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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Fluffy Corgi: All You Need to Know About the Long-Haired Corgi

I’ve been asked a couple of times by curious pet owners and dog enthusiasts about whether long-haired fluffy Corgis really exist. Similarly, they also wonder if these long-haired pups are Pembrokes or Cardigans.

To address all of these questions, I decided to write this in-depth guide where I also included some interesting facts about the fluffy Corgi variety. To be specific, I talked about their temperament, grooming needs, shedding tendencies, life expectancy, and many more.

Let’s get straight to it, shall we?

What Is a Fluffy Corgi?

A fluffy Corgi is either a Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a Cardigan Welsh Corgi with a long coat. They are hard to come by because they are accidentally created through a recessive gene. Despite being rare, they have grown popular in recent years and are considered one of the most in-demand dogs to date.

If you are confused as to why I made a distinction between a Pembroke and a Cardigan fluffy Corgi, it is because they are far from being the same breed. Allow me to include a simple crash course here.

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgis were brought to Wales by the Vikings, and they are believed to have descended from the Nordic Spitz.

Meanwhile, fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgis came from the lines of German Teckels and were brought to central Europe by the Celtic Tribes.

They also have noticeable differences in their appearance, which makes their distinction even more prominent.

Cardigans are somehow larger and curvier than the Pembrokes, and they also have a long tail. Pembrokes, on the other hand, have docked tails and a more linear or rectangular body.

Among the two breeds, it is more common to see long-haired varieties in Pembroke Welsh Corgis. This only means that if the Pembrokes are already expensive, the Cardigans are even more so.

Fluffy Corgi vs. Regular Corgi: What’s the Difference?

I bet you have seen regular Corgis several times, but you aren’t that familiar with the fluffy variety. There’s no need to head over to your search bar because I’ll try to explain their differences in detail in this entire section.

Regular Corgis, be it Pembroke or Cardigan, sport a medium-length coat that is thick and weather resistant. Usually, their hair is longer and thicker around their neck, on their shoulders, chest, back of forelegs, and rear of hindquarters.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the preferred coat for Corgis is straight, but a little waviness is also permitted. They find wiry, overly short, thin, and soft coats to be unacceptable.

AKC also mentions fluffy Corgis in the breed standard they published, but unfortunately, it is to say that they are seriously faulty.

Fluffy Corgis are described as dogs with extremely long coats with exaggerated feathering on their chest, ears, underparts, legs, feet, and hindquarters.

Even though these dogs are trimmed to look like regular Corgis, they are still aren’t allowed to join in the breed’s conformation shows.

Can You Tell If a Corgi Puppy Is a Fluffy Corgi?

Oh, so you recently reserved a Corgi from a reputable breeder and you’re wondering if it will turn out as fluffy. Let me give you some tips on how to identify if they are one.

First, you need to ask the breeder about the dog’s age because this is a significant step in assessing if their coat will grow longer. Next, you have to visit them in person while they are still being socialized with their mother and littermates to have a closer look at their coat.

If the pup is between four to six weeks and it has an excessive feathering on its chest, ears, feet, and legs, you have a good chance that you got a fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

There will be instances that you’ll find it hard to differentiate between the regular and the long-coated, so you really have to see your dog with its littermates to have a point of comparison. If this isn’t possible, you just have to be patient and wait as they mature.

Whether you got a fluffy or not, there is nothing to be sad about because both coat varieties are gorgeous and satisfying to groom.

What Does a Fluffy Corgi Look Like?

As mentioned, there are some physical differences between fluffy Pembroke and Cardigan Corgis; that’s why I’ll describe them separately.

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The main feature of a fluffy Pembroke is its long coat. Its ears, chest, feet, and legs have extreme feathering so they are easily recognized. Here are some other descriptions of their appearance:

  1. Head: Appears foxy-shaped.

  2. Eyes: Medium-sized and oval.

  3. Ears: Erect and has rounded points.

  4. Chest: Deep and well let down.

  5. Tail: Docked and as much as possible, almost invisible.

In terms of coat color, here are some of the shades considered as standard for the breed by major kennel clubs:

Black and Tan Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Sable Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Red Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Similar to the fluffy Pembrokes, fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgis sport an unusual long coat. They are double-coated so they have denser hairs.

