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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Lavender Pomeranian: Facts About Lavender Poms + FAQs

Pomeranians are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. However, most of the credit only goes to the orange, red, black, and white Pomeranians.

Other Pom colors are arguably underrated! For this very reason, this guide explores one of the most unique members of the Pomeranian family — the lavender Pomeranian.

After reading this article, expect that you’ll be an expert in this one-of-a-kind pooch.

From their eye-catching coat color to their peculiar genetics, this guide will tackle everything in detail. So stick around if you want to learn everything about this fabulous ball of fur!

What Is a Lavender Pomeranian?

The Lavender Pomeranian is a purebred Pom with eye-catching coat color. Their coat colors range from light to dark grey with a very subtle shade of purple. Lavender Poms are also known as diluted chocolate Pomeranians, and they may sometimes exhibit coat markings.

Some breeders and pet enthusiasts refer to the lavender Pom as the lilac Pomeranian. They are also called the diluted blue Pom or the Isabella Pom. Don’t be confused because all of these names refer to the same dog!

You might argue that the lavender Pom doesn’t look “lavender” at all, and you would be right.

In most lighting conditions, a lavender Pom will appear more brown than lavender. In fact, a pair of untrained eyes may mistakenly identify these pooches as light-haired chocolate Poms.

In reality, you can think of the lavender Pom as a chocolate Pomeranian with toned-down coat color. This is especially true if the dog has a solid-colored coat.

On the other hand, the “lavender” color is usually more distinguishable on lavender Poms with merle or white markings.

Are Lavender Pomeranians Purebred?

Lavender Poms come from breeding two purebred Poms carrying dilute genes. So to make it short, yes, lavender Pomeranians are indeed 100% purebred! Their unique coat color is merely a manifestation of genetics.

Due to their peculiar coat color, the lavender Pomeranian is sometimes mistaken as a hybrid. This is because people are used to seeing only oranges, reds, whites, and blacks in Pomeranians.

In addition, the AKC does not list “lavender” as one of the recognized coat colors for purebred Pomeranians. Sadly, all of these lead to confusion regarding the lavender Pomeranian.

All of those aside, the takeaway here is that lavender Poms are purebred through and through. Aside from their coat color, they share all of their characteristics with other Pomeranian colors.

Are Lavender Pomeranians Rare?

In general, lavender Pomeranians are rare dogs. These pooches are harder to breed and harder to find compared to other Pomeranian colors.

The main reason behind this rarity lies in their coat color genetics. For starters, to breed a lavender Pom, you will need to cross a chocolate Pom with either a blue, beaver, or another chocolate.

However, even if you do so, there is no guarantee that you will have lavender puppies. Moreover, even if you do get lavender puppies, they may not be as “diluted” enough to have that distinguishable lavender look.

One interesting thing about lavender Poms is that some of them are actually rarer than others. For example, a Pom’s litter is more likely to have a solid lavender Pom than a tri-colored lavender or a merle lavender.

The rarer lavender Poms usually have a more desirable look. This is because the “lavender” fur in their coats is combined with lighter colors such as white or tan. As a result, the shades of purple are easier to distinguish.

Lavender Pomeranian Appearance: What Does a Lavender Pomeranian Look Like?

The lavender Pomeranian is a small dog with a sturdy build. Its only difference with other Pomeranians lies in its coat color.

The coat color of a lavender Pom ranges from light to dark grey combined with a very light shade of purple. Depending on how light hits its coat, a lavender Pom may look more light chocolate than actually lavender.

Lavender Poms can exhibit all sorts of markings known in Pomeranians. These markings include merle, white markings, tri-color markings, tan markings, and parti-color. A lavender Pom with markings may have a more distinguishable “lavender look.”

Speaking of coats, lavender Poms have double coats. Their bodies are covered by a short undercoat and a slightly longer overcoat. Their coats sit tight on their heads and necks while feathering is visible on their forelegs.

In terms of size, a fully grown lavender Pom measures 7 to 12 inches in height and weighs between three and seven pounds.

Like other Pomeranians, lavender Poms also have square proportions. This means they are as tall as they are long.

Unlike in other dog breeds, gender does not play a significant role in the size of a Pomeranian. Male Poms and female Poms are about the same height and weight as each other.

In terms of physical features, lavender Poms have big almond-shaped eyes and small erect ears. Moreover, these pups have short muzzles and straight toplines.

A notable difference between lavender Poms and the majority of other Pom colors is in their nose color. Other Pom colors have black noses, while chocolate, beaver, blue, and lavender Poms have brown noses.

Overall, the lavender Pom has a jolly appearance. These dogs are well-spirited, attentive, and naturally curious.

Lavender Pomeranian Coat Color Genetics: How Is a Lavender Pomeranian Bred?

Breeding a lavender Pomeranian is a bit tricky. There’s a lot going on with the coat color genetics of these pups.

However, the most common combination to get lavender Pom puppies is by breeding a chocolate Pom with either blue, beaver, or another chocolate Pom.

The reason behind these combinations lies in the so-called dilute gene, also known as the D Locus gene. This gene is responsible for dialing down the intensity of a dog’s coat color.

