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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Much Chicken and Rice to Feed Your Sick Dog?

If you are wondering how much chicken and rice to feed your sick dog, it is vital to understand that this depends on many factors. Your dog’s weight, however, is the most important one to consider.

For starters, this bland diet is best for canines with digestive or gastrointestinal problems. Usually, vets recommend chicken and rice for dog diarrhea, dehydration, or other similar conditions.

While it may seem easy to put some chicken in with the rice and serve up a bowl of mushy goodness for our sick pets, there are some guidelines that we need to follow when making their food. So, if you want to learn more, read on!

How Much Chicken and Rice to Feed Your Dog?

When measuring how much chicken and rice to feed a dog, a fur parent must evaluate its current size, body weight, metabolism, and breed.

For instance, if the dog is small in stature and light in weight, feeding it too much chicken and rice can cause more harm than good. This could aggravate its already upset stomach or increase the risk of diarrhea.

On the other hand, if your furry friend is large and heavy, feeding it too little will not provide adequate nutrition for its body. In addition, it is less likely to be effective in regaining strength after an illness, injury, or surgery.

To make it easier for you, the table below indicates how much chicken and rice to feed a dog by weight (lb):

Based on the table above, it is evident that one-third of this bland diet should be chicken, and two-thirds should be rice for every 10 pounds of your pooch’s weight.

Remember, though, that these numbers are only rough estimates. It is still highly suggested to ask your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet.

When to Feed Your Dog Chicken and Rice?

While knowing how much chicken and rice for dog diarrhea is necessary, it is also important to know when to feed your pooch this bland diet.

Generally speaking, a chicken and rice mixture is a good choice for constipated dogs or those with sensitive stomachs.

In fact, most vets prescribe this type of food because it is easy to digest and contains enough fiber to help keep the canine digestive system running smoothly.

Below are some other possible circumstances for feeding dogs a chicken and rice dish:

  1. Your dog is recovering from a recent health problem or surgery.

  2. Your dog’s diarrhea is persistent.

  3. You have been dealing with a vomiting dog for more than six hours.

  4. To fight constipation or stomach upset in pooches

  5. To regain your dog’s appetite

  6. Some dogs suffer from allergies or food sensitivities, and an elimination diet is necessary.

For any reason, it is worthwhile to seek veterinary advice before switching your pet’s regular dog food to a chicken and rice diet. Note that the latter lacks essential nutrients and may heavily affect the overall health of your canine.

Furthermore, feeding your dog chicken and rice mixture for an extended period could result in serious illnesses, malnutrition, and even death.

When vets examine sick dogs, though, the first thing they usually ask for is a fecal sample. They do this to determine if the animal has intestinal parasites or if there are any other foreign substances present in its digestive tract.

Why Are Chicken and Rice Good for Dogs?

There are many reasons why bland chicken and white rice are great alternatives for a sick dog’s regular diet. They are both high in protein, easily digestible, and will not upset your dog’s stomach.

But to be specific, the following are some of the most common reasons why chicken and rice are good for dogs:

  1. Both are gluten-free: Gluten, which is commonly found in wheat, rye, oats, and barley, can cause gastrointestinal problems in canines and can worsen their existing symptoms. Fortunately, white rice and chicken are both naturally free of this substance, so they are good options for a dog with a sensitive stomach.

  2. An excellent energy source: Chicken and rice provide dogs with much-needed energy, so these ingredients make up the bulk of most commercial dog food. In fact, owners of Golden Retrievers and other highly energetic breeds incorporate chicken into their pets’ normal diet. A protein and starch combination can help your pup regain its strength in no time.

  3. Provides essential vitamins and amino acids: Chicken contains many vitamins that are essential to good health, including protein, vitamin B12, and niacin. It also has several amino acids that help your dog maintain healthy bones and muscles. Meanwhile, white or brown rice is also a great source of carbohydrates and iron, which form red blood cells and aid in calming irregular bowel movements.

  4. Gentle on sensitive or upset stomachs: Chicken and rice, specifically boneless chicken breasts and long grain white rice, are ingredients known to be very simple and gentle on your dog’s stomach. The former is considered a low-fat source of protein, while the latter is a complex carb with a neutral pH level that can help settle an upset stomach.

