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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Much to Feed a Boston Terrier (Feeding Chart & Guide)

As a Boston Terrier owner, you should know how much to feed your furry pet companion. Boston Terriers are active dogs with huge appetites that seem to be constantly hungry. Hence, they are prone to gaining weight.

Also, your Boston may require a unique diet because this breed is typically noted for being a fussy eater.

But with the wide variety of dog foods on the market, many dog owners find it challenging to decide what to feed their pets.

Fortunately, this guide will help you learn all about feeding a Boston Terrier — from choosing the ideal diet to understanding how much food is needed based on its age, activity level, and more.

Boston Terrier Feeding Chart by Age: How Much to Feed Your Boston Terrier?

Puppies, adults, and senior Boston Terriers all require varying amounts of food. Normally, Boston Terrier puppies require around 0.5 to 1.75 cups of food per day, while the adult ones require 1.25 to 1.75 cups per day. On the other hand, senior Boston Terriers require 1.25 to 1.5 cups daily.

The decision about the amount of food your Boston Terrier consumes will have an impact on its development, growth, and even behavior.

Certain pet stores offer premium dog foods based on the dog’s age. Make sure to purchase from them to get the best dog food brand to help your Boston puppy prepare for a long, healthy life as an adult dog.

Your Boston Terrier’s body weight and gender are additional crucial considerations. Boston Terrier females typically weigh less than males, so they require fewer calories overall — except during pregnancy.

Regularly seek pet medical advice to check if your Boston Terrier has other nutritional needs you should be aware of.

If your dog has dietary deficits, your veterinarian may suggest the right diet and some supplements.

Boston Terrier Puppy Feeding Chart (2 months to 2 years)

At two months old, Boston Terrier puppies begin eating in preparation for adoption. At this stage, you may feed your Boston Terrier with little wet food ranging from 0.5 to 0.625 cups of dog food a day.

This amount of food should contain puppy-specific formula and be spread across multiple meals to make it easier for your dog to digest and swiftly convert it into energy.

As it grows, give it more food while keeping the puppy formula in its diet.

You can use the feeding chart below to become familiar with how much food a Boston Terrier puppy needs to eat at every stage of its puppy life:

Based on the table, when it reaches the four-month mark, you may feed your Boston Terrier 0.625 to 1.25 cups of dog food daily.

A Boston Terrier puppy approaches adult size at about 6 to 10 months. In this case, you should boost its daily intake to 1.25 to 1.75 cups. The adult food can also be gradually phased in until it totally replaces the puppy food.

Based on the weight and behavior your Boston Terrier puppy exhibits in reaction to the changes you are making, keep modifying the amount of food it receives.

Keep in mind that a Boston Terrier puppy consumes very little food but requires a lot of nutrients to grow.

It’s essential to include high-calorie dog diets with lots of protein and fat in your dog’s food. If a Boston Terrier puppy receives the right nutrition, you can be confident it’ll mature into a healthy Boston Terrier.

Adjust the food amount as necessary depending on your dog’s level of activity and specific requirements.

Adult Boston Terrier Feeding Chart (3 to 6 years)

At age two, your Boston is officially an adult dog. Its ideal body weight of 15 to 25 pounds would have been attained.

You may feed your Boston Terrier 1.25 to 1.75 cups of dog food per day, or less, to maintain its current level of energy.

Compared to puppies, adult Boston Terriers should have a lesser calorie intake. This is to help adult dogs avoid obesity, a common health problem in this small breed.

The feeding chart below can be used to know how much food a Boston Terrier owner should provide its dog:

This recommended amount of Boston Terrier food should be divided into two meals. By keeping these in mind, you can keep your Boston Terrier within the healthy weight range.

Senior Boston Terrier Feeding Chart (7 years and above)

When your Boston Terrier reaches seven years old, it will enter the senior stage. In this stage, the way your dog digests food slows down, and its level of physical activity declines.

Because its movements are more constrained and it is not as active as puppies or adult dogs, it also requires a lesser amount of meals, which is around 1.25 to 1.5 cups of healthy food per day.

If your senior Boston receives a high amount of protein, it could eventually overwhelm its renal structures and harm its kidney filters.

You can refer to the table below to know how much food and how many calories should be in your senior Boston Terrier food:

To strengthen their immune systems, they will also require some vitamins in addition to the food they consume.

Old age typically entails a variety of issues such as skin, orthopedic, dental, and other medical problems.

Boston Terrier Feeding Frequency: How Often Should You Feed Your Boston Terrier?

