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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

How Big Do Basset Hounds Get? Puppy Growth Chart & FAQs

Basset Hounds are short-legged dogs with long ears and droopy faces. Due to their peculiar stature, Basset Hounds’ growth may be a bit tricky to monitor.

If you want to get one of these adorable charmers or if you already have one, you should read this guide to learn all about its growth!

How big does a full-grown Basset Hound get? A full-grown Basset Hound weighs 40 to 60 pounds (18 to 30 kg) and stands around 11 to 15 inches (27 to 38 cm) in height. They reach a full-grown size at around 18-months old but they continue to put up mass until the age of two.

While these few numbers seem to be easy to familiarize, they don’t tell the whole story when it comes to the actual growth of a Basset Hound. If you are interested in learning all the nitty-gritty, make sure to read along!

How Big Do Basset Hounds Get When Fully Grown?

Originally bred in France and Belgium, Basset Hounds are short dogs with a keen nature for hunting. Their short legs are meant to position them closer to the ground for a more effective sense of smell.

Moreover, their legs are also believed to be designed for easy plodding over rough terrain while accompanied by a person on foot. That said, the stature of a Basset Hound is arguably one of its distinctive features.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Basset Hounds will range from 40 to 60 pounds in weight once fully grown. On the other hand, height-wise, these dogs will range from 11 to 15 inches. These measurements hold true regardless of the dog’s gender.

However, it is still worth noting that, on average, male Basset Hounds are ever so slightly heavier and taller than their female counterparts. To be exact, male Basset Hounds can weigh 51 to 64 pounds while females are usually around 44 to 60 pounds.

Similarly, height differences between genders are also very minimal. Male Basset Hounds have a wither’s height of 12 to 15 inches while the measurement for females is 11 to 14 inches.

For reference, Basset Hounds, full-grown, are about as tall as Beagles, Schipperkes, and Miniature Schnauzers. They are only slightly taller than the French Bulldog and Bichon Frise.

Basset Hounds Average Height and Weight by Age: What to Expect?

Despite their short stature, the Basset Hound is considered to be a medium-large breed. They have dense muscles which make them appear well-built once full-grown. However, before they reach this kind of physique, Basset Hounds go through their growth curve.

The full growth curve of a Basset Hound can last anywhere between 12 and 18 months. In fact, if you count the incremental weight they continuously put up, their growth curve can extend up to two years of age.

That said, the individual rate of growth will vary for each dog. Some dogs will reach their full size quickly while others may take a little longer.

In terms of height, there’s not much going on for Basset Hounds. This is mainly because their full-grown height is not far apart from their height as puppies.

Meanwhile, in terms of weight, you can expect a Basset Hound puppy to rapidly hike up the scale within a matter of months!

The table below summarizes the average height of Basset Hounds based on their age:

The table below summarizes the average weight of Basset Hounds based on their age:

As you may observe from the tables above, the growth of Basset Hounds is fastest during their earlier months. This rate gradually slows down as they approach their full-grown size.

Keep in mind that these values are only averages. Your Basset Hound pup may fall off the range by a small margin from time to time. As long as their height and weight are near the given values above, you should not worry too much.

However, if you notice that the height or weight of your hound is far off from these values, you should consider visiting the vet as soon as possible.

As always, you should make sure to feed your puppy with the right kind of kibble to avoid stunted growth or weight problems.

Factors That Can Affect the Size of Basset Hounds

There are a couple of factors that may play a role in the growth of your Basset Hound.

More often than not, these factors will determine whether your hound will grow up to be a healthy adult dog or a malnourished one:

  1. Genetics: The size of a Basset Hound is greatly dictated by the size of its parents. Genetics is one of the uncontrollable factors when it comes to determining the size of your dog. For easy reference, keep in mind that your hound should be roughly the same size as its parents’ full-grown size.

  2. Gender: The gender of your Basset Hound will also play a role in how big it will get once fully grown. Although the size difference between male and female Basset Hounds is very minimal, it is still noteworthy. If you want a smaller hound, females are a better option.

  1. Health: The health of your hound is one of the biggest determining factors when it comes to their growth. As with humans, health issues may greatly impede the growth spurt of your Basset Hound puppy. Keeping your hound healthy and sickness-free is always the best thing to do.

  2. Nutrition: Basset Hounds may be short-legged dogs, but they are nowhere near the territory of small dogs. That said, you should always make sure never to underfeed your hound. Picking a nutritious kibble and serving the right amounts will help your hound grow as it should.

  3. Physical Activity: Engaging your Basset Hound in physical activities will greatly aid its growth. Not only will exercising burn some extra calories they might have, but it will also work out their muscles and bones. As with humans, a sedentary lifestyle for a dog is not healthy.

