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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Dilute Tortie Cat: Facts, Genetics, Health & FAQs (With Pictures!)

The dilute tortie cat, also known as the dilute tortoiseshell cat, is a beautiful sight to behold. In fact, when you see a kitten with this coat color in person, you can’t help but pause and marvel at how stunning they look.

The dilute tortie, for starters, is just one of the several coat types our feline friends can possess. It is a color pattern that’s characterized by a mixture of two muted colors: bluish-gray and cream or lilac and blonde.

But beyond their unique shade, what makes dilute tortie cats different from standard-colored ones?

Fortunately, this article will cover everything there is to know about them, including their color genetics, health risks, and more!

What Is a Dilute Tortie Cat?

A dilute tortie cat is any cat that has a dilute tortoiseshell coat color. Unlike standard tortoiseshell cats that sport black and red shades with cream-colored spots, dilute tortie cats have more muted colors. Instead of vivid and dark tints, they have hints of lilac, bluish-gray, and seal.

The reason for this difference has to do with their genetics. For instance, a regular tortoiseshell Maine Coon carries genes that give them the ability to display both black and ginger-red fur.

Meanwhile, a pale or grey tortoise cat carries a dilution gene that cancels out both colors and results in a lighter shade.

In some cases, this can make them look almost like a muted calico cat — with patches of yellows, blues, silvers, or even an almost white colorway. It’s as if their hair has been dyed bright colors that have faded over time.

12 Interesting Facts About Dilute Tortie Cats

It’s no wonder that dilute tortie cats are among the most in-demand cats out there; however, there are so many more fascinating facts about them than just their beauty.

The following are 12 interesting facts about dilute tortie cats that are bound to surprise you:

1. The dilute tortie cat is known for its “tortitude” or feistiness

Like all tortoiseshell cats, the dilute tortie is known for its often sassy attitude, also known as tortitude.

It is important to remember, though, that this doesn’t mean lilac tortie felines will always be aggressive or mean.

The personality of a dilute tortie is a combination of the following factors:

  1. The environment they’re in

  2. How they’re raised

  3. Coping styles

  4. Genetic makeup

  5. Gender

  6. Breed

  7. Neurological activity

By getting a good grasp of these factors, you can better understand your dilute tortie cat’s behavior and be the best human companion to your cat.

2. Dilute tortie cats are uncommon in the feline world

Dilute torties are rare compared to other cat colors and patterns, making them an excellent choice for cat owners looking for something a little different than the average.

In fact, dilute tortoiseshell cats are so uncommon that it’s often difficult to find them in catteries, shelters, and rescue organizations.

3. Dilute tortie cats owe their existence to a genetic mutation

Dilute tortoiseshell cats are the result of a recessive mutation that causes their pigment-producing proteins — eumelanin and pheomelanin — to be partially inhibited.

This means that the cat’s body can’t produce as much black or red pigment as it usually would. As a result, you will notice mostly yellow, lilac, light orange, cream, grey, and smoke-like colors on its coat.

4. Most dilute tortoiseshell cats are female

Since the genes controlling coat color are carried on the X chromosome, and female cats have two copies of this genetic code, it is logical that the dilute tortoiseshell population is primarily made up of females.

5. Male dilute torties do exist, though they are rare

As mentioned, dilute torties are usually female because they carry two X chromosomes. However, it’s also possible for a male cat to be born with this unusual color pattern.

In order to accomplish this, though, the male tortie must have an extra X chromosome in its genome. This means that the cat has three sex chromosomes, XXY, instead of the normal XY combination.

6. Dilute tortoiseshell cats can be any breed

As with torbies, tabbies, and calicos, the dilute tortoiseshell is not a separate breed. It’s just a coat pattern that is found in many different types of cats.

For your reference, here’s a list of cat breeds that often exhibit a dilute tortie pattern:

  1. Maine Coon

  2. Sphynx

  3. British Shorthair

  4. Persian cat

  5. Cornish Rex

  6. Munchkin

  7. Scottish Shorthair

  8. American Wirehair

  9. Norwegian Forest Cat

  10. Devon Rex

  11. LaPerm

However, these muted tortie felines do not necessarily produce litters of kittens with dilute coloration. More often than not, a litter will only have a few dilute kittens.

7. Acquiring a dilute tortie can be costly

Due to their rarity, dilute tortoiseshell cats are pretty expensive. Producing them is challenging for breeders, especially male dilute torties. Hence, if you wish to own one, it’s worthwhile to save up.

8. Dilute tortie cats are the subject of much folklore

Legend has it that diluted tortoiseshell cats are lucky and bring good fortune to their fur parents. It was also believed that just by being around a pale tortie cat, you could attract money into your life.

But note that such myths aren’t enough to justify owning a dilute tortie cat. You should only snag one if you’re prepared for the responsibilities of pet ownership, not because you’re hoping for luck or prosperity.

9. Dilute tortie cats are often confused with dilute calico cats

It’s easy to confuse a dilute tortie cat with a dilute calico cat, but the two are actually very different. The former lacks white pigment in its fur, while the latter sports a patchwork of grey, white, and cream.

