Both male and female Basset Hounds are generally perceived as desirable household pets due to their gentle and friendly nature.
Knowing which gender to get is necessary to determine which one will click more with you as each one can offer a slightly different experience. However, it is important to note that gender should not be the ultimate factor in your decision.
If you’re into laid back, playful, and clingy ones, the male Basset Hound is perfect for you. Meanwhile, if you want a Basset Hound that can be trained easily, gentle around kids, and is independent, then you may want to get a female Basset Hound.
In this article, I will lay out all the details necessary to know about for those of you who wish to get a Basset Hound. A male and a female one practically have little difference in temperament and trainability.
However, this difference has to be significantly considered, so let’s get ready to have an in-depth inspection of both genders.
Physical Differences
Male Basset Hounds are medium-sized dogs that weigh from 40 to 65 pounds with a height at withers of 14 inches, making them slightly larger and heavier than their female counterparts.
They also have more muscle mass than females so they appear a bit bulkier on their body when compared to females.
Female Basset Hounds are smaller in size overall than their male counterparts. As a general fact on dogs, female Basset Hounds tend to averagely weigh 5 to 10 pounds less than the males. While their height is about 13 inches tall.
Note: There are only a few subtle physical differences between the two sexes. Both share the same quality of coat which is densely smooth and short which repels dirt and water.
It also serves as protection in all types of weather. Ideally, their skin must be elastic and loose which gives off their classic droopy appearance.
The AKC also accepts any markings. Tricolors and bicolor combinations are very common in Basset Hounds.
And here is a compilation video that will show you how adorable these hush puppies are:
Cutest Basset Hound Puppies! Most Adorable Basset Hound Puppies Compilation!<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Cutest Basset Hound Puppies! Most Adorable Basset Hound Puppies Compilation!" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>
Temperamental Differences
Males, as observed by several Basset Hound owners, tend to be clingier than the females. The number one factor behind this is when the owner spends most of his time at home with his dog.
They love to be in the middle of anything that catches their interests, including spending quality time. They are always available to play and have fun which encourages them to become more active.
As generally perceived, the males are indeed more competitive and the nature to become dominant is prominent due to the significant production of testosterone. This explains why most show winners are male dogs.
Also, it has been shown that while a dog’s behavior is largely affected by hormones, taking off its source by neutering will lessen most male behavioral traits.
Most male Basset Hounds are omega males compared to the female ones, but aggravating these dogs potentially triggers them to bite or show hostility as a defense mechanism.
A statistic has shown that the tendency of a male dog to bite someone goes around 6.2 times higher than that of the female ones.
Females, on the other hand, are independent. They do not mind taking part in socializing, but they feel more comfortable minding their businesses without any attention coming from their owners or other dogs.
One owner has shared that her female Basset Hound is the most social in a daycare of over 60 dogs. This is an atypical behavior exhibited, but it shows that how it was brought up and exposed with other dogs at an early stage can impact its behavior towards the other dogs.
Just like males, female Basset Hounds also have seasonal displays of dominance and territorial traits. This most likely occurs, however, when they are either pregnant or they just gave birth.
This shows that protection becomes their topmost priority when they become mothers. This behavior can also be observed when they feel that their owner is being threatened.
In training, pushing the male Basset Hound too far will shut him down and it may cause aggressive behavior such as a startle reflex. This becomes evident to show control over the situation and their owners.
Concerning potty training, some owners have noticed that males take a few months before learning how to properly do it.
There is a tendency that when he smells where he went potty before, he will go there again. Routine training is highly recommended and the patience to do it should be high as well.
It is mostly an innate behavior for males to be child-like as it takes a longer time for them before they eventually mature.
Getting their attention during training may prove to be difficult once they picked up an interesting scent. Positive reinforcements such as treats will make training easier. No dog can resist snacks!
Since female Basset Hounds value independence more than the males and mature faster, training may come off quite difficult at the start. It is important to know that you own the dog and not the other way around.
Once your dog senses that she can do her own thing and ignore your commands, you will have a harder time managing her. These dogs can read emotions, body language, and even energy, so the way they respond to you will mostly be based on how you present yourself as their owner.
However, some females get to become more responsive during training and have low chances to wander off as their ability to focus is much better than the males.
What is ironic though, is that there is a large percentage of show winners are males. Always take note as well that females are most likely to be untrainable when they are on heat.
Health Differences
Male Basset Hounds that are neutered become more settled and they also have lesser chances to develop health issues. This procedure is surgically removing the male dog’s testes that should be done between 4 and 9 months.
The dog undergoing this process is thought to have long-term health benefits like reducing the risk of having testicular cancer and preventing displaying negative behaviors such as marking and aggression.
Reputable breeders require that female Basset Hounds as young as 5 months be spayed wherein their uterus and ovaries are entirely removed.
This decreases the risk of having unwanted pregnancies as their average litter size goes around 6 to 8 puppies and also lessens the chance of developing tumors on their mammary glands.
This may save them from other disorders very common to females such as the life-threatening infection known as pyometra.
A word of caution: It is always recommended to consult your vet, so he could provide a personalized opinion on whether you should have your Basset Hound spayed or neutered.
With Children
Though this dog is gentle, it is important to remember that they are considered medium to large dogs due to their size and heaviness. Therefore, leaving them alone with young kids without proper training and behavioral correction would prove dangerous.
