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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Bullmastiff: Which Is Better?

Honestly, if you’re real dog lover and enthusiast, you’ll understand that there may never have a correct answer to this question. Because dogs, whether males or females Bullmastiff, are amazing creatures to have as a pet.

You’ll soon realize that they are kids in your house and they will still love you the most unconditionally even if you put the least effort into them.

Choosing Bullmastiff as your pet if you’re bringing a dog home for the first time may be a brave step, but with the right training, patience, and consistency, you will be able to take care of this sturdy dog.

There may be some very defining differences between the male and female Bullmastiffs which would help you in making the right decision for you. Remember, the differences in the two sexes aren’t being highlighted to allow you to buy the best pup, but for you to find the right fit for your home.

Softies inside and hardcore dogs on the outside, the Bullmastiff is more than just a guard dog. His outward appearance may seem to tell you the opposite story but I’m sure once you have him in the house, your opinion will definitely change.

Let’s have a quick glance at this “Gamekeeper’s Night Dog.”

Male Bullmastiffs


Weight: 110 – 130 pounds

Height: 22 – 26 inches

Puppy Price: $1,200 – $1,800

Lifespan: 8 – 10 Years

Build: Strong and sturdy.

Coat Color: Fawn, Fawn Brindle, Red, Red Brindle, Red Fawn.

Prevalence: Fairly common

Female Bullmastiffs


Weight: 100 – 120 pounds

Height: 20 – 24 inches

Puppy Price: $1,200 – $1,600

Lifespan: 8 – 10 Years

Build: Strong and sturdy but a little smaller than its male counterpart.

Coat Color: Fawn, Fawn Brindle, Red, Red Brindle, Red Fawn.

Prevalence: Common

You can see that there aren’t any considerable differences between the two genders of Bullmastiff. However, when we take a more detailed look at these two, we will discover that there are differences that are very crucial to an owner who’s looking to buy a Bullmastiff.

Let us look at a more detailed comparison between the male and female Bullmastiffs:

Physical Differences

Many dog enthusiasts claim that there are not many differences between male and female Bullmastiffs and the factor that determines different behaviors and traits is their training and socialization. However, there are physical differences that are clear and those that set them apart.

When it comes to the Bullmastiff, the differences may not be easily seen in a picture but in reality, there is a difference.

On average, the male Bullmastiff is about 2 inches taller than the female. The male has a height of around 25-27 inches while the female stands at 24-26 inches.

This height difference may not matter when deciding if the male or female will be better suited for apartment life or a big house life because the difference is minimal.

Overall, the female Bullmastiffs are smaller in size and that is what makes them an attractive choice for many people. She weighs almost 15-20 pounds less than the male, making her appear more sleek and elegant.

The weight of the female can go up to 120 pounds and is at least 100 pounds while the male is a more bulky buddy with at least 130 pounds on average.

Temperamental Differences


The male Bullmastiff is known to be a little less serious than the female Bullmastiff and he may cause some problems for you due to his careless nature.

While playing with kids, he tends to lose track and a play bite here and there becomes a huge problem for the parents. However, this does not make them any less kid-friendly. Bullmastiffs love to play with kids but just be a little cautious when you leave your kids alone with them.

They tend to mature slower than the females and when they are left alone, all hell breaks loose in a good sense. The dog is ready to play with no restrictions.

This excitement also leads to a lot of drooling and when he does get tired and goes to bed, there is going to be a whole lot of snoring, really loud snoring which is not going to be easy to ignore.

If male Bullmastiffs are un-neutered, they may develop some traits that are due to testosterone such as becoming aggressive and very bossy.

They start marking their territory by occasional urination. In this time, he becomes a little careless and is very prone to wandering when off-leash. He tries to find a partner and is also known to hump a little.

So if you want to save yourself from this hassle, it’s better to get him neutered as early as you can. This may stop him from developing some bad habits and save him from a lot of other health issues.

In this time, he loves to sniff too so when you take him for a walk, you’re going to notice how much he’s sniffing and how much more attentive he’s gotten to any smells.

“Using their noses, dogs can smell another dog’s urine and learn a lot about that dog, including age, gender, and fertility,” Claflin says. For a dog looking to make more puppies, this is critical data.

This means that a walk in the park will never be the same for an un-neutered male. So, if you are choosing a male Bullmastiff, it would be better to go for a neutered pup. A neutered dog is more likely to become the family guy for you rather than someone who’s got the Casanova vibes.


When it comes to a female’s temperament, she’s literally going the natural mother instinct, just like in humans. Female Bullmastiffs are more calm, clean, intelligent, careful, serious, and wary of their owner’s emotions.

So, if you’re sad, you won’t see her jumping around the house. She’ll try to make you feel better and even give you space when you need it. Since they mature earlier than the male, it is safe to leave them home alone even with kids as they are very careful with them.

Female Bullmastiffs do love to play but with due care. However, there is a little controlling gene found in females. They like to tame the kids and everyone else. Although, when it comes to strangers, it’s very hard for female Bullmastiffs to get along with them.

They are a little shy and mostly because it takes some time for them to trust a new person. As she matures faster, she starts causing some trouble too. She goes into the heat period twice a year.

During this time, she will typically secrete a vaginal discharge that ranges in nature from very bloody and thick to light-colored and watery. This secretion signals male dogs that she is fertile. This can last between two and six weeks per cycle.

