to be in the spotlight, the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is a wonderful mix of athleticism, beauty, and affection — all in one exceptional cat!

Keep reading as I run you through the health, temperament, appearance, and everything else you need to know about the amazing Russian Blue Maine Coon mix!

What Is a Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix?

A Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is a cat produced by breeding a Russian Blue with a Maine Coon. This cat combines the majestic coat of the Maine Coon with the athleticism of the Russian Blue. However, these cats are extremely rare since the purebred parents are more sought after.

With this mix, you can expect to have a dog-like cat with loads of energy. Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes are known for their affection toward their owners, yet they are not easily swayed by unfamiliar humans.

Unsurprisingly, these cats can grow massively as adults, taking after the Maine Coon parent. However, their size should also be considered since they may inherit the Russian Blue’s playfulness.

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Origin and History

While the Russian Blue Maine Coon is a relatively unpopular mixed breed cat, there hasn’t been any documentation about the mix’s origin. Nevertheless, it is more appropriate to examine the history of its parent breeds.

Believed to have been first bred in the Archangel Isles in Russia, it is only fitting that the Russian Blue was first called the Archangel cat. It was after the second world war that these cats were refined by American breeders.

While they were first exhibited in 1875, it was only in the 1960s that this cat became a favorite among Americans. Years of selective breeding have eventually led to the Russian Blue and its iconic coat that we know of today.

Named after the state where it was first popularized, the Maine Coon has an early history of being a show cat. Although their ancestry is yet to be known, many believe that these large cats have links to the Turkish Angora.

Dubbed the “Gentle Giant,” Maine Coons were mainly popular due to their intelligence, affection, size, and majesty. Nowadays, it belongs to the list of the most sought-after cats globally.

Taking a look at the history of its parent breeds, we can have a general idea of what a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is supposed to be like. You can expect this hybrid to take after most of the traits of its parent breeds.

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Appearance

Taking after its parent breeds, a Russian Blue Maine Coon is an unpredictable mix of its parent’s appearance. However, there are characteristics that you can expect from a Blue Russian Maine Coon mix.

Typically, these cats will have a proportioned head which may sometimes be longer in length. When its Maine Coon blood is evident, this hybrid will have a rectangular head with no tapering.

The eyes of a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix are large and set apart and sometimes very expressive, similar to a Russian Blue’s. The well-tufted ears are rather large, tapering from the base to the tip.

Similar to the Maine Coon’s lion-like feature, a Blue Russian Maine Coon mix may also exhibit a thick and long mane, especially in males. However, this may not develop when the Russian Blue traits are dominant.

Generally, these cats have big and long bones accompanied by strong and well-defined muscles. Carrying the body is a set of strong legs with large paws, much like a Maine Coon’s.

Depending on their complex genetics, a Maine Coon Russian Blue may either have a medium or long coat. In addition, their coat colors may vary largely due to the Maine Coons wide color palette.

Surprisingly, this hybrid cat may also show point coloration like a seal point Siamese. This may occur when the Russian Blue parent has color point carrier genes.

Watch this video to see a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix kitten in action:

Misha Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Misha Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Size and Weight

As the offspring of two cat breeds with very few similarities, Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes tend to vary from medium to large sizes.

Typically, a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix will grow up to 9 to 16 inches in height for both sexes.

Males usually fall between 10 and 18 pounds in weight, whereas females weigh from 7 to 12 pounds. For most Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes, they reach these sizes at the age of 3 to 5 years old.

While there is already a predicted size and weight range for these cats, there are certain times when they either fall below or above the said range. Sometimes, litters of the runt may fail to reach at least 7 pounds.

On the other hand, heterosis may also occur, resulting in Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes growing above the predicted range. These occurrences are normal and should always be considered when choosing a kitten.

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Temperament and Personality

For dog owners, the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix might show dog-like traits. Most of the time, this cat will follow you around the house and is even willing to be taught a variety of tricks and commands.

Indeed, the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix is an intelligent hybrid cat, thanks to its parent breeds. In addition, this mix is also exceptionally affectionate because of its Maine Coon genes.

While this hybrid cat is considered a social breed, they may be wary of strangers and even guests in your home. However, this cat is not likely to be aggressive against unfamiliar humans.

