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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Much to Feed a French Bulldog (Feeding Chart & Guide)

French Bulldogs are unique among any other dog breed in numerous ways. Their feeding requirements are no exemption from this since multiple factors must be considered when giving them food.

With Frenchie’s increasing popularity, many individuals are choosing to own one. Unfortunately, most of them are unaware of the breed’s unique nutritional requirements.

If they are fed incorrectly, they may develop health problems. That is why it is critical to understand how much to feed a French Bulldog puppy to ensure that they are healthy.

This comprehensive puppy feeding guide can assist you in selecting the perfect dog food for French Bulldogs and establishing an appropriate feeding plan.

French Bulldog Feeding Chart by Age: How Much to Feed Your French Bulldog?

The amount of dog food consumed by small dog breeds, such as the French Bulldog, is mostly determined by their age. Puppies, adults, and older French Bulldogs all have unique nutritional requirements.

Adult French Bulldogs, of course, require adult dog food also. Approximately two and a half cups up to three cups of food should be given daily.

A dog diet appropriate for an adult French Bulldog may be deficient for French Bulldog puppies and excessive for an inactive senior dog.

Moreover, other significant age-related requirements such as the number of vitamins and minerals in their food should be noted.

You can use the feeding chart supplied in this section to correctly arrange your French Bulldog’s diet.

Bear in mind that it should still be modified according to your dog’s needs and your vet’s instructions to ensure that your canine receives the proper amount of nutrients.

French Bulldog Puppy Feeding Chart (2 to 12 months)

Weaning should begin between three and four weeks of age when the puppies’ teeth begin to grow.

Due to the discomfort associated with nursing teething puppies, the mother may withdraw before her puppies receive enough milk.

Growing puppies will naturally seek alternative sources of puppy food. And to begin weaning, you will separate the mother from the puppies for an hour, two to three times daily, to let the puppies experiment with solid food.

French Bulldog puppies should consume puppy food with essential nutrients, higher calories, and healthy fats to aid in their development into healthy adults.

To know the feeding requirement of your French Bulldog puppy, refer to the feeding chart below:

By following this guideline, you can ensure that your French Bulldog puppy develops its muscles and bones properly. Protein provides the building blocks necessary for healthy muscular and lean mass in Frenchies.

The diet of your French Bulldog puppy should include high-quality animal protein sources such as poultry, beef, and fish.

Take note, however, that too much protein consumption might result in an increase in urea, which can cause damage to the kidneys.

Fat, on the other hand, is a concentrated supply of energy in the form of calories. It is an excellent source of omega fatty acids for the development of your Frenchie’s skin and coat and to promote brain health.

Adult French Bulldog Feeding Chart (1 to 6 years)

Generally, the French Bulldog is referred to as a lazy breed. With that said, you may want to ensure that your Frenchie is within a healthy body weight range to avoid future health problems.

French Bulldogs are prone to obesity, which can result in various health problems. By the time they reach the age of 12 months, French Bulldogs are already fully grown.

However, a larger French Bulldog can continue to grow until the age of 14 months. As a result, younger pups must obtain an adequate amount of calories, animal protein, and healthy fats.

Simply keep in mind that, as French Bulldog owners, you should bear in mind that an excess of calories and protein might result in obesity and renal disease. As a result, you must constantly be cautious when feeding them.

The feeding chart below shows the daily food consumption of your French Bulldog pup:

By following this plan and incorporating nutritional supplements and exercise, you may help your French Bulldog become more healthy and muscular.

Additionally, diet and nutrition, along with the dog’s activity level, are critical components in ensuring that your dog remains a healthy family member for years to come.

Senior French Bulldog Feeding Chart (7 years and above)

Older French Bulldogs require fewer calories in their diet than younger adult canines since they are less active.

Since they don’t require as much food, overfeeding them might have a detrimental effect on their frail bones and joints.

Furthermore, they should be fed low-fat kibble to support healthy digestion. Also, they may have a sensitive stomach, making it necessary to choose the most appropriate dog food.

Due to the French Bulldog’s low, stalky, muscular body and extremely small muzzle, they are prone to a variety of diseases common to other small breeds.

By providing your French Bulldog with the healthiest nutrition possible during its senior years, it can be less vulnerable to these health conditions.

Refer to the table below for your guide in feeding a senior French Bulldog:

If you’re feeding canned food to your Frenchie, you should refer to the dog food packaging for the recommended daily amount. However, your pup’s total calorie intake is dependent on both its age and weight.

