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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund: The Ultimate Purebred Icon

Long-haired Miniature Dachshunds earned their superstar status after besting other dogs on the AKC popularity ranking multiple times. One of their most notable feats was when they advanced to the sixth rank from being the 28th in a matter of 10 years.

This can be attributed to the belief that the long-haired minis have the calmest disposition among the three Dachshund coat varieties due to their Spaniel lineage.

If you are interested in being one of the owners of this dog, I recommend you go over this article and take note of the essential details I will be sharing.

Long-haired Miniature Dachshunds are small dogs with a larger than life personality, so trust me, this guide will come in handy in the long run.

What Is a Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund?

A long-haired Miniature Dachshund is a smaller version of the standard-sized Dachshunds with long, silky hair intended to help them hunt during the cold seasons. They are called by many names including Sausage dog and Wiener dog, but they are bred for the same reason – to hunt and trail wild animals.

If we are to look at the breed’s history, long-haired miniature Doxies became a prominent domesticated figure when the European royal courts, especially that of Queen Victoria, became fond of them in the 1800s.

Their size was reduced and they were developed with long hairs because it looks more elegant and noble in addition to protecting them from the freezing weather.

I’ll discuss the exact appearance of their coat as well as their American and German sizes in the following sections. Most of the facts I will share are from the AKC, FCI, and pet owner anecdotes.

History and Origin of the Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

The existence of the Dachshund breed can be traced back to the 15th century when illustrations and documents describing an earth dog and a badger creeper have surfaced.

Dachshunds back then came in varied sizes. Some weigh 30 to 35 pounds and hunt boars and badgers while others are 16 to 22 pounds and hunt deers and foxes.

Documents also support the claim that 12-pound Dachshunds exist and they were used to trail weasels and hares. The reports that the long-haired miniature versions of this breed only existed at the turn of the century is nothing but a deceitful stance of opportunistic breeders.

As per the miniature Dachshund’s long hair, historical accounts state that this was a product of selective breeding.

Pet owners deem it necessary to create Dachshunds with a long coat for the breed to survive the cold weather. Further refinement of the breed has been done until its standardization was processed in the 1800s.

What Does the Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund Look Like?

Based on the descriptors attached to this Dachshund’s name, you are probably aware that it is relatively small and it has a long coat. But to specify how they really look, let’s analyze the breed standard set by the AKC and FCI.

  1. Head: Their head appears uniform to the tip of the nose even though it was viewed from the side or from above.

  2. Skull: It is not too broad or too narrow, and it is a bit arched. It slopes gradually to the dog’s muzzle.

  3. Eyes: Their eyes are medium-sized and almond-shaped. The rims and pupils are dark, but it doesn’t make the eyes appear very piercing. In fact, they even look pleasant and energetic.

  4. Ears: Their ears are near the top of their head and are not too forward. The size is often moderate, but it can be pointed or folded.

  5. Muzzle: Their muzzle is slightly arched and finely-formed, which creates a Roman appearance.

  6. Neck: Their neck flows gracefully to their shoulders. It is long, clean-cut, muscular, without any dewlap, and slightly arched in their nape.

  7. Trunk: This is perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of a long-haired miniature Dachshund. Their fully-muscled trunk is quite long as compared to other dogs. In profile view, their back forms a straight line between their withers and loins.

  8. Chest: Their chest appears prominent in front and has dimples or depressions on either side. Well-sprung ribs are also noticeable.

  9. Legs: Their legs are iconically short, but they are strong and compact.

  10. Tail: Their tail extends from the spine, and it doesn’t have any kinks, twists, or curvature. It is also not too gaily carried.

  11. Coat: Their coat is long, glistening, sleek, and a bit wavy. It is visibly longer under their neck, on the underside of their body, on their forechest, and behind their legs. However, it attains its ultimate length at the tail.

Note that a miniature long-haired Dachshund appearance may vary depending on the breeder’s preference and ability to preserve the quality of the breed. But ideally, all Dachshunds should look like what was described above because that’s the ultimate guide in producing them.

Below is a video from the AKC showing the different Dachshund varieties. This will help you further visualize how the American long-haired miniature Dachshund looks like:

Dachshund - AKC Dog Breed Series<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dachshund - AKC Dog Breed Series" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Meanwhile, here’s a video featuring two German long-haired miniature Dachshunds:

Romanee & Conti - Miniature Dachshund Puppies - 4 Weeks Residential Dog Training<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Romanee &amp;amp; Conti - Miniature Dachshund Puppies - 4 Weeks Residential Dog Training" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund Coat Color Examples (With Pictures)

The coat colors of long-haired miniature Dachshunds are similar to that of the smooth-coated. Below are their detailed descriptions and samples:

Black and Cream Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

A black and cream long-haired miniature dachshund has rich cream markings that can be found all over their body. It is noticeable in the photo above that the cream coloration is lowly saturated and appears light yellow.

