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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Rottweiler: Which Is Better?

Both male and female Rottweilers have been known to produce superb family pets, although both have notable differences that should be distinguished.

Through this, you will be guided to choose which one is satisfactory for your type. Know the important steps upon choosing between a male or female Rottweiler before buying a new pup. What is the best fit for you and your home should always matter.

Should you get a male or a female Rottweiler? If you want an affectionate and easier to train type of Rottweiler, you may want to get a male Rottweiler. If you desire a muscular, aggressive, and protective type of a Rottweiler, you may want to get a female Rottweiler. Don’t worry though, both can still make great companions.

This article will help you decide which Rottweiler is suitable for you by providing information on differences between a male and female Rottweiler. Unlike any other pet, there is a lot to work on for those considering getting a Rottweiler.

So let’s dig deeper into details about the differences between both sexes.

Male Rottweilers


Height: 24 – 27 inches (61 – 69 cm)

Weight: 110 – 132 lbs (45 – 60 kg)

Puppy Price: $850 – $1,500

Lifespan: 8 – 10 Years

Build: Larger built with more muscle mass.


  1. Loyal, loving, and confident guardian.

  2. More likely to bond with all family members.

  3. More aggressive.

  4. Clumsy around kids.

  5. Loves to please his owner.

  6. Slightly more food motivated.

  7. Likes being babied.

  8. More playful and energetic throughout life.

  9. Matures slower usually by age of 4.

  10. Tends to protect a territory or whole family.

  11. Tends to be a bit messier.

  12. More attention seeking.

  13. Clingy most of the time.

  14. Easily get distracted and harder to train.

  15. Harder to train him to walk off leash and stay close to you.

  16. Gets along well with female dogs.

  17. Less likely to get along with other dogs or animals.

  18. Less suspicious of strangers.

  19. Easier to socialize with people.

  20. More maintenance required.

Female Rottweilers


Height: 22 – 25 inches (56 – 64 cm)

Weight: 77 – 106 lbs (35 – 48 kg)

Puppy Price: $1,000 – $2,500

Lifespan: 8 – 10 Years

Build: Smaller built with less muscle mass.


  1. Loyal, loving, and confident guardian.

  2. Tends to bond with one person in the family.

  3. Less aggressive.

  4. More cautious around kids.

  5. Slightly less desire to please her owner.

  6. Slightly less food motivated (except when pregnant).

  7. More independent.

  8. Tends to be less playful all the time.

  9. Matures quicker usually by age of 2.

  10. Tends to protect an individual (her owner).

  11. Tends to be cleaner.

  12. Less attention seeking.

  13. Respects your time alone.

  14. More focused and easier to train.

  15. Easier to train her to walk off leash and stay close to you.

  16. Gets along well with male dogs.

  17. More likely to get along with other dogs or animals.

  18. More suspicious of strangers.

  19. A bit harder to socialize with people.

  20. Less maintenance required.

Physical Differences


Male Rottweilers can have a similar physique to females at first glance but there are some exact differences between the two. Males are about two to three inches taller on average and 20 to 30 pounds heavier.

Overall, they are larger than female Rottweilers. Male Rottweilers also have larger body frames and bigger body mass with wider chests in comparison to female Rottweilers.


Female Rottweilers have more lenient and rounder body frames unlike male Rottweilers. Females are about two to three inches smaller and 20 to 30 pounds lighter than males. Females are more reserved and some say they are more refined in appearance than males.

Temperamental Differences


Male Rottweilers are known to be more active and goofier. Usually, they learn to behave at around the age of three to four, unlike females who tend to behave around the age of two. Most Rottweiler owners prefer males because of their playful character and the devotedness to their owners.

They are more amicable inside and outside homes and quicker to adjust in a strange environment unlike females who are more likely to be wary. They are also naturally laid-back and easy to please.

A male Rottweiler’s fun-loving attitude also means they love to be messy around than females. This can be frustrating at times when you need to remove them from mud or any other form of dirt, most especially if they are playing with young ones outside off-leash.

