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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Much Does a Savannah Cat Cost? (2023 Price Guide)

In the pet community, Savannah cats are known as the most expensive felines. This hybrid cat typically comes with hefty price tags ranging upwards of $10,000!

But have you ever wondered what makes a Savannah cat cost so much? Aside from their steep initial cost, Savannahs also require a slightly more expensive lifestyle. 

Needless to say, Savannah cats are one of the most desirable cat breeds out there. However, these kitties are only for those willing to pay the price. If you are looking to get this kitty, this Savannah cat price guide will come in handy.

In this guide, you will learn everything about the cost of owning the world’s most expensive cat breed. On top of all that, you will also find a couple of money-saving tips here!

The Average Cost of a Savannah Cat

Savannah cat prices range from $1,500 to $25,000. Higher generation Savannahs such as F1 Savannahs typically cost more than lower generations Savannahs. Other factors affecting the price of these cats include coat color, age, and gender.

If you are new to Savannah cats, these kitties are the cross of a domestic cat and an African Serval cat.

They boast an impressive-looking appearance, and they are known as the world’s tallest cat breed. One of the most significant factors affecting the price of these cats is their generation.

Here’s a summary of the Savannah cat cost according to its generation:

As you can see, the price of an F1 Savannah cat is ten folds more than the price of an F6 Savannah cat. This is because F1 Savannah cats exhibit more desirable “exotic features” than lower generation Savannah kittens.

To learn more about Savannah cats and the different generations, read our comprehensive guide on the topic. You’ll also find plenty of fun facts about purebred Savannah cats there!

If you are wondering what an F1 Savannah cat looks like, watch this video:

F1 Savannah walk<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="F1 Savannah walk" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Factors Affecting the Cost of a Savannah Kitten

There are plenty of factors that affect the price of the Savannah. In most cases, these include the reputation of Savannah breeders, generation, coat color, and the cat’s age.

While this is true for the majority of felines, the story is a bit different for Savannah cats.

Here’s an in-depth look at the different factors affecting the price of Savannah cats:

  1. Generation: The generation of a Savannah cat is the most significant factor affecting its price. For starters, first-generation Savannah cats are the most expensive. These cats are 50% wild cats because they are born from a wild African Serval parent. As generations progress, the “exotic features” from the wild Serval DNA are reduced. As a result, later generations often cost less.

  2. Cost of Breeding: Breeding Savannah cats is a serious financial investment. First, a breeder needs to buy an African Serval cat, which costs upwards of $5,000. Additionally, the breeder also needs to secure permits to breed a wild African Serval cat. Along with all these, the breeding procedure incurs even more costs. All in all, this drives up the resulting Savannah cat price.

  3. Height: One of the most desired features of the purebred Savannah cat is its towering height. Surprisingly, these cats can grow to about the same height as a small dog. For this reason, many breeders sell taller Savannah cats for a higher price.

  4. Gender: Female Savannahs are more expensive than their male Savannah cats. The reason behind this is that most males tend to experience hybrid infertility. This means breeders have no use for them when it comes to breeding. As a result, it is favorable for Savannah breeders to sell males quickly.

  5. Breeder’s Reputation: The reputation of a Savannah cat breeder results from their long and reliable track record. A good breeder will have health guarantees in place for all of their kittens alongside a complete license to breed. While it is possible to snag a Savannah cat for a steal price from backyard breeders, it is never recommended.

The popularity of Savannah cats is also one of the reasons why they are so expensive. These domestic cats are often seen as luxurious pets for rich people and exotic pet owners.

How Much Does It Cost to Adopt a Savannah Cat From a Rescue?

Adopting a Savannah cat from a shelter or rescue will run you between $150 and $500. In some cases, a shelter or rescue might even charge you as little as $70 in adoption fee for one of their Savannah cats.

One factor that affects adoption fee pricing is the age of the cat. Usually, rescue organizations and shelters do not price their cats based on breed.

Instead, adoption fees are usually based on the costs the cat incurred during its stay with them.

