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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Great Pyrenees Shedding: How Much and How to Manage It

There is not a single dog breed that does not shed. Shedding can vary between dog breed, but all of them do shed to some extent. Some dogs are more noticeable, and some are hard to notice when it comes to shedding.

So if you are in search of a non-shedding dog, then sorry to say but your search will never end. Hopefully, you have done your research before buying the Great Pyrenees.

If you have not bought yet and still thinking, then this article going to help you to decide. So the question is how much do Great Pyrenees really shed?

If you do not know already then, it might come as a surprise to you that the Great Pyrenees are average to heavy shedding dog breed depending on the weather conditions and some other factors. Due to their dense, thick coat, they shed a significant amount of dander throughout the year. They shed even more during spring and fall. Be ready to find hairs on your furniture, clothes, car, bed, and floor.

The Great Pyrenees is a big fluffy dog. You should not be surprised that they will produce some big fluffy hairs when they shed. Every dog shed, it is same for Great Pyrenees.

It is the amount of shedding that could be overwhelming for some owners. The Great Pyrenees will completely blow their coat at certain times. At the end of this article, you should know how much do they shed throughout the year and how to minimize their shedding.

Great Pyrenees Coat

The Great Pyrenees breed has a double coat. The undercoat and the topcoat. The outer coat or topcoat is long and think. It is usually straight or wavy, but it is never curly.

Their face and hairs have short hairs. The undercoat generally is dense and has a woolly texture. Their legs have feathering on them.

They have a double coat that is flat and thick. A seasonal undercoat is grown in fall to protect them from harsh winters. It is a dense and woolly texture that is usually shed in spring.

The male coat is more prolonged than females. The Great Pyrenees topcoat is designed to shed dirt and mud away after it dries.

The good news is if you know how to knit or know somebody who can do it for you, then the Great Pyrenees shedding could go in your favor. However, it is an old practice.

You can gather its fur and collect it in the bags. Once it has been washed, this soft and angora like material could be used for knitting and crocheted.

Normal Shedding

One thing is sure that your Great Pyrenees is going to shed all around the year. You should be ready to find hairs everywhere and prepared to deal with them accordingly. Every dog goes through stages that explains shedding.

In the first stage, the new hair starts to grow and with a suitable condition, and depending on your dog’s health, hair can grow to their full length. The second stage is where nothing happens, and hair maintains their length and health.

The third stage is where old hair starts to break, and new hairs start to grow again. These stages can vary between dog breeds and sometimes can change between the same breed. It all depends on the individual dog.

Seasonal Shedding

This is the time when your Great Pyrenees will start to shed heavily. Unfortunately, Great Pyrenees is one of the most shedding dogs out there. Their seasonal shedding is on its peak in spring. This is the time when their winter hair that was grown in fall starts to shed.

The Great Pyrenees typically grow their hair in fall to be ready for winters. This provides them protection from cold winters and keeps them warm. Spring is the season when they start to get prepared for summer. A winter coat will be too much in the summer, so they begin to shed it in spring.

At this time, you will have to clean most of the time and might need to take extra care in grooming. This is the price you pay for keeping a beautiful dog that has excellent fur. Because of its beauty, sometimes the Great Pyrenees is called a Show Dog.

How to Minimize Shedding in Great Pyrenees?

You can not stop your dog from shedding. This is a natural process that every dog goes through. The only difference between dogs is how much they shed.

But the good news is that Great Pyrenees does not require a lot of grooming. There are ways to keep your Great Pyrenees shedding a minimum.

Nobody wants to deal with hairs flying everywhere, and we are here to help you to deal with it. With regular grooming and coat care, you can keep it tolerable.

With the Great Pyrenees comes great responsibility. Their grooming is very important. You do not have to groom your dog to prepare him for the dog show. It is for your benefit and the sake of your dog. It is highly essential because of matting and skin problems that your dog can have.

The need and time for grooming can vary between dogs. It depends on how much tolerance of grooming your dog has and how much he needs it.

Your best bet is to spend at least thirty minutes on grooming. You should designate this time to keep your Great Pyrenees’s fur in shape. Keep in mind that in the seasonal shedding, this time limit can increase, and you might have to take extra care.

Tools for Grooming

Everyone likes to have their own favorite tools to groom their dog. But there are some basic things you should have in your house to take care of your Great Pyrenees fur.

Here is the list of some tools that are recommended for the grooming of your Great Pyrenees:

  1. Rake. It should be deep so that it can penetrate the skin.

  2. Curved slicker brush. Large in size.

  3. Steel comb with the wide tooth.

  4. Mat splitter.

  5. Heavy-duty nail clippers.

  6. Cotton balls to wipe.

  7. De-tangling spray.

  8. Soft bristle brush.


Brushing your dog fur is vital. It can save you a lot of time that you will have to spend if your dog is shedding. Brushing can get rid of the hairs that are caught in the outer fur of your Great Pyrenees.

