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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Much to Feed a Havanese (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart)

“How much to feed a Havanese?” is one of the common questions that Havanese owners have when they get their new furry companion, and it is understandable. After all, no one wants to overfeed or underfeed their dog.

However, it’s worth noting that the ideal amount of food for your Havanese should be based on their body weight and energy level. Furthermore, its age, health concerns, and metabolism also play a part in this tricky process.

So if you really want to learn everything about Havanese feeding, you are in the right place!

This article will cover the basics of this breed’s diet, such as how often it should eat and what types of food are best suited for its needs.

Havanese Feeding Chart by Age: How Much to Feed Your Havanese?

To identify how much to feed your Havanese, consider its age. For example, a Havanese puppy needs between 1⁄2 and 1 1⁄9 cups per day, while an adult Havanese should be given 9⁄10 to 1 1⁄9 cups. For seniors, however, the ideal amount of food per day should be anywhere from 3⁄4 to 4⁄5 cups.

That said, fur parents must note that these numbers are not set in stone. Some Havanese may need more or less than others based on their body size, lifestyle, and health conditions.

Moreover, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC), owners of this costly breed must monitor their pet’s caloric intake to prevent obesity. So, if you are skeptical about how to feed your dog properly, it is best to consult a vet first.

But to give you an idea of how much to feed a Havanese during its different life stages, this section will break down the number of calories your dog needs per day, as well as the ideal amount of protein and fat to include in its diet.

Havanese Puppy Feeding Chart (2 to 12 months)

Before exploring the details of Havanese puppy feeding, it is worthwhile to consider some general facts regarding puppies.

For starters, keep in mind that they should spend their first three weeks with their mother and littermates.

At this point of development, they cannot digest solid food yet and must rely on their mother’s colostrum for nourishment.

Once weaning begins at around four to eight weeks of age, Havanese puppies can now transition from nursing to consuming solid puppy food. However, this should occur gradually over several weeks rather than all at once.

Furthermore, dog owners should invest in puppy food that is rich in protein and fat, as well as other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. This ensures that your Havanese puppy will grow into a healthy adult.

With that taken care of, here’s a table that outlines the number of calories, protein, and fat your Havanese puppy should consume daily:

As you can see, Havanese puppies only need a few cups of food per day. This is because they are toy-sized dogs and are only moderately active.

That said, consult a pet nutritionist or vet to determine if your Havanese puppy needs more or less than these amounts.

Adult Havanese Feeding Chart (1 to 6 years)

Once your Havanese puppy reaches one year old, you can begin to transition it from puppy food to adult food. Note, though, that its gender and whether it’s spayed or neutered will now affect its nutritional needs.

For instance, the daily caloric consumption of a fixed Havanese should be around 350 calories per day. Intact canines, on the other hand, require about 400 calories daily or perhaps more if they are highly active.

In general, however, most adult Havanese dogs will do well on high-quality dog food that contains plenty of animal protein and fiber-rich vegetables.

The following feeding chart shows how much food a Havanese between one and six years of age needs per day:

Unlike Havanese puppies, this chart shows that adults require fewer calories. You will also notice that the suggested fat content for a fully grown dog decreases as it ages. This is because its metabolism slows down.

As a result, you need to ensure you are not overfeeding your adult Havanese. While it’s tempting to give them extra treats and snacks to satisfy their hunger for affection, this can cause them to become overweight or obese.

Instead, invest in supplements such as glucosamine, fish oil, and probiotics to keep them limber and healthy without adding excess weight.

Senior Havanese Feeding Chart (7 years and above)

As your Havanese approaches old age, the number of calories it requires per day will decrease. As a result, if you want to keep your senior pooch healthy, you need to adjust its diet accordingly.

You can begin by reducing the amount of food you give your senior Havanese by about 10%. That’s right — you are going to be cutting back a bit.

For example, an older canine may do well with one meal throughout the day instead of two. In addition, owners should be aware that the daily food intake for seniors is typically less than one cup.

To make it easier to remember, the following is a general guideline for feeding senior Havanese dogs:

But to make up for the lower calorie count, look for senior dog foods that contain more protein and fiber than fat or carbs. This can help your old pooch feel full and prevent it from overeating or becoming overweight.

Additionally, some senior dogs may need help with digesting their food because their teeth are not as strong as they used to be.