10. Dilute tortoiseshells can’t have patches of white on their furs

Diluted tortie cats can be anything from a grayish brown to very pale cream, but never white. They’re also bicolored, and their patches typically resemble the shell of a tortoise.

11. Dilute tortoiseshell cat hair can range in length

Depending on the breed of your dilute tortoiseshell cat, their fur can range from short and smooth to medium and fluffy.

The Devon Rex, for example, bears a short, curly coat. In contrast, the Persian cat boasts long, double-layered hair.

12. The dilute tortie cat is usually an energetic bundle of fur

Despite being frequently described as sassy and vocal, you can anticipate that the dilute or lilac tortoiseshell cat will be energetic and playful.

But socialization is crucial to ensure they don’t become aggressive or territorial.

The facts above reveal that dilute tortoiseshell cats are much more than the sum of their parts. Not only are they a blend of beautiful colors, but they also exhibit some noteworthy characteristics.

Are Dilute Tortie Cats Rare?

Yes, dilute tortie cats are incredibly rare. The reason for this is because of the genetics involved with the dilution process.

However, you may be surprised to learn that even though these pale-colored felines are considered uncommon, they can still be found if you know where to look.

Be aware, though, that you may need to venture outside of your area in order to find one. Dilute tortie kittens are often expensive as well, so make sure you have the funds available before getting one.

Dilute Tortie Cat Genetics

When it comes to dilute tortie genetics, you should know that dilution is a process where one or more colors in a cat’s coat are reduced — resulting in an overall lighter appearance.

For this process to occur, both parent breeds must carry and pass on the dilute or recessive gene (d/d) to their kittens. If either parent lacks this gene, only 25% of their offspring will likely display muted coat colorings.

However, you should note that gender can also play a role in how much color is expressed by a feline’s fur.

In fact, female cats typically make up the dilute tortoiseshell population, as they have two X chromosomes.

This chromosome, in tortie cats, is responsible for carrying the dominant gene (D) and its corresponding recessive allele (d). Once the latter abnormally mutates, it may create a diluted coat shade pattern.

Conversely, since males normally receive only one X chromosome, it’s unlikely that they will carry the dilute gene.

But on rare occasions, males can be born with XXY chromosomes and exhibit some form of color dilution.

Dilute Tortie Cat Temperament and Personality

In terms of personality, the dilute tortie cat generally makes a great family companion. They’re known for being affectionate and playful but not overly demanding.

You can also expect dilute tortoiseshell cats to be very talkative, so you may find yourself having conversations with your feline more often than you do with other people.

However, given their tendency to be feisty, it is recommended that you expose your dilute tortie kitten to a variety of new situations. This will allow them to become less skittish around new people and other animals.

Further, early training and socialization are suggested to help prevent behavioral issues later in life.

Dilute Tortie Cat Lifespan and Health Issues

On average, the lifespan of a dilute tortie cat ranges from 10 to 15 years. But like all felines, they have a wide range of health issues that can impact their longevity.

Below are a few health issues dilute tortie cats might experience in the future:

  1. Eye Problems: While this has nothing to do with their unique coat pattern, dilute torties are at risk for developing eye problems. These can include conjunctivitis, cataracts, and glaucoma.

  2. Klinefelter Syndrome: Unfortunately, muted tortie cats, especially males, are predisposed to Klinefelter syndrome. This is an XXY disorder that affects their testes and can cause infertility.

  3. Feline Leukemia Virus (FelV): Feline leukemia virus is one of the most common viral diseases that affect cats. If your grey tortoise cat is exposed to this virus, it can cause symptoms like anemia, fever, and weight loss.

As a feline parent, your job is to make sure your dilute tortie cat lives a long, healthy life. So once any health problems mentioned above arise, take your pet to the vet immediately.

How to Take Care of a Dilute Tortoiseshell Cat

Generally speaking, the breed of your dilute tortoiseshell cat will affect certain aspects of its care. However, there are a few general rules that you can follow to keep your feline healthy and happy.

First off, daily inspection is important. You will need to check your dilute tortie cat’s ears, skin, eyes, paws, and coat for abnormalities like injuries, infections, and even warbles.

Moreover, brushing your cat once a week helps reduce the risk of matting and knots. While bathing is necessary, it’s also vital to dry them thoroughly to avoid bacterial and yeast infections from developing.

Learning how to trim the claws and brush the teeth of a dilute tortoiseshell cat is worthwhile as well. You can save money on vet bills by doing these tasks yourself rather than having someone else do it for you.

How Much Does a Dilute Tortie Cat Cost? Kitten Prices & Expenses

The average cost of a dilute tortie kitten ranges between $1,000 and $2,000, depending on the cat breeder and their location. However, the sex and breed of your potential kitty can also affect its price tag.

Meanwhile, if you’re thinking about adopting a dilute tortoiseshell cat instead, anticipate paying anywhere from $50 to $200.

Note, though, that these amounts are only the beginning of the fees you’ll incur as a cat parent.

Below are the initial expenses of owning a dilute tortoiseshell kitten to help you get started:

Apart from these expenses, be prepared to spend money on pet insurance, emergency vet visits, and professional grooming services.