It is also possible to own a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix together with other pets. They have a good temperament with dogs, other cats, and even smaller animals as long as they are properly introduced.

In regards to children, Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes are quite gentle with them. However, it is also extremely important to teach a child how to interact with cats and other pets properly.

Lastly, this mixed breed may sometimes manifest the energy levels of a Russian Blue. Russian Blues love to play, so it would be ideal to set up a dedicated play area for your Russian Blue Maine Coon mix.

Having said that, do not confuse their odd quirks and behavior with autism. If you do observe some unusual behavior in your Maine Coon Russian Blue mix, it is best to contact your veterinarian.

Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Lifespan and Health Issues

When given a healthy lifestyle, an average Russian Blue Maine Coon mix can live anywhere between 10 and 20 years of age. While these cats are generally healthy, they may be predisposed to some conditions.

Here are some of the medical conditions that affect Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: While hip dysplasia is commonly seen in dogs, this condition that involves the hip joint is also seen in Maine Coons and their mixes. Typically, hip dysplasia makes simple activities such as walking or jumping difficult and even impossible for affected cats.

  2. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or the thickening of the walls of the heart, is a common heart disease in cats, but most patients are Maine Coons and their mixes. The thickening of the heart walls makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood throughout the cat’s body.

  3. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): A heritable condition, polycystic kidney disease can manifest in Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes at a young age. Cysts form on their kidneys which holds back normal kidney function. The usual signs are frequent urination, lethargy, and vomiting.

  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): Although this condition is not painful, progressive retinal atrophy is one of the leading causes of blindness in Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes. The retina, the part of the eye responsible for detecting light and colors, loses function over time until it is entirely useless.

While strict vaccination and proper sanitation can keep your Russian Blue Maine Coon mix relatively safe from infectious diseases, the diseases listed above are most likely linked to their pedigree.

To limit the chances of getting a sickly Russian Blue Maine Coon kitten, always check if the parents have these congenital diseases. Since eliminating these conditions entirely is not possible, it is wise to opt for pet insurance.

How Much Does a Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Cost? Kitten Prices and Expenses

When bought from a reputable breeder, a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix kitten will cost you $800 to $1,200. If you see a kitten below this range, don’t consider getting it since it might come from an unethical breeder.

Considering the price of the Russian Blue and Maine Coon, you might be expecting a higher price range for the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix. Keep in mind that purebreds are preferred most in the market, hence the price.

In addition to the cost of the kitten itself, you should also prepare a significant amount of money for when you take home a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix kitten.

Here are some of the expenses you need to prepare for when getting a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix kitten:

Do take note that these are initial costs only, and you might need to allot more money for annual costs. Despite these expenses, keep in mind that these are intended to give the best quality of life for your cat.

Places to Find Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix Kittens for Sale and Adoption

Since Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes are a relatively new and rare hybrid cat, it might be difficult to come across one. To help you with your search, I’ve listed some of the places where you can find a Russian Blue Maine Coon.

Here are the places where you can find a Russian Blue Maine Coon kitten for sale:

  1. Animal Direct – Animal Direct is a US-based online classified ads provider specializing in pets, animal supplies, and veterinary services. Moreover, they make sure to verify each and every seller they have on the platform.

  2. GoKitty – GoKitty is an online platform for kittens for sale. Anyone can sell through this platform, but you can be assured that there are no shady backyard breeders. Moreover, you can check out their cattery and breeder section for a higher-quality kitten.

  3. Manhattan Puppies & Kittens – Located in the Upper Westside of Manhattan, this breeder produces all kinds of puppies and kittens. Surprisingly, you can place an order specifying what you need from a puppy or kitten. In short, you can have a Russian Blue Maine Coon kitten tailored for you!

If you find buying a kitten too expensive or if you want to help homeless cats, you can always opt for adoption. However, you should prepare for them since most rescue cats require special needs and attention.

Here are the places where you can find a Russian Blue Maine Coon for adoption:

  1. Maine Coon Rescue – Maine Coon Rescue is a non-profit organization that rescues Maine Coons in all shapes and sizes, including Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes. These are one of the largest Maine Coon rescue groups in the country, so you can expect that their rescues are in their best condition prior to release.

