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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Do Dogs Get Tired of Barking? (And How to Make Them Stop!)

Like most people, you’ve probably asked yourself the question: do dogs get tired of barking? Whether you own a dog or not, you know that barking is natural. When it’s excessive, however, it can become a problem for everyone.

For starters, you need to understand that barking is one of the ways for canines to communicate with us. They do it when they’re hungry, scared, excited, or bored. But do dogs get tired of barking?

In this article, you’ll learn the answer to this common question along with other facts. I’ll tackle why dogs bark too much, some ways to make them stop, and how to prevent this behavior from happening in the first place. Let’s begin!

Do Dogs Ever Get Tired of Barking?

No matter how much you want them to stop barking, dogs don’t get tired of barking. Usually, they’ll continue to do this until their owners intervene or they’re physically tired. The usual reasons for excessive barking include boredom, fear, excitement, and being protective of their territory.

Although it’s only realistic for them to do this, other people, especially neighbors, may find it annoying if a dog barks nonstop. They may not appreciate how much it keeps them up at night or how early it wakes them.

Moreover, it can be distracting for pet owners as well. For instance, if you have a dog that barks nonstop, it can be difficult for you to focus while working. It can also be frustrating for your children when they’re trying to study.

But the more pressing question is: how do dogs not get tired of barking? With their boundless energy and enthusiasm, it seems like they would be able to keep up their barking for hours on end.

That said, you should understand why your furry companion needs help in controlling its barking habits. In addition, it’s also crucial to identify why dogs do this. We’ll discuss the possible explanations in the next section!

Why Do Dogs Bark Excessively?

Now that you know that dogs don’t ever get tired of barking, it’s time to determine why they’re barking intensely. In this section, I’ll discuss the specific reasons that trigger this unpleasant behavior.

Generally, dogs bark for many reasons, but they’re all related to protecting themselves or their family members.

To be specific, I’ve listed below some of the top causes why a dog is barking excessively:

1. Separation Anxiety

When pooches are left unattended for long periods, they’re most likely to develop separation anxiety. Their parents’ absence can trigger an immensely stressful response in their minds, causing them to become anxious.

As a result, they start barking persistently to express their distress. On top of that, these dogs may also display destructive habits such as chewing on furniture, shoes, or carpets.

If left untreated, separation anxiety can cause severe mental and physical problems for your dog in the future.

2. Establishing Their Territory

A dog’s barking is usually an instant reaction to someone approaching its territory. Whether it’s a person or another dog, your fur babies will do their best to let everyone know that they’re very protective of their property.

However, territorial barking can be difficult for inexperienced dog owners to handle. If not controlled early on, these pooches may become aggressive and show unwanted behaviors as they grow old.

Furthermore, they will have difficulty connecting with other animals and making new friends.

3. Boredom or Loneliness

Another common reason why dogs never stop barking is because of boredom. Without proper mental stimulation, they may feel lonely and resort to barking as a way to entertain themselves.

Additionally, our furry friends need to have a daily exercise routine. When they have too much pent-up energy, they can’t be expected to sit still all day long — they may need to burn off some steam!

Having a tired dog can be more beneficial than dealing with a restless one.

In short, if canines don’t get enough activities during the day, it’s guaranteed that they’ll continue barking throughout the night as well.

4. Excitement or Playfulness

Dogs, as social animals, are always happy to see their family members come home after a long day of work.

They’ll often greet their pooch parents with excitement and playfulness by barking excessively, wagging their tails, jumping all around, or a combination of the three.

Furthermore, dogs never get tired of barking. Of course, this adorable behavior may seem annoying to some people, but keep in mind that it’s just the canines’ way of showing how they care about their owners.

5. Seeking Attention

In general, canines are also recognized as attention-seeking animals. If they don’t get enough attention from their human companions, they will never get tired of barking.

Essentially, dog owners should be able to identify what their pooches are trying to say. In most cases, when a dog barks at its owner, it is trying to communicate any of the following:

  1. Asking for food or water

  2. Wanting to go outside

  3. Desire to play with fur parents

  4. Eagerness to socialize with other dogs

Ignoring your dog’s barking may seem like a good idea at first, but you’ll notice that it will only encourage your pup to continue. You’ll also find that their barks will become louder than before.

6. Feeling Uncomfortable

If your dog is hurting or showing signs of discomfort, this may be the reason why it’s barking, whining, or even howling. It could be due to a recent injury or an underlying medical condition.

Once you notice that your dog is doing this, be sure to talk with your vet as soon as possible. Treatment options vary based on what’s causing it to be uncomfortable and how severe the pain is.

7. Fear or Anxiousness

It’s no mystery that our furry companions are sensitive to unusual noises. Thanks to their heightened sense of hearing, they can pick up on sounds that humans may not even notice.

However, most dogs are known to be afraid of thunderstorms, fireworks, and any source of loud sound. As a result of this fear, their automatic response is excessive barking.

But once they realize that there is no more danger around them, their barking should stop.

