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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Dachshund Weight: Growth Curve and Average Weights

If you’re new to pet-owning, chances are, you are always worried if your dog’s size matches the standard for their age. Who wouldn’t, right? This is especially true if you are a Dachshund parent because they are known to be prone to obesity.

According to most kennel club data, the Dachshund breed comes in two sizes: standard and miniature. Standard Dachshunds generally weigh 16 to 32 pounds and they stand at 8 to 9 inches. Meanwhile, miniature Dachshunds are 5 to 6 inches tall and they weigh 16 pounds and below.

In this guide, I’ll be presenting the detailed Dachshund growth curve along with some useful tips on how to help them lose or gain weight. I hope this guide helps you in figuring out if your pup needs further veterinary care.

Dachshund Typical Growth Curve (Weight vs. Age)

Like humans, each dog breed has a specific growth curve that states their expected weight according to their age.

For Dachshunds, there is no significant difference between the body mass of the female to that of the male. However, this varies depending on whether the puppy is a standard or miniature.

Below is the most detailed Dachshund growth curve that you’ll find on the internet:

As you will notice from the data above, miniature Dachshunds are half the size of standard Doxins. This means that you first have to identify the exact variety of your dog before you go on measuring.

You might use the wrong growth curve, which can lead to unnecessary worrying about your dog’s health.

At What Age Do Dachshunds Stop Growing?

Standard Dachshunds usually stop growing around 12 to 13 months when they reach their full-grown size which is 32 pounds. However, they may still put on weight depending on their food intake and their level of activity.

This is also true for miniature Dachshunds who stop growing at 11 to 12 months with a total weight of 16 pounds. Since they are relatively small, you cannot engage them in strenuous exercise, leading to obesity.

This would be a major problem if you also do not regulate their food intake and you keep giving them treats for no reason.

Length and Height of a Dachshund

Dachshunds are easily identified from other hounds because of their elongated torso. As weird as it may sound, there is actually a simple ratio that will help you figure out their length.

The ratio is 2:1 or their body length is most of the time twice the measurement of their shoulder height. There are even some instances where they exceed this.

Standard Dachshunds are generally 21.5 to 25 inches long but this will still depend on their overall size. Meanwhile, miniature pups are around 12 to 13 inches in length.

In terms of height, standard Dachshunds have a standing measurement of 13 to 14.5 inches. This differs from their withers height or the measurement from the highest point of their shoulders to the ground, usually 8 to 9 inches.

Minis, on the other hand, only measure 5 to 7 inches from the withers and they stand at 9 to 10 inches. This is their expected height when they reach their full-grown size, so you will really see some discrepancy if you use this as the standard when you measure them a few months early.

Obese and Overgrown Dachshund

Obesity will never be cool in dogs, most especially Dachshunds. No matter how cute they look when they are chunky, this also makes them more prone to certain diseases that are unfortunately life-threatening.

The average life expectancy of a Dachshund puppy whether standard or mini is around 12 to 15 years. However, this is shortened by 2.5 years for obese and overgrown dogs. Quite a sobering statistic, eh?

If you want your Dachshund to live up to the expected breed lifespan or even meet the Guinness record set by Rocky (25 years), Chanel (21 years), and Otto (20 years), you better start weighing them and identifying if they need a new diet plan.

Trust me. You wouldn’t want them to suffer as they age because the health conditions associated with obesity are quite serious. Here are some of them:

  1. Diabetes Mellitus: Overweight Dachshunds develop cells in their bodies that are resistant to insulin or the hormones which regulate the glucose amount in the dog’s blood. This condition is called diabetes mellitus and often, this leads to other health problems.

  2. Hypertension: Obesity, along with some other metabolic abnormalities, is one of the main causes of hypertension. If left untreated, this may lead to heart disease, stroke, or even death.

  3. Cancer: Being overweight also leads to cancer in Dachshunds. Going beyond the standard weight is observed to increase the risk of mammary tumors, mast cell tumors, and other types of cancerous lumps.

  4. Osteoarthritis: A recent study published by the National Library of Medicine suggests that being obese or overweight leads to the prevalence of osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). This is a progressive inflammation of the Dachshund’s joints which leads to cartilage deterioration.

  5. Urinary Bladder Stones: This condition often arises from crystal-like substances that form in the dog’s urine. According to the Morris Animal Foundation, the formation of these crystal-like substances that are harmful to Dachshunds is significantly higher to overweight puppies.

  6. Anesthetic Complications: An investigation focusing on obesity and anesthesia found out that several anesthetic complications resulted from obesity. These are hypoventilation, hypoxemia, and hypotension.

How to Tell If Your Dachshund Is Overweight or Underweight?