A Boston Terrier’s feeding schedule changes for each stage of its growth. Due to its rapid metabolism and continued height and weight gain, a Boston puppy may need to be fed at least thrice a day. Meanwhile, adult and senior ones may be fed only once or twice a day.

In every life stage of a Boston Terrier, you should monitor its activity level. The livelier and more active it is, the more calories it will need to consume to maintain the right energy level.

Here is a guideline of how often you should feed a Boston Terrier:

According to the table, at 3 to 5 months old, small servings of food should be given to a Boston Terrier at least three to five times a day. This way you can sustain its development and growth without the help of its mother’s milk.

Reduce the frequency of its meals to at least 2 to 3 times per day when it is 6 to 10 months old already.

Depending on its weight, give your puppy the recommended serving size of food or switch from puppy to adult formula.

The requirements for adult Boston Terriers to remain wholesome, robust, and active vary. Similar to how you would feed a Boston Terrier puppy, you should only feed an adult the amount it needs to get through the day.

Feeding your Boston Terrier twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, is also an option. This will allow this dog to go for a walk, use the restroom outside, and complete its daily activities.

Senior Boston Terriers need a healthy diet and regular exercise to avoid contracting numerous ailments. You can keep feeding them twice a day, but with a lower protein diet, if your vet recommends it.

Given that they are not as sporty as puppies or active adult dogs, they may also require fewer meals of adult dog food.

Optimal Feeding Times for Boston Terriers

Apart from the amount and frequency, Boston Terrier owners must also know when to feed their dogs.

Boston Terriers typically require two meals in a day — one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This allows them to have a 10 to 12-hour window to digest their food. Boston puppies, on the other hand, may have additional feedings with an interval ranging between 2 and 6 hours.

Here are some feeding guidelines for a Boston Terrier’s optimum meal times:

While there is no ideal time to feed your Boston Terrier, maintaining a regular meal plan will help your Boston Terrier form excellent eating habits.

Planning a feeding schedule with your veterinarian will help give your Boston Terrier a more appropriate feeding time.

Best Dog Foods for Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers are classified as small dogs, yet they are one of the most active dog breeds. As a result, you must feed them the best diet that contains enough nutrients for their everyday activities.

The following are the best dog foods for your Boston Terrier:

  1. Homemade Diet: Unlike canned food and processed dog food, homemade dog food enables you to serve your Boston Terrier the healthiest natural ingredients possible. Fresh meat and organs are both good options. You can also choose chicken and some steamed vegetables if you want something more reasonably priced.

  2. Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) Diet: BARF Diet is an alternative form of raw diet that typically consists of natural ingredients like raw meat and bones with a mixture of fruits and vegetables. Giving your Boston this diet eliminates the negative impacts of unhealthy processed foods. However, understanding the precise meal ratio is essential to provide your dog with the proper quantity of nutrients while avoiding potentially harmful bacteria.

  3. Dry Dog Food: Dry food or kibble is the most practical and affordable diet to serve your dog. It usually contains all the nutrients necessary for your Boston’s total growth. Additionally, eating dry dog food will help your Boston Terrier’s teeth since it reduces the risk of tartar accumulation, gum disease, and weak teeth.

  4. Wet Dog Food: For dogs with weak teeth, senior dogs, sick dogs, or dogs that are dehydrated, wet food is preferred since it is simpler to chew. However, dogs whose primary diet consists of wet dog food frequently experience poor breath and tooth decay.

Be sure to note that these meals should be a high-calorie diet with sufficient protein, fat, and other essential nutrients.

A diet with enough protein increases your dog’s energy levels. Moreover, foods with healthy omega-3 fats supply are essential for Boston Terriers’ healthy skin and beautiful blue, red, black, white, seal, or brindle coats.

Aside from making your Boston Terrier’s food healthy, you may provide them with the vitamins required for healthy growth and overall body function.

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Boston Terrier

Active Boston Terriers can be opportunists when it comes to snagging yummy snacks. However, not all foods are safe for these dogs.

Your dog may also have a sensitive stomach, making it prone to food allergies and intolerances.

To preserve your dog’s health, you should constantly be vigilant about its food intake and perform extensive study before changing its diet.

Even if some aren’t as harmful, it’s still important to be aware of them as you can unintentionally be feeding your Boston Terrier hazardous food.

​​Chocolate, coffee, or any items with caffeine or theobromine should not be given to Boston Terriers. These items contain substances that can negatively impact the nervous and cardiovascular systems of your dog.

Despite the fact that fruits and vegetables are generally nutritious foods, grapes, rhubarb, corn, avocado, and tomatoes can harm the digestive and urinary tracts of Boston terriers.