If this is the case for your pooch, consider buying canned or wet food instead of dry kibble. The former provides more moisture and softness than the latter, making chewing and digestion a lot easier.

Havanese Feeding Frequency: How Often Should You Feed Your Havanese?

As a rule, how often you feed your Havanese will mostly depend on its age and lifestyle. If you currently own a Havanese puppy that is not free-fed, three to four servings daily are strongly recommended. On the other hand, an adult and senior Havanese require one to two meals throughout the day.

Because the Havanese dog breed is small in stature, it needs to be fed on a strict schedule.

This means that dog owners can’t just give these tiny canines food whenever they’re hungry — they need to eat at specific times every day.

Moreover, you should note that they will not be able to digest large amounts of food all at once.

As such, it’s crucial to feed your pet only the amount of food that will keep it full but not so much that its stomach becomes distended.

Refer to the table below to see how often you should feed your Havanese:

As you can see in the Havanese feeding frequency guideline above, it is evident that puppies, adults, and seniors require different numbers of servings per day.

Starting with Havanese puppies, they usually eat three to four times daily. While free feeding may be an appealing option for some owners, doing so may cause a puppy to overeat, which could lead to obesity if not closely monitored.

Meanwhile, for adult and senior Havanese, one to two meals a day are enough. Sticking to these numbers can help your pet maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diabetes, hip dysplasia, and other chronic conditions.

Optimal Feeding Times for Havanese

Not free-fed Havanese puppies should be fed at 7:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm, and 7:00 pm; adult Havanese are fed twice at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm; and senior Havanese should have meals at either 7:00 am or 7:00 pm.

As a responsible Havanese parent, another thing that you need to consider is a consistent feeding schedule.

Your dog must get the same amount of food at a particular time each day so it can adjust its body clock accordingly.

For your convenience, the table below shows the optimal feeding times for Havanese puppies, adults, and seniors:

One of the best techniques to make sure you feed your Havanese on time is setting alarms on your phone.

By doing this, you won’t have to worry about forgetting meal times, and your dog will also learn how to be patient.

It’s important to note that feeding a Havanese any time after 7:00 pm must be avoided at all costs. Not only will it upset its stomach, but it may also trigger behavioral problems such as aggression and excessive barking.

Best Dog Foods for Havanese

While the Havanese is generally classified as a picky eater, it does have a few dietary requirements that owners should keep in mind when choosing the best dog food.

First off, this breed is prone to digestive issues, so one should consider pet food brands made from natural ingredients rather than by-products or fillers.

Moreover, Havanese dogs are sensitive to certain chemicals and preservatives.

So to make it easier for you, here’s a rundown of the best dog food options for Havanese dogs:

  1. Canned or Wet Food: Since wet food is softer and easier to digest than dry food or kibble, it’s a good option for older Havanese dogs that have trouble chewing. Wet food also contains 75% water, which is essential for maintaining hydration in canines of all ages.

  2. Dry Dog Food: For Havanese puppies, kibble or dry food is strongly recommended by most vets. This type of dog food provides all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that a puppy needs to grow up healthy and strong.

  3. BARF or Raw Diet: The Havanese breed can also be fed a Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) diet, which usually contains raw meat, uncooked bones, vegetables, and fruits. In fact, BARF or raw diets are becoming popular among dog owners because of the numerous health benefits they provide.

  4. Homemade Meals: If you have the time to cook your Havanese’s meals, a homemade diet is both cost-effective and nutritious. However, you must incorporate healthy ingredients, including brown rice, sweet potatoes, carrots, and chicken, to ensure a balanced diet.

Overall, it’s best to be patient when choosing the right food for your Havanese. You might even have to experiment with different brands and flavors before settling on one that works for your dog.

If you’re curious about homemade diets for Havanese, here’s a video that will teach you how to make one:

HOMEMADE DOG FOOD | healthy dog food recipe<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="HOMEMADE DOG FOOD | healthy dog food recipe" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Havanese

After knowing the best dog foods for Havanese, it is time to discuss the specific foods that should be avoided by pet parents.

Pooches, in general, tend to eat anything and everything they can get their paws on. For this reason, it is crucial to make sure your furry friend is not eating any of these potentially harmful foods:

  1. Chocolates: Even if it’s just a bite or two, chocolate can be toxic to Havanese. Theobromine, a chemical found in cocoa beans, is harmful to canines and can cause vomiting and diarrhea. If eaten in large quantities, it could even lead to death.

