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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

My Dog Jumped After Being Spayed! (Should You Worry?)

A common question concerning many pet owners with female dogs that were just sterilized is, “What do I do if my dog jumps after being spayed?”

It’s normal to feel alarmed by this, especially since there are instructions from the vet which should be followed after your dog’s surgery. This includes limiting its activities, which is challenging for a zestful puppy.

If your dog jumped or took a fall after the big operation, it’s crucial to know if this calls for an emergency. If you want to further explore this subject, keep reading!

My Dog Jumped After Being Spayed: Should You Worry?

If your dog jumped or tripped over right after being spayed, it typically won’t require you to call a vet, especially if it has been days or weeks since its post-operation. That is unless the incision starts to bleed or your dog whines or shows signs of discomfort or lethargy.

Nonetheless, even if your dog shows no concerning signs after jumping, it’s best not to let it continue getting physically active to avoid dire complications.

That said, playing with other dogs, jumping to greet guests, or climbing the stairs should be disallowed. Instead, your dog should be encouraged to rest 24 to 48 hours after the surgery.

To really make sure the healing process goes smoothly for spayed dogs, pet owners can take advantage of puzzle games, interactive toys, or sniff mats with hidden dog treats or crackers.

When a dog is mentally stimulated, it will be less likely to feel bored or find other means to release its pent-up energy.

Meanwhile, have a look at a short video showing how a dog recovers after being spayed:

Dog Spay Recovery Progress day by day & Helpful Tips<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dog Spay Recovery Progress day by day &amp;amp; Helpful Tips" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

What Happens If a Dog Jumps After Being Spayed?

Generally, a dog jumping once or twice after being spayed should not cause any immediate or long-lasting damage. Vets use durable sutures that hold the skin together to withstand events when a spayed dog jumps or runs.

Still, this depends on how vigorous the dog’s movement was. This is because jumping puts your dog at risk of tearing its incision open. That said, exercising caution is vital for its well-being.

If the wound hasn’t properly started healing, the cut may open up further or bleed non-stop. The tissue inside may also protrude, and it will be prone to infection.

Recognizing these risks, you must ensure that none would happen by encouraging your dog to calm down and rest. This is a preventive measure for your dog to avoid any medical emergencies.

However, if you’re worried about the incision after you witness your dog take a big jump, you can immediately contact your vet for advice.

Take note as well, some pet insurance plans cover after-spay complications, so it’s wise to enroll your dog in one. This will help you with unexpected vet bills.

How Long After Being Spayed Can My Dog Jump?

A newly spayed female dog shouldn’t jump for 7 to 10 days. Even so, its recovery can take about 20 to 28 days before it can return to normal activity.

Meanwhile, for its wound to fully heal, it will take up to 40 to 42 days before the skin regains its strength and elasticity. The healing period, though, may vary from one dog to another.

Obese dogs and those with medical conditions that weaken tissues, like connective tissue disease, will require extended periods to heal. They’re also highly prone to wound complications.

It’s the same case with large spayed dogs, which are often spayed later to avoid their propensity to develop hip dysplasia.

Why Dogs Should Not Jump After Being Spayed?

Restricting your dog from jumping after being spayed is a general instruction for incision care. The goal is to keep the sutures in place for a recommended period by keeping the dog rested to avoid delayed healing.

In other words, prohibiting your pet from playing right after post-op has more to do with the stitches made on the area.

When a dog is spayed, the desired look of the spay incision is achieved after going through several layers of tissue.

Each row will be individually closed while the topmost skin is sutured, stapled, or surgically glued either on the surface or beneath the skin.

With these things in mind, also note that the deeper layers are considered delicate. As much as possible, letting the area heal right after surgery is vital. This way, your dog can dodge any potential trauma on its wound.

As you know, when trauma is inflicted on the cut due to jumping, it will result in scar tissue. The damaged dermis will need to be removed by the vet. This is when the scar may become prominent.

To add, when painful scars develop, symptoms such as intractable allodynia and itching may develop. That said, your dog’s healing may take longer than expected.

How to Get Your Dog to Stop Jumping After Surgery

Overzealous dogs are notoriously known to have difficulty staying still even after their spay surgery. Although they show enthusiasm and vigor to get active, they must be coaxed to wait until their healing period is over.

Since you can’t sit your dog down and give it a pep talk about taking it easy, here are effective tips you can follow to stop your dog from jumping after being spayed:

1. Do the work

It’s better to carry your dog up and down the stairs or remove any obstacles that would require it to jump over.

If your canine is large, you can assist it instead of bearing its whole weight. Consider transferring its dog bed downstairs, too, so it won’t necessarily have to go up for bedtime.

2. Limit your dog’s areas

Limiting your dog’s space ensures it doesn’t wander off unmonitored, especially if you’re going to be out for a while.

It doesn’t necessarily mean leaving your dog locked in a crate since this area can be too confining. Instead, use baby gates or a small room that can effectively keep the canine from ending up in your yard.