If your Boston Terrier eats any of these and starts behaving differently, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. It’s crucial to act right away because even small amounts of these foods can be lethal.

As many foods are not allowed for this dog, here’s a video of what you can feed your Boston Terrier:

What Should I Feed My Boston Terrier? What Boston Terriers Owners Recommend.<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="What Should I Feed My Boston Terrier? What Boston Terriers Owners Recommend." width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

How to Transition Your Boston Terrier to a New Food

It is unavoidable for Boston owners to switch to a new brand or other types of food. Perhaps a veterinarian suggested a prescription diet, or maybe they simply wanted to try a different brand.

Nonetheless, switching to a new diet usually occurs as a result of the Bostons’ requirement. As they transition into a new stage of life, they need specific nutrients required to support their way of life and their developing bodies.

Regardless of the reason why you’re switching to a new diet, the best course of action is to execute it in the best possible way.

You can follow the step-by-step instructions provided below to properly transition your dog to a new meal over the course of one week:

Based on the table, you should feed your pet for the first few days a mixture of 75% of the old food and 25% of the new food. This is done to lessen the likelihood of stomach distress in your Boston’s body.

You can then begin giving half new food and half old food on the third and fourth days. At this point, your Boston Terrier’s intestinal tract should be able to tolerate an increase in the quantity of new food it consumes.

And on the fifth and sixth day, you can feed them 75% new food. Your Boston Terrier should have mostly gotten used to the new meal by this time. The new diet can now be fed completely starting on the seventh day.

If your dog’s stomach is sensitive, you might want to wait two weeks before changing his diet.

You can follow the same directions as above, but give each stage twice as much time for your dog to get used to the new diet.

Feeding an Overweight Boston Terrier

A Boston Terrier shouldn’t weigh more than 25 pounds. Any weight above this already puts the dog in danger of obesity unless it is a Boston Terrier mix with a medium to large-sized parent breed.

For this reason, it is important to keep your dog’s weight within a healthy range, as obesity has major health consequences.

If you have confirmed that your dog exceeds its normal range, you’ll need to decide what and how much food to feed it so it may regain a healthy weight.

Keeping an eye on the food your Boston Terrier consumes is one method to make sure it loses weight. You should include low-calorie foods in your dog’s diet to lessen the accumulation of fat in its body.

Also, you have the option of feeding your Boston less food. If your dog is accustomed to eating from a bowl all day, it’ll probably continue to do so. Start reducing the quantity you are feeding it while keeping the quality the same.

Also, refrain from giving your dog treats regularly. Fruits can also be good substitutes for treats. Apples and raspberries have fewer calories than commercial treats and are considerably healthier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is My Boston Terrier Not Eating?

Your Boston Terrier may not be eating for a variety of reasons. Some of these include dietary or behavioral issues, recent surgery, dental disease, medication side effects, pancreatitis, and gastroenteritis or gastrointestinal obstruction.

While some causes of inappetence are rather harmless, others may be far more worrisome. Consult a vet if your dog hasn’t eaten in more than 24 hours.

Do Boston Terriers Eat a Lot?

Being an active dog breed, the Boston Terrier may need to eat a lot of food for its energy needs. Nonetheless, if your Boston Terrier is used to a healthy feeding schedule, then there’s no need to worry about it overeating.

However, if you start to lavishly give it lots of dog food, snacks, or treats, it will happily eat and ask for more. This will happen even after feeding it with correct portions of high-quality dog food each day.

Can Boston Terriers Eat Bones?

Many Boston Terriers eat bones. However, the American Kennel Club (AKC) advises that only raw meat bones that fit the Boston Terrier’s jaw should be given.

These bones contain significant amounts of calcium and phosphorus, which are crucial for supporting blood clotting, muscular contraction, bone regeneration, and cell signaling.

Can Boston Terriers Be Vegetarians?

Similar to humans, Boston Terriers enjoy a varied diet. They have short digestive tracts that are designed to be able to eat a range of organic foods, including meats, fruits, and vegetables.

However, there are certain veggies that dog owners should avoid feeding Boston Terriers. These include potato peelings, tomatoes, and mushrooms, which can all cause severe diarrhea.

Final Thoughts

Boston Terriers are unquestionably adorable dogs. However, like with other dogs, feeding them the best food and planning the most ideal feeding schedules are necessary throughout your dog’s life.

Keep in mind that these dogs tend to be fussy and occasionally greedy eaters.

Thus, it is important that you understand their eating habits to provide them with the right kind and amount of food based on their age, size, and nutritional needs.

Hopefully, this guide provided you with all the information you need to properly feed this breed. If you want to share with us your Boston Terrier feeding experience, feel free to comment below!

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