As a rule of thumb, Savannah kittens are more expensive than fully-grown adults. This is because rescues or shelters will typically shoulder the cost of vaccination, microchipping, and neutering or spaying.

While adoption offers an excellent deal when it comes to Savannah cats, it is worth noting that these kitties might be hard to find in rescues or shelters.

However, looking for Savannah cats for adoption is definitely a great idea if you really want to save some hard-earned money. Plus, this also saves the life of an abandoned kitty!

Initial Cost of Savannah Cat Ownership

Before going out to get a Savannah cat, remember that there is a financial responsibility that comes along with owning one.

In this section, we will look at the initial cost of owning one of these kitties. Here, you will find out how much money you need to prepare if you plan on getting a Savannah.

Here are some initial supplies you need to buy for your Savannah cat:

  1. Food and Treats: It is safe to feed regular cat food to Savannah cats; however, their diet should always be supplemented by raw meat, wet food, and healthy treats. Expect to shell out $20 to $50 for your initial supply of cat food and raw meat for your new Savannah cat.

  2. Food and Water Bowls: If there’s something you should invest a little more money into, it would be your cat’s feeding bowls. Feeding bowls should be safe, easy to clean, and durable. A high-quality pair of cat feeding bowls will run you $10 to $25.

  3. Litter Box: Despite their wild nature, Savannah cats are still very tidy pets that clean after themselves. That said, you should still invest in a decent-quality litter box for your Savannah. Litter boxes cost between $20 and $160. 

  4. Litter Sand: Litter sand is another essential item to have if you plan on owning a cat. A pack of litter sand will set you back between $15 and $25. This is also a recurring expense you need to buy every few weeks.

  5. Collar and ID tag: A collar and ID tag is essential for every cat. These are some of the things that distinguish a stray cat from a pet cat. You can get a collar and an ID tag for your Savannah cat for around $5 to $20. 

  6. Cat Bed: Due to their larger size, these Savannah cats need a larger bed than average. You should also pick one that has ample padding and a washable cover. The average cost of a decent quality bed that will suit your cat is between $15 and $30.

  7. Cat Carrier: A cat carrier is a must-have, especially if you plan on traveling with your Savannah. Carriers also come in handy during regular vet trips. Moreover, a carrier serves as its safe place whenever you’re not around. You will need approximately $20 to $60 for this expense.

  8. Toys and Scratching Post: Savannah cats are highly intelligent and inquisitive pets since they were bred from Serval cats. They enjoy playing, sniffing, scratching, and licking common household items. If you want to keep them entertained and away from your possessions, then toys are must-haves. A set of cat toys and a scratching post or cat trees will run you between $15 and $70.

  9. Grooming Essentials: Savannah cats are relatively easy to groom. You will only need a cat hairbrush, cat shampoo, nail clippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, and packs of pet wipes. Expect to spend around $25 to $35 for a set of cat grooming tools.

  10. Initial Vet Visit: Vet fees are incurred every time you bring your cat for a check-up. This is on top of the cost of vaccination, spaying/neutering, and microchipping. You can set a budget of $100 to $250 for your cat’s initial check-ups. 

  11. Initial Vaccine Shots: Savannah cats need vaccines to protect them from common health issues. Vaccines are also necessary to ensure your safety around your cat. Expect to pay $25 to $50 for a complete set of vaccines for Savannah cats. 

  12. Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Medications: If you buy a Savannah cat from a breeder, these preventive treatments are usually paid for already. However, in some instances, you will need to pay for these on your own. These treatments cost around $30 to $100.

  13. Neutering or Spaying: If you plan to get a Savannah kitten, you may need to spend an extra $200 to $500 for spaying or neutering. But if you are getting an adult Savannah, this cost might already be covered by the breeder or shelter.

  14. Microchip: Microchipping and registering your Savannah cat will ensure that you will find it if it gets lost. This procedure typically costs anywhere between $40 and $60. 

  15. Miscellaneous Supplies: Cat lovers may fancy buying things like cat accessories, cat clothes, pet trackers, and more. For these miscellaneous supplies, expect to shell out anywhere from $15 to $30 initially.