In short, feeding dog chicken and rice during recovery is a great way to ensure it still gets all the nutrients it needs.

Also, you can even have a chicken and rice meal prepared for your dog at home. If you want to know more about this homemade recipe, the next section will provide you with all the information you need.

How to Prepare Chicken and Rice for Your Dog

Having read about the benefits of chicken and rice for dogs, you are probably eager to learn how to prepare this bland diet properly.

As a general rule, dog owners should invest in high-quality ingredients. Instead of buying chicken thighs, boneless and skinless chicken breasts are recommended because they contain less fat and fewer calories.

Moreover, purchasing the long-grain white rice variety is also noteworthy as it is less likely to cause stomach irritation than brown rice. While both types can still be used interchangeably, avoid brown rice if your dog is prone to allergies.

Once you have purchased all of the required ingredients, you can begin making this homemade food for your dog by following these simple steps:

1. Prepare and boil the chicken

First, thoroughly wash the chicken breast and put it in a large-sized pot with enough water to cover it. Then, bring this to a boil and reduce heat to medium.

Remember to avoid putting oil or any seasonings in the water, as they could be dangerous to your already sick pet.

After that, boil chicken breast for about 15 to 25 minutes or until it is fully cooked. Boiling chicken is necessary to kill harmful bacterias that may be present in it.

Once done, extract the boiled chicken from heat and allow it to cool completely before removing it from the broth. Do not discard the chicken broth. Instead, remove the fat and set it aside for later use.

And finally, cut the cooked chicken breast into one-inch cubes so your furry friend can eat them easily.

2. Cook the white or brown rice

The next process is preparing the rice. The table provided earlier can assist you in determining how much cooked rice to prepare for your dog’s food.

However, to give you an idea, let’s say that your pet weighs anywhere between 10 and 20 pounds. According to the numbers on the table, its meal should have one cup of cooked rice per day.

So, your next step is to measure out one cup of uncooked rice and rinse it several times. This will ensure that the grains are clean and free from dirt or debris.

After rinsing the rice, put it aside and get the chicken broth from earlier. Then, transfer the broth to a pot and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

Once boiling has occurred, add the rinsed rice and stir until all of its grains have submerged in liquid.

Lastly, cover the pot and let it simmer on low heat for 30 minutes before serving.

3. Mix to create the chicken and rice diet

Now that you have your boiled chicken breast and cooked rice, it is time to mix them together.

To begin with, always keep in mind that the ratio should be 2:1. This means that for every 2 cups of brown or white rice, you will need 1 cup of cooked chicken.

Next, place the two ingredients into a large bowl and mix them well using a fork until everything is thoroughly combined. You can also incorporate a few tablespoons of water if your fur baby refuses to drink any liquid.

Finally, put the chicken and rice mixture in your dog’s bowl.

The following video will also give you a step-by-step guide to preparing homemade chicken and rice dog food:

Chicken and Rice Dog Food Recipe for Upset Stomach<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Chicken and Rice Dog Food Recipe for Upset Stomach" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

The Right Way to Feed Chicken and Rice to Your Dog

Primarily, feed your dog rice and chicken mix that has been properly cooled down. If you serve hot food to your dog, it might burn its mouth or stomach, causing additional discomfort and digestive problems.

However, during this time of recovery, your dog’s appetite is going to be particularly low, and it might struggle to eat. For this reason, most vets recommend splitting the meal into several small portions throughout the day.

As for the feeding schedule, sick dogs can eat chicken and rice for up to five days. But it usually takes less than that before they feel better enough to eat normally again.

So, if the question, “Can I feed my dog chicken and rice every day?” has crossed your mind, the short answer is no. Too much rice and chicken for dogs can lead to constipation and other health issues.

When transitioning a dog back to its regular diet, fur parents can actually ease the process by mixing a small portion of the normal dog food with the chicken and rice dish.

You can start by adding 25% of your dog’s old food to the bland diet until it is eating 100% of its regular food again.

In addition, doing this will lessen any potential gastrointestinal issues that may arise from switching foods too quickly.

