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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Pit Heeler (Pitbull & Blue Heeler Mix) Info, Pictures, Facts, FAQs & More

Blue Heelers and Pitbulls are two of the most well-loved breeds in the United States due to their boundless energy.

When bred together, their offspring display the same amount of agility and vigor which can either be admirable or intimidating depending on who will handle them.

Before you seek local breeders, it would greatly benefit you if you could pore over this article to widen your knowledge about this cross.

Here, you’ll get to know how Pitbull Heelers are made, what makes them so unique, and other essential facts that can guide you in taking care of one.

Let’s jump to it!

What Is a Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix?

The Blue Heeler Pitbull mix is a crossbreed between an Australian Cattle Dog and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Both its parent breeds are known to be herders so you can expect this hybrid to be hard-working and active.

The Blue Heeler Pitbull mix also goes by the names Pit Heeler, Cattle Pit, Queensland Pit, and Australian Cattle Dog Pitbull mix.

Apart from being excellent work dogs, this mix is known for their strength and loyalty which makes them fantastic companions for families as well as individuals.

However, they do work best when partnered with an owner who knows how to train them and handle their energy.

The Blue Heeler Pitbull mix isn’t exactly the easiest canine to deal with so they aren’t recommended for pet novices.

They need constant mental stimulation which can be a bit demanding especially if you aren’t trained on managing high maintenance dogs.

Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix History and Origin: Where Does the Pit Heeler Come From?

As established in the former section, Pit Heelers are non-purebred dogs. They are created from two distinct but unique breeds — the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Blue Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog.

Since this hybrid is fairly new, there is no definitive record of when or where they were first discovered.

Their parent breeds may have mated naturally before, but our canine historians failed to document this phenomenon.

As such, we are left with the assumption that they were intentionally crossed at the turn of the century.

Even though there is a bit of a blank spot in the history of the Blue Heeler Pitbull Terrier mix, we can still look at the origin of its parents to learn more about the possible purpose of developing this hybrid.

Let’s start with the Blue Heeler.

Blue Heeler

Known for being an Aussie native, the Australian Cattle Dog or Blue Heeler is a working dog breed that’s also a mixed breed of its own according to the Australian Cattle Dog Club.

The Blue Heeler is a combination of local wild Dingoes bred together with the British working dog.

These two were crossed to create a dog capable of living in the rough, often harsh, terrain of the outback while still maintaining loyalty to its owner.

American Pit Bull Terrier

On the other hand, the American Pit Bull Terrier is a British dog that’s a cross between the British fighting bulldog and terrier breeds.

The resulting Pitbull features a milder and kinder temperament but still retains plenty of strength since its ancestors were developed for dogfighting.

Eventually, this breed was brought to the United States and has become such a popular dog.

It is believed that the Blue Heeler and American Pit Bull Terrier were bred to develop a muscular working dog that can keep up with the demands of an active owner.

This goal is evidently achieved as this crossbreed manifests agility and activeness that echoes the traits of its parent breeds.

Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix Appearance: What Does a Pit Heeler Look Like?

The Pitbull Heeler mix is medium-sized dogs with male Pit Heelers taller and heavier compared to females.

There are occasions when a Pit Heeler mix ends up inheriting more Pitbull features compared to Heeler features or vice versa.

This can be attributed to the fact that they are mixed breed dogs, and it’s hard to predict which of their parent’s genes will be dominant. But generally, the Pit Heeler’s face and head are rounded, much like a Pitbull.

Their pointed ears sit high on their head, and their eyes are almond-shaped, usually brown to dark brown. They would also have a muscular chest.

As for their coat, it is thick and short with a base color of either gray, white, or brown. They will often get markings, taking after the Blue Heeler’s distinctive striped or mottled appearance.

Here are a few common coat colors and patterns of the Blue Heeler Pitbull mix:

Black and White Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix

This adorable pup has a common black and white coat with a distinctive mottled appearance. Note the floppy ears, usually a Pitbull characteristic.

Mottled Black and White Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix

Above is another cute Pit Heeler mix with a more pronounced mottled appearance. Check out the shape of the muzzle and the rounded head structure.

Brindle Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix

The brindle Blue Heeler Pitbull mix above is a sight to behold. There are visible stripes on its body and some mottled spots on its white coat.

Aside from these examples I have presented, there are still other color varieties of this mix that may appear from time to time due to the combination of its parents’ genes.

I cannot offer you a complete list because the appearance of this cross is unpredictable.

Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix Size and Weight: How Big Do Pit Heelers Get When Fully Grown?

A full-grown Pitbull Heeler can stand between 17 and 21 inches and weigh around 30 to 60 pounds.

It is worth noting, though, that these figures are only generally accepted as observed by their owners. Since they are mixes, their weight and height can vary greatly.

Just like their appearance, you’ll seldom know what you’re going to get until your own pup becomes a full-grown dog. However, there is also a possibility that their weight and height will sit close to their parent’s size.

The Australian Cattle Dog as described by the American Kennel Club weighs 35 to 50 pounds and stands at 17 to 20 inches.

