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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Much to Feed a Corgi (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart)

Having an active and athletic herding dog like the Corgi will make you wonder, “How much am I supposed to feed my Corgi?” With the energy requirement for their level of activity, properly feeding them is a must.

Coming up with the proper diet for your dog may sometimes be a daunting task, but it should be on the list of your priorities. A well-planned diet is one of the keys to a healthy dog with a happy disposition.

This Corgi feeding guide should help you pick the best food options for your pet. This will also help you determine how much to feed your pup, the proper feeding schedule, and more!

Corgi Feeding Chart by Age: How Much to Feed Your Corgi?

The daily amount of food you need to feed your Corgi will mostly depend on its age. Corgi puppies need 1 ½ to 2 ¾ cups, adults need 1 ⅓ to 1 ½ cups, while seniors need ⅔ to ¾ cups of dog food. Size, weight, physical attributes, activity level, and metabolism may also affect your Corgi’s diet.

Resting Energy Requirement (RER) determines how many calories your Corgi needs for its different life stages. Don’t be concerned, though, as feeding charts are conveniently prepared for you in this article.

While this Corgi feeding guide helps you with the basic knowledge you need to feed your pet properly, you must be flexible enough to adjust to your dog’s individual needs and your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Corgi Puppy Feeding Chart (2 to 12 months)

During the first three weeks of your puppy’s life, its mother’s milk will be the main source of nutrients. The colostrum produced at the onset of breastfeeding carries a lot of benefits.

It gives the pups additional protection and prepares their gut for more serious feeding.

When your Corgi puppy turns three weeks old, it should be able to undergo the process of weaning. Selecting an excellent Corgi puppy food is very important to meet the nutritional requirements at this critical stage.

Check the chart below to see how much Corgi puppy food you need to give your pet:

The amounts of puppy food indicated above are based on the ideal weight of healthy Corgi puppies as they age monthly. The portions may be adjusted based on the type of puppy food or kibble you give your Corgi pup.

Take note that it is critical to feed a Corgi puppy a high-protein diet to aid in muscle formation and to support their energy requirements for growth and bodily functions.

You can also give your Corgi puppy wet food, which can easily be ingested due to its moisture and softness.

Adult Corgi Feeding Chart (1 to 6 years)

Once your Corgi puppy reaches adulthood at one year old, it will need to transition from Corgi puppy food to an adult diet.

To make the transition easier, you can gradually change the diet by mixing a small portion of adult dog food with what you feed a Corgi puppy.

Eventually, you should mix larger portions until its diet becomes 100% adult food.

Refer to the feeding chart below to know how many adults food to give your Corgi aged one to six years old:

You would notice from the chart that adult dogs would have a different dietary requirement compared to puppies. For ages 1 to 6 years, it is necessary to meet the caloric needs to maintain the Corgi’s weight in its ideal range.

The protein, carbohydrate, and fat content of the adult Corgi’s dry dog food are also important. The proper ratio of these macronutrients will aid in maintaining bodily functions, energy generation, and nutrient absorption.

Senior Corgi Feeding Chart (7 years and above)

As Corgis reach their senior years, they begin to develop health problems. It is necessary then to know exactly how much to give them and what nutrients are critical to keeping them strong and healthy.

As they have lesser energy requirements, they also require less dog food with dense nutrients. Overfeeding them at this stage could lead to obesity, so you need to watch their calorie intake.

A high-quality protein diet helps in tissue repair and muscle strength. Foods high in fiber like brown rice and green beans should aid a senior dog with a less-functioning digestive system.

A diet rich in glucosamine and chondroitin will be good for their hips and joints and reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.

The chart below shows how much food senior Corgis should eat in a day:

Coming up with the best dog food for your senior dog is a very effective way to avoid health issues and help them live a longer life.

Corgi Feeding Frequency: How Often Should You Feed Your Corgi?

Your Corgi’s daily feeding frequency will depend on its age. Young puppies from 0 to 12 weeks old must be fed 4 to 6 times, while puppies around 2 to 12 months are good with 3 to 4 feedings daily. Meanwhile, adults and senior Corgis may be given 1 to 2 meals a day.

Here is a table summarizing the recommended feeding frequency for Corgis of different ages:

A Corgi puppy would require a higher calorie intake needed for its growth and development compared to an adult. Its smaller tummy works best with more daily feeding intervals to prevent bloating.