Black and Tan Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Similar to the former coat color in this list, the black and tan long-haired Dachshunds exhibit rich black hairs. However, their markings are tan-colored instead of cream.

Blue and Cream Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

The blue and cream long-haired miniature Dachshund has a silvery grey coat and lowly saturated yellow markings. This coat color is rare for long-haired Dachshunds and typical for wire-haired.

Blue and Tan Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Instead of cream markings, this Dachshund variety has tan points that complement their charcoal coat. Similar to the blue and cream coloration, this is also not that common for long-haired mini Dachshund; that’s why they are more expensive.

Chocolate and Cream Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

If in other dog breeds, the chocolate coat color is considered a severe fault, for long-haired miniature Dachshunds, this is completely normal. In fact, the AKC recognizes this deep brown and cream coloration.

Chocolate and Tan Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

The tan points in this Dachshund variety are very visible, as evident in the picture. Their chocolate coloration also stands out because of its rich, silky appearance.

Cream Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Cream long-haired miniature Dachshunds have a pale yellow color that is lowly saturated. However, AKC allows a small white marking on their chest.

Fawn (Isabella) and Cream Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

This two-toned Dachshund has a brownish-red yellow base coat and cream markings covering their body. AKC also comments that the fawn coloring is of medium brilliance.

Fawn (Isabella) and Tan Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Fawn and tan long-haired mini Dachshund have the same base coat color as the former variety I discussed. It’s mainly a brownish-red yellow dog, but the markings are tan instead of cream.

Red Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

The red long-haired miniature Dachshund has a solid red coat color, but AKC also permits those without any shading and who have interspersed dark hairs. They may also have a small white marking on their chest.

Wheaten Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Photo from @raigenp (IG)

Wheaten long-haired miniature Dachshunds have a pale yellow coat almost similar to fawn. To easily identify them, just remember that they are named after wheat grains because they are of the same coloration.

Wild Boar Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

The wild boar coloration is a unique coat exclusive for Dachshunds. Pups with this coat have dull gray hairs that are intermingled with jet black hairs. They look like the skin of a wild boar; that’s why they are called as such.

Black Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

The solid black long-haired miniature Dachshund isn’t exactly considered standard by the AKC, but they are recognized as one of the colors. Dogs with this coat color have a single tone on their skin which is black.

Chocolate Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Similar to the black Dachshund, the solid chocolate long-haired miniature Dachshund is not a standard color. However, they do exist, and AKC recognizes them. Their coat is a deep, reddish-brown color that resembles chocolates.

Fawn Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund

Fawn long-haired miniature Dachshunds are also single-colored. They don’t have any cream or tan markings, but some of them have a small white patch on their chest.

Do Kennel Clubs Recognize Long-Haired Miniature Dachshunds?

Long-haired miniature Dachshunds are recognized by major kennel clubs. They are one of the two sizes tagged as acceptable for the breed. Here are the exact dates when they were first recognized by five major kennel organizations:

The role of these kennel clubs is not only to register long-haired miniature Dachshunds. It is also their mission to do the following for the breed:

  1. Implement breed standards.

  2. Sanction conformation shows and trials.

  3. Educate breeders, owners, and dog trainers.

  4. Monitor breeders in their improvement of the breed.

  5. Breed promotion.

How Big Do Long-Haired Miniature Dachshunds Get When Fully Grown?

I already mentioned in passing that the American miniature long-haired Dachshunds are a lot smaller than the Germans. But aside from this fact, the Germans Dachshunds also come in rabbit size, which is a tad smaller than the miniature.

You’ll learn more about this by reading the specific sizes I lifted from the AKC and FCI:

American Long-Haired Miniature Dachshunds

  1. Height: 5 to 6 inches

  2. Weight: 11 pounds and under

German Long-Haired Miniature and Rabbit Dachshunds

Miniature Dachshunds

  1. Height: 13 to 15 inches (male), 12 to 14 inches (female)

  2. Weight: 8.8 pounds when 15 months old

  3. Chest Measurement: 11.8 to 13.8 inches

Rabbit Dachshunds

  1. Height: 11 to 15 inches (male), 10 to 12 inches (female)

  2. Weight: 6.6 to 7.7 pounds

  3. Chest Measurement: Less than 11.8 inches

The FCI is quite detailed in the weight and measurements of mini Dachshunds, including the rabbit-sized. This is evident in the breed standard they published, which also includes chest circumference.

Another point of discussion is that the Germans are almost twice the height and weight of the American pups. This is possible because they were bred to be lap dogs instead of hunters.

Are Long-Haired Miniature Dachshunds Rare?

Long-haired miniature Dachshunds are not rare. In fact, it is relatively easy to find ethical breeders producing this variety.

