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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Chow Chow: Which Is Better?

They say that male and female are worlds apart. Aside from the physiological difference, many people believe that gender plays a role in a human’s personality. This leads to many thinking there’s also a difference in a dog’s traits depending on their gender.

Male and female Chow Chows aren’t worlds apart especially physically. However, there are still key differences between their traits. Male Chow Chows are slightly more aggressive, while females are tamer. As you move forward, you’ll see how this difference affects the two genders.

If you’re wondering how a Chow Chow’s traits can vary based on their sex, I suggest that you take a look at this comparison. Knowing a dog’s gender is also essential as this helps determine which is a good fit for your personality and your home. This comparison might help you a lot in choosing a dog.

Does Gender Really Matter?

All dogs are different, as numerous factors could affect their behavior and their trainability. But when talking about the relationship between their gender and their traits, there isn’t much difference.

However, a dog’s biological sex matters because it can explain some of its behavior and specific health issues. Thus, one can become more aggressive than the other due to health reasons and vice versa.

The gender of the dog mostly matters if you already have another one at home. Chow Chows tend to be more aggressive towards dogs that are of the same sex as them. Basically, choose a female Chow if you have a male dog and get a male Chow if you have a female dog.

That being said, you should keep in mind that female Chow Chows will eventually go into heat. With a mate readily available, they can reproduce very quickly. If you don’t plan on having more dogs, choose a male Chow Chow or have your female Chow Chow spayed.

Lastly, keep in mind that dogs are a lifetime commitment for you. Although gender differences aren’t significant, they still affect certain things such as temperament and health. As such, always put some thought when getting either a male or female Chow Chow.

Physical Differences

Unlike other dog breeds, Chow Chows are more comfortable to identify. Regardless of their gender, their squashed face is one of the characteristics that quickly gives them away. They have droopy eyes and naturally upright ears. Chows also have facial folds, which makes them look more like a bear.

They also have distinctive black/blue tongue, one of the prerequisites to determine purebred offspring, as per Linda Love Banghart in an interview with the American Kennel Club.

Both males and females can have two types of coats too. Rough-coated Chows have longer hair on their body down to the tip of their tail and a mane on their neck. On the other hand, those with a smooth coat have shorter hair lengths.


One of the key physical differences between male and female Chow Chows is the size. Males generally grow up to 19 inches and weigh 55 to 71 pounds. Male Chow Chows tend to be larger in frame and overall weight as compared to their female counterpart.

Of course, another key difference is their reproductive organs. As male dogs have penises, they can undergo neutering to control their reproductive capacity. Neutering also lowers the risks of various diseases while some claim that it changes the temperament or aggression of the dog as well.


Female Chow Chows can grow up to 18 inches which are slightly smaller than the average size of a male Chow Chow. As for their weight, they can grow up to 44 to 60 pounds. In terms of the overall frame, female Chow Chows are often slimmer in nature.

Instead of neutering, female Chow Chows undergo spaying. It has the same benefits as neutering for males.

Temperamental Differences

Chow Chow is a unique dog breed. Aside from its distinctive look, it also has a temperament that’s unlike other dog breeds. Here’s a closer look at their personality.

Chow Chows are aloof creatures. Both males and females are like these and there are certain traits that both genders share.

Dogs are known as loyal creatures. But Chow Chow is a bit different. Most dogs are also loyal to their owner’s whole family. However, Chows are faithful solely to their owners.

Chows are quiet and calm (like cats, again). They don’t usually release their aggression to anyone or anything unless they’re provoked. Like cats, they don’t require plenty of exercise.


In general, male Chow Chows tend to be more aggressive, but as I’ve said, many factors are affecting how aggressive they are. This aggressiveness affects their other personality traits.

According to Daily Puppy, the first Chow Chows were bred for numerous purposes. But back in the old days, they mainly served as watchdogs and were used for hunting.

And some of their traits still exist today, particularly their strong hunting instincts. Thus, in general, they are sometimes hard to manage. So don’t be fooled by their adorable fluffy appearance.

As male Chow Chows are more aggressive, they tend to become warier of their surroundings. That isn’t to say that they will attack on sight. What this means is that they tend to be better guard dogs at most.


Like in all breeds, female Chow Chows in heat, and those that recently gave birth will be more aggressive due to their hormones. Once spayed, this aggression could be lessened.

As females are more reserved as compared to males, they tend to be easier to train. Their lowered aggressiveness also highlights some of Chow Chow’s basic temperament. They are like cats – reserved and dignified.

They’re known to be aloof towards people they aren’t familiar with. But the good news is they only reserve their affection for their owner. Some have said that female Chow Chows tend to be more passionate towards their owners.

Trainability Differences


Male Chow Chows can be trained a variety of tricks. Some owners say that Chow Chows are just as easy to train as other dog breeds. However, it’s better to train them in a private area like at home instead of the outdoors like the park.

Male Chow Chows get their attention divided quickly so they can get distracted when seeing other dogs drawing near.


In an interview with The Insider, Johanna Reel said most pet owners claim that female dogs are more comfortable to train than male dogs. They believe that the former is “more attentive” while the former is more distant, thus improving trainability. However, more scientific studies are needed.

This claim is most likely due to the fact female Chow Chows tend to be more reserved. Thus, their attention is more focused as compared to males.

Again, various factors are at play in a dog’s behavior. And behavior plays a huge part in a dog’s trainability.

But generally speaking, the difficulty level of training male and female Chow Chows varies. Naturally, such dogs are reserved just like cats. It’s not easy for them to trust just anyone but their owner.