As Corgis grow older, they should be okay with less frequent feeding as long as it contains the right volume to meet their daily energy and nutrient requirements.

No matter how old your Corgi is, it is recommended to have a strict feeding schedule.

Having a regular feeding routine not only instills discipline but also regulates regular bowel movements and energy levels throughout the day.

Optimal Feeding Times for Corgis

Corgi puppies around 0 to 12 weeks can be fed six times daily at four-hour intervals, while 3 to 12 months old Corgi pups can be given four meals daily at five-hour intervals. Adult Corgis should be fed at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, while senior dogs may have a single meal in the morning or evening.

It is challenging to come up with an exact answer on the best time to feed a Corgi, but meals should be spread evenly throughout the day.

Feeding times are also influenced by factors such as your lifestyle, work schedule, and your dog’s health conditions.

Check the table below to see recommended optimal feeding times for a Corgi:

A Corgi puppy that is a few weeks old should mostly be nursed by its mother. It is recommended to separate pups from their mother after feeding to make sure that they are able to develop a routine feeding schedule early.

If you decide to do free feeding, you may need to watch out for bloat and obesity.

For the adult Corgi, two equal portions of the right food served in an appropriate volume should be good enough to maintain its energy level and ideal weight.

Meanwhile, you can feed your senior Corgi once in the morning or once at night. You can also feed your senior Corgi twice a day if you think that is what it needs based on its activeness and weight.

Best Dog Foods for Corgis

Feeding your Corgi is an easy task because this breed generally loves food, and it is not a picky eater. Hence, Corgi owners will surely enjoy preparing a balanced meal for their pets.

It is always good to check what type of food would give your Corgi puppy or adult dog a more pleasurable dietary experience while supporting their healthy growth and proper development.

Below is a list of the best food options to incorporate into your Corgi’s diet:

  1. Wet Food: Wet dog food or canned food is very appetizing for most dogs no matter what age due to its rich flavor and aroma. This may also be mixed with other food types to increase its palatability and moisture levels. Wet food is also softer and easier to chew, which works well for senior dogs.

  2. Dry Food: Not all kibble or dry food is created the same, but high-quality ones are formulated to contain all the nutrients to promote a balanced diet for your dog. Puppy kibble usually is smaller and contains higher protein content than its adult counterparts. Different brands would have their own feeding recommendation on the back of the dog food bag.

  3. Raw or BARF Diet: Biologically-Approved Raw Food Diet (BARF) is an alternative diet consisting of raw meat from a variety of animal and fish sources, internal organs, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. Grains and supplements are sometimes added to the mix of raw food diets. Some of the many advantages of raw feeding include better digestion, decreased stool and odor, and a strengthened immune system.

  4. Home-Cooked Meal: In feeding your Corgi a home-cooked meal, always be mindful of the right balance of nutrients to support what your dog needs for healthy development. As you prepare your own meals, make sure that all components are complete such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water.

Here is a video you can follow in preparing a healthy and delicious home-cooked meal for your Corgi:

DIY Homemade Dog Food for Gucci the Corgi!<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="DIY Homemade Dog Food for Gucci the Corgi!" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Whatever strategy you use to feed a Corgi, it is always smart to seek veterinary advice, especially if your dog has conditions that need to be treated. Make the food work to your advantage.

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Corgi

Corgis are expensive dogs, so keeping them healthy would be in the best interest of its owner to increase their longevity. This also means avoiding certain food that will be harmful to your beloved pets.

Corgis are prone to canine hip dysplasia (CHD). Aside from controlling calorie intake that could make hip dysplasia worse, avoid ingredients that can cause inflammation like white potatoes, barley, wheat, and cornstarch.

Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is also common in Corgis. They also need to stop eating foods that can cause inflammation in the spine, such as sugars, vegetable oil, refined flour, saturated fats, and processed meats.

Another health issue with Corgis is epilepsy. Foods to avoid that may cause seizures are grains, beans, peanuts, and meat and organs from grain-fed animals.

Keep your dogs away from chocolates, too. It contains theobromine, a chemical compound that dogs cannot digest and metabolize.

Onions and garlic are also hazardous for your dog due to their n-propyl disulfide component. If ingested, this can cause lethargy, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and hyper-salivation in our beloved pets.