Places to Find Dilute Tortoiseshell Cats for Sale and Adoption

Dilute tortoiseshell cats, although rare, are not impossible to locate. In reality, there are several places where you can find them for sale or adoption.

The following is a list of reputable breeders where you may find dilute tortoiseshell cats for sale:

  1. Pelaqita Persians – For Persian cat fanciers, Pelaqita Persians is the place to go. They offer dilute tortie kittens that are already tested for genetic diseases and are certified healthy.

  2. Bluebonnet Munchkins and Minuets Cattery (BMMC) – BMMC sells dilute tortoiseshell kittens that are registered with The International Cat Association (TICA). Note, however, that they require a non-refundable deposit fee of $250 for each kitty.

  3. CatsNow – CatsNow provides an extensive list of felines for sale, including dilute tortoiseshell cats. This website is easy to navigate, offering a wealth of information about each kitten and the breeder who sells it.

In addition to these sources, you can check out our list of the best Maine Coon and Munchkin breeders across the country. They may be able to help you find a dilute tortoiseshell cat in your area.

Meanwhile, below are some adoption websites and rescues where you can find rescued dilute tortie cats:

  1. Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) – BFAS is a no-kill shelter located in Utah. They provide a wide range of services for dilute tortie cats, including adoption, spay/neuter assistance, and more.

  2. Petfinder – Whether you’re looking for a standard or dilute tortie cat, Petfinder has the largest database of felines available for adoption. Moreover, they have helpful search filters that will allow you to narrow down your search by age, gender, and breed.

  3. Kitten Rescue – Kitten Rescue, founded in 1997, offers rescued dilute tortie kittens that are dewormed, altered, tested for FeLV, and microchipped. But be aware that their adoption fee ranges from $120 to $200.

If you’re aiming for a dilute tortie Maine Coon, you can also turn to our list of trusted Maine Coon rescues in the United States.

For those running on a budget, though, don’t fret. You can learn how to find free kittens in your area for adoption as well.

Dilute Tortie vs. Dilute Calico Cats: What’s the Difference?

The best way to tell whether a cat is a dilute calico or a dilute tortie is to look at the pattern of its coat. For instance, dilute calicos have large, white patches on their bodies, which are surrounded by two other pale colors.

On the other hand, dilute tortoiseshells have no white fur and are parti-colored. These cats are also usually mottled or brindled, making it easy for you to distinguish between them.

To help you visualize, the following is a photo of a dilute tortoiseshell cat:

Meanwhile, below is a picture of a dilute calico cat:

In addition, in terms of genetics, dilute calico cats exhibit a hereditary condition called “piebalding.” But this genetic trait does not affect their health or longevity in any way — it only influences their appearances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Get a Male Dilute Tortie Cat?

Yes, you can get a male dilute tortie cat. While the majority of dilute tortoiseshell cats are female, there’s a rare chance that a male feline will be born with this hair color and pattern.

To be specific, male dilute torties need an extra X chromosome in addition to their regular XY pairing. However, it should be noted that this occurrence can result in Klinefelter syndrome and infertility.

Do Dilute Torties Have White?

As with regular torties, dilute tortie cats can have a few small patches of cream fur, but they will never be completely white. These markings are also usually very faint, and in many cases, they are barely visible.

Are Dilute Tortie Cats Talkative?

Dilute or grey tortie cats, generally regarded for their tortitude, have a reputation for being talkative. However, remember that this is not the case for every kitty.

Some dilute tortoiseshell cats will only meow when they need to be fed or watered.

Watch this adorable clip of a lilac tortoiseshell cat speaking its mind:

My cat has made her preference clear to me...<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="My cat has made her preference clear to me..." width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Are Dilute Tortie Cats Friendly?

Like any other cat, tortoiseshell dilute cats are friendly. They like to be petted and cuddled and will often come up to you when you call them.

It’s worth emphasizing, though, that the temperament of a grey tortoiseshell cat may still vary depending on its current stage in life, gender, breed, and training routine.

Are Dilute Tortie Cats Hypoallergenic?

Although there is a widespread belief that dilute tortoiseshell cats are hypoallergenic, this is not true. In reality, no cat can be considered hypoallergenic, as there’s no such thing as an allergen-free animal.

But if you’re looking for a feline that will produce less dander than other breeds, diluted tortie Oriental Shorthair, Ocicat, Sphynx, Devon Rex, Balinese, and Siberian cats might be the best choice for you.

Final Thoughts: Should You Get a Dilute Tortoiseshell Cat?

Because of the seemingly random nature of its coloring, the dilute tortie cat has become increasingly popular among cat fanciers.

These cats are often known for being affectionate, playful, and highly energetic, as well as the iconic tortitude and sassiness that comes with any tortie. They can also be very vocal — which isn’t surprising given their roots.

But if you do decide to get one of these fuzzy cuties, you will surely be rewarded with an excellent dilute tortie cat that will bring joy into your life day by day.

So, now that you’re more familiar with these pale-colored cats, what are your thoughts? Do you think they are worth adding to your family? Leave a comment below about your thoughts on dilute tortie cats!

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