TIP: Do not yell at your male Rottweilers when they are acting up. Instead, pat their head or back so that they will calm down. They will get used to it later on. Yelling at them will more likely make them headstrong and disobeys to your instruction. Rottweilers see it as an enemy rather than an order. John Carter –

Males are more affectionate than females; this makes them easily feel rejected. In order to warn or discipline them without scolding, train them with basic hand signals for them to follow your instructions.

All types of Rottweilers are amazing playmates and bodyguards. Males tend to be more devoted to the owner’s family because they see them as one. Unlike female Rottweilers, they bond more with humans. Because of this, they seem to be more home-friendly and lovable.


Most Rottweiler owners who have lived with both female and male Rotties could confirm that females are more reserved and serious in everything they do than males. Because they mature quicker, they can be easily trained in their pup years.

They begin to act like adults at the age of two, which is about half the time of a male Rottie. Many have said that females suit owners who want to focus on training and strict discipline.

Females are less amiable to humans and strangers in public and strange environments. They can be aggressive in some circumstances but they are calmer in basic disposition.

Their timidity depends on the situation and they are less likely to get along with dogs than males. Females do not have a balanced temper due to its high sensitivity.

Female Rotties are also much more alert in their surroundings. They are also cautious about their own bodies. They clean themselves when they feel like they are about to get messy, which is a notable attitude of a female Rottweiler.

Female Rottweilers are more territorial and careful. Unlike male Rottweilers, females are more likely to be devoted only to a specific person in the family. They may be less hyper than male Rottweilers, but they are always protective and adoring at times.

They are more obedient and easier to instruct, but only to the person they are fond of. Yes, female Rottweilers are human pickers most of the time.



At a young age, male Rottweilers are known to have a carefree personality, which makes them less focused when you train them. Obviously, this goofiness will test your patience in keeping your Rottie’s attention while you are giving him basic lessons at an early age.

Frankly speaking, they are a bit difficult to train when they are younger. Do not worry; they will learn to calm down. They will behave maturely at the age of three or four.

Don’t be complacent either. Their friendliness and playfulness can become cons in training male Rotties because they have feeble distractions that may stress you out when you are in public places, especially when a male Rottie is off-leashed.

Male Rottweilers can be naughty at times, but they are eager to please their owners. Although sometimes they dwell more on fun things, they can also follow instructions with all their desire and interest.


Female Rottweilers, being more serious and focused, are seen to be suitable for first-time owners. Females mature quicker than males and are more likely to be independent learners at the age of two. Training a female Rottie is not as difficult as training a male one because you can trust her alone, and at the same time, obey instructions.

Female Rottweilers are definitely fit for off-leash training since they are uncomplicated to teach. On the other hand, asking them to complete a task is a bit tough for first-time owners.

Most importantly, female Rottweilers are sensitive; this is because of their motherly nature. Their protective and empathetic characteristics toward their owners can outdo the male ones.

Health Differences


The larger body mass of the male Rottweiler makes it more prone to injuries and joint diseases. Sadly, male Rottweilers tend to have shorter lifespans than female ones because they are more active in their younger years.

The larger the body, the heavier the weight a Rottweiler would carry. Also, irregular training can add more strains. Too many difficult tasks in their everyday life can weaken their body.

Studies have shown that male Rottweilers are prone to diseases that affect the shoulder joints. This can also be a problem caused by the Rottweiler’s rapid growth rate. It is important for a Rottweiler to have its body and bones examined.

In my experience, there are no further studies between the correlation between sex and lifespan. The life expectancy of a Rottweiler will remain as it is between males and females in this site until I discover a noteworthy study explaining otherwise.


Female Rottweilers are deemed to have lighter bodyweight and smaller body frames and these make them move a little easier. Many suggest that they have a longer lifespan than their male counterparts because they do not experience strains.

But others would say that both males and females have the same lifespan. They are also less prone to cardiovascular diseases, breathing problems, and injuries. Health examinations are also necessary for female Rottweilers.

Males and females are equally at risk of major diseases that affect the Rottweiler breed, such as obesity, arthritis, diabetes, heart failure, and heat stroke caused by the thick layers of fat under the skin.

