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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Samoyed: A Side-by-Side Comparison

If you’re thinking of getting a new Samoyed puppy, one of the first things you may have considered is whether to get a male or a female Samoyed.

Apart from their anatomical differences, male and female Samoyeds are slightly different in looks, temperament, health, trainability, and how they interact with people and other dogs.

What’s the difference between a male and female Samoyed? The main differences are that a male Samoyed is more playful, more likely to bond with all family members equally, and more desire to please his owner, while the female Samoyed is slightly easier to train, less demanding of attention, and more cautious with children.

There’s a ton of debate amongst dog owners whether one gender is better than the other. Some owners claim males are more energetic and friendly, while females work better with families and children.

Then there are other considerations, like the physical appearance, how fast they learn, and whether the chosen new dog will match their owner’s lifestyle or purpose.

If you’re interested in finding out whether there’s a difference between the two sexes, especially with the Samoyed dog breed, then read on.

Does Dog Gender Really Matter?

Choosing a dog based on gender is important for some pet parents, while for others, not so. As a puppy, both female and male dogs are pretty similar. This is also true for the Samoyed.

In fact, experts like holistic vet Dr. Gary Richter, author of The Ultimate Pet Health Guide, contend a dog’s sex has no bearing on whether they would be suitable for you as a pet. And it shouldn’t be a major factor when deciding which one to get.

However, it is understandable if certain dog owners have specific preferences. Some people want a dog to match their lifestyle. They may also want one with a particular “look” or need one with a high/low energy level.

In these cases, it would be best to find out if a dog’s gender will play a role in how they will behave overall.

Physical Differences

In terms of physical build, a male and female Samoyed look the same upon initial glance. But look closer and you’ll find slight differences between the two, apart from the obvious anatomical makeup.

The differences in their looks could be important to you especially if you’re looking for a dog that will perform in shows.

Below is a brief overview of what differences you can expect to see in terms of their appearance.


A male Samoyed is bigger and heavier compared to females. They stand between 21 and 23.5 inches in height and can weigh between 45 and 65 pounds. They also tend to have a distinctive look. They have blockier, more masculine heads and sport a heavier ruff around their necks.

In terms of coloration, according to the AKC, a full breed standard Samoyed can have white, cream, white/biscuit combo or an all-biscuit colored double coat. This is true for both males and females.


Female Samoyeds are smaller in built and bone structure. They stand at the height of 19 to 21 inches and weigh around 35 to 50 pounds. Their bodies are longer compared to males, and they feature a less prominent ruff on their neck.

Meaning, it won’t look as lush or thick as those of the male. Females do have the same weatherproof double coat as the males, but their coats tend to have a softer texture.

Temperamental & Behavioral Differences

A dog’s behavior and temperament is the result of how they were raised or trained. The environment they live and grow up in will affect whether they will become aggressive or affectionate as an adult.

Generally, a dog’s gender doesn’t impact much of their behavior since their manners are acquired and shaped through training. But there is one thing to note. Gender can affect the dog’s capacity to learn or adapt during training sessions.


A male Samoyed can get a bad rep because they are often accused of being more boisterous and dominant. But this has more to do with their training and background than anything else.

A few general behaviors you can expect from them are as follows:

  1. Male Samoyeds are more stable with less emotional swings.

  2. They are more outgoing and welcoming when it comes to strangers and other pets.

  3. They are friendly but are easily distracted.

  4. They are carefree but more dependent compared to females.

  5. They can be mischievous and playful, with an extra ounce of energy to spare. This dog is already an active breed by nature, so this trait is important for dog owners to consider.

  6. They are a bit clumsy. They can bump or knock into objects around the home and can run into their human without stopping. For this reason, they’re not recommended around young children since they could cause accidental injury.

  7. They are also more cuddly with their owners and even a bit clingy.

  8. Like all Samoyed, they are fiercely loyal to their humans.


Female Samoyeds mature faster than males even if the two are the same age. As a result, some owners prefer female Samoyeds because they’ll be easier to train. However, this doesn’t mean they are smarter.

