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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Goldendoodle Lifespan: How Long Do Goldendoodles Live?

Whether you have a Goldendoodle or you’re looking to get one of your own, you surely want to spend as much time with your pup as possible. So you may be wondering, “How long do Goldendoodles live?”

Well, we’ve got the answer to that question and more! We’ll give you information on the health problems Goldendoodles commonly face, factors determining their lifespan, and other facts about this dog breed.

Most importantly, we’ll give you helpful advice on how to ensure your Goldendoodle lives for a long time!

Keep reading to discover more about the Goldendoodle and what you can do as an owner to boost your pup’s health and life expectancy.

Goldendoodle Life Expectancy: How Long Do Goldendoodles Live on Average?

The average lifespan of a Goldendoodle is between 10 and 15 years. However, some Goldendoodles can live much longer depending on their size, generation, lifestyle, etc.

For reference, the Golden Retriever is expected to live 10 to 12 years, while a Poodle lives 10 to 15 years.

Since many studies claim that smaller canines live longer than larger dogs, the mini Goldendoodle or a toy Goldendoodle is more likely to have a longer average lifespan than their bigger counterpart, such as the standard Goldendoodle.

As with any pup, several variables affect a Goldendoodle’s life expectancy. Genetics, environment, and many other factors play a huge role in how long Goldendoodles live.

The Oldest Living Goldendoodle: How Old Is the Oldest Goldendoodle in the World?

Unfortunately, as of today, there’s no official record of the oldest living Goldendoodle in the world.

What we do have is thousands of people from all over the globe sharing pictures and stories of their lovely senior Goldendoodles online!

Forums and Facebook threads dedicated to Goldendoodles have owners proudly showing off 11 to 15-year-old active and healthy pups.

There are even accounts of 17-year-old Goldendoodles still up and about. This is excellent news for Goldendoodle owners who are hopeful that their pooches will live a longer life.

Factors That Determine the Lifespan of Your Goldendoodle

Many factors affect a Goldendoodle’s lifespan. While some of them are beyond your control, there are also others that you can monitor and improve.

Keep reading as I give you the most common factors that influence the longevity of your Goldendoodle:


There’s no question that genetics is the most crucial factor in determining any dog’s lifespan and general health, and Goldendoodles are no exception.

Certain traits and health issues inherited from their parent breeds, the Golden Retriever and the Poodle, determine their life expectancy.

Sadly, due to the surge in popularity of Goldendoodles, unethical breeders (also known as backyard breeders) have bred and sold many puppies without carrying out proper breeding practices, including health and genetic testing.

The result is devastating. These pups suffer from genetic abnormalities and inherit health issues that drastically minimize the Goldendoodle’s life expectancy and even their quality of life.

This is why it’s crucial to get your Goldendoodle only from a reputable breeder who will conduct health testing procedures on your puppy and provide a health guarantee.

Hybrid Vigor

Also called heterosis, Science ABC defines hybrid vigor as the “improved activity and survival of the hybrid offspring.”

In relation to dog breeding, hybrid vigor refers to the superior genetic traits that the offspring of two purebred pups exhibit.

Why does hybrid vigor occur? Purebred dogs pass down genetic health issues to their offspring.

When a new bloodline from a different purebred dog is introduced, the likelihood of their offspring inheriting health problems is significantly reduced.

However, hybrid vigor decreases with every generation down the line. This means that a first-generation Goldendoodle (F1 Goldendoodle) is likely to have a longer life expectancy than a multi-generation Goldendoodle.


Over 50% of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese — which significantly shortens their lifespan.

Overweight Goldendoodles, in general, live shorter lives than Goldendoodles at healthy weights. Thus, it’s essential to keep your dog in great shape.

You can do this by giving them a proper diet and lots of exercise. But what is a healthy weight for a Goldendoodle?

Well, it depends on their size. Mini Goldendoodles should weigh in at around 25 to 35 pounds, medium Goldendoodles at 45 to 60 pounds, and standard Goldendoodles at 60 to 80 pounds.

Activity Level

All dog owners know that daily exercise is crucial to the life expectancy of their dogs. This is all the more important for Goldendoodles, whose parent breeds are both active and energetic.

