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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Dog Poop Stuck Halfway? – 6 Ways to Remove Stuck Dog Poop

Having dog poop stuck or hanging out your dog’s bum is not a pleasant experience for you and your dog. In fact, this situation can be very awkward and uncomfortable for your canine companion.

As a pet owner, you may need to get down and dirty to help relieve your dog of this condition. The good news is that so long as your pet cooperates, there are several ways to remove that stubborn poop stuck halfway.

This article will help you understand what causes dogs’ poop to get stuck in their anal area. As you read on, you will also learn about the techniques and suggestions that will help you fix this problem.

Why Does Your Dog Have Poop Hanging Out?

Different reasons may cause poop to be stuck halfway through your dog’s bum. Understanding these reasons is the first step to avoiding being in the awkward situation of having to pull it out.

As you go through these factors, keep in mind that the majority of these can be avoided if monitored early. Here are the conditions that may lead to stuck poop.

1. Constipation

The primary reason poop hangs out in the dog’s butt or gets stuck in its digestive tract is constipation. A dog experiences constipation when it cannot poop properly on a regular schedule.

Constipation happens when fecal matter moves along a dog’s digestive tract at a much slower rate than normal. This allows the colon to reabsorb more electrolytes and water from the fecal material, leading it to lose moisture.

The lack of moisture or hydration results in hardened poop that is difficult to expel.

Your furry buddy may display a painful reaction when they try to defecate. Once expelled, the stuck poop may come out looking like dark brown rocks.

Aside from dehydration, here are the other common reasons for constipation in dogs:

  1. Diet: What your dog ingests can greatly affect the quality of stool they pass. A diet low in fiber is often the cause of constipation. When you give your dog a healthy and complete diet, the more likely you will prevent it from experiencing constipation.

  2. Age: The older a dog is, the more prone it is to constipation due to a less-functioning digestive system.

  3. Lifestyle habits: If your dog just loves to lie around the sofa all day and hates to exercise, expect them to have slower digestive motility. This usually results in drier and harder fecal matter.

  4. Electrolyte disparities: Electrolytes are important not just for hydration but for a lot of our pet’s daily functions. An imbalance of these electrolytes will disrupt the regulation of fluids inside the dog’s body.

  5. Illnesses: Certain medical conditions in dogs can cause them to have abnormal fecal movement. Examples of these are orthopedic issues, metabolic diseases, central nervous system dysfunction, tumors in the digestive tract and pelvic region, enlarged prostate, and kidney disease.

Understanding these factors would help us avoid constipation in our dogs. Moreover, having a well-hydrated and healthy dog will prevent us from having to experience removing poop hanging out dog’s bum.

Watch this video to learn more about how to detect constipation in dogs:

Constipation in Dogs<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Constipation in Dogs" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

2. Pseudocoprostasis

Pseudocoprostasis is the condition when fecal mass or matted hair accumulates in the anal area, obstructing the animal’s anal opening. This matted mess causes more feces to be stuck and makes defecating harder.

This may be caused by soft stool left unclean. As it dries up, it transforms into matted fur or hair surrounding the anal area.

Dogs not groomed regularly and with long fur are more prone to having matted fur and pseudocoprostasis.

If left untreated, pseudocoprostasis may also lead to poor appetite, intestinal parasites, foul odor, scooting of the rectum on the floor, large fecal mass on the dog’s anus, depression, and vomiting.

To take care of the accumulated fecal matter, use a clipper to remove the matted hair surrounding the anal opening.

Once cleared, wash the affected area gently with a mild dog shampoo, rinse thoroughly, and pat dry.

You should consult your vet immediately about your dog’s diarrhea to prevent fecal material from building up in your dog’s butt. You may be required to provide a stool sample to diagnose the condition well.

Hygiene is also important in preventing this condition. Make sure to clean any left fecal matter in the area surrounding the dog’s anal opening with baby wipes. Keep your dog groomed regularly, too.

3. Megacolon or Obstipation

Megacolon or obstipation may happen when constipation is left untreated and becomes chronic. This happens when the fecal matter becomes hard enough to cause total blockage in the dog’s colon.

This may be caused by the same reasons that bring about constipation in dogs, including medical conditions such as spinal issues, intestinal obstructions, and certain tumors.

Dogs having this condition may suffer from loss of weight, extremely painful passing of poop, bloody stool, and vomiting.

Your veterinarian may also collect a stool sample for a proper diagnosis of this condition. Treatment of this disorder may already involve surgery.

4. Foreign Object Blockage

Dogs tend to eat non-edible objects such as rubber slippers, tree bark, and dry bones.

This may lead to a quite serious blockage when your dog ingests these items. It can even lead to internal injury when these blockages are sharp foreign objects.