Meanwhile, the Pitbull parent of the Pit Heeler measures 17 to 21 inches in height and weighs 30 to 60 pounds according to the United Kennel Club.

Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix Temperament: Do Pit Heelers Make Good Family Companions?

If you have an active lifestyle and lots of space for a dog to enjoy, then you’ll love having the Blue Heeler Pitbull mix around.

This cross is an energetic dog who loves to run and “work,” taking after the temperament of its parent breeds. You can trust them with simple tasks at home since they love being occupied with various activities.

To elucidate, Pitbulls are very friendly dogs (despite what popular media would have you believe). Meanwhile, the Blue Heeler parent of this cross is said to be active and loyal.

Combining the two gives you a dog that has enough energy to keep up with older kids when they’re running around the yard but will sleep comfortably at night without fussing.

When it comes to dealing with other pets in the household, there isn’t much of an issue with the Blue Heeler Pitbull mix as they are still herding dogs.

When you slowly socialize them during their puppy years, they’ll develop a bond with them and look after them as if they are looking after cattle.

However, it may not be a good idea to have them live with a dog of the same sex because they might want to prove their dominance.

If you are more worried about how they will deal with strangers when you bring them for a walk, calm down.

They aren’t known to attack strangers and they are, in fact, quite sweet with others. Just make sure you put them on a leash so they won’t run and play after them and eventually get lost.

Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix Lifespan and Health Issues: Are Pit Heelers Healthy Dogs?

The good news for Blue Heeler Pitbull owners is that this is a healthy dog.

Thanks to relatively few genetic issues, you can expect the Pitbull Heeler mix to have a long lifespan, anywhere from 12 to 14 years as long as they remain active, well-fed, and cared for properly.

Both the Blue Heeler and Pitbull are healthy breeds on their own so there’s no indication of serious genetic defects that could result when mixing the two breeds. However, each dog does have illnesses they are predisposed to.

It’s worth knowing these ailments just in case they show up in your Pit Heeler:

  1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): Progressive retinal atrophy is more prevalent in Blue Heelers than in the Pitbull breed. This is a disease that targets a dog’s photoreceptor cells causing them to deteriorate and lead to blindness.

  2. Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD): Similar to PRA, this hip issue is also one of the main health problems of Blue Heelers. The common signs of CHD are bunny hopping, decreased activity, and lameness.

  3. Gastric Dilation-Volvulus (GDV): GDV or canine bloat may manifest through the enlargement of your dog’s abdomen, salivation, retching, and restlessness. Pitbulls are prone to this condition so their mixed offspring might also showcase this similar health problem.

  4. Hypothyroidism: This thyroid disease slows down the metabolic rate of your dog and in turn affects almost all the organs of their body. You’ll often see Pitbulls suffering from this condition so you better monitor your Cattle Pit mix just in case they have inherited this.

Once your Pit Heeler exhibits any of the symptoms of the diseases above, do not hesitate and bring them to the vet immediately.

How to Take Care of Your Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix?

Just like other breeds and crosses, your Blue Heeler Pitbull mix can accompany you longer than what is expected of them if you prioritize their health and maintenance.

You can start by following the recommendations below:

Feeding and Diet

When it comes to feeding your Pit Heeler, giving them at least 2.5 cups of good quality dog food each day will make them happy and full.

They require a protein-rich diet to help build their muscles so you should really research what kibble will work for them.

You also want to keep your dog’s age in mind. A Pit Heeler puppy won’t require the same amount of food as an adult. In fact, Pit Heeler puppies need more protein in their diet since they’re still developing.

Meanwhile, for an adult Pit Heeler, you just need to make sure their diet contains at least 18 to 20% protein with about 5% of fat added.

Another thing to keep in mind when feeding a Blue Heeler Pitbull mix is that if they are active dogs (running around a lot or used as working dogs), they will burn more calories and their diet should match this.

This means that you should feed them three times a day. But if you just keep them as family dogs, then adjusting them to 2 to 2.5 meals a day is ideal.

I won’t recommend free-feeding these dogs since they tend to eat more than they need.

If they eat too much, it could lead to obesity and cause joint issues. Blue Heelers, in particular, have a predisposition to joint issues so any excess weight due to overfeeding should be avoided.

Cleaning and Grooming

If your own dog takes after the Pitbull, then you’re in luck because there’s not much to do when it comes to grooming.

However, if your Pit Heeler inherits the Blue Heeler double coat, you will need to consider getting your dog groomed regularly or at least have the vacuum ready daily.

Overall, though, most Pit Heeler mixes end up with a short coat. If this is the case, then grooming and brushing at least once a week should be enough.

Check out the video below to see how a Pit Heeler mix gets shaved:

I Want You To Shave My Dog Pit Heeler<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="I Want You To Shave My Dog Pit Heeler" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Training and Exercise

A Blue Heeler Pit mix is a capable dog thanks to its parent breeds. They are energetic and require a lot of stimulation outdoors.

Because of their high energy, it’s important to put them in obedience training while they are young. Never neglect puppy training classes for this cross because they are so strong and physically capable.