Keeping your Goldendoodle at home without regular physical activity can lead to physical and mental health issues that shorten their life expectancy.

So it’s important to make sure your pup gets a good amount of exercise every single day.

Spaying and Neutering

Studies show that there is a significant increase in the life expectancy of spayed or neutered dogs. They live around a year and a half longer than dogs who haven’t been sterilized.

Spaying and neutering also come with plenty of health benefits! Spaying a female Goldendoodle will decrease her chances of getting infections in the uterus and mammary cancer.

Meanwhile, neutering a male Goldendoodle will reduce aggressive behaviors.

Health Issues

Like any mixed breed, Goldendoodles are susceptible to inheriting a host of health issues from each dog parent breed.

Here are some of the most common health issues that Goldendoodles are prone to developing:

  1. Hip Dysplasia

  2. Addison’s Disease

  3. Von Willebrand’s Disease

  4. Epilepsy

  5. Ear Infections

  6. Cataracts

  7. Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis

  8. Atopic Dermatitis

  9. Sebaceous Adenitis

  10. Progressive Retinal Atrophy

It’s best to be prepared should your pup suffer from these conditions. For instance, DNA testing for progressive retinal atrophy can be conducted by a reputable breeder.

Most importantly, regular visits to the vet will help you stay ahead of health problems.

How to Identify the Age of Your Goldendoodle in Human Years

The consensus among most dog owners is that a dog’s age is simply seven times its age in human years. But did you know that might not exactly be accurate?

The fact is, the first year of a dog’s life is actually equivalent to 15 human years.

At two years old, a dog would be around 24 in human years. Then, after the first two years, every year of a dog’s life would be equivalent to five human years.

Sounds complicated? Well, experts have come up with a relatively simple formula that you can use on your calculator.

This formula is based on their research comparing the changes occurring in dogs’ DNA as they age to the changes in humans’ DNA.

All you have to do is multiply the natural logarithm of your Goldendoodle’s age by 16 and add 31. The formula looks something like this:

16 ln (Your Goldendoodle’s Age) + 31 = Human Age

Of course, this may still not be entirely accurate since dog breeds age differently from one another, especially mixed breeds like the Goldendoodle.

If you need more help finding out the age of your Goldendoodle in human years, we’ve provided a simple chart for your reference below:

Remember that these numbers are still rough estimates. But they’re the most accurate estimations we have regarding the age of Goldendoodle in human years.

Keep in mind as well that the size of your Goldendoodle will determine how fast they age.

What Do Goldendoodles Usually Die From?

The cruel reality every dog owner faces is that dogs’ lives are too short. But it’s also your responsibility to know what can cause the death of your Goldendoodle to make sure you’re prepared for it.

Read on below to discover the most common causes of death in Goldendoodles.

Common Causes of Death in Goldendoodle Puppies

Some illnesses are more common in Goldendoodle puppies than in adults. Unfortunately, these diseases may be deadly for a young pup. So it’s important to pay attention to the first signs of trouble to prevent an early puppy death.

Here are the most common health issues that can cause death in Goldendoodle puppies:

  1. Parvovirus: The canine parvovirus, most commonly known as parvo, is a highly contagious virus contracted through direct or indirect contact with contaminated feces. The virus primarily affects the stomach and small intestine and targets the bone marrow and other rapidly dividing cells in a dog’s body. Fortunately, vaccination shots against this deadly virus are readily available.

  2. Distemper: Canine distemper is another highly contagious and incurable virus contracted through direct contact with an infected dog and airborne exposure. It attacks multiple organs and body systems, including the respiratory and immune systems. To keep your Goldendoodle pup from getting this virus, make sure to get all preventive shots against distemper for your puppy as soon as possible.

  3. Kennel Cough: Also called Bordetella, kennel cough is an infectious type of respiratory disease that can cause deep, hacking coughs. While it’s usually not serious for adult dogs, puppies can develop pneumonia from this disease. As soon as your pup shows signs of persistent coughing, pay a visit to your veterinarian immediately to prevent further progression.

The good news is that most illnesses that can claim the life of your sweet puppy are preventable, whether through vaccination or early treatment.