This is the time that is most difficult for owners. Many believe that spaying is a healthy procedure for the dog herself and saves her from a lot of health issues. Moreover, the problems associated with a new litter can also be avoided.

So, try to get a spayed Bullmastiff puppy if you are a first-time owner as this may be hard to handle.


I think by now we have a little understanding that the female Bullmastiff will be better at this too! Not because she’s extra smart or intelligent just because she matures faster than her male counterpart.

Maturity leads her to be more obedient and a quick learner. They are more focused on learning than the male. Our good boy here is still a little goofy when she has transformed into a woman.

Nonetheless, whether male or female, training a Bullmastiff is a difficult task. A task that not only requires time and effort but a lot of patience and consistency.

The stubborn nature of both the male and female makes it almost impossible for you to train them without some sort of positive reinforcement.

Most importantly, start this training when they are still a pup because a dog of this stature and size may be very difficult to train when they have fully grown. If they develop a habit of jumping on people in excitement, you’re going to be in a lot of trouble.

So, to prevent any incidents, train them as soon as possible. Start socializing them from an early age so that they become acquainted with their environment and knows how to act around strangers.

Show them you are the boss so that they don’t start bossing you around, and mind you that does happen. Bullmastiff has a mind of its own.

Health Differences

Generally speaking, many dog enthusiasts claim that a female dog tends to live longer. This is mostly because she weighs lesser and less stress on her body and bones which means lesser diseases. Moreover, she is always more cautious about things so the chances of her getting in trouble are lesser.

Sadly, the Bullmastiff, whether male or female, is prone to a number of diseases. It’s obviously not definite that all dogs will get the diseases but for most of them, regular visits to the vet are necessary.

Common health problems in this breed include cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, torn anterior cruciate ligaments, bloat, subaortic stenosis, skin and coat problems, hypothyroidism, and entropion.

When looking at males and females, there are some specific health issues that each gender faces; however, these may only be observed in un-neutered or un-spayed dogs.


The most common problem is the enlargement of the prostate that leads to difficulty in urination and bowel movements. Infections in the prostate are also very common and in rare cases, cancer is also a huge problem.

Testicular cancer and the occurrence of a tumor near the anal area turn out to be fatal in many cases; however, they are treatable with surgery.


Females are at a higher risk of developing life-threatening diseases if not spayed. Pyometra, an infection in the uterus, is the most common and requires immediate emergency.

Metritis, mastitis, and follicular cysts are some other common diseases. A female may need extra attention if she is not spayed.

Compatibility With Children

Bullmastiffs are known to be friendly and both males or females love kids and protect them. But there is a chance that a dog may harm a toddler unintentionally but due to his big size, he may step on a toddler or play in a dangerous manner.

The most crucial part here is the training for both the dog and the child. Both of them should be trained as to how to play and approach each other.

Teach your kids not to disturb them in sleep or take away their food as this may make them aggressive. A female nonetheless is more careful around kids and protects them like her own due to her natural instincts.

Compatibility With Other Dogs

Again this is a matter of socialization and training more than the sexual orientation of the dog. Naturally, both types of Bullmastiff are a little uneasy with other pets. They can be shy and aggressive or act completely oblivious of the presence of another dog.

The best way to make sure your dog does great with other dogs is to train them and socialize them from an early age. Familiarize them with the dog as much as you can and if it’s your new pet, then try getting the dog of the opposite sex as a Bullmastiff gets along great with a dog of the opposite sex.

Raising them together will be a great idea if you bring a pup which is less than two years old to a female Bullmastiff, she will treat the pup as her own which will make her love and protect him.

Which Is Better for a Family?

All Bullmastiffs are great dogs. They are fiercely protective and loyal and on top of that, they love to be a part of the family.

Previously, people were of the view that these dogs are only to scare away the intruders but now they not only serve that purpose but they have proved to be excellent family dogs.

This is always going to be the hardest question to answer because both of them have their pros and cons. Both are absolutely wonderful companions and amazingly protective and loyal towards their owner so the answer to this question will always be an unjust one to the other dog.

However, in my personal opinion, a female Bullmastiff would be a better choice with a house with kids. She is more careful and loving and most importantly, she focuses on protecting you and her pack, not the estate where she resides.

The fact that she matures earlier means that for a new owner, a female is easier to train because she will be eager to learn at such an early age.

On the other hand, male Bullmastiff has its own way of charming everyone. His high spirited nature is what many owners fall for. He loves to play and fool around but his clumsy behavior can cause some trouble at times.

Which Is a Better Guard Dog?

A male Bullmastiff is an Estate Guardian in the true sense. He is loyal and protective in such a way that he protects his home from any intruders. They are perfect for large estates in the countryside or any areas where there is a high chance of miscreants and poachers. Their bulky body gives them an advantage and they are easily able to scare any intruders off.

Nonetheless, a female Bullmastiff is also extremely loyal and protective of her family. But her focus is not on the estate at large. Her focuses are the kids and her pack, the family. She may alert you of intruders but she’s a little lazier than the male so she’s more prone to staying inside and protecting you from there.

My Final Thoughts

This may be one of the hardest decisions to make but you have to consider everything and make the right choice according to your house. Don’t go out in search of the perfect dog. Instead, look for the dog that fits in your home.

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