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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Long-Haired Belgian Malinois: Everything You Need to Know

Most dog enthusiasts are familiar with the short-haired Malinois, but many have not heard of the so-called long-haired Belgian Malinois. Do long-haired Belgian Malinois dogs actually exist?

The Belgian Malinois is popular for its short coat and resemblance to the German Shepherd Dog (GSD).

Its loyalty and work drive are some of its best qualities. But can Belgian Malinois come in long-haired variants similar to the GSD?

If you are looking for the answers to these questions, then you are in luck. This article has everything you need to know about the long-haired Belgian Malinois.

Are There Long-Haired Belgian Malinois?

The so-called long-haired Belgian Malinois does exist; however, it’s not actually a Malinois. The Malinois is only one of the four Belgian Shepherd breeds. The other three are the Groenendael, Tervuren, and Laekenois. Technically, the Groenendael and Tervuren are the variants that sport long hair.

This has been an ongoing confusion among dog enthusiasts who are unfamiliar with the Malinois breed.

Although the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes the Belgian Malinois as a separate dog breed, it is still classified under the Belgian Shepherd breed.

However, many people still refer to Belgian Shepherd dogs as Belgian Malinois since the other three varieties aren’t as popular.

Thus, long-haired Belgian Shepherds are also called long-haired Belgian Malinois, albeit technically incorrect.

The video below shows a long-haired Tervuren Belgian Shepherd dog:

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DOG | Belgian Shepherd Tervuren<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DOG | Belgian Shepherd Tervuren" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

The Different Types of Belgian Shepherds

As mentioned above, Belgian Shepherds come in four different types. Like the Belgian Malinois, each of these varieties has unique coat colors and patterns that make them distinct from each other in many ways.

Here is a list of the telltale features of the four different types of Belgian Shepherds:

  1. Laekenois: rough-coated, fawn dog with a black mask

  2. Groenendael: long-haired, black dog

  3. Tervuren: long-haired, fawn dog with a black mask

  4. Malinois: short-haired, fawn dog with a black mask

Belgian Laekenois

This astonishing shepherd dog with a height of 24 to 26 inches stands out from the rest of its relatives because of its one-of-a-kind coat.

Pronounced as “Lak-in-wah,” the Laekenois has pointed ears, an athletic body, and curly double-coated fur. Its wiry coat is about 2 ½ inches in length and needs regular grooming at least once a week.

Remember not to clip its coat because it would damage its double-layered fur, which functions as a natural thermostat to regulate body temperature.

The Laekenois is known for its low-shedding coat. Although it does shed seasonally, it won’t be as much as other long-haired Malinois.

Even though the Laekenois is the least popular and the rarest variation among their other relatives, they are still as lovable and loyal as the rest. The breed is well known for its intelligence and protectiveness.

Belgian Groenendael

The Belgian Groenendael is a medium- to large-sized dog breed that stands at 22 to 24 inches. They have slender physiques and muscular legs, which are designed for herding sheep back in the day.

Their nostrils are small and rectangular, and they have almond-shaped brown eyes. A Groenendael’s tail is lengthy and can have a J-hook at the end. But what catches a pet owner’s attention is their long, black fur.

A Groenendael’s double coat comes in deep black with its thick outer layer, often coarse in texture, designed to withstand extreme changes in temperature.

Groenendaels may have tiny markings on either their toes or chest, but not all of them have these distinct white markings. Just like their cousins, a Groenendael goes through a “coat blow.”

Pet experts often recommend frequent brushing to regulate the shedding of their fur. Brushing their coats with a fine-tooth pet comb helps prevent matting.

A Groenendael’s fur should be regularly groomed a few times a week. This is enough to keep their coats glossy, clean, and healthy.

Similarly, their volumized, double coat undergoes two major sheds per year. When this occurs, the frequency of brushing should be increased to remove dead fur.

Belgian Tervuren

Another variation of the long-haired Malinois is the Belgian Tervuren. This highly intelligent and energetic dog has an intimidating, proud stance. Height-wise, the Tervuren grows to about 24 to 26 inches.

The Tervuren often comes in light shades of brown, fawn, or mahogany with a black overlay which is often visible on their heads, mainly on their ears and snouts.

Its fur is double-coated underneath and is straight and silky on the surface. Their tails may have dark tips at the end that contrast with their light-colored fur. Some Tervuren dogs may also have white tips on their toes.

When you observe closely, the Belgian Tervuren has a large fluff of fur around their necks. This feature is called a ‘’collarette.’’ It trails down from their necks to the back of their front legs.

