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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Male vs. Female Boxer Dog: Which Is Right For You?

The first question which comes in mind when bringing a pet dog at home is what breed you should opt for, and that is obvious. Secondly, the most crucial question which comes in mind is what sex or gender you should go for.

So, you might be confused? If you’re looking for a relatively large cuddly nature, energetic, and loving dog that can protect your property, then a male Boxer is ideal for you. But if you want to have a more mature, intelligent, loyal, and careful dog, especially with small children, then a female Boxer is ideal for you.

Physical Differences

Generally, female Boxers are slightly shorter than the male ones, but it’s not right in the case of all the breeds. However, there can be some other physical differences between a male and a female.

Similar to other breeds, the female Boxer is also slightly different from the male one. Those differences are as follows.


Male Boxers used to be heavier than females. They weigh around 65 to 80 pounds, and their height is about 22.5 to 25 inches at the shoulders. They have a healthy muscular body with floppy ears, droopy eyes, and squashed face.


It is a fact the females are shorter in size than the male ones. Female boxers are significantly smaller than the males. Females can be up to a height of around 21 to 23.5 inches while their weight is about 50 to 65 pounds.

Temperamental Differences

It is thought the male dogs are aggressive and dominant than females. And to some extent it’s right for some breeds such as male Cane Corsos, they have a dominant frame of mind naturally and are more protected.

However, to some people, temperament is an instinct that can be controlled by proper social training.

But as a whole, we can’t neglect the fact some breeds primarily work dogs are naturally aggressive and dominant, which has nothing to do with training.

Although they need more training efforts due to their independent behavior, let’s discuss the male and female temperamental differences to get a better idea about Boxer’s temperament.


Male Boxers are very much aggressive than the female Boxers and are territorial at home. They are more playful at home with the children and need at least 40 minutes of exercise daily.

Male Boxers are highly energetic and excited about to do new things, and they take more time to mature as compared to males of other breeds.

Male Boxers are comparatively challenging to train than their female counterparts. However, it takes longer for both sexes to get house trained easily. They are aggressive because of their genetic traits and history as a hunting dog and also falls into the category of working dogs.

Furthermore, male Boxer is more confident than females. They know what they are doing and don’t become shaky when it comes to taking a stand. Due to their cuddly nature, playful nature, males can be the best companion for your family.


Females Boxers are quicker to aggression as compare to their male counterparts. Females get mature earlier than the male Boxer and don’t show much excitement and affection with the owners.

But they are equally loyal and friendly as the males. Females are bit and reserve when it comes to playfulness and doesn’t get easily distracted.

The mood of female Boxes changes day by day, which makes them less predictable than the males. However, as they age, their temperament and mood used to gets in control.

The positive point about the female Boxers is that they are very obedient and dutiful and are comparatively easy to train than the male Boxers.

Females are also very affectionate and loving to family members. They are more emotionally attached than the Male Boxers, although they are not very much excited about the playfulness but are a very affectionate companion for the household due to their sensitive nature.

Trainability Differences

Training plays a vital role in determining the behavior of your pup currently and in the future. It doesn’t only affect the behavior of it but also affects one of the major factors which can enhance its overall lifespan.

Training and exercise go parallel with each other, which is necessary for every dog.

Therefore, the ability to get trained easily by your pup matters a lot. It is recommended that the breeds which are hard to train are for experience owners and which are moderately easy to train are for new pet owners.

Let’s learn the difference between male and female Boxers in terms of trainability.


Male Boxers are typically challenging to train as compared to female Boxers. But due to their medium-large size, they are not as hard as the large or giant size breeds. Males usually have an independent nature, which pushes them to retaliate during the training sessions.

Generally, Boxers are a bit stubborn in terms of temperament, but male Boxers are more stubborn, which can be difficult for the new pet owner who has no experience with the breed in the past.

However, they are a sweetheart when it comes to loyalty and playfulness. Training techniques with positive reinforcement can make them your best family companion.


Females are relatively easy to train as compare to their male counterparts. They are also a bit stubborn, as we have discussed above, similar to males but are also very obedient to their master.

It is seen that female Boxers are more cooperative in training and gets attached to its master and family member more easily.

Another interesting fact is female Boxers are quicker, active, and responsive than the male Boxers, which contribute to more speedy training. Although females get frightened more quickly than males.

Regardless of gender, we can’t deny the fact that Boxer is a bit stubborn breed which requires early socialization training to get familiar with.

They are not prone to heavy-handed training and gestures. It doesn’t work for them. They need motivation, firmness, patience, and consistency to get along with the training.

Without these fundamental requirements, they can’t be adequately trained, which will be problematic for you and your family.

Health Differences

Boxers are susceptible to many genetic or inherited health concerns, which can shorten their life expectancy. It should be kept in mind that both the males and females are prone to some common genetic disorders.

But we also can’t neglect the fact that some health concerns differ from gender to gender.

Boxers are no more different than the other breeds. Every dog is different or unique, whether it’s a male or female one. Let’s learn the differences between the health concerns of male and female Boxers.


Male Boxers are prone to testicular cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia besides the common genetic disorders of the breed.

These specific disorders related to male Boxers can be prevented by the process called neutering in which the testicles of males are removed that eliminates their sexual desire.

According to petMD, neutering the males not only eliminates the specific health problems related to gender but also the risks of other common health problems and increases the life expectancy.

Some common health concerns are cherry eye, dry eye, entropion, reverse sneezing, hip dysplasia, tail problem, and patellar luxation.


Females are also prone to some specific health concerns such as uterine infections and mammary cancer besides the common genetic health concerns which we have discussed above.