Symptoms of this condition are similar to that of dogs suffering from constipation, megacolon, or obstipation. This condition could be extremely painful for your dog, and they would strain when passing poop.

It is best to seek veterinary advice when you suspect your dog of this condition to determine the best treatment approach.

5. Inability to Squat

When a dog is unable to squat properly to defecate, expect that it will have issues as well when it comes to passing stool. This kind of discomfort may lead to the dog’s poop getting stuck halfway.

This inability of a dog to squat properly may be caused by medical conditions such as arthritis, joint problems, and injuries to body parts that facilitate squatting reflex.

Aside from dog poop stuck in the bum, dogs suffering from this condition would have visible struggles with their movement.

Treatment would depend on the specific condition that causes the difficulty in squatting.

Can You Pull Poop Out of Your Dog?

Yes. You can pull poop out of your dog’s bum. It is recommended that the dog owner pull out the hardened poop instead of leaving it hanging.

However, please take note that the anal area of our dogs is sensitive. Hence, this must be done gently.

Sometimes, we may not be aware that the poop may still be connected to the dog’s digestive organs. By roughly pulling the straggling poop out, we risk putting pressure on the dog’s insides.

Instead of helping the dog, this may lead to internal bleeding or serious injury.

If you notice certain materials that seem to connect the fecal mass, you can first pull gently and check if it would come out completely.

If the dog yelps, struggles, or shows it is in pain, you may then use scissors to cut it.

Observe if your dog would be able to pass the rest of the fecal matter on its own. If this does not happen, then that would be your sign to take your dog to the veterinarian for proper treatment.

6 Easy Ways to Remove Your Dog’s Poop Stuck Halfway

As we explore what to do when your dog has poop hanging out, take note that these methods may be sensitive for some and may take courage to do so.

Feel free to use any method that you would be most comfortable with.

To ensure you do these in the most hygienic way possible, always wear your hand gloves and face mask, and have your paper towels ready.

When you do these strategies, your dog’s bum might feel sore and swollen for the next few days. When this happens, just put a cold pack on your dog’s bum until the swelling subsides.

Should you have attempted all the methods and your dog still has poop stuck halfway through its bum, it will be best to have your veterinarian employ clinical methods to flush out your dog’s hardened poop.

Without further ado, here are the recommended and safe ways of getting rid of poop stuck in dogs’ butts.

1. The Warm Bath Method

If your dog loves getting a warm water bath, this would be the recommended approach to take. As you immerse your dog in warm water, the poop stuck in your dog’s bum will automatically soften and loosen.

If there is fecal matter remaining around the anal opening, wash and lather it with sensitive dog shampoo.

Do not forget to dry the area completely after and trim the surrounding hair well, especially if your dog has long fur.

2. The Simple Pull Method

This method would require you to have Vaseline, Aquaphor, or any available lubricant that you may get from your local drugstore or supermarket.

Consult first with your veterinarian on the brand to use to make sure it is safe for dogs.

Smear a generous amount of lubricant around the dog’s anal opening, then gently pull out the remaining poop stuck in the dog’s anus.

If the feces seem to be harder than expected and quite difficult to pull, carefully and gently dig your fingers in a little to get a good grip before pulling the poop out.

If the dog is struggling and seems to be in great pain, you may discontinue and bring your dog to the veterinarian so they can continue with the procedure.

3. The Bowel Express Method

This method simulates the reflexes needed for the dog to excrete the poop accordingly. Before proceeding, apply lubricant first to the area surrounding your dog’s bum.

Now, using your middle, thumb, and index finger, grasp the area around your dog’s bum. Massage in an outward motion to trigger the pooping action.

As you continue this motion, it will make the rectal muscles work harder. This should hopefully make the dog excrete the poop after a few repetitions.

4. The Spray Method

This method triggers bowel movement in dogs by making their anus contract. In other words, this is done by stimulating the dog’s anus.

In a sterilized empty spray bottle, put cool water or a mixture of cool water and an antiseptic solution. Spray this directly on the dog’s anal sphincter or opening until it shows signs of puckering.

When that happens, get a moist baby wipe and wipe the area in a circular motion. This should help the dog excrete the remaining poop.

5. The Finger Swab Method

This easy method is a proven way to elicit defecation responses, even in paralyzed dogs.

All you need to do is to get a cotton swab and lubricate one of its tips or wear a glove and lubricate your pinky finger.

Once lubricated, gently insert only the tip of the cotton swab or your pinky finger inside the dog’s butthole. Your dog should be able to excrete the remaining poop after some time.

6. The Squeeze Method

This is an effective method to use when the dog’s stool is stuck halfway. This allows you to use a bit of force so that you can feel the blockage on your dog’s butthole, no matter what it may be.