Despite this status, I would still advise you to be cautious because a portion of the Dachshunds being marketed today is from puppy mills and backyard breeders. You don’t want to waste your money on a pup that has tons of health issues.

Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund Temperament: Are They Excellent Family Companions?

I wouldn’t exactly call long-haired miniature Dachshunds excellent family pets because they have quirks that I find extremely exasperating. Read on to learn why.


Miniature long-haired Dachshunds are known for their spunk, so training them can be a bit challenging. Aside from this, they are also brilliant and stubborn (a lethal combination, I know), which means you have to be very consistent in your commands.

Fortunately, they do well with positive reinforcements and rewards-based activities. Just be careful not to give them harsh commands or any kind of punishment because these little rascals are sensitive.

There will also be times that they won’t be able to focus solely on you during training as a result of their strong prey drive. They tend to follow a trail without being distracted, so make sure that you train them in areas that are free from any disturbances.

With Strangers

Even though this Dachshund variety is too cutesie, they are known to be aggressive and suspicious in front of strangers. Some pet owners even say that they turn into a monster when they see people they are not familiar with.

You see, Dachshunds have not outgrown their hunting-dog instincts. This is the primary reason why there is a big possibility that they will bark at strangers, especially if they are trying to approach their favorite human.

I have known many pet owners who are struggling with this issue. However, I also know some who are handling their Dachshunds well because they were trained and socialized at a young age.

If you really can’t live with your Dachshund’s aggression, I recommend that you consult an expert breed trainer. It would cost you several bucks, but that’s the best option you got.

With Children

Kid-friendly dogs have stable temperaments and sturdy bodies. Sadly, long-haired miniature Dachshunds do not fit the bill.

Because they are stubborn and highly intelligent, they may manipulate your child to give them food or treats. This is problematic since too much food intake can lead to canine bloat and obesity. They may also ingest food that wasn’t really allowed for them to eat like chocolates.

Apart from this, they have tiny bodies that are very fragile. Kids who aren’t knowledgeable on handling mini dogs may accidentally injure them.

With Other Dogs and Pets

Miniature long-haired Dachshunds are generally sociable to other dogs and pets, but you shouldn’t rush them to get along. They are very independent, so living with other animals may take some time for them to get accustomed to.

Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund Life Expectancy and Health Issues

As per the AKC and the anecdotal reports I have gathered, long-haired mini Dachshunds live for 12 to 16 years. In fact, the Guinness World Record named a mini Doxie as the longest living dog for quite some time. Her name is Chanel, and she reached 21 years old.

In order for your dog to meet this standard life span, make sure that you monitor their health for the following ailments and diseases:

  1. Intervertebral Disc Disease: This condition is a result of the deliberate breeding practice to produce the Dachshund’s dwarfed legs and long back. On average, one in every four Doxies acquires this problem in their lifetime, usually when they are 3 to 7 years old. Symptoms of this disease include pain, lameness, and hindquarter paralysis.

  2. Patellar Luxation: The word luxating means out of place; thus, a luxating patella is described as a kneecap that moves out of the original location. A common symptom of this is a skipped step.

  3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy: This degenerative disease targets the photoreceptor cells, which leads to the blindness of the affected Dachshund.

  4. Cushing’s Syndrome: This happens when your pup’s body produces too much cortisol. Usual signs are excessive thirst, intense hunger, constant peeing, hair loss, and panting.

  5. Obesity: 45% of American dogs are afflicted with obesity, and the long-haired miniature Dachshund is a part of these statistics. This may reduce your dog’s lifespan due to complications brought about by excess fat.

  6. Hip Dysplasia: This is a congenital disease that affects joint development. If your mini Doxie seems to be limping and is a bit wobbly when he walks, they may be suffering from this common canine problem.

  7. Epilepsy: This condition manifests in several ways. But most dogs collapse, jerk, stiffen, twitch their muscles, and lose consciousness.

  8. Urinary Stones: When the Doxie’s kidneys fail to reabsorb amino acids, it sometimes results in the formation of urinary stones that block the urethra. This often afflicts male mini Dachshunds.

  9. Mitral Valve Disease: This is a disease that occurs when the mitral valve located in the heart chamber is not working properly. If left untreated, this will cause damage to the heart muscles.

  10. Pattern Baldness: This non-inflammatory alopecia is common for standard and mini Dachshunds. The dog’s hair starts to thin as early as six months of age. It is also observed that areas with pattern baldness become hyperpigmented.

  11. Acanthosis Nigricans: This is not an actual disease but a reaction of a puppy’s skin to specific conditions. The layman’s term for this is hyperpigmentation, and usually, the affected area turns brown to black.

How to Care for Your Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund’s Basic Needs?

Bringing home a miniature long-haired Dachshund is similar to welcoming a new family member. What do you do then? You study how to please and get along with the newbie of the clan.