Male and female French Bulldogs may also have calorie requirements that are based on their build and size. This also applies to French Bulldog mixes with a smaller stature, such as the teacup French Bulldog.

Always consult your veterinarian, especially if you feed your older French Bulldog homemade food. If this is the case, you must also calculate your dog’s daily caloric intake, which demands more effort on your part as an owner.

French Bulldog Feeding Frequency: How Often Should You Feed Your French Bulldog?

The number of times a French Bulldog should eat is determined by several factors, including its age and weight, the quantity of food served, and whether the French Bulldog is nursing or pregnant.

The table below shows how frequent you should feed your French Bulldog:

Pregnant or breastfeeding French Bulldogs may eat up to three times a day within eight hours. Meanwhile, puppies require more frequent feedings than adult dogs due to their rapid metabolism.

Take note that you should limit your healthy adult Frenchie’s feeding to two times daily within a 12-hour interval or once daily if it is prone to obesity.

In general, a French Bulldog puppy should be fed three times daily between two and six months.

Once the French Bulldog puppy reaches the age of six months, the feeding frequency can be reduced to two meals each day.

Optimal Feeding Times for French Bulldog

Apart from the quantity and frequency of your French Bulldog’s meals, another crucial factor to consider is when to feed your dog. As developing puppies, your Frenchie requires a consistent daily feeding plan.

The feeding plan should incorporate at least three measured meals per day. Because most dogs, even adults, will consume whatever you give them, limiting their meals to a reasonable amount of food won’t make them obese.

Your French Bulldog’s first meal should be at 7 a.m., the second meal at around noon, and the final meal at 5 p.m. Its dinner schedule is vital, as it allows ample time to digest the food and go pee or potty before bedtime.

This is crucial so that both of you can have a decent night’s sleep. Between 14 and 18 weeks, you can begin accustoming your French Bulldog puppy to two meals each day.

This may vary depending on your French Bulldog’s overall health condition. If your veterinarian advises you to keep your French Bulldog on a three-meals-a-day diet, this must be properly followed.

Senior dogs can be fed on the same schedule when given three meals a day. Since elderly dogs do not move as much, they may develop too much weight. It’s crucial to monitor that they are still in the healthy weight range.

Consequently, you should ensure that the food contains fewer calories, more fiber, and an appropriate balance of fat and protein.

Dog treats should account for no more than 5% to 10% of your dog’s daily diet. Your veterinarian should have a recommended amount of treats you should give your dog. Again, it will vary according to its weight and level of activity.

If you must frequently use treats for training, use tiny bits or give them a licking mat. Additionally, you can set aside some of your dog’s daily kibble ration to use as training rewards.

Best Dog Foods for French Bulldog

A feeding guide for Frenchie dog lovers would be incomplete without the information on the best dog food for their furry companion. This is vital, regardless if you’re raising a puppy or caring for a senior dog.

There are numerous food options available for French Bulldogs. A young Frenchie puppy’s nutrition is just as critical as adult food for an older Frenchie.

The best pet food varies from one Frenchie to another. Perhaps your French Bulldog is a fussy eater or suffers from food allergies. It is essential to monitor your Frenchie’s reaction to other dog foods for these reasons.

It is feasible to provide a balanced diet for your French Bulldogs if you use the best store-bought or homemade dog food that contains all the nutrition needed by your dog and as prescribed by your veterinarian.

The list below shows the best dog food options you can provide your French Bulldog:

  1. Dry Food: Dry dog food is commercially available kibble. This can be an excellent alternative for French Bulldogs with sensitive stomachs. French Bulldog puppies require high-quality dry food that is high in animal protein to aid in growth and muscular development. On the other hand, an adult Frenchie requires a high-calorie diet as required by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).

  2. Wet Food: Wet food is contained in a can; it is primarily composed of water and is considered highly mushy food. This can be combined with kibble to provide variation in your dog’s diet. However, wet food expires more quickly than dry food, making it the least practical alternative.

  3. BARF Diet: The Biologically Approved Raw Food Diet or BARF Diet is a type of raw food diet that consists primarily of raw meat and bones and various fruits and vegetables. The recommended percentages for a BARF diet are 70% lean meat like deboned chicken, 10% raw digestible bone, 7% veggies, 5% liver, 5% other gland organs, 2% seeds or nuts, and 1% fruit.

  4. Home-Cooked Diet: A home-cooked, protein-rich diet like a chicken meal is excellent for French Bulldogs. Unlike ordinary kibble, it contains no additives or preservatives. It supports healthy digestion and may help avoid various problems related to a bad diet, including obesity, dry skin and coat, pancreatitis, diabetes, and a low immune system.