At What Age Do Basset Hounds Stop Growing?

Basset Hounds will typically stop growing anywhere between 12 and 18 months old. While most will still continue to put up weight beyond this age, their weight increase will only be composed of small increments.

This long duration of growth is common for medium-large breeds. Unlike small dogs, Basset Hounds have compact muscles which take longer to fully develop.

However, because they are not considered active dogs, you should always keep an eye out for obesity. Regularly exercising your dog and providing high-quality kibble is the way to go.

Also, make sure to check your hound’s weight from time to time; small continuous small weight increments will eventually add up! You can always use the tables in the previous sections as a guide.

Will My Basset Hounds Still Grow After Being Neutered/Spayed?

While neutering and spaying bring a handful of health benefits to your Basset Hound, there is reason to believe that these artificial procedures should be delayed.

The easiest answer to this question is yes, your Basset Hound will still grow after being neutered/spayed; however, there are risks.

According to Shecara Basset Hounds, it is advisable to wait until your hound is at least a year old before having it spayed or neutered. This is because the full skeletal growth of these dogs occurs during their 12-month mark.

Moreover, neutering/spaying is known to affect the growth plates of Basset Hounds. That said, Basset Hounds that are neutered/spayed at an earlier age may have bones that are slightly out of proportion once they are fully grown.

Why Is My Basset Hound Puppy Not Growing?

Stunted growth is common in many animals and, unfortunately, the Basset Hounds are on that list. There are a bunch of factors that may affect the growth of your Basset Hound puppy. Some of these factors include nutrition, exercise, genetics, and health.

If you are certain that you are feeding and exercising your dog adequately, then stunted growth may be purely genetic.

However, before settling with that conclusion, there are two other things you should have a look at, these are Portosystemic Shunt and Gastrointestinal Parasites.

Portosystemic Shunt, or simply liver shunt, is a severe health issue in dogs. The known symptoms of this disease are disorientation, poor muscle development, and stunted growth.

One thing to know about this health issue is that it is impossible to diagnose at home. Only veterinarians can determine whether your Basset Hound has a Portosystemic Shunt or not. If you suspect your hound is suffering from this issue, visit the vet immediately.

Another possible culprit of stunted growth is Gastrointestinal Parasites. These are roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms that live in your hound’s gut. Instead of your dog absorbing the nutrients from dog food, these parasites thrive off it.

If your Basset Hound is suffering from these parasites, you should not panic. This is a highly treatable health issue. In fact, it is common for dogs to develop these parasites at some point in their life.

As always, the most surefire way to diagnose the cause of stunted growth in Basset Hounds is by seeking professional help. It is recommended to visit a vet the moment you suspect stunted growth in your hound.

Is Your Basset Hounds Overweight or Underweight?

Weight problems are not uncommon for Basset Hounds. Like most dog breeds, they are also prone to being overweight or underweight.

If you suspect that your hound is suffering from these weight-related issues, there are a couple of things you can do to check.

The first thing you should do is to visually inspect your hound. Normally, Basset Hounds should have a long rib structure that is in line with their abdomen. When viewed from the top, neither the rib part of your hound nor its abdomen should be sticking out.

Overweight Basset Hounds have their abdomens sticking farther from the body compared to their ribs. Another way you can check is by running your fingers along its rib area.

If you can feel a substantial thickness of fat separating your fingers from your dog’s ribs, then chances are, it is overweight.

On the flip side, underweight Basset Hounds have a slightly indented abdomen. Their rib cage sticks out farther from the body compared to their abdomens.

Running your fingers along the rib area of an underweight hound, you will feel a very thin layer of fat underneath the coat.

Another way you can have an insight into your hound’s weight condition is by weighing it. You can do this by having your dog sit on a scale on its own.

Alternatively, you can also carry your dog while you step on the scale. Just make sure to subtract your own weight on the measurement you are going to get. Afterward, you can use the weight table in the earlier section as your reference.

If you need to confirm your findings, you can always visit a veterinary clinic. They will provide the most accurate diagnosis of your dog’s weight condition.

How to Measure Your Basset Hound’s Height?

Measuring the height of your Basset Hound is simple. There are two kinds of height measurements you can take, the withers height and the standing height.

The withers height of the dog is the most commonly used measurement. Whenever you see the height measurement of dogs in breed standards or kennel club data, it usually refers to this measurement.

Height at withers is measured from the foot of your hound all the way to the point of intersection of its neck and shoulders. On the other hand, the standing height of the dog is measured from the base of its feet up to the highest point of its head.