To be safe, always make it a habit to check online before offering your Corgi any food from your dining table.

It is also a good habit to go to a professional that can provide veterinary advice on specific conditions your dog may have.

How to Transition Your Corgi to a New Food

As your Corgi puppy transitions to its different life stages, so should the type of dog food that will fit it better. Make sure to do this change gradually for it to be more acceptable for your dog and its tummy.

You can start the transition by mixing a small percentage of the new dog food with the old dog food.

Change the ratio daily by slowly increasing the volume of the new dog food until it reaches 100% at the end of 10 days.

Below is a transition chart you can follow when you change dog foods:

This transition period is also a stage when you need to observe your dog’s reaction to the new diet introduced.

If you see any negative reaction in your dog to the new food, it is best to either slow down or stop the transition completely and seek veterinary guidance.

Feeding an Overweight Corgi

Corgis have a hearty appetite, even as puppies. They tend to finish all the food you give them in one meal. As small dogs, this makes them prone to gaining too much weight.

Some Corgi owners might find their overweight Corgi adorable, especially as it sploots or walks around in its traditional gait. However, this condition also carries with it a lot of health risks.

One way to determine if your dog is overweight is by checking its body condition score. Once you tag your dog as overweight, you need to act quickly to get your Corgi back into its ideal weight and shape.

The first step is to measure your dog’s weight and compare it against the ideal weight of a Corgi pup or adult for a particular age.

Reduce the volume of their dog food to match what it should be having for its ideal weight or even less.

Naturally, they might beg for more food because they are not used to the reduced food volume. Do not be tempted to give them more food or even treats.

Do not forget to bring your Corgi out for a walk as well. Exercise is good not just in reducing weight but also in aiding digestion.

Eating too fast may also contribute to your Corgi’s weight gain since they get to finish their food early before they feel full. Use a slow feeder bowl to slow down the rate at which your dog eats.

Slow feeder bowls are effective in lessening food consumption by providing obstacles to accessing food.

Cutting their diet into more portions within the day could help manage their weight loss as well. This allows them to be more satiated throughout the day, making them crave less food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is My Corgi Not Eating?

Corgis are not picky eaters. If your Corgi does not touch its food, it may be stressed, bored with the same food, or may have an underlying illness.

You can try switching or mixing dog food, involving your dog in some physical activity, or making their mealtime more interactive.

If your dog misses more than two meals, immediately bring your dog to the veterinarian to be checked.

Do Corgis Eat a Lot?

Yes. Corgis love to eat. Whether you give your Corgi dry kibble, raw food, wet food, canned meat, or a homemade diet, expect that they will be ready to finish it up, even if they are already full. They may even ask for more!

With this appetite, Corgis might tend to overeat if unsupervised, which may eventually lead to being overweight or obese.

Make sure to practice strict protocols in food preparation and feeding frequencies to manage their weight.

Can Corgis Eat Bones?

You can give your Corgis raw or uncooked bones, but with caution. It helps keep the teeth and gums healthy, provides additional nutrition, and cleanses the digestive tract.

Avoid giving them cooked bones at all costs. Aside from being a choking hazard, its sharp edges can harm their gums, throat, and digestive linings.

It is also not advisable to feed bones to a Corgi puppy as well. Their sensitive stomachs might not yet be ready for this.

Can Corgis Be Vegetarians?

Corgis are omnivores, and they can thrive on a vegetarian diet. However, it would be good to ensure they are still meeting all their nutrient requirements while on a vegetarian diet.

Vegetables are, in fact, an excellent protein source for dogs. Soy, chickpeas, barley, oats, and green peas are all examples of high-protein vegetables. These contain essential amino acids that your dogs need to thrive.

Final Thoughts

Feeding a Corgi is easy but can also be tricky. They will always display a hearty appetite and excitement to try different food items. Whether as a Corgi puppy or an adult, it is a fun experience watching them eat.

On the other hand, this same appetite also makes them prone to being overweight, which may lead to related health issues if not addressed early.

To keep their diet in check, it is best to be knowledgeable about what to feed them, how often, and when to give their meals. Giving them healthy food that won’t pose risks to their health is also equally important.

We hope this Corgi feeding guide makes you more confident in planning your Corgi’s diet. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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