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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Rottweiler Weight: Growth Curve and Average Weights

As with anyone who’s caring for a new breed of dog, most fledgling Rottweiler owners can’t help but wonder if their pup is the right size for their age.

Due to a Rottweiler’s tendency to develop hip dysplasia, it is extra important for owners to ensure that the dog’s weight remains well-managed as obesity has a way of exacerbating joint issues.

Generally, Rottweilers are considered medium to large-sized dogs, with male Rottweilers weighing anywhere between 95 to 130 pounds. Female Rottweilers, on the other hand, are slightly smaller and lighter, weighing approximately 85 to 115 pounds.

The purpose of this guide is to educate owners about a Rottweiler’s growth curve and to provide a few methods as to how you can help your dog put on or shed a few pounds.

Hopefully, this should help you determine whether your Rottweiler pup is growing healthily or if they might need a few extra visits to the vet.

Rottweiler Typical Growth Curve (Weight vs. Age)

Just like any other breed, you can track your Rottweiler’s growth through a curve that shows you approximately how heavy your pup is supposed to be in accordance with their age.

Unlike certain dog breeds that come in varying sizes, there’s only one type of Rottweiler and the biggest determiner in terms of size and body mass is whether the dog is male or female.

Here is an in-depth growth curve of a healthy Rottweiler:

As you may have noticed from the table above, males tend to be quite a bit heavier than their female counterparts, so make sure you are looking at the right column to avoid mistakenly worrying about your Rottweiler’s expected weight.

At What Age Do Rottweilers Stop Growing?

Similar to other larger breeds, Rottweilers take their time when it comes to maturing.

While they often reach their peak height at around the 12-month mark, they usually continue to put on weight until they are two to three years of age, with their ideal weight sitting somewhere between 95 to 135 pounds for males and 80 to 100 pounds for females depending on how tall they are.

As Rottweilers gain weight, they’ll develop a lot more muscle and their chests will broaden considerably.

Length and Height of a Rottweiler

Given how large the difference is between the body masses of male and female Rottweilers, it comes as no surprise that there’s a noticeable disparity between the length and height of the genders as well.

Males can grow up to 34 inches tall and boast a withers height (measurement from the highest point of their shoulders to the ground) of around 23.5 to 26 inches. Lengthwise, they should measure approximately 42 inches long, give or take.

When it comes to females, the height of a healthy Rottweiler should be about 30.5 inches, while their withers height is usually in the range of 23.5 to 24 inches. As for their length, anywhere close to 38.5 inches should be just fine.

Obese and Overgrown Rottweilers

While obesity is something you should avoid in any breed of dog, it’s something you should especially watch out for in Rottweilers.

Not only are Rottweilers supposed to be muscular and athletic canines by nature, but allowing them to become overweight can make them susceptible to a wide array of diseases, some of which can be life-threatening.

Large dogs often have a lower life expectancy than that of a smaller breed. Rottweilers generally live an average of 8 to 10 years, whereas Chihuahuas, for example, live for about 15 years.

Ten years isn’t a particularly long time to spend with a furry friend, and this can be reduced by up to 2 years for Rottweilers that are obese and overgrown.

If you want your Rottweiler pup to live a full and happy life, you’ll definitely want to keep track of their weight and put them on a proper diet plan if they start packing on too many pounds. Obesity in Rottweilers can cause the following:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: This is a medical issue that’s common to heavy-set dogs like Rottweilers and it occurs when there’s a displacement between the thigh bone and the hip joint. This can cause pain when walking, significant tenderness, and in extreme cases can cause the dog to become immobile. Research suggests that obese dogs are far more likely to develop the condition or aggravate it if they already have it. Rottweilers are also prone to Elbow Dysplasia.

  2. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a disease where the dog’s joints become progressively more inflamed as time goes on, causing immense pain as well as the development of bone spurs. Statistics show that obese dogs are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with osteoarthritis compared to healthy dogs.

  3. Cancer: Studies suggest that one of the primary causes of death for Rottweilers is cancer and being obese is known to up the risk of developing mast cell and mammary tumors as well as several types of carcinoma.

  4. Bladder Stones: These are a formation of minerals that form in the urinary bladder. They often cause blood in the urine from rubbing against the walls of the bladder. According to PetMD, veterinarian Meghan Glazer stated that there is a link between obesity and the development of bladder stones in dogs, so keeping your dog in good shape is a good way to prevent it.

How to Tell If Your Rottweiler Overweight or Underweight?

It can be tough to gauge whether your Rottweiler is over or underweight, especially considering how large and muscular this dog breed can potentially become.

