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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Weimaraner: Which One Is Right for You?

Weimaraners make great family pets, no matter their gender. However, there are some significant differences between male and female Weimaraners that you should know about before getting a Weimaraner puppy.

Your gender preference can affect whether you get a male or female Weimaraner, but of course, that’s not all your decision should be based on! Whether you get a male or female Weimaraner depends on which sex best fits your home environment.

If you’d prefer a Weimaraner that’s easy to train, is vocal about what it wants, and is likely to spend most of its time showing you its affection, then you may want to get a male Weimaraner. But if you want one that’s less playful, more independent, and more self-sufficient, get a female Weimaraner instead.

As I said, there are some significant differences between male and female Weimaraners, which can make it hard to decide which gender is right for you.

I know the struggle, so I wrote this article to help make it easier for you to decide whether a male or female Weimaraner is best for you. So stick around, and let’s get started!

Does Gender Really Matter When Choosing Your Weimaraner?

Before getting a Weimaraner puppy, it’s best to know what the general differences between a male and female Weimaraner are. This is because a dog’s gender affects more than just whether they’re born with the ability to give birth or not.

Male and female Weimaraners don’t just differ physically, they also have temperamental differences, trainability differences, and health differences. Aside from that, a Weimaraner’s gender also affects their ability to get along with children and other dogs.

So yes, choosing the right gender really matters when getting a Weimaraner puppy! Now that we’ve made that clear, let’s get started on the differences between a male and female Weimaraner.

Physical Differences

Male and female Weimaraners may look very similar at first glance, but there are still ways to tell them apart. Keep in mind that these are physical differences, so they’re more apparent in person than in photos.


Male Weimaraners are generally taller by two inches than their female counterparts. On average, they can weigh 15 to 20 pounds heavier than females. Aside from being taller and heavier, males often tend to have a bulkier build.


Female Weimaraners are typically smaller than males. On average, females are shorter by two inches and typically weigh 15 to 20 pounds lighter than males.

Aside from that, female Weimaraners also tend to have a slender build instead of the male’s stocky one. Weimaraners reach their full size at around six to eight months of age.

Temperamental Differences

A dog’s temperament is affected by several factors, including heredity, training, and socialization. Weims are generally known for their intelligence, loyalty, and bravery. However, every dog has a different temperament beyond those.


Although the common belief is that females are more affectionate, this is actually a misconception for the Weimaraner.

Both males and females have equally lovable personalities, but male Weimaraners are generally more affectionate and emotionally sensitive than females.

They’re easygoing and spend most of their time giving and seeking affection from their families. They’re also more vocal about what they like and dislike.

Male Weims are eager to please and are more playful than their female counterparts. If you tell a male to fetch something, he will run as fast as he can and give it to you before you even have time to blink.


Most Weimaraner owners who have both male and female Weims say that the females are often more independent than the males. They mature at a younger age compared to males and are more self-sufficient.

Combined with their independence, females can be left alone at home earlier than males.

Female Weimaraners can be stubborn and headstrong depending on their mood. If a female isn’t in a playful mood and you tell it to fetch something, it may look at you as if to ask why.

Unlike most breeds, female Weimaraners are more dominant than males. They’re more territorial, protective, and more vocal towards strangers. At home, female Weims are more likely to be the dominant dog instead of a male.

Although males are more affectionate, females can show their affection as well—albeit on their own terms. Whereas a male Weim is always eager to please, a female may be affectionate only when she wants to be.

Trainability Differences

Weimaraners are extremely smart, and they can learn almost anything you teach them. However, many Weim puppies are easily distracted, which can make it difficult to teach your dog in the beginning.


Aside from being more playful and easygoing, male Weimaraners are also known for having a shorter attention span than females. Because of this, you may have a hard time keeping your dog’s attention while teaching him something new at a young age.

Weims take one to two years to mature, though most calm down after five years. Some might not even calm down at all and still act puppy-like at eight years old.

Despite their short attention span, male Weimaraners are easier to train and housebreak than females. Although males can be stubborn, they’re eager to please, which is why they’ll do their best at training for as long as you can keep their attention.


Most Weimaraner owners describe their female Weims as independent and stubborn. They’re more focused and also mature at a younger age than males do.

They’re ready to get started on training sooner than males. However, a firm, consistent hand is needed when training female Weimaraners as they are more dominant than the males.

Housebreaking female Weimaraners is almost always more difficult than potty training a male. Because they’re stubborn, this can become a test of wills or even an instrument of spite to show you when they dislike something.

Although it can be difficult to train a female Weimaraner, it’ll all pay off in the end as female Weims are known for being independent and can lead the pack or be a role model for any puppies that follow.

Health Differences

Weimaraners typically have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. They’re generally healthy dogs, but they’re at risk of certain health conditions just like all breeds.


Unfortunately, Weims are susceptible to many minor health problems and some major health issues. In particular, male Weimaraners are more prone to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) than females.

Young male Weims aged up to two years old are also more prone to developing Steroid Responsive Meningitis (SRMA), although dogs older than six years have been diagnosed with it. SRMA is an infection of the nervous system that commonly affects Weimaraners.

Neutering your Weimaraner after he reaches 12 months is recommended by vets as it reduces the risk that many health problems pose. If you plan to neuter your Weimaraner, make sure he’s at least a year old as neutering too early can put him at risk of other health issues instead.


Female Weims are less likely to develop dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) than males. In contrast, they are more prone to patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), one of the most common cardiac birth defects seen in dogs. PDA is a hereditary disease that can only be treated through surgery.