The dilute gene can be either recessive or dominant. A dog with a recessive dilute gene will not have a diluted coat color; however, it can still pass copies of this gene to its puppies. As a result, a non-diluted Pomeranian can still have diluted puppies.

In Pomeranians, the dilute gene is present primarily in blue, beaver, and chocolate Poms. Therefore, the chance of having a lavender puppy is highest when any of these colors are bred together.

However, there is still a possibility to have lavender puppies from other Pom color combinations. The only rule of thumb is that the parent dogs must carry a copy of the dilute gene. That said, the chances may be slim.

Lavender Pomeranian Kennel Club Recognition: Can Lavender Pomeranians Be AKC Registered?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) lists 24 standard coat colors for the Pomeranian. Unfortunately, lavender is not one of these colors.

However, it is still possible to have your lavender Pomeranian registered with the AKC. The only catch is that you must register your dog under a different coat color.

Luckily, most lavender Pomeranians qualify as chocolate Poms. In fact, the lavender Pom is also sometimes called the dilute chocolate Pomeranian. For lighter-colored lavender Poms, they can sometimes fall under the cream or beaver color.

That said, as long as your Pomeranian has all the qualities listed in the AKC breed standards, you can have it registered as a pedigree.

If you choose to register your lavender Pom in the AKC, your pup is automatically eligible to join dog competitions.

These competitions include pet shows, agility contests, and other fun events! You may check out AKC’s sports and events on their website.

Lavender Pomeranian Temperament: Are Lavender Pomeranians Good Family Dogs?

Lavender Pomeranians are fantastic family pets. These dogs are known for their friendly disposition, playful spirit, and extreme loyalty. They are also very intelligent and highly trainable.

For the most part, lavender Poms share an identical behavior to other Pomeranians. After all, these pooches are the same balls of fur, only in a fancier color!

You can expect a lavender Pom to be a feisty and sometimes naughty pooch. Also, these pups are very alert and responsive to training.

However, one thing to note about lavender Pomeranians and Pomeranians, in general, is that gender plays a vital role in their temperament.

On average, female Pomeranians tend to be more self-serving than males. Females are less needy for cuddles and attention. On the other hand, male Poms tend to be more clingy, active, and silly.

If you have other pets around the house, you’d be happy to know that a Pomeranian will quickly get along with them. The same thing is true if you have kids. Just don’t leave them unattended when they’re playing!

Lavender Pomeranian Lifespan and Health Issues: Are Lavender Pomeranians Healthy Dogs?

The lavender Pomeranian lives a pretty long life at around 12 to 16 years old. In fact, the Pomeranian breed is known as one of the breeds with a long life expectancy. That’s undoubtedly some good news!

Unfortunately, there’s also bad news for lavender Poms. Sadly, despite their long life expectancy, lavender Poms are still at risk of some common health issues.

These issues are something to look out for, especially if you want your Pom to live its longest and healthiest life!

Below are some common health issues of lavender Pomeranians:

  1. Epilepsy: Canine idiopathic epilepsy is a manifestation of a neurological disorder in dogs. This issue is characterized by seizures that occur briefly at any time of the day. The chances of a dog developing epilepsy are just around 0.75%. Unfortunately, epilepsy is the most common cause of seizures in Pomeranians.

  2. Cataracts: Lavender Poms, like the rest of the Pomeranian breed, are at risk of cataracts. Cataracts are best described as a “cloudy” vision. This eye problem is usually brought about by age or genetic factors. While a blind dog can still live a full life, it is still best to keep your Pom’s vision in check.

  3. Collapsed Trachea: Tracheal collapse is a disorder in dogs with an unknown cause. Some symptoms of this health issue include coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and gagging. Sadly, tracheal collapse is common in small to medium dog breeds like the Pomeranian.

  4. Heartworm Disease: Heartworm disease is a fatal health condition affecting the hearts of dogs. It is mainly caused by foot-long worms that thrive inside the blood vessels. When heartworms are left untreated, they multiply and cause damage to a dog’s respiratory system. Fortunately, there are preventative medications for this health issue.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to keep your lavender Pom in tip-top shape and away from these health issues. All you need to do is to provide good food to your dog and keep it active. Of course, regularly visiting the vet is an absolute must!

How Much Does a Lavender Pomeranian Cost? Are Lavender Poms More Expensive Than Other Colors?

On average, the lavender Pomeranian sells for $1,800 to $2,500. More often than not, these pooches are on par with other Pom colors in terms of pricing.

However, if you want a lavender Pom from a champion lineage, expect to pay upwards of $3,000.

Lavender Poms are relatively rare compared to other colors of the breed. Luckily, their rarity does not drive up their prices unreasonably.

Some lavender Poms may sell a few hundred dollars more than the more common Pom colors, but that’s that. It is uncommon to find a breeder selling lavender Poms for thousands of dollars more than regular Pomeranians.

One reason behind this peculiar pricing is that all colors of the Pomeranian breed are widely accepted.

Unlike with other dog breeds where some colors are favored over others, Pom colors are judged fairly in competitions. The AKC even states that all Pom colors must be considered on an equal basis!