Just like the rest of its relatives, Tervuren dogs have water-resistant coats. This helps them keep them dry from sudden weather changes.

In terms of grooming, you may need to groom your Tervuren at least 2 to 3 times a week because their coats often cause dirt build-up.

Also, during shedding season, you need to keep a comb nearby to get rid of the loose fur.

Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois is the most popular variation of the Belgian Shepherd breed and is considered a world-class working dog.

This strong, well-built pup stands proudly at 22 to 26 inches and is praised for its astonishing coat.

Among its relatives, the Belgian Malinois has the shortest coat and is often mistaken for a German Shepherd. Its colors range from rich fawn to mahogany, and it has black accents around its head.

Their sharp, pointed ears come in black like the rest of their face, which gives them a more intimidating appearance. Meanwhile, their limbs and bodies come in a solid base color with minimal black patterns.

The coat of a Belgian Malinois is double-layered, which is pretty easy to take care of. Since it is shorter, it only requires occasional brushing.

They do shed twice a year, but not as much as the other Belgian Shepherd breeds.

A Belgian Malinois only needs brushing once or twice a week, which should increase to 4 to 5 times a week during shedding season. Other than that, this frequency is enough to keep their coat healthy and clean.

A pin brush is the recommended tool for brushing this dog’s hair. Pin brushes slide easily through the Malinois’ thick and stiff hair. You may also use de-shedding tools to better deal with tangled fur.

Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Genetics

From the information given in the earlier sections, you can see that a long-haired Belgian Malinois is mostly produced from a Groenendael or a Tervuren. These breeds can also copulate to produce long-haired pups.

Since long hair is recessive to short hair, two copies of the long-haired gene are required to produce a long-haired puppy.

Moreover, since all four breeds are genetically related, it is also possible for two Malinois dogs to produce Tervuren dogs with long coats.

In a similar manner, two Tervuren dogs can produce Groenendael puppies, and two Groenendael dogs can bear Tervuren puppies.

On the other hand, it is very rare for a Laekenois dog to breed with other Belgian Shepherd breeds and produce long-haired puppies due to their dominant rough coat type.

In other words, for a breeder to produce a long-haired Malinois, it would all depend on the genetic makeup of their parents. Producing a long-haired Mal can be unpredictable but not impossible.

Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Grooming & Shedding

Because the long-haired Belgian Malinois is a working dog breed, its coat is built to protect them from laborious tasks. They have a double-layer coat that sheds seasonally, all year long.

Their double coats consist of the inner layer, which is closest to the skin. It is thick and soft, which keeps the long-haired Malinois’ body warm.

Meanwhile, its outer layer is coarser and meant to help keep rain and snow off their bodies. In terms of shedding, the long-haired Belgian Malinois regularly sheds during spring and fall.

During this time, your dog will begin shedding its undercoat. Using a fine tooth comb can control the amount of shedding even before it naturally falls off their bodies.

Combing your dog using a de-shedding rake tool is also recommended since it is more effective than a regular pet comb.

Whether your Malinois has a long, medium, or short coat, the same basic grooming tools are needed.

You may also use a detangling spray to eliminate rough, tangled coats for a more comfortable combing process.

In terms of grooming, you can bathe and cut your Malinois hair at home or bring them to a pet salon for professional grooming. This service includes bathing, nail clipping, teeth brushing, and trimming.

How Much Does a Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Cost? Puppy Prices & Expenses

Like the price of a standard Malinois, a long-haired Belgian Malinois puppy may cost around $500 to $2,000, but it can cost as low as $1,000, depending on the breeder you purchase the puppy from.

Some long-haired Malinois pups can even cost as high as $3,500.

Moreover, there are several expenses to consider before actually getting a long-haired Belgian Malinois. These include food, treats, toys, beds, grooming supplies, and vet fees.

Below is a table of essentials your long-haired Belgian Malinois needs before settling into your home:

Pet owners may also choose to allot extra money for other expenses, such as pet insurance. Insuring your pet is one way of giving them the best treatment they deserve.

Keep in mind that taking care of a long-haired Malinois is a 14 to 16-year commitment, and aspiring Malinois owners must be able to tend to their needs without compromising their well-being.

Make sure to buy products from reputable brands to avoid re-purchasing. Also, choose high-quality dog food for optimal nutrition. It may initially hurt your pockets, but it will be worth it.

Places to Find Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Puppies for Sale and Adoption

The first big step you should take as a future Malinois owner is to look for legitimate breeders known for their ethical breeding practices.