Below is a summary of the initial cost of owning a Savannah cat breed:

As you can see, you will need around $555 to $1,465 for your Savannah cat’s initial supplies.

Keep in mind that this is on top of the price of the cat itself. Also, some of the costs mentioned here are recurring, so expect to pay for them every time you avail of them.

One way to save a bit of money from the expenses above is by looking at the freebies offered by breeders. Most breeders often bundle their Savannahs with free accessories such as cat hairbrushes, toys, or collars.

Annual Cost of Owning a Savannah Cat

Your annual expenses for a Savannah cat will range from $1,270 to $2,605. On a monthly basis, this equates to a budget of approximately $105 to $217.

This recurring expense is pretty average; it is about the same as the cost of owning an average domestic cat breed. Let’s take a closer look at the breakdown.

Here’s a list of your annual expenses for a Savannah cat:

As you may have noticed, some medications and vet care fees are accounted for in this estimate. This is pretty standard for any domestic house cat and even for other pets.

You’ll also notice that pet insurance takes up a pretty hefty chunk of our budget. This expense is often overlooked by many cat owners because it is perceived as optional.

However, it is still recommended to avail yourself of some sort of pet insurance for your Savannah cat. This can potentially cover some unexpected medical bills, which will save you money in the long run.

Keep in mind that most of the expenses in our estimate are the bare essentials of a Savannah cat. Similarly, some expenses above may not require yearly


For example, a good quality cat bed and carrier will surely last more than one year. On the other hand, for other potential expenses, refer to the next section in this guide.

Other Potential Expenses

Depending on your cat’s health and your lifestyle, you may need to spend on other things for your Savannah cat. These potential expenses may not apply to you; however, they are still worth noting.

Below is a list of all the other potential expenses for a Savannah cat:

  1. Permit to Own: If you live in a place where Savannah cats are out of the norm, you might need to secure an extra permit to own one. However, some states such as Nebraska, Georgia, and Rhode Island do not allow Savannah cats at all. Similarly, you might also need a permit if you live in a residential compound or a condominium. Permits may cost upwards of $100; however, it varies a lot, so it’s better to ask your local management.

  2. Cat Daycare: Cat daycares are boarding facilities that foster cats for a price. This is an expense you need to consider if your lifestyle requires you to travel a lot. Cat daycares typically cost $20 to $50 per night. 

  3. Pet Sitter: An excellent alternative to cat daycares is a pet sitter. If you know some family members or neighbors who can look after your Savannah cat while you are away, then it may be more cost-effective to have them tend to your pet. A pet sitter will set you back around $15 to $30. 

  4. Emergency Treatment: According to a news report, emergency treatments for cats can range from $800 to $1,500. However, depending on the type of medical emergency, this price can easily be thousands of dollars more.

  5. Pet Grooming: Grooming a Savannah cat at home is pretty similar to grooming other cat breeds. Regularly brushing its hair is good enough to keep it tidy; however, it is still a good idea to take your Savannah cat to a professional pet groomer every once in a while. The cost of having your Savannah cat groomed is between $50 and $100. 

Most of the expenses mentioned above are optional. Some Savannah cat owners may never spend a single dollar on these expenses. However, this is not true for the cost of emergency treatment.

That said, it is wise to have an emergency fund prepared for your Savannah cat. This way, you can always rest assured that your cat will receive the necessary medical treatment should the need arise.

Alternatively, you can simply purchase extensive pet insurance coverage for your kitty.

Places to Find Savannah Kittens for Sale and Adoption

Savannah cats are illegal to own in some places, according to the International Cat Association. Moreover, these cats are still considered fairly new hybrid cats.

All things considered, finding a Savannah cat can be pretty challenging. Luckily, this guide has a round-up of the best Savannah breeders and rescues.