I can no longer count the emails I have received asking how to accurately identify if a Dachshund’s height is ideal or if they are underweight or overweight.

To answer these queries, I have listed the most detailed indicators of their body mass as well as some reasons why they are losing or gaining weight.

Underweight Dachshund

Although obesity is the more prevalent Dachshund weight issue, some puppies are extremely skinny. If you think this is a good thing, you are quite mistaken.

Most often than not, Dachshunds lose weight or are not able to gain some body fats because of poor nutrition. Wait up!

Before you get all defensive saying that you’re giving your dog enough kibble, ask yourself if you are aware of the calories and other nutritional values of the food you are feeding them.

A cup of cheap dog food may not contain the same calorie count as the more expensive one. Also, some of the ingredients used for these kibbles may be of poor quality, and therefore, cannot provide your Dachshund pup with adequate nutrition.

Here are some signs that your Dachshund is already scrawny from his poor food intake:

  1. You can see their ribs protruding on their body. It’s as if they are just underneath your dog’s coat and there is no layer of fat in between.

  2. The bones at the base of your Dachshund’s tail seem to be protruding.

  3. You can easily feel your Dachshund’s shoulder bones, hip bones, and spinal cord.

  4. When you view them from above, their spine and ribs are very much visible.

  5. You can also notice an exaggerated curve between their ribs and hips when you view them from above.

  6. They look bony and starved.

  7. Their tummy is severely tucked.

If you really want a more accurate assessment if your Dachshund is falling behind the expected body mass for their age, the best option is to bring them to a veterinarian.

These professionals are more knowledgeable when it comes to evaluating weight and they can also offer you some advice on how to better take care of your dog.

Ideal Weight Dachshund

To identify if your Dachshund is of the ideal weight, you first have to be 100% sure about whether they are standard or miniature. After which, you can make a simple assessment using a weighing scale and the growth curve I included above.

The ideal full-grown weight of Dachshund puppies, according to the AKC, is 16 to 32 pounds for the standard, and 11 pounds and below for the miniature. Some other signs that they have a proportional weight are the following:

  1. You can touch their ribs, but you can also feel that they have some fat covering which is not that excessive.

  2. Their waist is noticeable when viewed from above, but it is not that exaggerated.

  3. When you view them from the side, you’ll see that they have abdominal tuck, but it isn’t as severe as the underweight Dachshund.

You can achieve your dog’s ideal weight by giving them quality kibble and regularly consulting the vet about their nutritional requirements.

Always check the nutritional facts listed on your dog’s food packaging because they contain essential information that will help you maintain your dog’s normal, ideal body mass.

Overweight Dachshund

Given all the health issues we discussed above that are directly associated with obesity, learning how to recognize if your dog is putting on weight is vastly important.

Here are the signs that your Dachshund is beyond the expected size limit:

  1. You cannot feel their ribs because there is excessive fat covering their body.

  2. There are fat deposits that can be seen on their chest, neck, spine, and the base of their tail.

  3. Their waist and abdominal tuck seem absent when this should be seen when they are viewed above and from the side.

  4. There is a noticeable abdominal distention.

Aside from these physical indications, you can also point out if your puppy is obese if:

  1. They suddenly become lazy since they cannot carry their weight.

  2. They have difficulty breathing.

  3. They suffer from digestive problems such as gas, acid reflux, and constipation.

The risk of obesity significantly increases as your Dachshund ages and also if they are neutered or spayed. It will always be the safest if you consult a trusted veterinarian before you draft a diet plan.

Overweight Dachshund: How to Help Your Dachshund to Lose Weight?

There are many ways in which you can help your dog lose weight. In this part of the guide, I’m going to share some tips that are proven to work, as I have applied them myself to my pets at one point. Here are they:

Feed them quality dog food

You can’t just grab any dog food from the supermarket, toss it in your cart, and carelessly feed it to your Dachshund. That makes you an irresponsible pet parent.

You should explore the nutritional facts and ingredients list that is written at the back of the food bag to make sure that they contain the necessary energy requirement of your dog.

Also, if the brand you have grabbed contains grains or some corn-based fillers, better put it back to the rack where you got it. These two ingredients are known to cause heart disease— things that you are actually avoiding.

Here are some other useful tips related to feeding:

  1. Apply dog food rotation or changing your food’s diet from time to ensure that they get their nutritional needs.

  2. Try making homemade dog food so you know exactly what goes into your dog’s meal. Of course, do thorough research before doing this.

  3. Give them some supplements as ordered by a vet.

  4. Add fiber to their diet as this helps in metabolism.

Follow a strict feeding schedule

Dachshunds are big eaters, so if you don’t regulate their food intake, they’ll grow to be obese. Below are some simple rules to follow:

  1. Dachshunds under six months should be fed three small meals per day. One for breakfast, one in the afternoon, and one during the night.