As you use your fingertips to gently press the circular area of the dog’s anus, you might feel a solid texture inside the dog’s rectum. This might be the cause of your dog’s difficulty in defecating.

Now, press your thumb and index finger inwards on both sides of the rectum. You should be able to grip the hardened stool through the skin. As you maintain this grip, pinch down more firmly to break it off.

As you pinch, the anus should open simultaneously, and the poop would be squeezed out automatically. Proceed with care as applying too much pressure might risk damaging the lining of the colon and the rectum.

Repeat the process until you have squeezed out all the hardened poop and the surrounding area becomes soft again.

What Kind of Gloves Should You Use to Remove the Poop?

The process of removing poop hanging out your dog’s bum is a dirty job. As you do this, you must also protect yourself from any germs, bacteria, or parasites you might get while removing the stuck poop.

As mentioned, wearing gloves will be a good way to stay hygienic while helping your dog be relieved of its discomfort.

Before proceeding with any action, always wash and sanitize your hands thoroughly and wear high-quality gloves. When buying your gloves, make sure that they have the following features:

  1. Made of nitryl or vinyl: Gloves made of nitrile and vinyl are more sturdy than ones made of plastic or latex. You do not want your gloves to rip off accidentally while you are removing the stuck poop on your dog’s bum.

  2. Disposable: Disposing of the gloves right away after use should prevent any contamination or infection from spreading in your household.

  3. Thin: Thin gloves allow for more movement and flexibility. They are more effective for methods where you need to use your fingers more.

  4. Powder-free: Powdered gloves are messier to use and can trigger allergies and skin sensitivities. At the same time, powder-free gloves tend to be stronger and more resilient against oil, chemicals, and water. This makes them more suited for clinical use as well.

You can get these types of gloves at your local drugstore. It would be best to always have these handy since you will never know when you might need a pair for your dog’s emergencies.

How Can You Prevent Your Dog Poop From Getting Stuck in the Future

Having your dog’s poop get stuck halfway is really an unpleasant experience for both you and your furry companion.

The best approach to not having to go through this situation is to prevent this from occurring in the first place.

Let me suggest additional ways to avoid your dog’s poop from getting stuck in your dog’s bum. This will help you have healthier and happier moments with your precious dog.

1. Keep your dog hydrated

A well-hydrated dog would have a smoother digestive process, thus preventing constipation and other health issues. Giving them a steady supply of cool and clean drinking water is necessary.

An ounce of water a day for every pound your dog weighs is a good measure of how much water to give them. They may need more when they actively play outdoors, especially on hot days.

If your dog has not formed the habit of drinking water, you can entice them by giving them collagen-rich beef or chicken bone broth, unflavored rehydration drinks, or simply providing them with ice cubes to chew on.

2. Provide a high-fiber and highly digestible protein diet

To promote healthier bowel movements, add fiber-rich foods to your dog’s diet, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, and apples.

Fibers do not just help with constipation but also provide a balanced meal for dogs.

Fiber assists in the overall digestive process by promoting the natural emptying of the bowels. It also aids in the prevention of tumors in the colon that might cause constipation, megacolon, and obstipation.

Powdered fiber supplements are good sources of additional fiber for your dog too. Nonetheless, it would be wise to check first with your veterinarian which brand would be suitable for your dog.

Further, providing your dog with a protein diet with a high digestibility rate gives it the most efficient digestion possible.

This type of diet will drastically reduce the volume of fecal masses, leading to a healthier gut.

3. Consider moisture content in your dog’s food intake

For the dog’s body to digest dry food, it needs to give up moisture to soften the food before the actual digestion begins.

Unfortunately, dry kibbles only contain five to ten percent moisture, which is not enough.

Adding wet canned food to the usual average dry dog kibble is a good practice. This adds moisture to your dog’s diet, which helps prevent constipation. Another option is to add plain water to the kibbles.

4. Give mineral oil

Mineral oil is also a good laxative that can treat constipation in dogs when added to their dog food. It is best to seek veterinary advice on the right brand and dosage before administering.

You should always practice care when giving mineral oil to your dogs. It may harm your dog if given directly without mixing with food as it may cause aspiration pneumonia in dogs if inhaled directly.

Final Thoughts

During the lifetime of your furry companion, things may happen that may cause your dog to have poop hanging out from its bum. We may not wish to be in this situation, but we should be ready whenever this happens.

As a responsible pet owner, you have to do what is necessary to help your dog get rid of this stubborn poop.

There are a lot of different methods you can try, and you can choose which one would be best for your dog’s situation.

No matter what technique you try in removing poop hanging from your dog’s bum, always make sure to wear gloves, have paper towels handy, and be gentle!

Comment below on what approach you think works best for you!

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