If they are left untrained, they could develop bad manners and become territorial, even aggressive towards others.

The great thing though is that a Cattle Pit is highly responsive to training but they require a confident trainer, someone who can give firm commands without punishing disobedience.

This breed works well when you implement positive reinforcement training techniques since it lessens the likelihood of aggression.

Pit Heelers receiving this form of training will also end up trusting their trainer and creating a strong bond with them.

Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix Puppy Prices & Expenses: How Much Does a Pit Heeler Cost?

A Blue Heeler Pitbull mix puppy can cost anywhere between $800 and $1,200 from a reputable breeder.

However, keep in mind that like owning any other puppy, you will incur additional expenses aside from the initial purchase of the dog.

The first year of dog ownership is always more expensive compared to the succeeding years.

You have to spend some bucks on initial medical costs, fencing your yard, leash and collar, kibble, toys, bowls, and training fees.

If you want them covered by insurance, you also have to pay monthly or annually depending on the type you will avail.

All these things would roughly cost you $500 to $1,000 a year. Note that this is only a rough estimation and may still get more expensive depending on your dog’s needs.

Places to Find Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix Puppies for Sale and Adoption

There are several places in the U.S. where you can look for a Blue Heeler Pitbull mix puppy.

If you are looking to purchase this excellent family dog, you may contact professional breeders near your area to skip the hassle of shipping your pup.

It’s also a good idea to check in with reliable Pitbull and Blue Heeler breeders to see if they have any leads on a Pit Heeler mix. Here are some of them:

  1. Cobalt Kennels – Although they strictly breed AKC-recognized Australian Cattle Dogs or Blue Heelers, they are a good place to ask for more information about a Pit Heeler mix because they are connected to other professional designer dog breeders in the San Francisco Bay area.

  2. Texas Blue Heelers – This is a Texas-based breeder raising Blue Heelers from a good quality line. Their dogs are bred and trained to be companion dogs instead of show dogs. Occasionally, they may also produce Heeler mixes like the Pit Heeler.

Since this mixed breed isn’t cheap, I completely understand if you would rather adopt than shop.

Here are some rescue organizations where you can find a Pit Heeler and other adult dogs:

  1. The Love Pit Rescue – This is a Pitbull-focused rescue organization based in Texas which saves and rehabilitates stray Pits and Pit mixes before putting them up for adoption. They’re a great place to check out if you want a Blue Heeler Pitbull mix.

  2. Last Hope Animal Rescue – This is a Pit Heeler rescue organization based in Iowa which has been rescuing and rehoming dogs since 2004. It’s a great place to look for Pit Heelers or adopt another pet if this mix isn’t available.

  3. Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Association – This Blue Heeler rescue is definitely the go-to organization for those who want to relinquish their Blue Heeler mix. You can check out their adoptable dogs by visiting their website.

For more information on the process of dog adoption, fees, and tips on how to make it less stressful, check out our ultimate dog adoption guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Blue Heeler Pitbull Mixes Aggressive?

No, Pit Heelers are not aggressive dogs. The Pitbull parent of these designer dogs is very tolerant and patient so they won’t jump you unless you extremely provoke them.

However, those unfamiliar with the Blue Heeler Pit’s personality can mistake certain traits as aggression. For instance, their Blue Heeler origin is by nature loyal and protective dogs because they are used to herding cattle.

As a result, they have an innate tendency to “herd” people and nip the heel, hence the name “heeler.” This action may be perceived as being dominant or even aggressive.

Like other dogs, it’s crucial to train and socialize your animals while young so they know what’s acceptable and non-acceptable behavior. You can do this by employing positive reinforcement techniques.

Do Blue Heeler Pitbull Mixes Like to Cuddle?

If you are an aspiring dog owner, you should know that Blue Heeler Pit mixes are affectionate dogs but they generally don’t require or even want a lot of cuddling.

Once in a while, they become clingy, but they will likely get restless and move on to do something else similar to other dogs.

This confusing behavior is a result of combining their parents’ traits. Pitbulls love to cuddle, and they are loyal family dogs.

On the other hand, Blue Heelers are obedient and affectionate but are not known for liking to be cuddled.

Do Pit Heelers Shed a Lot?

A Pit Heeler mix isn’t known for shedding a lot. However, since this is a mixed breed, there is a chance you could get a Pit Heeler that inherits more of the Heeler coat characteristics rather than the Pit.

Blue Heelers are double coated so they tend to be moderate to heavy shedders. Meanwhile, a Pitbull has a short coat so they don’t blow their coat.

Final Thoughts: Is a Blue Heeler Pit Mix Right for You?

A Blue Heeler Pit might be the perfect companion for you if you want a dog that’s energetic, playful, and loyal.

They can make for a loving family pet especially when they receive the proper care, training, and support as young puppies.

Because they are a mixed breed, there’s no way to perfectly predict the type of traits your Pit Heeler will have.

Some may lean more towards having Heeler characteristics while others might be more of an American Pitbull. Regardless, the Blue Heeler Pit mix is a good family dog to welcome into your home.

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