  2. For adult Dachshunds or those who are already 12 to 14 months old, the ideal feeding schedule is only twice a day: once in the morning and once at night.

  3. For senior Dachshunds who are already seven years old, you can still feed them twice a day. But if they have some health issues, consult first with your veterinarian.

Engage them in fat burning activities

This tip is actually a no-brainer, but I still include this here just in case you miss it. Activities such as walking, hiking, and playing chase, hide-and-seek, and toss ball are some of the best ways to help your Dachshund lose fat and speed up their metabolism.

Another great thing about these activities is that they keep your dog occupied so they do not develop any aggressive behavior due to boredom.

Underweight Dachshund: How to Help Your Dachshund Gain Weight?

If you are worried that your Dachshund is too thin or skinny, put your mind at ease because I also got you covered. Below are three proven tips on how to help your Dachshund gain weight:

Feed them food that is high in calorie, protein, and fat

Dogs need calories to maintain their weight, so the food you are going to buy should contain a good quantity of this.

Also, kibbles that are high in protein and fat are necessary for your puppy’s growth and development due to the nutrients they provide. Consult your vet for the best quality dog food that will fit your Dachshund’s needs.

Add some snacks to their diet

If your dog is really thin, you can also consider adding a snack to their diet plan. The best that you can add as a supplementary meal are meat-based meals because they are high in proteins.

You can also find these canned snacks online or at supermarkets, but make sure that you do not feed this to your dog as their main meal.

Follow a new feeding schedule

Your Dachshund is probably underweight even though you feed them a couple of times a day due to their feeding schedule.

One good trick is to feed your puppy with a bigger portion during the night because they won’t be able to spend too much energy afterward. This method also ensures that your puppy doesn’t burn necessary calories.

Tips for Weighing and Measuring Your Dachshund

Interested to learn how to properly weigh and measure your Dachshund puppy? Read on!

Weighing Tips

There are two ways to evaluate the weight of your Dachshund at home. If they can stay still, you can place them on a bathroom scale and record their body mass. If not, you should do the following steps:

  1. Weigh yourself first.

  2. Weigh yourself while you are holding your Dachshund pup.

  3. Subtract your singular weight from the one where you are carrying the dog.

Watch this video to see an exact demonstration of these three steps:

How To Weigh Your Dog At Home: PDSA Petwise Pet Health Hub<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Weigh Your Dog At Home: PDSA Petwise Pet Health Hub" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Measuring Tips

In measuring your standard or mini Dachshund, all you will need is a soft tape measure. Here’s how you can take the length of their specific body parts:

  1. Body Length: Measure the base of the neck to the back of the tail.

  2. Neck: Measure the area a few inches down your dog’s head.

  3. Girth: Measure the dog’s chest, right behind their shoulder.

  4. Side Length: Measure the center of their chest to their tail.

  5. Height: Measure the highest point of their shoulders to their feet.

For more information about measuring your dog, watch the video below:

How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Commonly Asked Questions

Can You Weigh Your Dachshund on a Human Scale?

If your Dachshund can fit on a human scale, and you can command them to stay still for a few seconds so you can check their weight, then the answer to this question is technically a yes.

However, if you let them grow obese, I don’t think you can use a human scale to weigh them up.

How to Determine Your Dachshund’s Ideal Weight?

To determine your Dachshund pup’s ideal weight, you have to consider their age and rely on the growth curve which states the standard size expected of them. You can use the Body Condition Score which is a tool that estimates body fat.

At What Age Is a Dachshund No Longer a Puppy?

Dachshunds are already considered fully-grown at 12 months. By this point, they have already reached the peak of their size and are no longer considered puppies.

If your dog comes with pedigree papers, you can easily check its age and figure out if they are still a puppy or not.

Does Neutering or Spaying Affect the Growth and Development of a Dachshund?

Neutering or spaying does affect the growth and development of the Dachshund breed. After the procedure, the amount of hormones on their system is dramatically reduced, leading to a decrease in their metabolic rate and weight gain.

It also affects their growth rate which is why some Dachshunds grow taller than others.

Final Thoughts

I hope you find the contents of this guide informative and useful. But then again, I won’t tire of saying that the best way to learn about your dog’s ideal weight is by consulting a veterinarian.

Yes, there may be tools that can help you gauge their body mass, but at the end of the day, you aren’t a professional.

The vet can also offer you some tips in order to meet the calorie count required for your pet. This is necessary if you want them to sport the normal size and remain healthy for the years that they will serve as your companion.

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