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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Maltipoo Lifespan: How Long Do Maltipoos Live?

Poodle and Maltese mix, also known as Maltipoo is a very famous hybrid breed that is known for its cute and cuddly appearance. Their soft coat and spunky attitude will melt your heart instantly.

They are just adorable but also perfect companions. It is often said that, if you go with this pup, you will never switch to any other breed.

Maltipoo is a mixed breed of purebred dogs Poodle and Maltese. So we can expect that the average lifespan of Maltipoo will be the average lifespan of its parent breeds. So, how long can they live and what is their average life expectancy?

The quick answer is that Maltipoos live about 12 – 14 years on average depending on their gender and the type of poodles used to breed the puppy. Generally, female Maltipoos and Maltipoos bred by miniature poodles live slightly longer.

In this article, we will cover the average life expectancy of Maltipoos, the common health risks of this mixed breed, and how we can extend their life expectancy.

How Long Do Maltipoos Live?

To answer this question, we need to know the lifespan of its parent breeds as there is not enough data collected from Maltipoo owners. Therefore the life expectancy of a Maltipoo can be determined by the average lifespan of its parents.

The average lifespan of its parent Maltese is around 12 years. Note that Maltipoo can be bred with two types of poodle dogs; miniature poodle and toy poodle. For miniature poodles, the average lifespan is around 14 years, and for toy poodles, the average lifespan is about 13 years.

Therefore, the Malitpoos lifespan ranges typically between 12 to 14 years depending on which type of poodle is used to breed the Maltipoo puppy. If miniature poodles are used, the Maltipoo may have a slightly longer lifespan due to its smaller size.

Large-sized dogs usually live shorter than smaller size dogs due to faster aging and tend to develop age-related diseases earlier.

However, your cute and adorable Maltipoo can live longer than its average lifespan by taking good care of it, which we will discuss in the upcoming topics below.

Common Health Problems of Maltipoos

Every dog is different individually in a variety of manners, and every dog has some of its health risks and concerns, which are necessary for every dog owner to know about it.

If you know and understand your dog’s health problems, you can provide better care to make their lifespan longer.

In a mixed breed, most of the health problems are inherited from its parent breeds. So we will discuss some common health problems of your inescapable Maltipoo, which can be inherited from its parents.

Health problems that are common in Maltipoos and their parent breeds are:

Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) or Brittle-Bone Disease

This health concern is usually common in “teacup” Maltipoos. Tiny size dogs tend to have brittle bone disease. In brittle bone disease, the bones of the dogs become so weak that they can easily be broken.

It is a severe skeletal disorder resulting in fragile bones and improper bone development. Brittle bone disease is scientifically known as “Osteogenesis Imperfecta.”

If your “teacup” Maltipoo is having the following symptoms, then your Maltipoo may have this disorder:

  1. Difficulty in breathing

  2. Loose joints

  3. Sudden fracture of bones and teeth

  4. Pain in muscles

  5. Malformation of bones

  6. Weak muscles

  7. Weak tendons

Mitral Valve Disease

Mitral valve disease is a heart disease that may be inherited from the parents. To understands this disorder, we need to dive a little deeper.

We know the heart has four chambers. The right atrium and left atrium, which is located in the upper part of the heart called the “Atria.” Right, and left ventricles are located in the lower part of the heart called “Ventricles.”

The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle is known as the “Mitral Valve.” Due to the generation of high pressure by the left ventricle contraction to pump the blood out to the body. The mitral valve begins to leak out. This condition is known as “Mitral Valve Insufficiency.”

Approximately 80% of heart disease in dogs is due to mitral valve insufficiency and it is more common in small dogs than large breeds.

Orthopedic Disorders

Your cute Maltipoo can face multiple orthopedic orders such as hip dysplasia, patellar luxations, torn cruciate ligaments, and disc problems. We will talk about the most common orthopedic disorder in dogs, which is hip dysplasia that your Maltipoo can have.

Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the socket and the balls in between the hind legs don’t fit with one another. Dogs having hip dysplasia may feel discomfort in their hind legs. It can appear early at 5 months or later in a dog’s lifespan.

White Dog Shaker Syndrome

Dog shaker syndrome is a neurological disorder, common in white coat dogs. It is the condition in which the dog tends to have a very odd and unique generalized tremor, which is an unintentional, rhythmic muscle movement.

The origin and cause of this disease are unknown because of the complexity and diversity of neurological disorders.


There are two types of epilepsy in dogs. The first type of epilepsy is called primary epilepsy which is inherited by parents in which a dog faces sudden, uncontrolled, and repeated seizures.