3. Opt for a short leash

Take a break from using a retractable leash and opt for a short leash instead. This can be used if your dog needs a potty break.

It ensures that your canine won’t have the opportunity to dash off after it relieves itself.

4. Take a break from walks and playtime

It’s difficult for your dog to experience a few changes in its routine. Among the things your pooch should have a break from are regular walks and playtime.

During its recovery, avoid saying words such as “outside,” “park,” or other buzzwords associated with walks or playtime.

5. Assist your dog in getting onto furniture

Some dogs love to take their naps on the furniture, and that would require them to jump to get on it.

Once your dog is about to attempt to get on its usual spot on the couch, give it the assistance it needs. Doing so, it won’t have to make an explosive movement, which may cause a complication in its wound.

6. Show your dog the outdoor view

Dogs, especially those that are highly energetic, love being outdoors.

Yet, since it’s recommended that they spend their time indoors for their healing, owners can set up a restricted area where their dogs can have a clear view of the outside environment.

7. Keep your dog busy

Another way to limit your dog’s movements is to keep it busy with food-dispensing toys. This helps stimulate the brain and also keeps boredom at bay.

You can also use this time to teach it tricks and drills that don’t require rigorous physical actions, such as basic obedience.

8. Have quality time together

Any dog can experience post-surgery anxiety, which may lead your dog to become too active after getting spayed.

Make your dog feel secure by giving it lots of cuddles and assurance. This way, it won’t become destructive, exhibit high energy levels, or look for other outlets to relieve its anxiety.

These are just some things you can do to encourage your dog to mellow out from jumping around. You can also think of other creative ways that may work better for your highly active pooch.

On a different note, the length of time that you should restrain your dog from getting physically active depends on your vet’s recommendations.

You may need to keep fully assisting your pooch until you get the signal that it can start returning to its normal activities with less help from you.

My Dog Keeps Jumping After Being Neutered

A male dog that keeps jumping after being neutered needs confinement. A healing period of about two weeks is required; hence, doing activities that can cause trauma to the wound is a no-go.

However, if your dog continues to jump despite your efforts to calm it down, you should take a look into various possible reasons for the behavior.

Here are the usual causes why your dog jumps around after being neutered:

  1. Medication: Invasive surgeries, such as neutering, require anesthesia to keep your canine from feeling pain during the medical procedure. Since this takes a while to wear off, dogs may feel sluggish or tired. Some may also feel out of character and overactive for a short while.

  2. Change in hormone levels: When the testicles are removed, the amount of testosterone is disrupted, and it will take time for the body to adjust to this change. Since it’s known how hormones are linked to behavior, this could explain why some puppies experience zoomies after spay surgery.

  3. A feeling of discomfort or pain: Getting your dog’s testicles removed surgically can lead to pain in the stomach and genital areas. In its first few days, sitting can be uncomfortable and due to your dog still feeling jittery after being neutered, jumping around might be its way to relieve pain.

The listed reasons why a male dog jumps around after its neuter surgery are not concerning and are normal occurrences.

Give it thorough supervision and try to keep it from doing any more extreme movements that can strain its incision.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Can My Dog Jump on the Couch After Being Spayed?

Strenuous activities for dogs, such as jumping on the couch, can only be allowed about 10 to 14 days after spay surgery.

Still, even if it has been two weeks since its operation, returning to its normal lifestyle should be done gradually. This is to carefully ensure that there is no room for any wound complications.

Can My Dog Go Up the Stairs After Being Spayed?

You should lift your newly-spayed dog if it wants to go upstairs. This is because climbing the stairs causes tension in the sutured area.

Plus, letting your dog go up the stairs on its own is risky since it may lose its balance and fall down. It’s even more ideal to consider the stairs an off-limits zone for your dog.

What Should Dogs Avoid After Spaying?

For your dog’s safety and well-being, your dog must avoid playing for several days or weeks, depending on the vet’s advice.

Getting wet, especially on the operated area, is also discouraged since this will cause the stitches to dissolve too quickly. Moreover, always put your dog’s cone around its neck so it doesn’t lick the sutured area.

If your dog was in heat when spayed, it might still try to breed even ten days after its surgery. That said, it’s best to keep it away from male dogs. Mating right after getting spayed can cause life-threatening infections in your pet.

Final Thoughts

Getting your dog spayed should be followed by days and weeks of comfort and calm. This should mean temporarily discouraging your dog from making rigorous movements, such as jumping and playing.

Doing so will avoid aggravating the pain your dog may feel around the sutured area, allowing it to properly and smoothly heal.

Overall, it’s generally not a huge issue if your dog jumps a few days after being spayed. That is unless your dog exhibits pain or bleeding around the area. Be sure to consult your vet when these happen.

If you know someone whose dog is about to get the same surgery, share this helpful article with them. Feel free also to share your experience if your dog jumped after being spayed by leaving a comment below!

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