The video below provides a vet-approved homemade recipe you can follow:

VET APPROVED HOMEMADE + HEALTHY DOG FOOD RECIPE | COOKING FOR YOUR DOG<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="VET APPROVED HOMEMADE + HEALTHY DOG FOOD RECIPE | COOKING FOR YOUR DOG" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

All French Bulldogs require a high protein diet, including the merle and fawn Bulldogs. Moreover, vitamins such as turmeric golden paste, fish oil, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar can boost Frenchie’s health.

French Bulldogs are prone to developing a variety of joint and back issues. Along with other joint problems, they may develop luxating patella or hip dysplasia.

By including plenty of cartilage-building and joint-supporting ingredients in your Frenchie’s food, you can help them remain symptom-free for an extended time.

Both glucosamine and chondroitin are critical components of a high-quality French Bulldog dog diet.

These essential vitamins assist your French in developing the connective tissue necessary for healthy joints and spine support.

Omega-3 fatty acids can assist your Frenchie to keep muscle mass and strength by reducing inflammation and soreness. Also, this can promote healthy skin by preventing itchy and flaky skin.

Whether wet and dry food, raw food, or a homemade diet, each dog food offers several benefits and drawbacks. Consult a veterinarian before deciding to know exactly what food option suits your Frenchie.

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is noted for its delicate stomach. Any French Bulldog owner will attest that vomiting is far more common in this breed than in other dogs.

While it cannot be totally prevented, you should know what human foods are toxic to French Bulldogs.

Some of the foods to avoid are not only bad for Frenchie; many of them can be fatal. They may result in poisoning and, in the worst-case scenario, death.

This section enumerates some of the most dangerous foods for French Bulldogs. I will discuss why these foods are poisonous and when you should contact a veterinarian.

The first and most prevalent is chocolate. It contains a toxin called theobromine, which can cause a variety of health problems when consumed in large amounts. This can cause irregular heartbeats, seizures, and sudden death.

Garlic and onions should also never be included in the diet of your Frenchie puppy or adult dog. Even a trace of these vegetables can result in anemia and red blood cell failure in your pup.

Poisoning symptoms include lethargy, fatigue, vomiting, rapid breathing, and an increased heart rate.

However, remember that you may not immediately notice poisoning symptoms because the toxic consequences may take a few days to manifest.

Additionally, grapes are one of the most toxic foods for your Frenchie. A dog that has consumed grapes may exhibit stomach bloating and diarrhea.

They need to be taken to a veterinarian immediately. In severe cases, gastric lavage is the best course of action.

Candy, artificial sweeteners, corn on the cob, roasted bones, avocado, raisins, almonds, cherry, peach, plum, coconut oil, mustard seeds, alcohol, coffee, blue cheese, and tomatoes are also regarded to be unsafe for French Bulldogs.

Furthermore, there are certain foods that you should avoid giving your Pitbull owing to the negative side effects they may cause. While they are not considered dangerous, they can cause nausea, diarrhea, and weight gain.

Numerous dogs wind up at veterinarian clinics due to improper food intake. While prevention is always the best course of action, it is critical to understand emergency care and medication expenses.

Read our article on French Bulldog costs to learn more about the medical expenditures associated with a French Bulldog.

How to Transition Your French Bulldog to a New Food

Throughout your Frenchie’s life, they may require a change in dog food brands or transition to an entirely new diet.

Perhaps your veterinarian has prescribed a prescription diet, or you’ve chosen to experiment with a new brand. Whatever the motivation for the transition, it’s more complicated than you think.

To avoid disturbing your dog’s stomach, you must properly transition your dog to the proposed new diet. Suddenly changing your dog’s food can result in gastrointestinal problems.

When changing your dog’s food, you should introduce the new diet gradually to allow your dog’s system time to acclimatize. These adjustments should ideally take place over 5 to 7 days.

You will need to gradually add more of the new food into your dog’s current diet by mixing it in within the recommended transition period.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recommends starting with 25% of the new food and progressively increasing it to 100% until the dog’s old diet is completely replaced.

However, this is dependent on other factors, such as your dog’s sensitivity to particular substances or the presence of pre-existing gastrointestinal disorders.

Consult a veterinarian in this scenario, especially if you intend to switch to a raw or homemade diet.