AKC states that these dogs’ outer coat is a bit harsher in texture than those of the Pembrokes. Meanwhile, their undercoat is soft and thick.

Below are the other physical features of this Corgi variety:

  1. Head: Foxy-shaped, but a bit wider than the Pembrokes.

  2. Eyes: Medium to large and widely set.

  3. Ears: Larger and more rounded than that of the Pembroke.

  4. Chest: Rounded and appears more massive.

  5. Tail: Long and fox-like.

For the coat colors, here are some of the shades that are deemed acceptable.

Brindle and White Fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Blue Merle and White Fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Black and White Fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi

How Big Does a Fluffy Corgi Get When Fully Grown?

The size of fluffy Corgis whether Pembroke or Cardigan is similar to that of the regular-coated. Here are the specifications of their size:

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  1. Height: Between 10 and 12 inches for both males and females.

  2. Weight: Around 27 pounds for males and 25 pounds for females.

Fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  1. Height: Between 10.5 and 12.5 inches at the withers for both males and females.

  2. Weight: Males are 30 to 38 pounds, while females are 25 to 34 pounds.

As described above, Cardigan’s fluffies are heavier compared to Pembroke fluffies. But remember that their weight should always be proportioned to their height.

Do Fluffy Corgis Shed More Than Regular Corgis?

One thing you have to understand about Welsh Corgis, in general, is that they shed year-round whether their coat is short or fluffy. This applies to both the Cardigan and the Pembroke breeds.

Their shedding tendencies are worse during summer and winter so it’s best to prepare a high-quality dog brush. I also won’t recommend them if you have allergies or have a housemate who is sensitive to dog hair because they aren’t hypoallergenic.

Fluffy Corgi Grooming Tips: How Do You Groom a Fluffy Corgi?

The fluffiness of your Corgi’s coat varies, so I cannot guarantee that these tips will work for all. But in general, here’s how you should groom them:

  1. Brush them using the line method or going in the direction where their coat grows. I prefer to use the greyhound comb during the non-shedding seasons and they can easily be bought from Amazon.

  2. If you aren’t comfortable using a furminator to remove your dog’s hair during their extreme bi-annual shedding, purchase a good quality dog rake. You should use this on your dog weekly during summer and winter where they shed too much.

  3. You should wash your fluffy Corgi once every four to six weeks to keep their hair clean and soft. In doing so, use a good quality shampoo and put on some conditioner.

  4. Grind their nails and trim the hairs found on their underfoot. Use a curved shear because they are a lot easier to handle.

  5. Bring your dog to a professional groomer twice a year so they get a proper cut and their ears, eyes, and some other parts are carefully inspected and sanitized.

If you are more of a visual person, watch this detailed video on how to properly groom your fluffy Corgi:

How to Groom the FLUFFIEST CORGI on Instagram<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How to Groom the FLUFFIEST CORGI on Instagram" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Fluffy Corgi Temperament: Are They Ideal Family Dogs?

Aside from being cutesie, fluffy Corgis also have a balanced temperament. Here’s a review of the two breed’s overall disposition:

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  1. They are agreeable house dogs.

  2. They are lively herders.

  3. They aren’t that needy, but they love cuddling.

  4. They are very affectionate to their owners.

  5. They respond well to obedience training.

  6. They are bold and kind at the same time.

Fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  1. They are very congenial and faithful to their owners.

  2. They respond well to various types of training.

  3. They are vigilant guardians and herders.

  4. They are intelligent and alert.

  5. They are independent dogs, so they can be stubborn at times.

  6. They are people-oriented.

Corgis are perfect family pets if you do not mind their bouts of stubbornness and their bold demeanor. If you purchase one, make sure to socialize them early and have them trained by professionals, so they’ll be more at ease being your pet.

Fluffy Corgi Life Expectancy and Health Issues

The life expectancy of fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgis is between 12 to 13 years. Fluffy Cardigans live a bit longer with a life span of 12 to 15 years. Below are the health issues that commonly affect both breeds:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: This is an abnormality in the hip joints of fluffy Corgis and often causes limping.

  2. Cataracts: This causes opacity in Corgi’s eyes which results in poor vision. The best treatment for this condition is through surgery.