Here are some tips you can apply in attending to the needs of your puppy:

Food and Diet

Mini Dachshunds can become overweight if you aren’t consistent with their food intake. This is a serious matter because they will strain their long back which will then lead to ruptured and slipped discs.

Only give your Doxie the amount of food recommended by the manufacturer of the kibble you bought or follow the suggestion of a veterinarian.

Don’t give in to their pleading eyes and feed them table scraps like bones and foods which are high in fat. Also, make sure that you keep your food well because the Doxie’s nose loves trails.

Living Conditions

Long-haired miniature Dachshunds are not suited for outdoor living as well as staying in kennels. The ideal place for them to live is none other than your home.

I must warn you, though, they are infamous for jumping on and off indoor furniture. Get them a ramp or buy them something to step on so they’ll learn how to climb a sofa or chair properly.


The assumption that miniature Dachshunds do not require exercise because of their size is nothing but a ploy used by some breeders to sell their puppies.

Even though they have tiny bodies, long-haired mini Doxies need at least two walks every single day. This will help them develop strong muscles that they can use to protect and support their fragile backs.

Cleaning and Grooming

Mini Doxies are quite a clean pet. They don’t have any body odor, so an occasional bath will suffice. You should also clean their eyes, nose, and ears to avoid any infection.

In terms of their long coat, you need to frequently brush it to avoid tangles and possible ticks. You can easily purchase a dog brush from Amazon but make sure that it is suitable for the thickness of their coat.


As long as you keep your long-haired miniature Dachshund on a good diet and you give him enough exercise, his muscle will be toned, and he will be able to avoid major health problems.

If you really want to ensure that they are of sound body, AKC suggests having them undergo the following tests:

Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund Cost: Do They Cost More Than the Other Dachshund Varieties?

If you think long-haired standard Dachshunds are expensive, you probably haven’t heard of the mini ones’ price.

According to the breeders and pet owners I consulted, these dogs cost $700 to $4,000 non-inclusive of the other initial costs like dog food, treats, toys, crates, grooming needs, ramps, vet care, and more.

Places to Find Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund Puppies for Sale and Adoption

If money is the least of your problems, then here’s a list of breeders and dog advertising websites where you can buy a long-haired miniature Dachshund:

  1. AKC Marketplace – All the Dachshunds you’ll find in the AKC Marketplace are bred by registered breeders. You’ll even come across Doxies from AKC champion bloodlines.

  2. Dachshund Club of America – Member Breeder Ads – The DCA provides a listing of Dachshund breeders and their litters that you can access on their website. Similar to the AKC marketplace, there are also pups produced from champion bloodlines who are available.

  3. Muddy River Dachshunds – All the dogs used in breeding the Dachshund litters on this kennel facility are registered in the AKC. They were also screened for their temperament to ensure that their offsprings won’t exhibit alarming behaviors.

Apart from kennel facilities, you can also get your next long-haired miniature Dachshund from rescues and shelters. Below are some places you should consider if you want to adopt.

  1. Dachshund Club of America National Rescue – The DCA National Rescue rescues and rehomes standard and mini Dachshunds all over the country. Their main focus is to find a loving family for dogs who are abused and unwanted.

  2. Dachshund Rescue of North America –DRNA is a nonprofit organization that rescues Dachshunds and Dachshund mixes. Since 1999, they were able to rescue and rehome over 12,000 dogs.

  3. Little Paws Dachshund Rescue – This east coast based organization aims to identify mistreated and abandoned Dachshunds, treat them, and find a new family who can care for their needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Long-Haired Miniature Dachshunds Shed?

Among the three types of Dachshund coats, the long-haired pups are the worst shedders. However, as compared to other breeds, they are believed to shed moderately in spring and autumn. It is also easy to spot their hairs on the floor or the sofa because they are long.

Are Long-Haired Dachshunds Calmer?

Long-haired Dachshunds are believed to be calmer because of their Spaniel lineage. But despite this general notion, there is no scientific evidence that proves they are really placid among the bunch. Every single type can have a leveled temperament if trained appropriately.

Do Long-Haired Miniature Dachshunds Bark a Lot?

Miniature Dachshunds are prone to barking because originally, they use it to signal to their owners that they got their prey. Even after several years, it seems like the breed did not outgrow this natural tendency. This usually manifests when they encounter strangers.

Final Thoughts: Is the Long-Haired Miniature Dachshund the Right Dog for You?

I know long-haired miniature Dachshunds are all the hype right now because they are known as purebred icons, but I ask you to consider all the facts I have collated in this article before running to a breeder near you.

These little rascals are not for everyone, most especially novice pet owners, so sit still and think.

If you really want one and you have assessed that you can handle their personality, then go on, write that check. Make sure to apply all the tips I have written in this guide so you’ll be able to coexist with them peacefully.

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