Some health issues pose an equal threat to both genders of the breed such as bloat, hip dysplasia, mast cell tumors (MCT), dental disease, wobbler syndrome, distichiasis, entropion, and others.

Similar to how neutering your male lowers the risk of health issues, spaying your female Weimies can also significantly lower the health risks she may face.

Aside from spaying or neutering your Weimaraner, building a proper routine can go a long way to helping your Weimy live longer, stay healthier, and be happier during her whole life.

With Other Dogs and Pets


As I’ve said, male Weimies are more playful and easygoing than their female counterparts.

As long as they’re properly socialized while they’re still young, male Weimaraners can get along and play all day with other dogs or children. In fact, having another dog to play with will contribute to Weimaraners’ physical and mental well-being.

However, small pets such as cats, rodents, or birds should be kept far away from Weimaraners because of their hunting heritage. Without a proper introduction, socialization, or close supervision, Weimies can hurt or kill such animals.


Female Weimaraners, on the other hand, are more dominant dogs. They’re more protective and territorial than their male counterparts.

It’s more important for those who have female Weims to thoroughly make sure that she has been properly socialized at a young age. Otherwise, their female Weimy could grow up to be aggressive towards other dogs and pets.

With Children


Weimaraners are known for being one of the best family dogs, including families with kids. Weims are great with children but as with any breed, they should be trained from a young age.

Since male Weimies are more playful than females, extra care should be taken when letting them play with kids. Weims without sufficient physical exercise can get over-excited and can easily knock down a child on accident while playing with them.

As long as you stay alert when your child interacts with your male Weim, you’ll be able to prevent any accident from happening. Accidental injuries can easily be prevented by taking the proper steps so as long as you do it right, there’s nothing to worry about!

Male Weimaraners are extremely affectionate, and they’d love to play all day with your kids if you’d let them. If your children love to run around outside, then a male Weimy could be the right companion for you and your family!


If you have young children in your home, a female Weim might be better for you. Since they’re generally more serious and mature at a younger age than males, they’re more careful around young children.

Also, since they’re less rambunctious compared to their male counterpart, accidental injuries are less likely to occur.

Although female Weimaraners aren’t as playful as males, they’re still very energetic dogs who will love to play with your kids. But unlike the males, they won’t play all day.

Are Male or Female Weimaraner Better Guard Dogs?

Weimaraner owners say that their dogs are incredibly protective, more than other sporting breeds. They make great guard dogs since they’re loyal and territorial.

Although each Weim is capable of being a great guard dog, it all depends on their training, environment, temperament, and how they were brought up.

Female Weims are generally more protective and more vocal than their male counterparts. They may spend their time staring out the window and barking at strangers and other dogs who pass by.

They’re also quicker to sound the alarm compared to males. If they see or hear something that alarms them, they’re quick to bark. On the other hand, males will first try to see if it’s something to raise the alarm about.

If you’re sensitive to barking or would like your Weim to be a guard dog, you would need to train them well so they only bark when they should. Both male and female Weims can be great guard dogs as long as they’re properly trained.

Are Male or Female Weimaraner Better Family Companions?

This is quite a difficult question to answer since all Weimaraners make for great family dogs, no matter their gender.

Both male and female Weims are great family companions as they’re affectionate dogs who love to feel that they’re part of a pack. They’re so loyal that they’ll literally follow you anywhere you let them!

The answer to this question really depends on your family’s lifestyle. Generally, males will shine brightest in an extremely active family, while females will be at their best if they can have their own space, even just for a little while.

Here’s a video of Weimaraners with a baby:

Weims and a baby<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Weims and a baby" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Which Gender Should You Choose?

As I said, whether you should get a male or female Weimaraner really depends on your lifestyle. It’s difficult to give an answer to this question since every dog is unique, but some characteristics are true for most male and female Weims.

If you live a very active lifestyle or have children who like to play and run around outside all day, the male Weimaraner might be best for you. They’re eager to please and are less stubborn than females, so they’re easier to train.

If you’re looking for an easygoing and loyal dog who will give and seek affection at almost all hours of the day, then you might want to bring home a male Weim.

On the other hand, if you have very young kids in the family, it might be best for you to bring home a female Weim instead.

They’re calmer and mature at a younger age compared to males, which means they can start training earlier as well. Females are affectionate when they’re happy, but they also sometimes need space and time on their own.

If you’re looking for an independent dog that can handle being left alone for a little while, then you might want to choose a female Weim.

Final Thoughts

No matter which gender you choose to bring home, remember that all Weims need a lot of physical exercises. They need to run hard and often, so you’ll need a lot of enclosed space where they can run.

Weimaraners are also at their best when they have another dog they can play with.

Both genders will need to be properly trained, as the breed has a tendency to become stubborn. You also need to make sure that the Weim you bring home is properly socialized as they can become aggressive otherwise.

All Weimaraners are lovable dogs no matter their gender and whether you get a male or female, I’m sure you’ll be happy when you bring home your new friend in the end.

I wrote this article to let you know the general differences between male and female Weims, but keep in mind that every dog is unique.

While female Weims are generally more independent and stubborn than males, males can also be stubborn. The reverse can also be true so don’t be surprised if your female Weim turns out to be very affectionate!

Hopefully by now you’ve decided whether to get a male or female Weimaraner. In the end, your Weim’s attitude and personality will mostly be affected by what you do as the owner.

As long as you train your pup properly as it grows, he or she will grow up to be a great family dog!

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