Moreover, I did find one interesting study that was conducted on Rottweilers in which it suggests that female dogs could live about 30% longer, but it is only applicable to those who aren’t spayed until after the age of four. You can find it here.

Rottweiler Health Testing – A centralized canine database sponsored site for those who want to conduct health testing for their Rottweilers. I do not own the site, but I highly suggest you scan their offers to check your Rotties. This testing is not only limited to specific breeds. They conduct most especially on the testing of puppies to ensure proper health.

With Children


In earlier discussions, we know for a fact that male Rottweilers are more playful and fun-loving than females. But sometimes, they can be messy and clumsy. This can be a problem when Rottweilers live with a tiny child at home. Surely, they love to run and play, bounce and jump and are more hyper than the female Rottweilers until the age of three or four.

Their hyperactivities may injure a child if not guarded. Accidents are more likely to happen when a male Rottweiler plays with a small kid. They can be aggressive at times, can knock over or run over a kid, resulting to further injuries. Other than that, they are generally good with kids.

Getting a male Rottweiler is better if you have a kid who is also a dog lover. The kid can benefit from the fun the dog brings, and they can play all day long until their bodies are worn out from playing together.


Let’s get this straight; female Rottweilers are more cautious around kids since they are more intense and mature quicker than males. Accidental injuries are less likely to happen (which is a great thing) when you have younger kids at home with a female Rottweiler.

As I have mentioned earlier, the only cons of getting a female Rottweiler is that they tend to bond strictly more to a specific person in the house. It could be the child or the owner, perhaps. Females are more likely to be pushy and affectionate to a certain person and will never leave their eyes on them.

Although they are somehow more reserved and calmer, females still love to have fun with people even if they do not play all day long. They sometimes become distant when they sense that they have enough playtime.

For more helpful information on how to teach your dogs basic obedient signals, there are lots of articles on the Internet that can surely help you. You can browse for blogs that will definitely make your dog a better companion.

With Other Dogs


Male Rottweilers are more likely to prove superiority over other dogs, which can result in conflict. Though they usually stop the fight at an early point whereas females get into more serious fights. The best thing you can do is to have a male Rottweiler in a house with a bitch.

Neuter your male Rottweiler (if you own a few) to get rid of issues like same-sex aggression. Also, train your male Rottweiler to socialize in their pup years because the interaction is important.

Aside from that, it is not complicated to socialize your male Rottweiler with other dogs since they are naturally sociable and outgoing. This makes them more likely to play with others than females do.

Females may be more territorial than male Rottweilers, but males are protective too. That is why they get mad when they see another strange dog in their territory. Nevertheless, when they get used to others, they will be more amicable than they were before.


Female Rottweilers are less likely to get into fights. They do not want to approach other dogs at the first try and will just mind their own business. It may be difficult for you to push your female dog to befriend another dog, but keep on trying.

The feminine nature of female Rottweilers proves that they do not do well more on alpha dog issues. Obviously speaking, they are more likely to get along with male dogs than females. Same-sex aggression issues are less likely to occur when having a female Rottweiler.

There are lots of studies all over the Internet that presented the comparative analysis of the sexes when it comes to the intensity of fights. The severity matters to the conflict. Generally, male Rottweilers tend to stop fighting when they have already proven who among them is dominant.

In the case of female Rottweilers, they need to be guarded when in serious conflict with another dog because the fight will not stop unless they have injured one another.

If you decide to get two female Rottweilers, make sure that one is way older than the other female for them to have a sibling-like interaction.

Which Is Better for a Family?

This is a tough question for some Rottweiler parents because both have a high level of intelligence that makes them ideal. There is no right or wrong answer though; it only depends on the environment and circumstances you are in. Both can protect homes and families, making them especially fit as a companion.

Female Rottweilers are capable of protecting their territory and do not welcome people unless properly introduced. However, not all Rottweilers are like that. So, it is important to note the best edges of both female and male Rottweilers.

