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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Bulldog: Which Is Better?

Once you have realized that you want a dog, the next thing is going into the market to find the perfect dog match. A lot is put into consideration when making a choice, of which deciding which gender to get is a priority.

Male and female Bulldogs are both excellent companions, but there are a few differences between the two. The awareness of these differences will help you decide which to get.

Should you go for a male or female Bulldog? If you prefer a Bulldog that is friendlier, easy-going with other pets, and gentler around kids, then a female Bulldog is what you want. If you would like a Bulldog that is more playful, likely to form a bond with a specific member of the family, and less moody, then what you want is a female.

Before we go proper into the article, there is a point to note. While it is essential to know the differences between male and female Bulldogs, you should understand that the purpose of knowing is not to decide which gender is superior. Instead, you should know their dissimilarity to decide which would make the best fit for you and your family.

Male Bulldogs


Height: 12 – 16 inches (31 – 40 cm)

Weight: 53 – 55 lbs (24 – 25 kg)

Puppy Price: $1,300 – $1,800

Lifespan: 8 – 12 Years

Build: Larger built with more muscle mass.


  1. Friendly, courageous, and calm.

  2. Easier to socialize with people.

  3. Easily get distracted and harder to train.

  4. More playful and energetic throughout life.

  5. Slightly more food motivated.

  6. Likes being babied.

  7. More aggressive.

  8. More attention seeking.

  9. Reaches mental maturity slower.

  10. Tends to protect a territory or whole family.

  11. Clumsy around kids.

  12. More maintenance required.

  13. More likely to bond with all family members.

  14. Very clingy.

  15. Harder to train him to walk off leash and stay close to you.

  16. Less suspicious of strangers.

  17. Tends to be a bit messier.

  18. More stubborn.

  19. Less likely to get along with other dogs or animals.

  20. Loves to please his owner.

  21. Gets along well with female dogs.

Female Bulldogs


Height: 12 – 16 inches (31 – 40 cm)

Weight: 49 – 51 lbs (22 – 23 kg)

Puppy Price: $1,300 – $1,800

Lifespan: 8 – 12 Years

Build: Smaller built with less muscle mass.


  1. Friendly, courageous, and calm.

  2. A bit harder to socialize with people.

  3. More focused and easier to train.

  4. Tends to be less playful all the time.

  5. Slightly less food motivated (except when pregnant).

  6. More independent.

  7. Less aggressive.

  8. Less attention seeking.

  9. Reaches mental maturity quicker.

  10. Tends to protect an individual (her owner).

  11. More cautious around kids.

  12. Less maintenance required.

  13. Tends to bond with one person in the family.

  14. Respects your time alone.

  15. Easier to train her to walk off leash and stay close to you.

  16. More suspicious of strangers.

  17. Tends to be cleaner.

  18. Less stubborn.

  19. More likely to get along with other dogs or animals.

  20. Slightly less desire to please her owner.

  21. Gets along well with male dogs.

Physical Differences


Male Bulldogs will look similar to females at first till you take a closer look. Of course, there is a difference in genitalia as well as other slightly less noticeable features.

Males are heavier than females with about 4 pounds difference. They are also one inch taller. Another difference that is often not noticeable is the head size. The male’s head tends to be slightly larger than that of the female.


Female Bulldogs are generally smaller in size (not a very big difference) than the males. They are 4 pounds lighter and 1 inch shorter than the males. Also, their head tends to be slightly smaller than the males’.

Temperamental Differences


Bulldogs are known for the amount of energy they possess. As puppies, they are always very hyper and want to be active as much as possible. The males tend to carry some part of this energy into maturity (I say “some” because they grow calmer with age).

But most times, even the playfulness of a male Bulldog is not near that of some other breeds. Male Bulldogs function pretty well with routines.

As much as they appreciate their outdoor breaks, they also want you to leave them undisturbed during nap time (mostly happens more than twice a day). This is probably why a lot of people tag Bulldog as one of the laziest dog breeds.

Male Bulldogs are incredibly affectionate and enjoy their cuddle time (which can be every waking moment if you allow them). They will sit close by when you’re playing the piano, sit at your heel when you’re making breakfast, and will not hesitate to lie down next to you on the couch during movie time.

Bulldogs tend to stay very close off-leash. But males will make that a bit harder as he will run around a bit but will end up running right back to you. Unlike most males of other breeds, male Bulldogs are not nearly as territorial.

As a result, they are not aggressive, which, if they were, can spell trouble for households with toddlers. However, what they do have is extreme food possessiveness.

Feeding your male (same thing with the females) Bulldog around other pets or even children might prove destructive as they do not like intrusions, and neither do they want to share.

Like the females, male Bulldogs are great apartment dogs. No matter how small your living space is, he can live comfortably.


Like I said earlier, Bulldogs usually get mellow as they grow older. This is especially true for the female who grows calm as well as gets mood swings from time to time. Males can indeed be a bit territorial, but females instinctively defend and protect their “nest.” Their nest, in this case, is their family and those they trust.