Note that transition schedules usually take about a week, but some may take longer, depending on the dog’s taste preferences.

8 Alternatives to Chicken and Rice

If your canine is allergic to rice and chicken, or perhaps these ingredients are the cause of its digestive issues, there are still plenty of other alternatives for you to consider.

For your convenience, the following is a list of other solid foods that can be used as substitutes for chicken and rice:

1. Vegetables Rich in Fiber

Chicken and rice are indeed good sources of fiber, but dogs can also get this type of carbohydrate from nutritious vegetables. These include green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, kale, and cabbages.

Furthermore, fur parents can cook these vegetables in any of the following ways: one can steam them, boil them, or feed them raw to their pets. They can even integrate these into their dog’s chicken and rice meal.

However, it is necessary to chop up these veggies into small pieces so your pooch can easily chew them up.

2. Baby Food

When feeding unwell dogs, human food, specifically those made for babies, can be used as an alternative to chicken breasts and white rice.

Since baby food is made with safe and easy-to-digest elements, it helps soothe our furry friends’ digestive systems.

Just make sure that before you feed your dog baby food, you will check the ingredients list first.

Remember that some contain sugar, salt, and preservatives that are not good for pups to consume, even though they are perfectly safe for humans.

3. Cooked Ground Lamb or Beef

If your sick pet refuses to eat chicken, try giving it cooked ground lamb or beef. These two types of meat are excellent sources of protein and iron, which are essential during the recovery phase.

Furthermore, they also contain zinc, potassium, riboflavin, and omega-3 fatty acids that can give your dog’s immune system some much-needed support.

To avoid food poisoning or other digestive tract problems, ensure that you cook the ground meat properly before feeding it to your fur baby.

4. Dog Food for Sensitive Stomachs

If your sick pet is not used to eating chicken and rice, finding a commercial dog food designed for dogs with sensitive tummies is your best option.

The ideal dog food will contain vitamins and nutrients critical to your pet’s diet while also being easy on its digestive system.

It should also be made from high-quality and natural ingredients that are free of preservatives and additives.

However, if you are having trouble locating one, asking a professional or pet nutritionist is a great way to learn which brands are most likely to suit your canine’s dietary needs.

5. Bone Broth

Rather than feeding your dog solid meals, you can purchase chicken legs or beef bones to cook chicken or beef broth. This healthy liquid alternative will provide your pet with the same nutrition as the original recipe.

Additionally, most vets recommend this for seniors or dogs that have had dental issues in the past.

However, putting some vegetables or fruits can be an excellent method to add flavor and variety to your dog’s diet. Be sure to also skim off the fat on the surface of the broth before serving it to your sick canine.

6. Turkey

Besides chicken, beef, and lamb, turkey can be added to the diet of dogs with gastrointestinal issues.

In fact, this type of lean meat is high in protein and low in fat, making it a great addition to your pup’s meal plan if it is experiencing diarrhea or constipation.

You can either buy turkey breasts or ground turkey meat, depending on what you prefer and the type of recipe you are cooking up for your furry companion.

7. Pumpkin

In addition to the vegetables listed earlier, fruits like pumpkins can be used as a substitute for rice and chicken in your dog’s meals.

Moreover, a single pumpkin provides vitamin B6, fiber, potassium, and beta-carotene, which are necessary vitamins and minerals that can help with digestion problems, heart disease prevention, and even eye health issues.

When preparing pumpkins for dogs, owners can either mash them into pulp or puree them until the fruit becomes smooth. They can also boil it in water until it softens, then mix it with other ingredients before serving it to their canines.

8. Boiled White Fish

Aside from red meats, you can also choose to mix boiled white fish into your dog’s food. These include cod, coley, or tilapia, which make excellent choices for dogs suffering from upset stomachs.

Such fish are readily available in supermarkets or pet stores as well.

In addition, these fish meats contain high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamins A and D3 — all essential for your pet’s recovery and general well-being.

For safety reasons, however, be sure to remove all the bones from your chosen fish before feeding it to your dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Mix Chicken and Rice With Dog Food?

Yes, you can mix chicken and rice with dog food. As stated earlier, pet owners can use this method to encourage their recovering canines to eat regular food again.