  3. Von Willebrand Disease: This is a disorder that prevents your dog’s blood from clotting. Often, Corgis are diagnosed with this between the age of three to five.

  4. Degenerative Myelopathy: This disease is progressive and targets the spinal cord. Dogs afflicted with this become lame or paralyzed.

  5. Intervertebral Disc Disease: Since fluffy Corgis have long backs, their spinal discs are prone to ruptures which is the main manifestation of the intervertebral disc disease.

  6. Epilepsy: This is a neurological condition that causes seizures. Early intervention is needed in order to treat this successfully.

Fluffy Corgi Price & Expenses: Are They More Expensive?

Fluffy Corgis are slightly more expensive than the regular coated ones because they don’t usually exist. Most of them are only accidentally produced by some breeders and they are part of a bunch of short-coated litter.

According to various listings and several professional breeders I’m acquainted with, the average cost of fluffy Corgis is $2,500. This is already reasonable, especially if they have complete papers, vaccinated, and have health guarantees.

Just be very inquisitive with the breeder you are dealing with. Some charge $2,500 for a pup who actually came from puppy mills.

Places to Find Fluffy Corgi Puppies for Sale and Adoption

To aid you in your search for your next fluffy Corgi companion, here are some breeders and directories you should check out:

  1. AKC Marketplace – Even though fluffy Corgis are considered faulty by the AKC, you can still take your chance in searching for one in their directory. You can blindly contact breeders and ask if they currently have a fluffy in their care. This way, you are assured that the one you’re dealing with is a professional.

  2. Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Inc (PWCCA) – Another organization that you should consider when looking for a fluffy Corgi is the PWCCA. You can access their breeder membership directory on their website and get the contact numbers of those you deemed trustworthy.

  3. Magnolia Creek Corgis – All of the fluffy Corgis produced by this breeder are raised in homes, so they are better socialized. Their puppies also underwent veterinary check-ups and they offer health guarantees. Sounds pretty cool.

  4. The Perfect Corgi – Similar to Magnolia Creek Corgis, this breeder also offers a health warranty for their dogs. They are also affiliated with puppy financing organizations, so you won’t be overwhelmed with the puppy’s initial cost.

If you are more interested in adopting (which I highly encourage, by the way), try contacting these Corgi rescues:

  1. East Coast Corgi Rescue – This rescue is run by volunteers and is based in Washington. Their goal is to locate, rescue and foster Welsh Corgis no matter what variety. They even have Corgi mixes in their facility.

  2. Southeast Corgi Rescue – This is a non-profit rescue composed of volunteers located in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Corgis in their care are neutered or spayed, vetted, vaccinated, and microchipped.

  3. PWC Rescue Network – This rescue is run by the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America and provides a temporary home to unwanted Corgis. The dogs in their care are assessed if they are fit to be adopted by interested Corgi enthusiasts.

  4. Mayflower Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, Inc – This is an affiliate of the PWCCA and they have a program dedicated to rescuing purebred Corgis, both regular and fluffy. The dogs that are under their care are 5 to 6 years of age, so if you are looking for a month old pup, you will be a bit disappointed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Fluffy Corgis Like to Cuddle?

Fluffy Corgis are clingy dogs so expect that they would want to cuddle with you all the time. They often see their parents as part of the pack they need to protect. That’s why they would probably be stuck to your side.

Can Fluffy Corgis Be Left Alone All Day?

No. Leaving your fluffy Corgi alone for the whole day is a terrible idea. They are originally bred to be herding dogs, so they are used to being with other animals and humans. If you leave them for a long time, they will develop separation anxiety, leading to destructive behavior.

Final Thoughts: Is the Fluffy Corgi the Right Pet for You?

Fluffy Corgis are perfect for those in love with the regular Corgi temperament but are interested in owning a uniquely stunning pup with a long coat.

The only downside with having this furball as a household pet is their year-round shedding and their tendency to ruin your furniture if you left them alone for too long.

If these things aren’t a big issue to you and your housemates, go ahead and contact the breeders and rescues I included in one of the former sections in this guide. Ensure that you choose a healthy and active pup because you will be its guardian for the next 12 to 15 years.

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