Females do love to get attention as much as the males. They love to give affection and appreciate receiving it as well. But they will not be your lap dog all day long. They will come to you for a quick snuggle, and when they have had enough, they will give you your space.

On the matter of tenacity, female Bulldogs will press until they get what they want. And if she is not given what she wants, she gets quickly offended, gives you the stink eye, and will go and sulk somewhere else.

Bulldogs are a stubborn breed and can be bent on doing their own thing when they want. Food usually gets them up and running, which makes treats the best bribe for them.

Females are also possessive of their food. She will become aggressive around her food, and as much as she loves the kids, she can snap at them if they come too close to her bowl of food. She is also more intense and serious than males. As a result, she will be more scrutinizing and suspicious of strangers before opening up and welcoming them.

Like the males, they are also great apartment dogs and are always in tune with their owners. She can sense your distress and will come in for a cuddle just to make you feel better.



At a young age, Bulldogs are excessively playful, goofy, and hyper. Their energy is exceptionally high, and they do not mind running around all the time. They are also not very intelligent and can be very stubborn. This makes training them a pretty daunting task.

Male Bulldogs, like the females, are not great with following commands. As a puppy, he just wants to play and eat. As an adult, he could care less about activities or jobs, so he sure won’t be very willing to go out of his way to make you happy. However, this does not make them completely untrainable.

Training a male Bulldog will require persistence, consistency, and of course, patience from his owner. He will not pick up on commands as fast as a German Shepherd, but he will eventually learn.

To fully capture the interest of a Bulldog and make him want to execute commands, food and treats are the best bribes to use. Males are very much smitten with food, so they will be more willing to “sit” when they know they will get some chops out of it.


Female Bulldogs are not very different from males concerning trainability. They love food as well, so using treats as positive reinforcement works wonders. Females are more focused and serious than males and are likely to follow instructions faster.

Females are not easily distracted so they will excel better at least training than males. They will not go off running even when you take the leash off them. However, this does not mean that training a female Bulldog is easy. Because it is not.

They share the same low intelligence as the males and are also stubborn in their own right. But unlike the males, certain aspects of their temperament make them slightly better at receiving.

Health Differences


Bulldogs suffer from a lot of health issues. These problems are so much that some people consider Bulldog breeding as inhumane.

The health issues this breed suffers are almost consistent in both genders. Males and females barely have a massive difference in physical traits, so they mostly share the same health problems.

The biggest health problem that male Bulldog may develop is the Brachycephalic Syndrome resulting from their unusually smushed faces.

This leads to so many other problems, such as causing them to pant excessively during exercises, slobbering ridiculously while resting, gagging and choking while eating, heatstroke suffering, and extreme flatulence.

Other health problems widely common to male Bulldogs are; hip and elbow dysplasia, pelvic deformities, degenerative spine disease, chondrodysplasia, luxating patella, cherry eye, skin infections, overheating, and much more.

Both male and female Bulldogs are defenseless against these diseases. As a result, a high percentage of Bulldogs do not even live till old age as many die from one or several health issues.


Female Bulldogs suffer from a ton of health problems. So much so that owners are advised to take their dogs to the vet every six months for regular testing to detect any problems early enough.

Females are not prone to experiencing less of the health issues mentioned above. Instead, they suffer from more problems than males do. Coupled with the other respiratory problems, skeletal and structural disorders, skin problems, dental and mouth problems, female Bulldogs also suffer from reproductive issues.

Female Bulldogs are prone to dystocia, a condition that causes difficult births and leads to a high rate of puppy mortality.

Most times, females cannot maintain the contractions that are needed to birth their young normally. And due to the overly large size of the puppy’s head, veterinarians often opt for Caesarian sections to help the mothers give birth.

With Children


Male Bulldogs are often more playful and less serious than females. They tend to play around children a lot and are incredibly great with them. They have very few boundaries that kids should not cross as they are not as territorial as several other dog breeds.

Their size is another reason why they are perfect for kids. They can play on and around kids without the fear of crushing them. Also, they are very patient, which makes them accommodate the quirks of little children.

However, the one boundary that male Bulldogs have is that the children (or anyone) should not come close to their food. They can be loving, patient, tolerating and incredibly protective of kids in their family, but all that can go to hell if said kids attempt to come close to their food.


The female Bulldog is exceptionally protective of her nest, and that includes the kids in the family she belongs to. Her gentle demeanor makes her genuinely great with children as she is not pushy, harsh, or inpatient. She possesses a maternal instinct towards children and will faithfully watch over them.

Both female and male can sense when people are emotionally hurt or vulnerable and do all they can to make the hurt go away. Their loyalty is never stretched thin, and they will not hesitate to attack if they feel their family is under threat.

Although they experience moments of moodiness, the female Bulldog will still play with the kids but will require their own space from time to time. Unlike the males, they will not be as enthusiastic about playtime and will go sit in a corner when they have had enough.

With Other Dogs


Bulldogs are not the type of breed to get into fights over dominance. I always like to think they are too laid back for it. But the matter is, male Bulldogs do not get along very well with other dogs. They will tend to get aggressive toward other dogs, especially when these dogs are brought into the home.