Females are also more affectionate. But this comes with a caveat; they are only affectionate whenever they want to. For example, they can approach you to be petted, but they will walk away once they’ve had enough.

Here are some behaviors you can expect from females:

  1. Female Samoyeds are less dependent and more self-sufficient.

  2. They are more expressive when it comes to things they don’t like.

  3. They are sweet but standoffish.

  4. They are easier to housebreak because of their faster maturity level.

  5. They are less social and a bit guarded when around strangers or other pets.

  6. They can become moody at times.

  7. They can get along with fellow female dogs outside the home but can become aggressive when a new female is brought in to live with them.

  8. A spayed female Samoyed can be less irritable and aggressive.

Speaking of spaying, it’s important to note neutering or spaying your dog will alter some behaviors or temperament. For instance, spayed females and neutered males will no longer roam around in search of a mate.

This reduces the chances of them wandering off from your property or jumping fences searching for a partner. Neutered males will also have lesser tendencies of spraying or marking their territory around the home.

Differences in Children Engagement

The Samoyed breed is known for being friendly and loyal dogs. And many pet owners consider them to be fantastic breeds when it comes to families with children.

They are playful and patient, in general. And because they are working animals, they have a lot of energy and can keep up with young kids running around.

What’s more, this breed has been interacting with humans for a long time, so they are used to being around people and children. As for gender-specific differences in how they deal with kids, these are minimal but there might be a few things you’ll notice.


Male Samoyeds often have more energy and are more playful and active. This means if you have young children, they may get too rowdy for them. Of course, this is all play and fun for the animal. But their fun can cause injury if the child is too young.

A male may tend to run around or get overly excited when they see their human again after a long time, running into them or jumping on them without consideration.

On top of this, males are clumsier. They tend to run and jump at the height of play or excitement. It shows they are healthy, but again, it can be too much to handle.


Because they mature faster, females are more docile and better suited in homes where young children are present. They will still be playful and energetic, but they won’t be as rowdy as a male.

Female Samoyeds are also more cautious by nature, so they’re less likely to rush into kids or people.

Trainability Differences

This breed is highly active and independent, and they will get bored when they don’t get enough stimulation or exercise. Boredom could lead to destructive behavior like chewing on furniture or nipping at their paw or feet endlessly.

Regardless of their gender, every Samoyed can develop bad habits when not trained right. That’s why it’s always advisable to teach your pet proper manners when they are still young.


A Samoyed, by nature, is intelligent. They are perceptive and can follow instructions with ease. For males, training can be challenging only because they mature much later and are easily distracted, making it difficult for them to focus on the commands you give out.

Housebreaking them will also be tricky for this reason. Because of this, some Samoyed owners prefer to wait until after the dog has turned four months old to start training. Nevertheless, once you do find the right way to teach and train them, they are highly obedient animals.


Female Samoyeds are more focused and easier to train than males. With good reinforcement and patience, they can grasp what you’re trying to teach them in a short time. Females can be potty-trained at a younger age than four months.

Of course, the environment plays a huge role in the way your pet will behave as an adult. If you can train them as a puppy, they will become well-adjusted adults.

A quick video of Arya, a one-year-old female Samoyed showing off the tricks she’s learned so far!

Dog training and tricks - 1 yr Samoyed<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dog training and tricks - 1 yr Samoyed" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Differences in Relationship with Other Dogs and Pets

If a Samoyed is raised with another dog or other pets, they should get along fine with them. But when it comes to introducing new dogs and pets to them, there is a chance they might react differently based on their gender.

Even if it’s not in their nature, a Samoyed can become aggressive towards other animals when they are in pain or if they are provoked or fear the person or animal. It’s also important to remember this dog is primarily a hunting breed.

They have an innate instinct to chase, so if you introduce cats or rabbits in the home, they could become “prey,” with the animal playfully jumping and biting them.

Training and socialization is still the primary factor in how your pet will behave around new animals.


