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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Siberian Huskies: What’s the Difference?

Siberian Husky is a beautiful and lovely dog. They are very loyal, and their high energy will never let you get bored. However, there is a confusion among dog lovers, whether they should adopt a male or a female Siberian Husky. What are the differences between them?

Both female and male Siberian Huskies are great pets to love with. However, there are considerable differences between both personalities in terms of temperament, behavior, and size. They also have slight differences in lifestyles.

If you are not able to decide which gender to take home, well, in this article, I have covered all the differences between both genders, which will help you to make a much better decision.

7 Key Differences Between Female and Male Siberian Huskies

Both genders make good pets. You will get an excellent experience because of their loving and caring nature. Both are very loyal to their owners. They are full of energy and can play with you all day.

However, there are some considerable differences which you should consider before taking a Husky home.

The summary of the differences between male and female Siberian Huskies:

  1. Training: The male Husky dogs are harder to train because they are dominant and immature. Female Huskies, on the other hand, are quite mature and sensible; therefore, easier to train.

  2. Authoritative: Male Huskies tend to become the leader of the pack; therefore, they have a more authoritative nature. Females, on the other hand, are very calm and easier to handle.

  3. Height: The average height of male Husky is between 21 and 24 inches while female Husky is between 20 and 22 inches.

  4. Weight: The average weight of male Husky is between 45 and 60 pounds while female Husky is between 35 and 50 pounds.

  5. Temperament: Male Huskies spend more time with owners and develop a good relationship. Female Huskies are a bit shy and introvert. They are quite mature and prone to mood swings.

  6. Appearance: Male Huskies have more masculine head. This is to make themselves attractive to females. They usually have to fight a small battle to win the female. Females do not have to exhibit a lot; therefore, they typically do not possess such features.

  7. Medical Cost: The initial cost of females can be high as compared to male Huskies. However, male dogs are more prone to injuries as compared to females dogs.


Male Huskies are much harder to train in comparison to female Huskies. Males Husky is much more dominant and requires more time to get mature. On the other hand, female Huskies are much more sensible and mature. They are less dependent on humans as compare to males.

You have to start the training of male Huskies from the very beginning. Late training can cause attitude problems from them. Female Huskies are much calmer and of consistent nature. So, if you are starting training in the later stages, they would not cause many problems.

However, it does not mean that training a male Husky is a tough task. They are also brilliant dogs, and with consistency and patience, you can train them as well.


You should have full control over your Husky by declaring yourself as the pack leader. Huskies are the pack dogs, and they follow every command of their pack leader. However, the pack leader should be confident and admirable. If you show any lack of confidence, Huskies will surpass you.

This characteristic is more prominent in male Huskies. Male Huskies can challenge your authority if you are not very confident. However, females Huskies would not challenge your authority that much.

You should use the authoritative tone when giving commands to your dog. If you show any lack of confidence, they can easily sense it and stop obeying you.


Huskies are medium-sized dogs. Male and female Huskies have different sizes, although the difference is not significant.

The average height of male Husky: 21 to 24 inches

The average height of female Husky: 20 to 22 inches

These dimensions can vary depending upon the posture of the dog, whether they are sitting or standing. But usually, female Huskies are a bit shorter than the male counterparts.

This size difference is also because male Huskies tend to protect their pack from external threats. And they need to be bigger to look dominant and powerful.

However, these average heights are dependent on the environmental conditions and the health of the dog.


Siberian Huskies vary in weight at different stages of their growth. A 3-month male Husky weighs around 17 to 23 pounds, whereas a 3 months old female Husky weighs approximately 14 to 20 pounds.

A 6-month-old male Husky weighs around 32 to 43 pounds, and a 6 months old female Husky weighs about 26 to 37 pounds.

Although the size difference is not much considerable, some people can think that both genders should have the same weight. However, you will find a significant difference between the weight of both males and females.