Given the volume of questions we often get about people asking if their Rotties are the right size, I’ve put together a few indicators that can help you determine if your Rottweiler is a little too scrawny, a tad too chubby, or just about right.

Underweight Rottweiler

Since Rottweilers often grow up to enjoy lazing around the house and napping for most of the day, they’re generally more at risk of being overweight than they are of being too skinny. But that’s not to say that it doesn’t happen.

Poor nutrition can lead to your Rottweiler pup being unable to keep up with its rapid growth and you could be completely unaware that there is a problem since you provide them with the proper amount of kibble on a daily basis.

The thing is, not all kibble is created equally and some budget-quality dog food might not contain the same amount of calories and nutrition as a more premium alternative.

Cheaper dog food could also contain lower quality ingredients that succeed in making your Rottweiler full but aren’t enough to sustain their nutritional needs.

Here are a few hints that will let you know that your Rottweiler is underweight:

  1. Start by observing. If your Rottweiler’s ribs are visible from the side, then that’s a telltale sign that your pup is way too scrawny. You should also look at your dog from a top-down view and check if their hip bones are protruding too much.

  2. Next, you’ll want to feel the pup’s ribs. They might not be readily visible, but Rottweilers (and most dogs in general) are meant to have a soft layer of muscle and fat around their ribs. If you can feel those bones too easily, then they likely need to gain some weight.

  3. Also, watch out if your Rottweiler’s stomach is tucked in unnaturally or they just look all-around bony.

These are all general guidelines to follow in figuring out if your Rottweiler is falling behind on its growth curve, but the best way to assess its condition is to bring it to your vet of choice.

Not only will they be able to give your pup a proper evaluation, but they can also provide you with some great advice and the right regimen to get your Rotti back in shape.

Ideal Weight Rottweiler

To figure out if your Rottweiler is sitting at the ideal weight, you first have to identify if it’s a male or female. From there, you can just use a weighing scale and the growth curve I added a few sections ago.

The ideal weight for a fully grown Rotti should be between 95 to 135 pounds for males and 80 to 100 for females. If you’re looking for more hints that your Rottweiler is of a healthy weight, you can try these tips:

  1. Feel the dog’s ribs. You should be able to feel the bones but there should also be a slight layer of fat and muscle covering them.

  2. When looking from above, your pup’s waist should be shapely and only moderately tucked in. You can also view the tuck of your dog’s abdomen from the side.

For your dog to hit its ideal weight, make sure to always keep an eye out for the nutritional information shown on dog food packaging, and make sure to always give them good quality kibble. Don’t forget to also regularly consult a vet for your Rottweiler’s dietary needs.

Overweight Rottweiler

Since Rottweilers are a dog breed that’s prone to several kinds of serious illnesses, it’s crucial that you notice if your dog is putting on too much weight. Here are a few hints that your Rottweiler is moving past the ideal weight range:

  1. You can no longer feel their ribs because there’s too much fat covering them.

  2. There are noticeable flaps of fat around their neck, chest, back, and tail areas.

  3. The absence of an abdominal tuck or clear waist when viewed from above or the side.

Your dog may also exhibit other behaviors that are indicative of obesity, such as labored breathing and increased lethargy. They may also begin to suffer several digestive issues.

It becomes increasingly more difficult to keep your Rottweiler on the right nutritional track as it ages, so make sure you always consult a good vet before you begin a diet regimen.

Overweight Rottweiler: How to Help Your Rottweiler Lose Weight?

Just like with humans, there are a whole bunch of different ways you can help your Rottweiler shed those extra pounds.

Here are a few methods I’ve tried out with my furry friends that are sure to help kickstart your pup’s weight loss journey:

Crank up the exercise

Whatever your Rottweiler’s exercise level is, try to take it up a notch and maybe work on some fun new activities you both could do together, like frisbee catching, swimming, agility sessions, etc.

Stick to high-quality dog food

You wouldn’t feed your kids unhealthy food on a daily basis now, would you? Well, that’s how you should feel about your pup’s nutrition. Don’t just grab a box of kibble just because it’s popular.

Take the time to read and understand the ingredients and their nutritional value and figure out if they’re enough to sustain your Rottweiler’s daily needs.

Also, if they end up having corn-based fillers and high amounts of sodium, you’re better off looking elsewhere as those two can cause heart and bladder problems.

Here are a few more tips help your Rottweiler lose weight:

  1. Research special dog foods that are adapted specifically for overweight Rottweilers and consult your vet to see if they think it’s the best course of action.