It can help your dog to avoid tangles and mats. The benefits are unlimited. Let’s have a look at details of how it should be done correctly.

If your dog is sensitive to brushing or if you feel any tangles, then it is best to use the de-tangle spray before brushing. Dogs tend to have tangle around vulva or anus, but you should never spray it directly on those areas.

Start brushing by using wide rake through the whole coat forty-five-degree angle. You should start it from the neck and work your way to the tail. Once completed, you can start again from the sides of your Great Pyrenees.

The neck and shoulder is the place where the fur is thicker, especially in the males. Try to find any knots or mats there as it is highly likely you will find one in this place. You should look for the tangles in their beautiful plumed tail, underbelly, rear ends, and back legs.

Use the mat splitter in tight areas if you have to deal with a mat. Use the strategy of divide and conquer. Some people use de-tangler spray while some just spray water. First, use the rake and then comb.


Bathing can decrease the chances of forming any tangles and knots in Great Pyrenees’ hair. However, the Great Pyrenees coat is self-cleaning, and bathing over bathing can decrease this quality in your dog.

They do not need a bath often for the same reason, and once a month is enough for them. Bathing often can cause dryness and irritation in your Great Pyrenees.

Can You Stop The Shedding?

There is no way you can stop a dog from shedding. But fortunately, you can keep the shedding minimum by brushing them on a regular basis. Most people think that when a dog scratches, it is because of the fleas, but most of the time, dog scratches to loosen hairs or to drop dead hairs.

It is best to use the brush on heavy shedders like Great Pyrenees to get rid of the hairs before they land on your carpet, couch, or floor.

Abnormal Shedding

There could be different explanations for a dog to shed heavily. If you notice your Great Pyrenees shedding heavily outside of the season, you should check for signs.

While there could be an explanation for this shedding, it is always good to be on the safe side and take your dog to the vet. Here we will try to explain some reasons dogs have for excessive shedding.

  1. Stress: A dog can shed more while he is in stress. Stress can be caused because of losing someone. Change of place or simply on a new addition of a pet to the family.

  2. Surgery: If your dog has a recent surgery, then you might find him shedding heavily. This could be because of stress or medication.

  3. Litters: When a Great Pyrenees female gives birth. She will start to shed heavily. There is nothing to worry about as she will get back her fur in time.

A diet with high protein and low in grains and fillers will combat the abnormal shedding. Supplements are also given to help the condition of the coat. But it is always necessary to check with the vet before giving out any supplements to your Great Pyrenees.

Omega 3 and 6 are considered important in building healthy coats and cell structure. Zinc is also useful in maintaining a healthy coat.

Shaving Your Great Pyrenees

Some owners ask the groomers to shave their Great Pyrenees in the summer and they think that this will solve the shedding problem and make the dog cooler in warm weather.

They couldn’t be more wrong. Although shaving might help in the shedding problem, it will undoubtedly raise some issues on your dog’s health. Here’s why:

  1. When shaving, Great Pyrenees can become hotter instead of cooler as there is no insulation to protect them anymore. A well-maintained coat helps the dog in the cooling process.

  2. Your Great Pyrenees are more likely to get sunburned when shaved.

  3. They can be chilled when they are in air-conditioned places. The cold will hit directly to their skin.

  4. Their fur might not grow back in time to protect them from winters.

  5. Without their coat, they are more exposed to insects. There is a high chance of them getting bitten.

  6. Great Pyrenees coat is there for many reasons, and one of them is protection. They can play rough, or if they get into a fight, their coat will protect them.

Hair Loss in Great Pyrenees

Hair loss is a common condition in many dog breeds. The Great Pyrenees are not exempt from it either. Excessive hair loss could be an alarming sign for your dog’s health and must be dealt with immediately. There could be a number of reasons for hair loss. Here are some of them below.

Allergies: Your Great Pyrenees could have hair loss because of allergies. He can have an allergic reaction to food, shampoo, medication, pest bite, or household cleaning stuff.

Elimination is the best way to deal with allergies. You should remove all the things from a dog’s life that can cause allergies. The vet could help you with that.

When your dog’s fur grows back, then try to introduce all the allergen stuff one by one to see what is the cause of allergy.

Hormones: Hypothyroidism is a common disorder that can affect your Great Pyrenees because of the change in the hormone levels. Not to worry as these changes can be easily fixed by medication.

Final Thoughts

Owners must consider shedding and grooming before deciding which dog to buy. If you do not have the time to spend on your dog’s grooming and cleaning, then there is always an option for professional grooming.

Keep in mind that this is going to cost you money. The Great Pyrenees does shed a lot, but there is no dog better than him when it comes to loyalty, friend, brave, and a lifelong companion.

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