8. To Socialize With Other Canines

As previously mentioned, dogs, like Pit Bulls and Australian Shepherds, don’t appreciate being left alone for a long time. They’re pack animals and thrive on social interaction with humans and other pooches.

If you’re already a dog parent, you may sometimes hear your canine communicating with another pup through barking. This may be a sign that they need more attention or company from time to time.

When a fur parent neglects this need, their pet may experience anxiety or depression.

9. To Alarm Their Owners

Even though we’re used to seeing them as our cuddly companions, canines still know how to protect their families from bad weather, suspicious strangers, and harmful animals.

In such cases, they will never get tired of barking until their owners take action. This type of reaction among pooches is commonly called alarm barking.

For instance, there’s an unknown person at the door who’s trying to get into your house without permission. Your fur baby’s innate protectiveness kicks in, and they will let out a series of barks to alert you about the intruder.

How to Stop Excessive Barking

As discussed in the earlier sections, the short answer to the question, “Do dogs get tired of barking?” is no. Some pet owners hope that their dogs will grow out of it when they reach adulthood, but this isn’t always the case.

Still, I have some good news for you: there are things you can do to control them from incessantly doing it. In this part, we’ll talk about some strategies you can use to stop canines from barking excessively.

I’d suggest that you take note of these methods and try them out on your dog/dogs when they begin showing this behavior:

1. Teach your dog basic commands

Needless to say, teaching your puppy basic commands as early as possible is the best way to control their barking habits.

You can do this by getting your dog used to positive reinforcement training, which will help it understand that when instructed to be quiet, it will get a treat or praise in exchange.

This positive reinforcement method will encourage canines to continue behaving in that manner because they know that good things come from it!

Furthermore, cues such as “sit,” “stay,” and “down” make it easier for you to manage your furry companion’s overall behavior.

I know it can be overwhelming to choose the perfect dog treat for your furry friend, so check out our guide about the best dog treats available on the market!

2. Socialize your dog with other dogs and humans

Another way to minimize the excessive barking of pooches is by providing them with early socialization. By exposing them to plenty of stimuli in their puppy years, owners can anticipate having friendly adult canines in the future.

In addition, this can reduce the risk of your dog developing anxiety or fear, and at the same time, it can train them not to bark at strangers or other dogs.

You can start by bringing your fur baby to a dog park or doggy daycare. This way, it can get used to seeing new faces regularly without feeling threatened or nervous about it.

3. Taking the stressor away from their sight

Typically, dogs bark to alert their owners that they’ve spotted something they think is dangerous or simply something interesting outside.

For example, if your dog is barking at the front door, try taking it away from that area and distracting it with something else. You can use a treat or some toys and direct its attention elsewhere.

If it’s excessively barking because of seeing something outside your window, try closing your curtains or blinds to eliminate your dog’s desire to see it.

Once the stressor is no longer visible to your dog, it will no longer have the motivation to continue barking.

4. Get your dog moving

A bored canine will often bark to get attention, so one way to deal with excessive barking is to get your pooch moving. Spending lots of time exercising can help ease the boredom that leads to this undesirable behavior.

Once you have a tired dog, it won’t have any energy left for barking!

For starters, try taking your buddy for a walk or keep them engaged in playing fetch in the yard. It’s necessary to note, however, that this method won’t work for every canine, but it can be helpful for many.

Also, remember that the exercise requirements will vary depending on your companion’s breed, physique, and size.

5. Using bark collars

Many dogs rarely keep quiet unless they’re well-trained. If your neighbors are already complaining, you might want to consider training your pet to stop barking at inappropriate times with a bark collar.

Generally, bark collars emit different levels of shocks depending on how much the device senses your dog barking.

Although this is effective for some owners, many canine enthusiasts are against using this method because they feel it’s cruel and unnecessary.

Likewise, not all pooches respond well to shock therapy. If you want to try out this approach, make sure that you consult with a vet before proceeding.

6. Give them plenty of mental stimulation

Separation anxiety is a common cause of why dogs bark. For this reason, some owners take their pets with them wherever they go or hire a dog sitter. However, this can be costly to maintain over time.

Instead of hiring someone else to keep your pup busy, try to give them puzzles and chew toys when you leave the house.

Aside from that, you can encourage your dog to explore its surroundings. To do so, some trainers recommend leaving toys and treats out for pets to find.

As a result, this technique keeps their mind active while their fur parents are gone, and they won’t be tempted to bark at every noise they hear.

Overall, a mentally stimulated canine will be less likely to feel anxious when its owner is away.

7. Try to ignore their barking

While ignoring your dog’s barking problem may seem ineffective, it does work from time to time. They shared that the longer you disregard their continuous barking, the more likely your canine will stop doing it.

However, it’s worthwhile to evaluate why your dog barks in the first place. Check if it needs food, exercise, playtime, or affection. A dog will never get tired of barking until its needs are satisfied.

When you realize your pet is barking for no reason at all, stop encouraging this behavior by completely ignoring it.

When dogs bark, you can try to turn around or walk away from them, then reward them with food or a yummy treat once they stop barking.

If you try to train your pup with this method and it doesn’t work, then feel free to move on to the next one!