  2. Check with your vet if nutritional supplements are required.

  3. You can never go wrong with adding a bit more fiber to your dog’s diet.

Be firm with your feeding times

Rottweilers are big dogs that love eating about as much as they do sleeping. If you don’t take their feeding times and portions easily, it’s easy for their weight to get out of hand. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. As a puppy, your Rottweiler should be eating 3 meals a day, slowly adding more and more food as they grow up.

  2. An active adult Rottweiler requires a diet of around 2100 calories most of which should be protein. You should feed them a minimum of twice a day, though more frequent meals could help them burn through calories better.

Underweight Rottweiler: How to Help Your Rottweiler Gain Weight?

If you’re worried that your Rottweiler is looking a bit on the scrawny side, here are a few ways you can help them pack on a few pounds:

Add an extra meal

Perhaps the easiest and quickest way to get your pup to put on a bit of heft is to add one more meal to their daily food intake.

There’s no change in the size of the portions, so you won’t have to worry about your dog getting too full to finish off their meal.

Make the meals more calorie-dense

Put more meat, fats, and beans in your Rottweiler’s regular meals so it won’t need to eat any more than it’s used to.

You can also try adding some moisture to the food which is a trick that works on some dogs who have trouble with their appetite.

Give your dog supplements

There are lots of great supplements in the market that can help your Rottweiler gain a few pounds, though it’s best to consult a vet first to figure out which ones are best for your pup.

Throw in some healthy snacks

Giving your Rottweiler a few health snacks here and there can help stimulate their appetite and make them eat more. Try feeding them some jerky or perhaps some highly-rated dog treats from a reputable pet store.

Tips for Weighing and Measuring Your Rottweiler

Racking your brains for the best way to weigh and measure your Rottweiler? Here are a few tips you can try out for yourself.

Tips on weighing

Depending on the age and size of your pup, there are two ways you can weigh your Rottweiler’s body mass. If it’s still a puppy and happens to be docile, you can place it on a bathroom scale and simply take down its weight.

If the puppy’s a little rowdy, you can do this instead:

  1. Weigh yourself.

  2. Weigh yourself holding the Rottweiler pup.

  3. Deduct your own weight from the weight while carrying the puppy.

Check out the video below for a demonstration:

How To Weigh Your Dog At Home: PDSA Petwise Pet Health Hub<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Weigh Your Dog At Home: PDSA Petwise Pet Health Hub" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

If your Rottweiler is already an adult, your best bet is to either keep a scale big enough to weigh them on or take them to the vet to measure their body mass.

Tips on measuring

Measuring your Rottweiler is fairly straightforward. All you need is to get yourself a soft tape measure and figure out the specific body parts you need to watch out for. These are body parts you’ll need to measure:

  1. Body Length: This part of the dog is from the base of the neck all the way to the end of its tail.

  2. Neck: These are the few inches right below your dog’s head.

  3. Girth: This is the length of the dog’s chest from right behind the dog’s front legs and over its shoulders.

  4. Side Length: This is the length from the center point of the dog’s chest up to its tail.

  5. Height: This is the distance between the highest point of the dog’s shoulder down to its feet.

Here’s a video about measuring your dog:

How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Commonly Asked Questions

Can You Weigh Your Rottweiler on a Human Scale?

If your Rottweiler is still a puppy and is calm enough to sit still on a human scale for a few seconds, then the answer is yes. If it’s rowdy, you’ll have to hold them up like the method mentioned above.

For adult Rottweilers, I don’t think it would be possible to weigh them using a human scale.

How to Determine Your Rottweiler’s Ideal Weight?

To find out what’s the ideal weight for your Rottweiler, you’ll have to factor in their age and refer to the growth curve I included above which shows the corresponding expected weight.

At What Age Is a Rottweiler No Longer a Puppy?

As with most large dog breeds, Rottweilers take a while to fully mature. Height-wise, they should reach their maximum height within a year, but it takes around 2 to 3 years for them to completely fill out in terms of size and weight.

Does Neutering or Spaying Affect the Growth and Development of a Rottweiler?

It’s best to wait until your Rottweiler is at least 2 years before you decide to have them spayed or neutered since neutering or spaying them too early is known to introduce serious health risks, including bone cancer.

Final Thoughts

While this guide should help you gauge the ideal size and growth of your Rottweiler, at the end of the day it’s still best if you consult your trusted veterinarian.

Not only would they be able to tell if your Rottie is growing healthily or not, but they can also provide them with the proper meal plans to ensure that they grow up happy and fit.

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