If you want to save a bit of money when buying a lavender Pom, you can opt for adoption.

However, given that lavender Poms are relatively uncommon, you might need to be a bit more patient in your search. Adoption fees for lavender Poms range from $200 to $500.

Places to Find Lavender Pomeranian Puppies for Sale and Adoption

Lavender Poms are pretty rare pooches. These dogs don’t come by as often as other Pom colors. However, the good news is that there are still a lot of places to find these pups.

If you are keen on owning a lavender Pom as a pet, you have the option to either buy or adopt one.

Luckily, this guide has rounded up all the best sources for lavender Pomeranians. The list below will surely help you in your search!

Here are some reputable breeders where you can find lavender Pomeranian puppies for sale:

  1. WolfPack Poms – WolfPack Poms is a South Florida-based breeder. This breeder prides itself in breeding AKC-recognized champion line Pomeranians. All dogs from this Pomeranian breeder are guaranteed healthy and free from temperamental issues. Expect to pay upwards of $3,000 for a lavender Pomeranian from WolfPack Poms.

  2. LaShomb’s Pomeranians – This breeder specializes in merle, parti, and diluted Pomeranians. The price range for a lavender Pom from this breeder is between $2,000 and $3,000. Make sure to check out their available Poms once in a while!

  3. 10,000 Lakes Pomeranians – Located in Minnesota, 10,000 Lakes Pomeranians is a reputable breeder of lavender Poms. Their dogs are home-raised on a 125-acre riverfront property. All of their Poms are AKC-registered as well.

Here are some places where you can find lavender Pomeranians for adoption:

  1. Southern California Pomeranian Rescue (SCPR) – If you live near Southern California, then SCPR is a Pom rescue worth considering. This non-profit organization is backed by dozens of volunteers. They foster all kinds of Pomeranians, including lavender Poms.

  2. Pampered Poms Rescue (PPR) – PPR is a Kansas-based Pom rescue. Established in 2010, they have over a decade of experience in fostering and caring for unwanted Pomeranians. You can visit their website if you wish to adopt a lavender Pom from them.

  3. Adopt-a-Pet – Adopt-a-Pet is a trusted adoption website. With their service, you can browse adoptable Poms in your desired location. You can even filter search results based on age, gender, and color. Make sure to check out their listings for a lavender Pomeranian from time to time!

If you haven’t found the perfect place to get a lavender Pom, check out our round-up on the best Pomeranian breeders and best Pomeranian rescues.

Similarly, you may also look for Pomeranian groups on social media. Surely, many lavender Pom owners are willing to help you out!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Pomeranian Color Is the Most Expensive?

The most expensive pomeranian color is the tri-color. Technically, these dogs can have any combination of colors. However, the most commonly seen colors in tri-colored Poms are black, white, tan, chocolate, and cream.

On rare occasions, some tri-colored Poms will have red, blue, or lavender on their coats. Poms with these rarer colors usually cost more. The price for the rare tri-colored Poms may range from $5,000 to $10,000.

What Is the Rarest Color of Pomeranian?

The tri-color is the rarest color of the Pomeranian. A tri-colored Pom should have three distinguishable colors on its coat. The different colors typically appear on their paws, bib, and the rest of their body.

That said, some tri-color Poms are rarer than others. For example, a tri-colored Pom with lavender, tan, and white is rarer than a tri-colored Pom with black, white, and cream.

According to many Pom enthusiasts, the rarest Pom is a tri-colored Pom that has lavender on its coat.

How Many Pomeranian Colors Are There?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) does not impose any restrictions when it comes to Pomeranian coat colors.

From a competitive standpoint, all colors of the Pom are equally accepted. That said, the AKC still lists some standard colors of the breed.

Here are the 24 standard colors of the Pomeranian:

  1. Black

  2. Black & Tan

  3. Blue

  4. Blue & Tan

  5. Blue Merle

  6. Chocolate

  7. Chocolate & Tan

  8. Cream

  9. Orange

  10. Orange Sable

  11. Red

  12. Red Sable

  13. White

  14. Wolf Sable

  15. Cream Sable

  16. Beaver

  17. Tri-Colored

  18. Blue Sable

  19. Black & Brindle

  20. Blue Brindle

  21. Brindle

  22. Chocolate Sable

  23. Chocolate Merle

  24. Beaver Sable

Some of these colors may be called different names depending on the breeder or kennel club.

For example, the lavender Poms are also called dilute-chocolate Poms or lilac Poms. They may also sometimes fall under the chocolate merle color.

Final Thoughts: Should You Get a Lavender Pomeranian?

The Pomeranian is one of the easiest dog breeds to recommend. Aside from having pretty long lives, these pups are friendly, loving, and easily trainable.

However, Pomeranians are pretty common pets. Luckily, if you are looking for a unique four-legged best friend, the lavender Pom is always a fantastic option.

Lavender Poms inherits all the good things about the Pomeranian breed. Through and through, these pooches are the same as other Pom colors.

You can think of lavender Poms as the same cuddly balls of fur only in a different color. If the thought of owning a unique Pomeranian excites you, then you should totally get a lavender Pom!

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