Feeding an Overweight French Bulldog

French Bulldogs can quickly gain weight, resulting in various health problems. Thus, dog owners need to notice when their Frenchie gets overweight to assist the dog in maintaining a healthy weight and living a healthy life.

Average adult French Bulldogs should have a body weight between 19 and 29 pounds for males, while 18 to 28 pounds for females.

The most common indications that your Frenchie is overweight include lack of muscle definition and difficulty breathing during brief exercises.

In terms of visual indicators, a Frenchie within their healthy weight will have a thin layer of fat covering their ribs. Meanwhile, those with excess fat have noticeable deposits in the chest and stomach area.

Also, you should be able to see and feel their spine as they bend and curl into a sleeping position.

Furthermore, Frenchies have an hourglass form, with a visible waistline that is smaller than their chest when they are not overweight.

Regardless of these symptoms, it is always advisable to seek confirmation from a professional veterinarian.

Feeding an obese Frenchie means maintaining a consistent food plan throughout the day to aid in weight loss. Additionally, this stops your dog from eating more than it requires.

Apart from planned feeding times, serving the correct meal proportions is essential. If your Frenchie is overweight, owners should focus on how much food is offered to them.

Reducing their daily kibble intake by half a cup can help them significantly reduce weight.

Moreover, you should offer them foods with fewer calories, more fiber, and more protein. As a result, your Frenchie will burn more calories and lose weight more quickly.

It is preferable to give your dog treats that contain only one ingredient, are low in calories, and contain no added sugar, such as sweet potato and blueberry bites.

Alternatively, you can treat your dog with items that are already in your refrigerator, such as tiny portions of sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas.

Ensure that each family member is aware of these procedures to ensure the plan’s effectiveness. Regularly weigh your dog, monitor how many calories they intake, and establish a target body weight for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is My French Bulldog Not Eating?

Environmental changes, a new dog, or separation anxiety can all contribute to your Frenchie’s loss of appetite for extended periods.

Also, pain can make a Frenchie nervous and unable to eat, so keep an eye out for evident signs of injury. Another common reason for your French Bulldog not to eat is discomfort in the mouth caused by dental issues.

Furthermore, gastrointestinal conditions, certain medicines, vaccination, overfeeding, or other serious health problems can cause a French Bulldog not to eat.

As a result, you must keep an eye on your Frenchie and contact your veterinarian if the condition persists for weeks.

Do French Bulldogs Eat a Lot?

French Bulldogs are opportunistic feeders by nature. Thus, they will continue to eat as long as you provide pet food. They may begin to require more than is necessary to fulfill their appetite due to this behavior.

Also, when a French Bulldog is agitated, it may begin to overeat. The most effective strategy to combat stress-related overeating is to thrive in a calm environment.

At times, your dog may become bored and eat more than usual to keep itself occupied somehow. Thus, you must keep a watch on any of these factors.

Can French Bulldogs Eat Bones?

Dogs should not consume cooked bones of any kind. The bones may splinter, resulting in deadly shards that might cause injury due to choking hazards.

Thus, if you wish to offer your Frenchie a bone, vets recommend raw meat bones, preferably from farm-raised chicken. These are best given after a meal to prevent them from eating too much.

Remove it after around ten minutes and store it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for tomorrow.

To avoid bacterial contamination, it is recommended to discard it after a few days and keep it separate from other raw meat and food.

Can French Bulldogs Be Vegetarians?

Each Frenchie is one-of-a-kind. Simply because your French Bulldog likes veggies does not mean it can go full-on vegetarian. Also, bear in mind that many veggies are dangerous and toxic to your French Bulldog.

Certain vegetables are acceptable to be fed to a French Bulldog, but only in small portions. Veterinarians suggest that vegetables be included in a Frenchie’s diet just as a low-calorie snack, not more than that.

Final Thoughts

French Bulldogs are, without a doubt, playful, intelligent, and compassionate dogs. On the other hand, Frenchies are greedy eaters, and food serves as their primary motivator.

Thus, a critical component of owning this breed is understanding how much, how frequently, and what food to feed a French Bulldog. You can supply dry food, wet food, raw food diets, or a homemade diet for your pet.

Since Frenchie pups and adults may have food sensitivities, providing or making the best dog food for their age and nutritional requirements is critical. By doing so, you can help your Frenchie prevent undesirable health problems.

It’s also recommended to consult with your veterinarian about the most effective feeding options for your French Bulldog. This can help guarantee that your Frenchie receives the safest and healthiest diet as much as possible.

Let us know in the comments below about your experience with feeding your French Bulldog!

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