Fortunately, uterine infections and mammary cancer can be prevented by a process called spaying. Spaying is the process in which the uterus and ovaries are removed to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

With Children

Every pet owner is mostly concerned about the friendliness and adoption capability of the dogs in household settings with children.

Because every family has children and to be a family pet, the dogs must be friendly and harmless. However, to some folks, it also depends on the training.

Early socialization and proper training can control the stubbornness in the Boxers. It’s a false myth about the Boxers that they are not suitable for small children.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Boxers are one of the popular breeds as a family companion. They are gentle and playful with the kids at home.


Male Boxers are very energetic and excited. They get mature at the age of 3 years, which is relatively longer than the other breeds of the same size.

This is the reason that people often say that they don’t mature enough. Males are more playful and extrovert, and they enjoy the company of small children

But you should keep an eye on them while they fun with children at home as they are playful and friendly, but after all, they are medium-large dogs.

Boxers have a natural habit of jumping on the people to have fun. But it’s not suitable for small children. However, this habit can be eliminated by obedience and household training.


Females are more reserved than males, and they are not as much excited as males and subtle. Because they become mature earlier than the males and are equally protective for the family members. Due to their delicate nature, they are not as harmful as the males for the children.

But it doesn’t mean that they don’t need training or early socialization. Both males and females are stubborn in their early life.

Therefore, early socialization and obedience training is recommended for all type of different people.

With Other Dogs

When you opt to bring a Boxer at home, you should be aware of the specific behavior of both sexes. Males and females respond to the same or opposite genders differently. And without knowing those factors, it can be problematic for you in the future.

They are some indoors and outdoors things which you should consider before selecting any one gender.


Males Boxers are dominant and territorial with other males. They bark on each other, which can be exhausted and frustrating for the owners. Interestingly, male boxers don’t breed with other dogs.

Therefore, it remains a challenge for the breeders to form a hybrid or designer breed of them. However, within the same breed, their behavior is no more different than the males of other breeds.

From the age of six, male Boxers start to react to the females in heat, and adult ones become aggressive to do anything for mating with the female Boxer. This aggression can be prevented by neutering the males.

Neutering is the process in which the testicles of the male Boxers are removed, and they can’t be able to do mating with the female. Making them sexually disable can also significantly increase their lifespan.


You should be aware of the fact that females are more temperamental and aggressive towards females. They can end up in terrible battles, especially when they raise cubs, they become overly protected and aggressive. They also don’t like the puppies of any other female at home.

Females have a heat cycle twice in the year, which lasts for 3 to 4 weeks. In their period, they attract the males in the area which can be shameful for you if you take them in the neighbor and can result in an unwanted pregnancy. To avoid this, a female can be spayed.

Spaying is the process in which the ovaries and uterus of the females are removed. So, they can’t conceive an unwanted pregnancy; it also increases the overall life expectancy of the females.

Which Is Better For Families?

Now let’s have a light on the factors which can help you decide whether you should go for a male or female Boxer. And what fits best for you and your family. Because it depends on the owners and their pet needs according to their family setting.

Below are some factors which you should consider before making a decision:

  1. Size preference

  2. Existing dogs

  3. Neighbour’s dog

Size Preference

If you are a fan of a relatively large size in the Boxer, then you can go for the male, but if you have small children at home, then you have to keep an eye on them while your male Boxer plays with the children.

If you are more interested in a smaller size of the breed, then you can opt for a female one. Both sexes can be trained for household settings.

Existing Dogs

Similarly, if you have a female dog at home, bring a male neutered male, and if you have male and at home, you can bring a spayed female to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Neighbour’s dog

You should keep in mind the gender of the dog your neighbor has. It can be severe trouble if you opt for a female Boxer and your neighbor has a male dog.

It can create a problem during her periods and can result in unwanted pregnancy until the female is spayed. In this scenario, a male Boxer can be preferred.

Advantages of male Boxer in a family environment:

  1. Male Boxers are playful and excited.

  2. They love to hang around different people

  3. Boxers are more social than their female counterpart

  4. They are incredibly protective of the owners.

  5. Loyal and fun-loving naturally.

Advantages of female Boxer in a family environment:

  1. Female boxers are more intelligent due to early maturity

  2. They have better control over themselves

  3. Females Boxers have ideal size for a family

  4. More adaptable for the small children

  5. Loyal and equally protective as their male counterpart.

Which Is a Better Guard Dog?

The history of Boxers has a root to 2,500 BC. Their ancestors were the war dogs of the Assyrian Empire. They were also used for hunting down the bear, wild boar, and bison in the past. And it is then used as a working dog. It shows that both male and female Boxers can be a good guard dog.

Both genders are still used as a working dog as well as the home guardian. They have the capability to protect the property and family members from any unwanted strangers nearby. Due to their protective nature, they are used by different departments.

Advantages of male Boxer as a guard dog:

  1. They best fit to protect the property

  2. Male boxers are territorial

  3. More protective for their territory

  4. Thrilling and courageous

  5. Energetic with natural hunting instincts

  6. Aggressive and dominant

Advantages of female Boxer as a guard dog:

  1. Quick to aggression and temperamental

  2. Best fit for a personal guardian

  3. More attached with the owners but rarely shows affection

  4. Courageous and takes every risk to protect the owners

  5. More protective about the family members

Final Thoughts

Boxer is one of the famous medium-large size breeds for the family because of their energetic, loving, and playful nature regardless of gender. However, male Boxers are recommended for the people who need large size highly active, playful, and excited companions at home.

And females are recommended for the people who need a reasonably small, energetic, quicker, reserved, mature, and careful dog at home.

Obedience and household training matter a lot for both sexes as Boxer is an indoor breed.

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