A male Samoyed is friendlier around other dogs and pets. But, one thing to remember is they can have a high prey drive. This means they will pounce on other tiny pets or animals in the form of play. If they’ve been trained and socialized right, they will know proper behavior and will less likely do it.


On the other hand, a female is a bit cautious when it comes to other dogs or pets when first introduced. However, they are inclined to show intra-species aggression, where they become aggressive towards other female dogs and only stop until they’ve injured them.

This is rare, and again, can be eliminated if the dog has been socialized and trained as a puppy.

Health Differences

Healthwise, a male and female Samoyed will have different health concerns. It will also depend on whether the dogs are neutered/spayed or not.


A male Samoyed is rowdier and clumsier than its female counterpart; thus they are more prone to random injuries. This means potential problems in their bones, joints, or hips.

If a male Samoyed is left unneutered, he could suffer from specific health issues. They have a higher chance of developing testicular cancer or prostate problems.

Males are also prone to Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy, a hereditary condition affecting the kidneys. Male puppies with this condition will look healthy and fine for the first few months of their lives but may suddenly fall ill and suffer from renal failure.


Female Samoyeds, while still active, won’t be as rowdy as males. They are also more careful around their surroundings. This lessens the likelihood they would suffer from injuries from being clumsy or being too hyperactive.

If female Samoyeds are left unspayed, they have the likelihood of developing various mammary tumors or suffer from an infected uterus.

Females could also get Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy but their condition usually appears at 2-3 months of age and it’s not as severe as those suffered by males.

Overall, the breed itself has certain health concerns they’re likely to suffer regardless of their gender. These include:

  1. Glaucoma

  2. Hip Dysplasia

  3. Hypothyroidism

  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy

  5. Diabetes Mellitus

  6. Cancer

Choosing a Samoyed Based on Your Lifestyle and Preference

After considering the slew of differences between a male and female Samoyed, it should be easier to pick which gender to go for. The most important thing though is to note your personal preference and the type of lifestyle you lead.

Below is a quick rundown of the general traits and behavior you can expect from each gender and which one would be great for you.

A male Samoyed would be ideal for you if:

  1. You want a dog with a beautiful, luscious ruff.

  2. You want a dog that’s friendly and has tons of energy.

  3. You want a loyal pet to stay by your side.

  4. You want a dog to go with you when exercising or doing outdoor activities.

  5. You want a strong working animal to help you with herding or hunting.

  6. You don’t mind grooming your pet all the time.

  7. You don’t mind having a “talkative” dog.

  8. You don’t mind a high-maintenance animal.

A female Samoyed would be ideal for you if:

  1. You have small children at home because females, while still active, are more cautious.

  2. You want a pet that’s intuitive and attuned to your emotions.

  3. You already have a male dog and want a partner dog to go with him.

  4. You just want a striking looking pet.

  5. You don’t mind grooming your animal daily.

  6. You have an active lifestyle and want a dog you can play with, exercise or go out with for outdoor activity.

  7. You don’t mind lots of barking or vocalizations.

  8. You don’t mind a dog that won’t “need” you all the time.

  9. You don’t mind a high-maintenance dog.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to deciding the gender of your Samoyed, it’s important to consider the key differences they have. While it’s not a lot, as a responsible dog owner, knowing all these things is key to ensuring you and your pet will have a happy and healthy time together.

A Samoyed is a stunning dog perfect for anyone with an active lifestyle. They are loving, friendly, and intelligent animals that are loyal to their masters.

A Samoyed’s sex is only one small aspect to consider when deciding to get one. There are plenty of other factors that will affect how your pet’s overall temperament, health, and behavior will be once they grow up.

Unless you have a specific reason for choosing one gender over the other, like say you want a female Samoyed for breeding purposes, then the gender of your dog shouldn’t be a huge factor in your decision.

Because once you put in the right amount of training, care and love towards your animal, they’re going to grow up to be healthy, loyal, and well-behaved dogs that will keep you company for years to come.

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