They can be stubborn, too, as they are very independent. So if you want them to do well in competitions, you will need firm patience and lots of creativity in training them.

Health Differences

When it comes to health, both male and female Chow Chows are prone to several diseases. As per dog trainer and breed selection consultant Michele Welton in an article I’ve read from Your Purebred Puppy, these are Chow Chows’ health issues that could impact their quality of life.


Malignant melanoma is a form of skin cancer found in dogs. For Chow Chows, malignant melanoma appears between the toes and mouth. Older male Chow Chows are more prone to the disease.

Treatment for malignant melanoma often requires surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. It’s best to have this treated immediately before the disease spreads across the body.

As they are larger, male dogs are prone to some orthopedic conditions. Chow Chows have a high risk of cruciate ligament rupture.

This is caused by breeders forcing the dog breed to have straight, tall legs, resulting in tight ligaments. Simple tasks such as going upstairs could make a Chow Chows ligament rupture.


Female Chow Chows are sometimes at a disadvantage because unlike males, they can suffer from reproductive issues. That can be said for female Chow Chows.

A common disease that female Chow Chows might have is Mastitis. This is distinguished by the inflammation of the mammary glands. It occurs after a dog gives birth. In worst cases, Mastitis leads to infections which can be treated with antibiotics.

In minor cases, you can place a hot compress on the inflamed mammary gland to reduce the discomfort on the dog.

Aside from Mastitis, female Chow Chows can also suffer from various reproductive disorders such as pseudopregnancy, Dystocia, and Metritis.

As you can see, there are rarely significant differences between the diseases that male and female Chow Chows are prone to. Like all dog breeds, male and female Chow Chows will benefit from being spayed or neutered. This lessens the risks of various diseases, such as cancer.

With Other Dogs And Pets


Being the aggressor, male Chow Chows tend to be more distant towards other pets. They can be more cautious of pets that are smaller than them due to their history of being hunting dogs. That doesn’t mean that Chow Chows will attack on sight.

Since being domesticated, Chow Chows have become tamer so they don’t necessarily pose a threat towards other pets in the house.


As females are tamer, they are easier to handle around other pets. When trained properly, female Chow Chows can become more sociable if associated with others at an early age.

It’s worth noting that both male and female Chow Chows are wary towards dogs of the same sex. As such, if you are thinking about getting a new dog to accompany your Chow Chow, it’s better for that dog to be of the opposite sex.

With Children


While more aggressive, male Chow Chows are often the better guard dogs as well. Having them around children they are well-acquainted with is usually not a big issue. Of course, it’s important that the child isn’t too handsy or aggressive as this can cause the Chow to react negatively.


Female Chows are more affectionate. As such, some owners believe that they can be left alone with children. Again, this depends on whether the dog is well-acquainted with the child already. In most cases, female Chow Chows will just try to ignore those around them.

Both male and female Chow Chows tend to be aloof towards strangers. Regardless of gender, they react the same to children. They are protective towards children they are acquainted with, but they might react differently towards children they don’t know.

As PetCare RX suggests, it’s not wise to leave children under the age of 6 unsupervised with a Chow Chow. Children who are handsy or loud around a Chow Chow that isn’t their pet is a dangerous mix as the aggression of the dog might get triggered.

Which Is The Better Guard Dog?

What’s great about the Chow Chow breed is that they make for excellent guard dogs. This is because of the breed’s long history of being used for such purposes.

That being said, you may want to get a male Chow Chow if you are looking for a pet solely to serve as a guard dog. Male dogs tend to become better at this task as they are slightly more aggressive than females. Let’s take a look at some advantages for both dogs.

Advantages of male Chow Chows as guard dogs:

  1. Larger frame means more physical capabilities.

  2. Increased aggression makes it more territorial and protective.

  3. Has a stronger bite.

  4. Larger frame could be intimidating to possible intruders.

  5. Size can also intimidate other dogs that are getting too close.

Advantages of female Chow Chows as guard dogs:

  1. Smaller frame means it’s more agile.

  2. Can be more protective and aggressive when in heat.

  3. More affectionate and easier around kids.

  4. Easier to train to become guard dogs because they mature quicker.

Which Gender Should You Choose?

As there aren’t any significant differences between male and female Chow Chows, the gender you choose will be dependent on your lifestyle and what you currently want.

If you already have a female or a male dog, it’s best to go with a Chow Chow of the opposite sex. This will prevent same-sex aggression, and it will also help the dog get acquainted with another dog quickly.

Male Chow Chows are the better option if you are looking for a guard dog due to their slight advantage in aggression. It’s worth noting that males have a higher chance of Malignant Melanoma, so it’s best to have them neutered early to lessen the risks of them getting it.

Female Chow Chows are great family companions as they are slightly tamer than males. Do keep in mind that female dogs, in general, are harder to take care of since you have to consider their heat cycles as well.

Final Thoughts

Aside from biological differences, there aren’t significant disparities between a male and a female Chow Chow. The differences between both genders are the same across all breeds of dogs.

Your decision should be based solely on what you need to get at the time. If you’re looking for a long-term guard dog, then try to get a male Chow Chow as they are definitely more up to the task.

Female Chow Chows can be excellent guard dogs as well but their smaller frame and reserved temperament make them less capable guard dogs.

If you are having a tough time picking between a male and female Chow Chow, you should understand what you want and need at the moment rather than the differences between them.

Your Chow Chow will be with you for a long time. Whether they are male or female matters at the end of the day and hopefully, this guide helps you out on your quest for your Chow Chow.

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