Advantages of Male Rottweilers in a Family Environment:

  1. Males can have fun all day long with kids

  2. Interested in outside environments like outings.

  3. Male Rottweilers tend to grow bigger and faster.

  4. Clever and creative in getting a female.

  5. More likely to be amiable and bond to the whole family equally.

  6. Stronger and faster when it comes to following instructions.

  7. Utilizes the alpha structure.

  8. Becomes less domineering when neutered.

  9. Make a better guard dog.

Advantages of Female Rottweilers in a Family Environment:

  1. Loyalty to a specific person is very high.

  2. Cautious around kids.

  3. Female Rottweilers live longer.

  4. Have unique, fierce, protective qualities.

  5. More guarded in public places.

  6. Less messy and clumsy during the pup years.

  7. Less difficult to train at an earlier age.

  8. Easier to get along with male dogs at home.

If you already own a dog in your family, the best thing you can do is to get a dog of the opposite sex to avoid dog conflicts. If you push through getting a dog of the same sex, see to it that the dogs are healthy and remember the necessary age gaps of the two dogs. I highly suggest getting two dogs of the opposite sex.

If you want your children to have more playmates in the house, I suggest getting a male Rottweiler since it is known to be more playful and goofier. It will be less hassle for you to entertain your kids since the male Rottweiler can play with them all throughout the day.

On the other hand, female Rottweilers are the best fit for families who have infants and toddlers since they are more cautious around kids.

Regardless of which sex you want to get, you must never forget to teach them how to interact with other dogs and socialize with strangers. If they are well-trained, they will do better in a family environment. You will never regret getting a Rottweiler if they are properly trained.

Which Is a Better Guard Dog?

Yes, this is another difficult question to answer. In fact, both are the best guard dogs. The level of protectiveness depends not on the sexes but to the surroundings they lived in. They both exceed one another when one of them is heavily trained and the temperament they individually have.

Their protectiveness also depends on what sort of guard work you want them to perform. In this matter, let us look at the differences between both sexes when it comes to guarding work and dissecting the characteristics they both acquire. The following aspects only depend on the circumstances they are in.

Advantages of Male Rottweiler Guard Dogs:

  1. More muscular and stronger.

  2. Have a fiercer and deeper bite.

  3. Have an innate nature to establish territory.

  4. More likely to get into fights when they sense danger.

Advantages of Female Rottweiler Guard Dogs:

  1. Matures quickly.

  2. Can do guard work during their early years.

  3. More sensitive to strangers.

  4. More likely to be aloof.

  5. Great at protecting a specific family member.

  6. Highly territorial over their environment or belongings.

It is really a case-to-case basis in deciding which of both sexes would best fit for guard work. The list could help you think if it is male or female that you would like to get.

If you want a Rottweiler that can generally protect your household, property, or family, then get a male Rottweiler. If you want a personal bodyguard that can accompany you wherever you may go, you can have a female Rottweiler.

If you desire a Rottweiler that could give you personal protection, I suggest you get a female one. Male Rottweilers are best for general guard work, so if you want to secure your family, then getting a male one is a good choice.

Nevertheless, they always excel in any guard work. If you are interested to know more about how to train your Rottweiler to become a great guard dog, you have to study how to motivate them during training.

Final Thoughts

Writing this article is an accomplishment because I believe that through this, I can lead you to the right choices. Generally, Rottweiler is a powerful breed with a protective instinct that requires strict training and socialization.

Regardless if you pick a male or a female, as long as you train and teach them how to socialize properly, you will be glad about your decision.

I dig deeper into the differences of both sexes of a Rottweiler in this article. But always remember that these subtle differences are only minimal. There is more to just only deciding which sex is better. It solely depends on the dog’s temperament, the environment they are in, and the efforts you exerted to make them a better Rottweiler.

Hopefully, this article helped you to choose whether a male or female Rottweiler is best for you. If you are still confused, you may consider getting other dog breeds if you would like.

You may become interested in getting a male or female Pug, Pomeranian, or German Shorthaired Pointer instead. There are several articles about other breeds on this site. Check them out when you have time!

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