The following are four easy steps on how to measure your Basset Hound’s height:

  1. Step 1: Place your Basset Hound against a wall or door frame. To get an accurate height measurement, make sure your hound is perfectly straight against the wall. You may need a yummy treat or a squeaky toy to catch your dog’s attention for this step. Alternatively, you may also ask for help from someone around. They can assist you by holding your hound in place. However, make sure that they will not put too much force on your dogs as this may lead to aggression.

  2. Step 2: Feel your Basset Hound’s withers. If you are measuring your dog’s height at withers, make sure to feel your dog’s actual withers. You must not count your Basset Hound’s coat in the measurement. Otherwise, your result will be inaccurate! On the other hand, if you want to measure the standing height of your dog, you can feel the top of its head instead. Just make sure you are not putting weight on it so that you can have an accurate measurement.

  3. Step 3: Place the level across the withers or the dog’s head. After locating your dog’s withers, use a carpenter’s level and place it on top of it. Rest the level against the door frame and make sure it is physically touching your hound’s withers. For standing height measurement, perform a similar step; however, rest the level on your dog’s head instead of its withers.

  4. Step 4: Take note of your measurements. Once you have placed the level against the wall or door frame, try to stay put! Afterward, lead your dog away by throwing a treat or toy. Once your dog is distracted, you can take a measuring tape and measure the distance from the floor up to the location of the level.

The value you get in this step is your dog’s height at withers or standing height depending on which one you took.

You can also check out this video for a comprehensive demonstration:

How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Size Info for Common Basset Hounds Mixed Breeds

When Basset Hounds are mixed with other dog breeds, some interesting hybrids come to life! These mixed-breeds are generally healthier than purebred Basset Hounds because they are less likely to inherit some genetic diseases.

However, because they share genetics with the Basset Hound, they are likely to have a unique stature. Some of these breeds include the Baskimo, Bagle Hound, Corgi Basset, Basset Retriever, and Bassetoodle.


The Baskimo is the cross between a Basset Hound and an American Eskimo Dog. These medium-sized dogs are extremely adorable. They are fairly muscular as well.

When fully grown, Baskimos can weigh anywhere between 25 and 65 pounds (11.3 to 29.5 kg) and they typically stand around 11 to 18 inches (28 to 45.7 cm) in height. Much like their Basset Hound relatives, Baskimos also have short legs!

Bagle Hound

The Bagle Hound is another charmer breed. It is the hybrid between a Basset Hound and a Beagle. Perhaps the easiest way to describe a Bagle Hound is by calling it “a slightly short-legged Beagle!”

Bagle Hounds can reach weights of up to 20 to 65 pounds (9 to 29.5 kg), and they can grow to heights of up to 12 to 17 inches (30 to 43 cm). This hybrid requires minimal maintenance, plus, they also come in a bunch of coat colors.

Corgi Basset

What happens when you cross two short-legged breeds? You get another short-legged breed with double the cuteness! The Corgi Bassets are the irresistible pups that result from the cross between a Basset Hound and a Corgi.

Fully grown Corgi Bassets weigh anywhere between 28 and 60 pounds (12.7 to 27.2 kg). Height-wise, these dogs range anywhere between 13 and 20 inches (33 to 51 cm).

Basset Retriever

The Basset Retriever is the hybrid of a Basset Hound and a Golden Retriever. These dogs inherit the laid-back vibe of the Basset Hound as well as the friendly disposition of the Golden Retriever. Think of them as short-legged Goldens!

Weight-wise, a fully grown Basset Retriever ranges anywhere between 40 and 70 pounds (18 to 32 kg). Meanwhile, height-wise, these dogs stand between 10 and 14 inches (25.4 to 35.5 cm) in height.


The hybrid of a Basset Hound and a standard Poodle is called the Bassetoodle. These dogs are fairly small compared to both purebred Basset Hounds and purebred standard Poodles.

In terms of weight, Bassetoodles range anywhere from 40 to 70 pounds (18 to 32 kg). Meanwhile, their full-grown height is typically 13 to 16 inches (33 to 40 cm).


The Basschshund is arguably one of the cutest Basset Hound mixes! These dogs inherit the coat color of their Daschund parent and the laid-back temperament from the Basset Hound side.

A Basschshund can range from 11 to 65 pounds (5 to 30 kg) in weight when fully grown. Additionally, these dogs can grow anywhere from 9 to 11 inches (23 to 28 cm) in height.

Final Thoughts

Because of their beguiling features and unique set of short legs, Basset Hounds are amongst the most recognizable dogs of all time! However, their odd body shapes may pose a difficulty for owners to properly monitor their growth.

That said, the main takeaway in this guide is that as long as you properly care for your Basset Hound, it will grow up to be a healthy adult.

Additionally, as always, you can refer to this guide from time to time to check on their growth progress. But always remember that even a guide as comprehensive as this one is not a substitute for regular vet checkups!

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