It’s vital to get monthly checkups with your vet to ensure your pup grows up to be a healthy adult.

Common Causes of Death in Goldendoodle Adults

As your Goldendoodle ages, you get to enjoy beautiful moments spent together through the years. Unfortunately, aging can also introduce a number of health issues that can affect your pooch.

Here are some of the most common health issues that lead to death in Goldendoodle adults:

  1. Cancer: Golden Retrievers have a certain susceptibility to cancer, which, unfortunately, some Goldendoodles inherit. This mixed dog breed is particularly prone to bone cancer and lymphoma.

  2. Bloat: Also referred to as gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), dog bloat is a condition where the stomach expands due to the buildup of gas and the blockage of both its entrance and exit. While it can be treated with immediate surgery, bloat often proves to be fatal for dogs.

  3. Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism: Thyroid disease occurs when a dog’s body produces too little or too much thyroid hormone, which affects its metabolism. This is usually a symptom of severe health issues and can lead to further illness and even death.

  4. Heart Disease: Heart-related conditions can prove to be fatal for Goldendoodles, especially for senior dogs. Symptoms of heart disease in your pup include fainting, difficulty breathing when sleeping, lethargy, and weight loss.

  5. Addison’s Disease: Poodles are susceptible to hypoadrenocorticism or Addison’s disease, a trait that can be passed down to Goldendoodles. This illness occurs when a dog’s body doesn’t produce the right amount of hormones. While Addison’s disease is treatable, it can be life-threatening for some dogs.

While there is no way to prevent the sad yet inevitable demise of your precious Goldendoodle, you can avoid unexpected deaths with regular trips to the vet.

It’s also important to pay attention to even the mildest signs of distress that your pooch exhibits.

5 Easy Tips to Help Your Goldendoodle Live Longer

As dog owners, our number one priority is to ensure our beloved pups live a long and healthy life. We want our furry companions to enjoy a longer lifespan.

The good news is that there are a lot of steps you can take in your everyday routine to help keep your Goldendoodle’s health in tiptop shape.

Here are a few easy and effective ways to prolong your doodle’s life:

1. Feed your Goldendoodle a healthy diet

Just like humans, eating a balanced, nutritious diet will help your sweet pooch live longer and healthier.

Goldendoodles are energetic dogs, which means they will need dog foods to sustain their high levels of physical activity. Dry kibble that is rich in protein, fiber, and fats is best for your doodle.

You can also mix wet food into their kibble to make it more appealing. But remember that Goldendoodles can be susceptible to food allergies, so remember to include only grain-free dog foods.

Obesity is a major risk for Goldendoodles. Sticking to a consistent feeding schedule will help prevent overfeeding.

It’s ideal to feed a Goldendoodle puppy three meals a day and an adult Goldendoodle two meals a day.

We know you can’t resist those puppy eyes when your pup asks for treats or table scraps. But too many of those unhealthy foods can lead to obesity and health issues. So make sure to keep treats at a minimum.

2. Make sure your Goldendoodle gets regular exercise

As a cross between Golden Retrievers and Poodles, Goldendoodles are, by nature, active and robust dogs. They will need high levels of activity to boost their physical health.

A Goldendoodle puppy will need at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise two to three times a day, while an adult Goldendoodle will need 30 to 60 minutes of exercise once a day. You can also split this between walks.

If you’re an active individual, make your pup a part of your everyday workout routine or outdoor adventures! Going on a hike is just one example of the many activities you can do with your Goldendoodle.

3. Give your Goldendoodle proper training and plenty of stimulation

Not only are Goldendoodles playful, but they’re also brilliant! This means they need plenty of physical and mental stimulation.

Regular playtime with toys, dog puzzles, and indoor or outdoor games is vital to their well-being. Teaching commands is also an excellent way to spend time with your pup and give them new challenges.

Goldendoodles are very responsive to training, especially when you start them off at a young age. Keeping them well-trained is also good for their mental health.

Goldendoodles are known for not doing well when they’re alone. So if you leave them for a long time without proper training, they may suffer from depression which can eventually shorten their lifespan.

If you have to leave home for long periods of time for work or other reasons, invest in a spacious crate and high-quality, mentally stimulating toys to keep your Goldendoodle occupied while you’re away.