  2. Artificial Additives: Human foods that contain artificial additives, such as coloring agents and sweeteners, are bad for your Havanese’s health. So if you see any of these ingredients listed on a bag of food or treat, throw it out immediately.

  3. Garlic and Onion: Garlic and onion are poisonous to Havanese dogs because they contain thiosulfates, which can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs.

Unfortunately, this list covers only a few things you should never feed your Havanese. But if you want to know more about what foods are dangerous for your pet, consult your veterinarian.

How to Transition Your Havanese to a New Food

Whether you’re switching your Havanese to a new food because it reached a certain age or perhaps developed an allergy to its current diet, it’s best to make the transition as smooth as possible.

First, you may want to introduce the new food slowly. Start by incorporating a little bit of the new one with its previous diet, then gradually increase the ratio until your fur baby gets accustomed to it.

To give you a better idea of how to implement this method, here’s a table that indicates the AKC’s suggested food transition schedule:

By gradually introducing your Havanese to a new food, any gastrointestinal problems that may arise from sudden dietary changes, such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, or bloat, can be avoided.

It is worth noting, however, that a transition can take up to seven days or more, depending on how quickly your dog’s digestive system adapts to the change.

Feeding an Overweight Havanese

If you notice that your Havanese is gaining weight, it may be time to institute a strict diet. The best way to lose weight is to feed your fat dog lower-calorie food and increase the amount of exercise it gets every day.

You should also limit the number of dog treats, snacks, and table scraps it receives since these can add up over time and cause unhealthy weight gain.

Remember to give your pup these types of food only on special occasions or during obedience training.

Unfortunately, there is no magic trick for losing weight — it takes time and effort on both the owner’s and pet’s part. Nevertheless, with some perseverance and patience, you’ll be able to help your pet get back into shape.

But if you are having trouble getting your Havanese to lose weight, talk to your vet about feasible solutions.

They can suggest the right kind of diet for your furry friend and help you keep track of its progress with regular checkups.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is My Havanese Not Eating?

Although the Havanese breed is often described as “picky” or “fussy” in terms of their eating habits, there are a few reasons why your Havanese may not be eating its food.

First, if you have recently changed your dog’s diet without proper transition, it could be an upset stomach that’s causing this behavior. If this is the case, try mixing its old food with the new one until your Havanese gets used to it.

It is uncommon, but another possible reason your dog refuses to eat its food is an underlying health issue.

If you notice unusual symptoms aside from not eating, such as vomiting or diarrhea, go to the vet as soon as possible.

Do Havanese Eat a Lot?

Due to its tiny stature, a Havanese does not need to eat a lot of food to sustain itself. In fact, it only requires approximately one cup of food throughout the day.

Can Havanese Eat Bones?

In contrast to other dog breeds, the Havanese is more likely to chew on bones than actually eat them. Fortunately, chewing bones, particularly raw ones, can help clean your dog’s teeth and reduce plaque buildup.

As a general rule, it is best to avoid giving cooked bones to your Havanese. They are likely to splinter into pieces and can cause severe internal damage if swallowed.

Can Havanese Be Vegetarians?

Like other canines, Havanese are omnivores, which means they can eat both meat and vegetables. However, it’s vital to consider several factors before deciding to make your Havanese vegetarian.

First, you need to know what types of nutrients are lacking in the diet of a vegan dog. Some amino acids cannot be found in plants and can only be obtained from animal sources, including taurine, arginine, and lysine.

Another thing to consider is whether or not your Havanese is physically able to digest vegetables without any supplements.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to Havanese feeding, you want to make sure that your canine is getting the right amount of nutrition for its size and age.

This means sudden modifications in your dog’s diet will be necessary throughout its lifespan.

But while a puppy needs different amounts of food than an adult or senior dog, all Havanese should have a balanced diet that includes a source of protein, fats, fiber, and carbohydrates.

Fur parents of the Havanese breed should also be aware that their dogs are particularly susceptible to obesity. Nonetheless, they can always use the general guidelines provided in this article.

So, do you have other questions about how much to feed a Havanese? Share them in the comments, and feel free to bookmark this Havanese feeding guide for future reference!

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