A lot of the time, it all depends on the dog. Some male Bulldog owners have declared that their dogs never show any form of aggression towards other dogs, male or female.

Some other owners have said that their Bulldog would not stop fighting with the other dogs in the house. Primarily, male Bulldogs are conscious of their space and will fight for it if they sense an intruder.

Male Bulldogs will likely get into fights with other male dogs, and this problem will be even worse if the dog is not properly socialized. The best way to put a leash on this problem is to ensure you socialize your Bulldog as a puppy.

Take him to the park often, get your friends to visit your house with their own dogs, and expose him to other dogs (especially males) as much as possible.


Female Bulldogs are a bit more likely to tolerate other dogs in the house. Like we have established, they can be very calm and mellow and generally stay in their lane. But they will get along with male dogs more than they would get along with other female dogs.

Females are often concerned about protecting their family and environment and will find quarrels with other dogs if they threaten their “pack.” Females will hardly run towards other dogs to play with them, so there is often no room for aggression to brew.

A female Bulldog will have a constant struggle with another dog (especially another female) if the new dog does not respect her boundaries. This will mostly occur when other dogs disturb her during mealtime.

Like the male, any uneasiness towards other dogs will cease for the female Bulldog if she is adequately socialized from a younger age.

With Cats

Bulldogs have very great temperaments. They are hardly ever bothered by things or situations and would go through each day as calmly as possible. However, their personality will play a significant role in judging how well a Bulldog can get along with a cat.

On a broad scale, Bulldogs will get along pretty well with cats. But some Bulldogs are very territorial and equally aggressive and will make it nearly impossible for cats to live in their space. This will be more likely when the Bulldog was not socialized with other animals as a puppy.

If you want to bring a cat into your home where you already have a Bulldog, you should first consider its temperament and personality. The proper steps should be taken to ensure the smoothness of the introduction.

It may take a few days to get both animals adjusted as much as it might take weeks. As I said, it depends on the personality of your Bulldog.

Which Is Better for a Family?

There is no universal answer to this question. Generally, Bulldogs are excellent family dogs. Both males and females perform very well within a family setting, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to judge which is best.

They are both loyal, loving, affectionate, and great with kids. No gender is universally better. You just choose which suits you best.

Advantages of Male Bulldogs in a Family Environment:

  1. Very patient and generally great with kids.

  2. Loves to play.

  3. Doesn’t have too much exercise needs, so it will be great for busy families.

  4. Extremely affectionate and caring.

  5. Will coexist peacefully with other female dogs in the house.

  6. Will bond with a specific person in the family.

Advantages of Female Bulldogs in a Family Environment:

  1. Very protective of her “pack”(family).

  2. Have a maternal instinct towards kids and will care for them.

  3. Senses when family members are emotionally distressed and will offer solace.

  4. Affectionate and sweet.

  5. Very playful as a puppy.

  6. Will form an equal bond with members of the family.

If you have a Bulldog at home, whether male or female, you already have a wonderful pet. But if you wish to bring another dog home, it will be best for everyone if you got a dog of the opposite sex. If you already have a male, consider bringing a female as the addition. This will cause less friction in the home.

However, if you prefer to have two Bulldogs of the same sex, make sure one is much older than the other to avoid a power struggle. Also, when you introduce the new dog to the old, try your best to be proactive.

Male and female Bulldogs hardly have a lot of temperamental and physical differences—but both are excellent family pets. Whichever gender you choose to go for, their ability to become the best companions lies deeply in how you train them. They need to be socialized early enough to learn to get along with other animals and humans.

Which Is a Better Watchdog?

There are watchdogs, and there are guard dogs. Guard dogs are capable of protecting their owners from intruders by usual physical, aggressive means.

For this reason, guard dogs must possess the strength and confidence to fend off an attacker. On the other hand, watchdogs must be alert and intelligent enough to let their owners know about a breach in security.

Bulldogs come from a breed that was used in bullfighting centuries ago. And although they have gradually lost their strength and physique over the years, they still retain some of that zest and stubbornness.

Bulldogs are generally seen as watchdogs, but they can do more than just alert their owner to a possible threat. They can also physically cause some damage of their own.

Female Bulldogs are more protective of their environment and do not appreciate intrusions, especially when they sense a threat. It is difficult to say which gender makes the best guard dog overall.

My Final Thoughts

Bulldogs are a very loving and affectionate breed. They come packed with love and tenderness, but they are not without problems. While they make a fantastic family dog, they are prone to extreme health issues that are not easily handled.

In my opinion, there is no “better” gender. Both males and females possess amazing qualities and are great in their own way. If you are looking for an answer to which gender is best, then I suggest you look inside you.

The purpose of this article is to bring awareness of the various and subtle ways both genders are different. This is to equip you with the facts to decide for yourself. And when you decide, your choice is made because one suits you more than the other.

If you want a good family pet that will love as much as it will love every other of your family, consider the female Bulldog. But if you seek a close companion who will sit on your laps all day and have eyes only for you, think about the male Bulldog.

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