Generally, males find kids as their playmates rather than children, so they can be rowdy. It is a good idea to bring the child along to puppy socialization.
Some owners who have kids admit to choosing females over male Basset Hounds because they are believed to be gentler. They have the natural parental instinct to protect the young ones as if they are their own.
Furthermore, it has been published by a Swedish study that young kids, especially six-year-olds who grew up with female dogs, have a lower risk of asthma by 16% than their exposure to males. This is because females don’t express many allergens.
With Other Dogs and Pets
Male Basset Hounds are generally more interested in socializing with other female dogs, but not with their sex. However, it does not mean that they would create a wall between them and the other male dogs as they are a very friendly breed. They just seem to like females more.
Male Basset Hounds have no problem interacting and befriending other pets regardless of size.
They are very amicable, and their slow-moving actions neither threaten nor startle other animals such as birds or hamsters. Their killing instinct when seeing vulnerable pets is not activated due to their friendly nature.
One particular pet that a male Basset Hound can get along with very well is cat. They possess the same behavior which is being low-key, patient, and loyal.
Female Basset Hounds are friendly and easygoing with other dogs, but there may be a few factors that will affect their behavior toward other dogs, such as if they are undergoing the cycle of heat or if they are pregnant.
Even though this breed is friendly, you must be cautious if you are going to introduce a new pet when it just gave birth. Her motherly instinct to protect her babies is strong and anything she sees as a threat might cause problems.
Generally, females are very good with other pets. If you bring in a baby animal, she might even take care of it as her own.
Which Is Better for a Family?
This is a tough common question asked by a lot of individuals or families that wish to get a Basset Hound. Both sexes do well in interacting with people and they are one of the gentlest breeds recognized worldwide.
There is no major difference between the two, but the little details listed below that differ them from one another may help you fully decide if the male or the female Basset Hound is better for your family.
Advantages of Male Basset Hounds in a Family Environment:
Very care-free and playful
More friendly with female dogs
Tends to seek more attention
More active
They tend to be friendlier
Advantages of Female Basset Hounds in a Family Environment:
Gentler with kids
Matures faster
Independent thinkers
Capable of nursing other baby animals
Can have up to 6-8 puppies
More protective
Males need more attention to behavioral training, activities, and other important aspects. If you wish to have a male Basset Hound, make sure you spend a lot of quality time and exert lots of effort for him.
It is innate for females to be people-oriented and you can be guaranteed that they will do well with your children under supervision. They are more serious than males and are more careful when playing with your kids.
This can be reassuring that there will be lesser cases of injury or accidents when you get a female Basset Hound.
Whichever sex you decide to get, remember that how you treat and raise it will determine how they would become. Both dogs are good in their ways. As much as you can, encourage them to get exposed to other people or dogs and reinforce them positively.
In the end, your effort as an owner will be repaid with their undying loyalty, love, and affection enough for the whole family.
Which Is a Better Guard Dog?
Both male and female Basset Hounds are generally sweet and friendly dogs which means they are not suitable to guard your property. They are not watchdogs and if a robber breaks your house, they might even befriend them.
Despite this fact, if based on personality and certain conditions, what usually becomes more suitable to guard your property would be a pregnant Basset Hound or a female that just gave birth.
As mentioned earlier, their instinct to protect is high and anyone unfamiliar to them who breaks their boundary or territory easily becomes a threat.
The desire to protect is much lower for the males as they only seldomly become aggressive. Since they are more care-free than the females, unfamiliar faces and suspicious actions will most likely not bother them.
Which Gender Should You Choose?
If you want to have a male Basset Hound, breeders suggest disclosing information if you have other male dogs in the household. If you do, getting a female is more recommended.
It also goes the same with having a female dog and wishing to get a female Basset Hound. Having two of the same sexes would manifest same-sex aggressions. Also, it is necessary to take note that taking a male one should fit with your lifestyle.
Experts also advise you to personally see the dog first and find out if he suits your personality as sex is not a strong indicator of how compatible it would be with you. If you are a goofy, laidback person who prefers not to do much, then this male Basset Hound is a good fit.
Meanwhile, if you are more into independent thinkers that learn and mature faster, then female Basset Hounds are the one for you. If you want one to breed, that could also be another reason to own one.
If you already own a male dog, a female would balance the household as opposite sexes get along better.
If you have young kids, a female one may be a great choice and several families who got one for themselves did not regret their decision. Female Basset Hounds get along very well with kids on a different level due to the psychology behind their sex.
Final Thoughts
Several Basset Hound owners think that their dogs are stubborn, lazy, greedy, and grumpy. However, these behaviors are just a few of the results when the owner lacks an understanding of leadership, training, and dog ownership.
Although they are stubborn, they still prove to be good-natured and affectionate companions when they are properly guided from puppies to becoming adults.
They are laid-back dogs with high tolerance and are non-territorial, unlike most breeds. For them to have desirable behaviors, it is important to lay a foundation while they are still puppies.
Ultimately, the slight differences between the two genders don’t matter. What you should focus more on is considering checking their past experiences, your lifestyle, personality, intelligence, and activity level.
If a male or female Basset Hound ticks all the boxes, it is a go signal for you to go to your nearest shelter or contact your local breeder to get your male or female Basset Hound!