8. Get help from a professional canine trainer

If none of the listed strategies above works for you, consider contacting a professional dog trainer. An expert will be able to assess your dog’s barking habits and come up with a training plan that works best for both of you.

Aside from that, you can also ask for recommendations about how your furry friend can achieve good behavior overall.

For more tips on how to stop the dog barking situation, watch this helpful video:

STOP Your Dog From Barking Indoors - Complete Guide<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="STOP Your Dog From Barking Indoors - Complete Guide" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Do Some Dogs Bark More Than Others?

Yes! Even though dogs don’t get tired of barking, some breeds bark more than others. In this section, we’ll go over the most vocal dog breeds and the quietest ones. So if you’re curious to learn more, keep on reading!

Let’s begin with dogs that bark the most.

Pooches from the Terrier family are noted to be one of the loudest dog breeds out there. Due to their innate alertness and intelligence, they will bark at almost anything that crosses their path.

Below is a list of dog breeds that are known to be heavy barkers:

  1. Yorkshire Terrier

  2. Boston Terrier

  3. Jack Russel Terrier

  4. Scottish Terrier

  5. Cairn Terrier

  6. Rat Terrier/Toy Rat Terrier

  7. West Highland White Terrier

Similarly, shepherd dog breeds are also known to be diligent barkers. They’re characterized by their instinctive herding behavior, which makes them cautious and protective of their owner’s property.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Beagles, Chihuahuas, Poms, Lhasa Apsos, Corgis, Miniature Schnauzers, Saint Bernards, Papillons, and Siberian Huskies are also dogs that never get tired of barking.

On the flip side, let’s discuss some quiet canines that are suitable for apartment dwellers.

Initially, a study found that Basenjis, Chinese Shar-Peis, and blue-tongue colored Chow Chows are the least likely breeds to bark.

Below are some other dog breeds that rarely bark:

  1. Bernese Mountain Dog

  2. Whippet

  3. Alaskan Malamute

  4. Great Dane

  5. Italian Greyhound

  6. Bullmastiff

  7. Golden Retriever

  8. Dalmatian

  9. Akita

  10. Newfoundland

  11. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

  12. Irish Setter

  13. Afghan Hound

  14. Shiba Inu

  15. French Bulldog

  16. Rhodesian Ridgeback

While most well-known kennel clubs recognize these pooches as delicate breeds, it’s noteworthy that no dog is the same. There will be instances where a Basenji may bark just like a Chihuahua or a German Shepherd.

That said, aspiring dog owners should prepare themselves for some variation in behavior. No matter what breed you choose, there’s no guarantee that your pup will behave exactly like its peers.

Although we’re discussing the topic “do dogs get tired of barking?”, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s worth knowing which breeds bark less than others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Okay to Ignore Your Dog Barking?

Yes, it’s okay to ignore your pooch when it barks excessively. In fact, completely ignoring your dog is one of the most effective ways to stop it from barking too much.

However, your neighbors may not be as pleased with this approach. They may frequently complain that your dog is disturbing their peace. On top of that, they might assume you’re being cruel and neglecting the animal.

An acceptable level of a dog bark depends on two main factors — the reason for the barking and how long it lasts. If your furry companion is barking out of excitement and playfulness, it’s appropriate.

But if your dog barks incessantly in an aggressive or anxious way, you may need to take action.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally?

Generally speaking, most states have set rules about how long a dog can legally bark. In other words, if you let your canine bark for longer than that amount of time imposed, you could be visited by animal control.

Some cities, in particular, are more vigilant about enforcing these rules than others.

For example, New York City has an ordinance against excessive dog noises. In this case, the law states that dogs cannot bark for more than 10 minutes between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.

As a result, many pooch owners rely on dog daycare to provide their pets with needed exercise and socialization. This is thanks to the fact that once dogs get tired, they tend to bark less.

Is It Healthy for a Dog to Bark All Day?

Even though no dogs get tired of barking, it’s not healthy to let them bark without pause. Furthermore, too much barking usually implies frustration due to boredom, loneliness, or discomfort.

To make things worse, canines that bark for prolonged hours are more likely to develop laryngeal paralysis. It’s a medical condition wherein your furry friend’s throat gets inflamed due to overuse.

You’re probably wondering how long is too long when it comes to barking? Well, once you notice that your pooch is starting to sound hoarse or has trouble breathing, it’s time to do something about it.

Final Thoughts

So, do dogs get tired of barking? Now that you know the answer to this question, you can try to convince others that canines do not, in fact, get tired of barking.

Ultimately, it’s how our fur babies communicate with us — it’s their way of saying “I’m hungry,” “I’m scared,” or “I want more attention.” So, avoid getting upset when your dog barks at you. Instead, try to understand why they are doing so.

However, if you own a dog that barks excessively, then it’s required to curb this behavior immediately. By trying out the methods I have listed in this guide, you can stop your dog from constantly barking and have better control over it.

Have you ever dealt with a pooch barking situation? Share what worked for you in the comments below! Hopefully, now you know what to say if someone asks you, “Do dogs get tired of barking?”

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