Here are a few reputable breeders where you can find Savannah cats for sale:

  1. A1 Savannahs – A1 Savannahs pride themselves as the original founder of the Savannah cat breed. This reputable breeder listed its very first Savannah kitten way back in 1994. The pricing for a Savannah kitten from A1 Savannahs ranges from $1,500 to $12,000. Shoot them a message on their website to learn more.

  2. F1Hybrids Savannahs – This Tennessee-based cattery is a world-renowned breeder of high-energy F1 Savannah cats. They have over a decade of experience breeding different generations of Savannah cats, especially the F2 Savannahs. Make sure to check out their available kittens on their ‘Kittens for Sale’ page.

  3. Majestic Savannahs – Majestic Savannahs is home to the best Savannah cats in Texas. This breeder takes pride in their premium female and male serval parents. Their early generations of Savannah cats often sport a spotted coat, dark brown fur, long legs, and other exotic Serval characteristics.

If the purchase cost of a Savannah cat is too steep for you, try adopting one instead. Doing so will help you cut costs while saving a kitty in the process.

Below are some sources where you can find Savannah cats for adoption:

  1. Savannah Cat Rescue – Savannah Cat Rescue is an organization founded by two Savannah cat breeders. The main goal of this organization is to foster and rehome unwanted Savannah cats from irresponsible owners. You may get in touch with them through their Facebook page.

  2. Adopt-a-Pet – Adopt-a-Pet is an adoption website with an extensive database of pets from rescues and shelters. This service has been around since 2000 and has already helped rehome millions of pets. Make sure to check out their website from time to time to look for available Savannah cats!

  3. Humane Society for Greater Savannah (HSGS) – HSGS is an adoption website located in Savannah, Georgia. While their name pertains more to their location than the Savannah breed, they are also a great source for adoptable Savannah cats. Check out their listings occasionally to be the first to see their available Savannah cats. 

When searching for a Savannah cat, you may stumble upon backyard breeders. One thing to keep in mind is that buying a Savannah from these sources is possible; however, it is highly discouraged.

If you really want to own a Savannah cat without breaking your bank account, read our ways on how to get free kittens for adoption in your area.

Money-Saving Tips for Savannah Cat Owners

Savannah cats can be very costly. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to save a bit of money should you decide to get one. As pet owners, you just have to be resourceful enough to keep your budget reasonable.

Here are a few tips on how you can cut down on your Savannah cat expenses:

  1. Make use of D.I.Y. You can save a lot of money by utilizing what you have at home. For example, you can make homemade cat toys and homemade cat treats from common household ingredients. After all, cats love playing with socks and spare boxes. Also, fruits are a better idea when it comes to cat treats!

  2. Get pet insurance. Unfortunately, unforeseen events can happen to any pet. Luckily, most of these are covered by pet insurance. If you think about it, pet insurance is an added cost to your cat ownership; however, it can potentially save you a ton of money in the long run.

  3. Keep your cat healthy. A healthy cat is a cat that will not burn through your cash! Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to keep a Savannah cat healthy. You just need to give it good food, enough exercise, and tender love and care. Of course, regular trips to the vet are also imperative.

  4. Buy from a reputable breeder. If you are buying a Savannah cat, buy one from reputable breeders. Doing so will ensure that you’ll get a healthy and ethically bred cat. This also ensures that your Savannah cat comes with registration papers. Additionally, reputable breeders can help you out in getting a Savannah cat ownership permit.

These are just some things you can do to cut down on your Savannah cat expenses. Try out these helpful tips and see what works for you!

You may also join local feline clubs in your area to see what other cost-effective tricks work for other cat owners.

Final Thoughts

The upfront cost of owning a Savannah cat is too high for many people; however, these kitties are worth every single penny to some.

As you have seen in this guide, the recurring cost of Savannah cat ownership is pretty reasonable. If you can look past the steep initial expense, you will do just fine owning this exotic-looking kitty.

However, if you are not a big fan of their wild appearances, maybe it’s not worth spending a lot for this cat.

Hopefully, this guide has taught you a thing or two about Savannah cat price. If you plan on getting one of these exotic cats, let us know in the comments below!

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