4. Ensure good dental hygiene for your Goldendoodle

We know life gets busy, so you don’t always have the time to brush your dog’s teeth. But without good dental hygiene, plaque and tartar can build up in your Goldendoodle’s mouth and cause gum disease.

This may not seem that concerning, but it’s actually serious and even life-threatening for dogs.

Regular brushing is the best way to avoid gum disease. Brushing your Goldendoodle’s teeth daily is ideal, but twice or thrice a week will suffice. Dental sticks can also boost oral health in between brushings.

5. Visit your veterinarian regularly

Veterinary care is absolutely vital to extending your Goldendoodle’s lifespan. Sometimes your dog doesn’t exhibit symptoms of any illness but is unknowingly already suffering from a serious condition.

Going to the vet once a year will help you stay ahead of any medical problems. They will keep your pup up-to-date on vaccines and check for any issues, including heartworms, intestinal worms, ear infections, hip dysplasia, and others.

Take note that if your Goldendoodle is a senior or has a pre-existing condition, you’ll need to visit the vet more often to prevent or monitor health problems.

Your veterinarian can also give you and your pet medical advice that will prolong life expectancy and ensure they enjoy a healthy life.

Senior Goldendoodle Dog Care

As Goldendoodles get older, it’s important to give them extra love and care so they can live out their golden years in comfort and bliss.

A Goldendoodle becomes a senior dog at seven years old. When your pup hits that age, you’ll start to see changes in their behavior and temperament. But don’t worry. Your pooch can still live a happy life well into its twilight years.

Here are a few ways to properly care for a senior Goldendoodle:

  1. Visit the vet every six months.

  2. Change your Goldendoodle’s food or shampoo if it develops allergies.

  3. Feed your pup soft wet food that’s high in protein and low in carbs.

  4. Give your Goldendoodle vitamins and supplements.

  5. Brush your dog’s teeth daily.

  6. Adjust grooming appointments to make them shorter.

  7. Take your Goldendoodle on daily walks.

  8. Create a schedule for playtime according to your pup’s energy levels.

  9. Give your pooch lots of love.

No matter how much we want to keep our Goldendoodles puppies forever, we can’t keep them from aging.

What you can do as a dog owner is to ensure your pup stays healthy and lives as comfortably as possible as it grows old with you!

Life Expectancies of Other Doodle Breeds

If you’re a Goldendoodle lover or simply love dogs in general, then you know that doodles are some of the most adorable mixed breeds out there. But how long do other doodle breeds live?

Here is a simple chart showing the average lifespan of the most common doodle breeds:

On average, doodle breeds enjoy a long lifespan. That’s good news for both doodle owners and anyone looking to get their very own doodle! It means you can enjoy time with your pup and have plenty of adventures for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Goldendoodles Live Longer Than Golden Retrievers?

The average Goldendoodle lifespan is around 10 to 15 years, while the life expectancy of a Golden Retriever is approximately 10 to 12 years. So yes, Goldendoodles do tend to live longer than Golden Retrievers.

What Age Is Considered Old for a Goldendoodle?

The age range for a senior Goldendoodle is 7 years old to 15 years old and above. In human years, this would be equivalent to 44 years old to 76 years old and above.

What Age Do Most Goldendoodles Die?

The average Goldendoodle lifespan is 10 to 15 years, so most Goldendoodles die when they hit that age range. A mini Goldendoodle lives up to 12 years old on average, while a standard Goldendoodle lives up to 10 years old.

How Do I Know If My Goldendoodle Is Dying?

Signs that a Goldendoodle is dying include drastic weight loss, extreme lethargy, loss of mobility or balance, incontinence, lack of thirst or appetite, and restlessness.

Final Thoughts

Having a Goldendoodle in your life is truly a treasure. This furry, intelligent pup is the perfect companion any dog owner is fortunate to have. Nothing comes close to the level of affection and loyalty a Goldendoodle can give you.

The good news is that you can have your precious Goldendoodle for a long time!

As long as you keep your Goldendoodle fit, happy, and healthy, it can stick around and be your beloved companion for well over a decade.

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