And the second type of epilepsy is called secondary epilepsy, which is caused by some sort of injections or toxins.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a group of generative eye disorders in dogs, which can make a dog completely blind in both eyes.

Retinas in the eyes contain rod cells, which enable your Maltipoo to see in dim light. This disorder makes the rod cells programmed to die themselves.

What Factors Can Affect the Lifespan of a Maltipoo?

There are some factors that can affect the lifespan of your Maltipoo. Here are some of the examples:

  1. Size

  2. Diet

  3. Exercise

  4. Family history


Size does matter when it comes to determining the life expectancy of any breed. Because we know that according to authentic research and studies on dogs. Larger dogs usually have shorter lifespans because they age faster and are more likely to develop health issues.

While shorter dogs tend to live longer because of their slower growth rate and aging. Maltipoos are relatively small dogs, so we can expect that it has a longer lifespan than larger breeds such as German Shepherds.


Diet is an essential element to determine the lifespan of your Maltipoo. What you feed your Maltipoo is directly related to its life expectancy. If your Maltipoo is having the right balance of diet, then your cute little companion will live longer than its usual lifespan.

You can feed them dry food, wet food, or a combination of both. Dry food is good for your dog’s teeth while wet food is good for dogs that don’t drink much water and allows them to chew more easily.

Therefore, It is recommended to feed dry and wet mixed dog food for your Maltipoo to receive both benefits from dry and wet food.


Your Maltipoo is small, but it doesn’t mean that you should bound it to your home only. It also needs some exercise daily to stretch its legs a little bit.

The health benefits of regular physical activities include reducing digestive problems, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing the likelihood of developing other health problems. Healthy and regular exercise makes them stay healthy and fit and helps increase their overall lifespan.

Family Health History

The lifespan of his parents can also tell you how long your Maltipoo puppies are expected to live. If his parents have a long lifespan, then your dog has a high chance of having a long lifespan too. Note that this is just an estimation and is not always the case.

A healthy parent produces a healthy puppy. Puppies are prone to developing the genetic diseases their parents have. Looking at your Maltipoo’s family health history gives you an idea of what disorders he is likely to develop.

No one knows better than the breeder who has bred your designer Maltipoo. They will maintain the previous record of the breed. To determine the lifespan of your Maltipoo, you should consult with your dog’s breeder and know its family history.

Ways to Improve the Lifespan of Your Maltipoo

As a dog owner, there are some things you can do to influence and extend the lifespan of your cute, little, and cuddly Maltipoo.

Here are some tips that can help increase your Maltipoo’s life expectancy:

  1. Spaying or neutering

  2. Healthy diet

  3. Healthy environment

  4. Regular vet visits and checkups

Spaying or Neutering

Spaying and neutering your Maltipoo can increase its health and lifespan. It is usually done for household pets to control their pet population.

Spayed and neutered dogs live longer, healthier, and happier because they have fewer behavioral issues and are less susceptible to infections and degenerative diseases that can reduce their life expectancy.

For female dogs, ovaries are removed to prevent them from being pregnant. In male dogs, testicles are removed to prevent them from making any female dog pregnant.

Healthy Diet

As we have discussed above, diet is a key element that can increase or decrease the lifespan of your Maltipoo. Make sure that you feed them a healthy and balanced diet.

A healthy diet has been proven to provide plenty of health benefits to dogs and reduce the risk of developing several diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Healthy Environment

Keeping a clean and healthy environment is essential for your Maltipoo’s long lifespan. Maltipoos are small dogs, and they can’t bear extreme temperatures.

If you go outside, make sure to go in a fenced yard with your Maltipoo. As they become very curious about their surrounding, which can make them go to dangerous areas.

Also, watch your steps around your cute little Maltipoo. It is essential if you have children at home, they are very active, but still, they are small dogs. Sitting or stepping on them can lead to significant injuries or even death.

Regular Vet Visits and Checkups

It is essential to take good care of your Maltipoo by taking it to regular yearly checkups. Checkups are necessary because many disorders can be diagnosed at early stages without getting your dog in any severe condition.

Also, make sure that all the initial shots have been done. Rabies shots are usually done after some weeks, So make sure your vet has also given the rabies shots.

Final Thoughts

Maltipoo is a cute little and intelligent pup, who is adorable and unignorable with an average life span of 12 – 14 years, which is impressive in terms of the overall lifespan as compared to other breeds.

They are not only cute and intelligent but also consider the best companion for their owners. So if you are looking for an adorable, little, and smart pup in your small home, then this breed is ideal for you.

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