But if you want to continue feeding your dog a chicken and rice meal, incorporating a small amount of dry or wet dog food, fruits, and vegetables into its daily meal is an excellent way to make it more nutritious.

Furthermore, you may choose to add vitamins and antioxidants to your pet’s diet if you want to give its immune system an extra boost.

Before you begin feeding your pooch this diet, it is essential to consult your vet about the proper amounts of each ingredient.

Can I Feed My Dog Rice and Chicken Every Day?

No, you cannot feed your dog chicken and rice mix every day. While both of these ingredients are healthy for a dog’s diet, they lack the nutritional value that other food sources provide.

Keep in mind that canines need more than just protein and carbs in their body. They also require vitamins and other nutrients to maintain their health.

Nevertheless, adding some fruits and vegetables to the mix is suggested to make it more nutritious for your pet. You can also blend other types of meat like beef or turkey together with chicken if necessary.

How Long Should I Feed My Dog Chicken and Rice?

In most cases, recovering dogs are strictly fed a chicken and rice diet for two to three days. However, it should be noted that not every canine requires the same amount of time on a restricted diet.

But if your furry friend continues to show signs of illness after this period, consult your veterinarian immediately to determine whether additional treatment is needed.

On the other hand, if your dog still vomits but otherwise seems better after a few days on an elimination diet, then it is probably safe to gradually start feeding it normal food again.

How Many Times a Day Should I Feed My Dog Chicken and Rice?

Since your dog suffers from digestive issues, it is best to split its chicken and rice diet into six servings per day. Not only will this help your pet get the nutrients it needs, but this will also reduce the risk of bloating or constipation.

Moreover, always offer your dog plenty of fresh water. Continuous vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so make sure to keep a bowl of water available at all times.

Do Chicken and Rice Make Dog’s Poop Soft?

No, a chicken and rice diet is actually a usual prescription for dogs with soft poop. When wondering what to feed a dog with diarrhea, this bland mixture is an easy, nutritious solution that’s gentle on its system.

However, if you have been feeding your furry friend this diet for days and it is not making its stools any firmer, consider two possible explanations: an allergic reaction and the food being undercooked.

Therefore, speaking with a veterinarian is highly recommended to help determine what is causing your dog to produce soft poop.

Do Dogs Poop Less When They Eat Chicken and Rice?

Yes, in most cases, when dogs eat chicken and white rice, they tend to poop less than others. In fact, it usually takes anywhere between two and seven days before their bowel movement returns to normal.

However, despite being excellent sources of protein and fiber, chicken and rice can also cause constipation in dogs, especially if they are not properly hydrated.

So if your pet’s stool quality remains unchanged or worsens after several days of eating this bland diet, it is time to take your pet to the vet clinic.

Can Too Much Chicken and Rice Give a Dog Diarrhea?

Generally speaking, if a dog eats too much of anything, it can cause diarrhea. But a chicken and rice meal is normally considered good food for dogs — especially if it’s cooked well.

That being said, these two ingredients can still cause problems for canines with sensitive stomachs. For instance, too much white rice can lead to excessive gas, causing fecal matter to be discharged more quickly than usual.

Ingesting unreasonable amounts of chicken, on the other hand, may irritate your dog’s intestines and eventually lead to an upset stomach.

That is why fur parents must know beforehand how much chicken and rice to feed their sick dogs.

Final Thoughts

For dogs suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease or other digestive matters, a chicken and rice mix can help keep their bodies stable, reduce the severity of their symptoms, and aid them in feeling better overall.

In addition, chicken and rice are high in protein and carbohydrates, which are essential for maintaining muscle mass and regaining energy levels.

However, it should be noted that knowing how much chicken and rice your dog needs each day is crucial. The correct amount can vary depending on a canine’s size, body weight, age, and health condition.

Since some dogs are also allergic to chicken and rice, fur parents should consider consulting with a veterinarian before changing their pet’s diet.

Nevertheless, you may find some alternative ingredients suggested in this guide helpful.

If you have other questions about how much chicken and rice to feed your sick dog, tell us in the comments below!

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