  2. Only Maine Coons Rescue – Unlike the group’s name, Only Maine Coons Rescue has also extended its services to Maine Coon mixes and even other cat breeds. Undoubtedly, this group is very passionate about their work since all their coordinators, home visitors, and foster parents are all volunteers.

  3. Rescue Me! – Rescue Me! is an online network of all breed-specific rescues around the country. While it is advertised as breed-specific, there are instances when you will come across a hybrid like the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix.

To help you even further, check out our guide for other ways to get a free Russian Blue Maine Coon kitten.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Maine Coon Russian Blue Mix

For most responsible owners, simply knowing general information about a cat breed isn’t enough.

If you’re still undecided about owning a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix, then perhaps this section can help you weigh the advantages and downsides of owning one.

First, here are the advantages of owning a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix:

  1. Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes are very affectionate. Mainly due to their Maine Coon blood, these hybrid cats are exceptionally loving and loyal to their owners. While they are independent cats, a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix will never fail to make your day.

  2. They have a good temperament. Thanks to years of domestication, Maine Coon Russian Blue mixes have outstanding temperaments. These cats are not easily annoyed, making them great cats for all kinds of households.

  3. They have long lifespans. Not only are these cats massive, but they also have big bone structures and well-muscled parts. In addition to their exceptional physique, they have a lifespan that surpasses most cat breeds.

Now, here are the downsides of owning a Maine Coon Russian Blue mix:

  1. These cats can be massive. Although this may be a problem mostly for owners with smaller homes, owning a big cat in an inappropriate environment may lead to plenty of accidents. Since they love to climb, their large size may contribute to broken objects, which may be hazardous for both owner and cat.

  2. Their energy may be too much. Looking back to the temperament of the Russian Blue, some Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes may inherit the extreme playfulness of the former. While this isn’t a problem for all owners, a Russian Blue Maine Coon with no specified play area may force this cat to jump all over your living room.

  3. Their Maine Coon gene predisposes them to diseases. Despite their well-built bodies, they are predisposed to some conditions primarily due to their Maine Coon genes. To minimize the risk of your Maine Coon Russian Blue mix developing these diseases, it is important to screen the Maine Coon parents for diseases such as HCM and hip dysplasia.

Taking into consideration what owning a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix entails, you should be able to decide if you really want to get one.

Always remember that you should be prepared to adjust to any changes a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix will bring to your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Russian Blue Maine Coon Mixes Get Big?

As a result of breeding with Maine Coons, Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes can grow very big, up to 18 pounds, to be precise. That’s about twice the weight of a standard Chihuahua!

However, it is more common to see medium to medium-large-sized Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes. Regardless, they are still pretty big cats!

Do Russian Blue Maine Coon Mixes Shed a Lot?

With the Maine Coon’s blood, you can expect a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix to shed a lot compared to other breeds. In addition, the Russian Blue’s short yet thick coat further complicates the problem.

However, an experienced cat owner knows that almost all cat breeds shed more than dogs. Following the standards for a Maine Coon, it is recommended that you brush your Russian Blue Maine Coon mix 2 to 3 times a week.

Are Russian Blue Maine Coon Mixes Hypoallergenic?

Just by looking at a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix, one can say that this cat is surely going to make them sneeze. Unfortunately, Russian Blue Maine Coon mixes are not hypoallergenic due to their long coats.

In addition, cat skin, dander, and even saliva may also contribute to an allergic reaction in cats. While breeds with shorter hair may induce fewer allergies, a person’s hypersensitivity to cats is the main problem.

Final Thoughts: Is a Russian Blue Maine Coon Mix the Right Cat for You?

Knowing the Blue Russian Maine Coon mix, you might already consider getting one of these majestic cats. However, there are some implications for their health and other characteristics.

Undoubtedly, these hybrid cats are extremely affectionate and loyal to their owners. In addition, you won’t get bored with them since they love playing and climbing around obstacles.

If you are confident that you are able to provide all these, then you may get a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix. Surely, this cat will fill your life with lots of love and countless hours of play and fun.

What are your thoughts regarding the Russian Blue Maine Coon mix? Let us know in the comments below!

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