Responsible breeders are your ultimate key to your new long-haired best friend. To keep yourself safe from dealing with shady breeders, check out our article on how to buy a dog online.

Below is a list of long-haired Belgian Malinois breeders for you:

  1. Darboshea – Darboshea has been offering its services since 1986 and is fully committed to raising high-quality Tervuren puppies. They take pride in keeping their dogs healthy, complete with the necessary documents. Moreover, they are also recipients of the Breeder of Merit badge from the AKC.

  2. Black Gold Belgians – Black Gold Belgians is a small kennel located in Asheville, North Carolina, that focuses on breeding Groenendael dogs. Their kennel aims to preserve the original Belgian breed type by having top European lines in their breeding program.

  3. KSDK Malinois – KSDK Malinois is all about producing high-quality AKC Belgian Malinois. All of their breeding stock is genetically and biologically tested. Most of the dogs they breed are meant for tracking, detection, and rescue work. They also offer training and boarding services for their puppies.

Aside from the breeders mentioned above, our Malinois breeders list can help expand your options.

If purchasing a long-haired Malinois is not your priority, you can always opt for adoption. Not only does it save you money, but it saves lives as well.

Here is a list of Belgian Malinois rescue organizations you should check out:

  1. Malinois Rescue League – Malinois Rescue League is a non-profit organization that expands its services not only in the United States but in other countries such as China, Morocco, and Dubai. They are dedicated to rescuing Malinois dogs that are abused and due for euthanasia.

  2. Malinois and Dutch Shepherd Rescue, Inc. (MAD) – MAD Rescue is a non-profit organization that prioritizes rescuing Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherds that were abused, abandoned, and neglected. They conduct spaying and neutering services for their rescued animals, as well as rehabilitation until they are rehomed.

  3. WOOF Project – The WOOF Project is composed of dedicated volunteers dedicated to saving the lives of Belgian Malinois all over the West Coast. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gives abandoned and mistreated Belgian Malinois a new home.

Our adoption guide contains the common guidelines and requirements set by rescue shelters to make the adoption process easier for you.

There are also other ways to get a free puppy aside from adoption. Our guide to finding free puppies in your area can help you with your search.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Belgian Shepherd the Same as a Belgian Malinois?

A Belgian Shepherd is the umbrella term for dog breeds that originated in Belgium. These include the Belgian Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren, and Laekenois.

These breeds have the same body build and facial features. However, their coats vary greatly from each other. For instance, the Belgian Malinois only comes in short coats.

Are Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Rare?

A long-haired Belgian Malinois is quite rare, but it is not impossible to produce one. The Belgian Malinois has a short coat. Those with long coats can either be considered a Groenendael or a Tervuren.

You can get a long-haired Belgian Malinois by breeding these two dogs. However, you cannot predict if your Belgian Shepherd dog will exhibit a long or short coat.

Do Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Shed a Lot?

Long-haired Malinois dogs are considered moderate shedders. They shed more fur than breeds like the Bichon Frise but less than a Welsh Corgi. It’s best to keep an eye out for their shedding during coat blow season.

Their dead fur may come in clumps or wads. You may eliminate excess fur by grooming them more frequently during their shedding season, at least once or twice a week.

Are Long-Haired Belgian Malinois Good Family Dogs?

Even though the long-haired Belgian Shepherd was originally meant for hunting and herding sheep back in the day, they still make great family dogs.

Remember to properly train and socialize them as early as puppies to avoid aggressive behavior. Because these dogs are medium to large-sized dogs, they must be well-behaved.

Their loyalty is guaranteed, and their highly energetic nature is sure to keep you entertained at all times. If you are a busy person, then this breed isn’t for you. Malinois dogs require lots of care and attention to keep them at bay.

Final Thoughts

The long-haired Belgian Malinois has indeed become a hot topic among canine enthusiasts.

Instead of saying “long-haired Malinois,” pet owners should arguably classify them properly as Laekenois, Groenendael, or Tervuren.

But whether or not these dogs are labeled correctly does not entirely matter since all of them are very similar. At the end of the day, these long-haired Belgian Shepherd dogs are excellent pets through and through.

If you decide to bring this pooch home, you should keep in mind the proper grooming and care needs of your long-haired Belgian Shepherd. Getting used to these processes will make owning this breed more enjoyable.

Has this long-haired pooch caught your attention? Let us know what you think about the long-haired Belgian Malinois in the comment section below!

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