The average weight of male Husky: 45 to 60 pounds

The average weight of female Husky: 35 to 50 pounds


Some Husky owners claim that male dog has a better attitude than females. However, this is general for all the dog breeds. The temper issue is dependent on the personality type of the dog.

Male Huskies like to spend more time with the owners, and they develop a better relationship with them in comparison to female Huskies. They are very expressive and like play with their masters. They are even less prone to mood swings. However, male Huskies are territorial, which can cause aggression in their behavior.

However, female Huskies are more of an introvert type. They usually like to spend time alone. They spend time with their owners during playtime only. They are prone to mood swings and more mature than males.


There is not a considerable difference in height between both genders. Both of them have a wolf-like appearance; however, looks can be deceptive. Male Huskies look much bigger than females. They have more hairs, and they are available in more than 9 colors. They also have a more masculine head.

This is to make themselves attractive to females. They usually have to fight a small battle to win the female. However, females do not have to exhibit a lot; therefore, they often do not possess such features.

The average weight of the male Huskies is around 20 kg to 27 kg. Whereas, the female Huskies weigh between 16 kg to 23 kg. The male Huskies can be as high as 54 to 60 cm, and female Huskies are usually around 50 to 56 cm.

Medical Cost

There are different medical costs for both genders. If you purchase a female Siberian Husky, it will have more spaying costs. The majority of times, the female Huskies recover very quickly. The young female Husky can experience menstruation and requires to get spayed.

However, this is not in the case of male Siberian Huskies. They have other medical issues like joint issues. The male Huskies are very energetic as compared to females, and that is why they are more prone to getting injured. On the other hand, injuries are less common in female dogs.

Life Span of Both Genders

Female Huskies are known to outlive the male Huskies. However, the data is not significant to prove this theory to be 100% correct. Although, it is quite notable that in almost every dog breed, females tend to outlive the male dogs.

But the difference in life span is not significant. The female Huskies usually live a few years more than the male, provided that both are raised under the same conditions. The female Huskies are very calm in comparison to the male counterpart. They require less physical activities in contrast to male dogs.

The average life span of Huskies is around 12 to 15 years. The life span of your dog depends on different things like health conditions, quality of diet, and amount of exercise they do every day. The male Husky is quite energetic in comparison to female one, and that is why they need to release more energy every day.

If they are not able to release energy through physical activities, then there is a high chance that it will adversely affect their health.

Taking good care of Husky can increase its life expectancy regardless of gender. However, certain illnesses can bring down their life span, which should be taken care of through proper visits to the vet.

I have jotted down a few ways through which you can help your male Huskies to live longer:

  1. Daily exercise to make them lean, because lean dogs tend to live two to three years longer.

  2. Vaccination for common diseases can save your Husky’s life, and they tend to live longer.

  3. By consulting your vet, you can control the parasites like heartworm, which is life-threatening.

  4. Provide your Husky with an active lifestyle. Try to entertain them, so they do not get bored. It helps to boost the mood and consequently has positive effects on the health of your dog.

My Final Thoughts

There is not much significant difference between male and female Siberian Huskies. However, you need to consider some points to decide which gender to go with.

Males Huskies are very dominant and hard to train in comparison to the female counterpart. They are also very stubborn and can cause you problems.

However, they are very loveable and loyal to owners. The playful nature and attachment to the master can make you fell in love with them. Females Huskies, on the other hand, are a bit shy and tend physically not as active as the male Huskies. They are a bit smaller in size and weigh lower than male dogs.

They are easier to train than male Huskies and quite mature as well. If you are considering a dog whose life span should be more, the female dogs are the best option. Because female Huskies tend to live a few years more than the male dogs, the female Huskies are also not as aggressive as male dogs.

They are quite calm but prone to mood swings. They spend less time with owners in comparison to male dogs but are equally loyal. Female Huskies do not surpass the owners because they do not have an authoritative nature.

Male Huskies tend to become the pack leaders and can be aggressive with owners to become dominant. However, with female Huskies, you would not face such problems.

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