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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Can Pit Bulls Live Outside?

Pit Bulls are amazing in a lot of aspects. However, some owners are still unsure if they can adapt well to living outside their house. If you find yourself in this situation, I researched this piece of information to help you.

Can Pit Bulls live outside? The answer is No. Pit Bulls cannot live outside. They are short-haired dogs and don’t adapt well to cold weather. High temperatures also aren’t optimal. In addition to it, Pit Bulls are highly affectionate with their families. Your dog will miss you a lot if you leave him alone.

Although Pit Bulls seem to be highly robust and resistant, remember they are still dogs! They need care and love as with any other dog.

Why Pit Bulls Don’t Enjoy Outside Temperatures?

Pit Bulls have some characteristics that explain their temperature intolerance, such as:

  1. Short hair

  2. Single coat

  3. Indoorsy aspects

  4. Short muzzle

Short hair

As you may have imagined, Pit Bulls’ coat isn’t a strong point of this kind of dog. Hair helps these animals to retain their body temperature, maintaining them comfortable. It works like a sweater. If you go outside without one, that won’t be a cool feeling, will it?

That’s why a Siberian Husky, for example, has a significant amount of fur. Pit Bulls are the opposite. They’re short-haired and don’t feature much body insulation, suffering more in cold weather.

Single coat

Most of the dogs have a hairy coat that protects them from damage and retains body temperature. That’s perfect for pets living in warm locations. However, if you want to expose your dog to harsher climates, ensure he has a double coat.

Let me use Huskies as an example again. They have an extra layer of soft and dense hair, which allows them to laugh at the snow. Pit Bulls, on the other hand, don’t have this feature. This contributes to their bad resistance to these conditions.

Indoorsy dogs

I know you’re probably surprised with this one, but Pit Bulls are really indoorsy dogs. Although they have plenty of energy and love to exercise, there is another side of them as well.

This type of dog adapts incredibly well to apartment living. Pit Bulls don’t have any problem living inside. Some can even be very lazy if their owners allow.

These dogs don’t shed a lot and can be easily groomed, which gives them a tendency to be perfect indoorsy pets.

Short muzzle

Not every physical aspect mentioned here is a disadvantage in cold temperatures. Having a short muzzle is one of those exceptions.

Brachycephalic, or just short-muzzled dogs, don’t adapt well to hot weather. Panting is the primary means for dogs to cool themselves. Unfortunately, short-muzzled ones don’t perform this efficiently.

The shape of Pit Bulls’ faces is very problematic when it comes to airflow. Bones are tightly organized, making the airways look like a tight maze, which is an issue for the air to reach the dog’s lungs.

A non-brachycephalic dog can push a lot more air in one breath than a short-muzzled one.

Exposing your Pit Bull to these conditions can be not only uncomfortable but also lead to death, in some cases. Surprisingly, even in this scenario, the Husky wins.

Consequences of Leaving a Pit Bull Alone in the Yard

If you leave your dog outside for too long, he will likely suffer from the weather. But that’s not the only problem.

This act can generate other problems such as:

  1. Depression

  2. Agitation

  3. Escapes

  4. Fights

First of all, leaving a dog alone for long periods is a cruel act. He may be a dog but, remember, he also has feelings! If you’re away from him for a long time, we will obviously miss you.

If you frequently submit him to those situations, he will get very depressed. He will believe that you don’t care about him anymore, or he doesn’t belong to your family. And you’re going to suffer as well. You won’t see him smiling too often and will miss precious time with him.

His loneliness will also turn him into a more agitated dog. In desperate attempts to call your attention, he may run around uncontrollably, bark often and loud, or even hostile knock at the door. Obviously, you don’t want this kind of behavior.

You already know that letting your Pit Bull live outside is terrible for his comfort and emotions. However, this practice can also be highly dangerous.

In the first place, it will be much easier for your dog to escape. Look at where you left him! Even if your yard is fenced, that isn’t a big problem for him. Pit Bulls are strong and, depending on the barrier, they can easily defy it.

And I’m not even talking about wireless fences. They are incredibly unreliable. If even normal dogs can easily go through them, imagine how a Pit Bull does it! If he is really determined to flee, he may not have intense fears.

In addition to running away from your home, your pet can also easily engage in fights with other dogs. While Pit Bulls are extremely affectionate with people, they act the opposite when it comes to fellow pets.

This type of dog is too stubborn not to become stressed when they spot another canine. In this kind of situation, a Pit Bull will probably approach the other dog the maximum possible and will try to create disorder.

How to Safely Leave Your Pit Bull Outside?

It’s hard always to keep your dog inside. If you need a little privacy or want to clean the home without much agitation, it would be fantastic if you could leave him out in these moments. To do that, you need to take some precautions.

Dealing with the weather

Ensure you can provide a place for your pooch in the optimal temperature. If you live in a cold area, he needs to stay in an appropriate dog house with insulation.

Before buying, check the shelter’s specifications. If you aren’t entirely sure it will meet your Pit Bull’s needs, ask the seller whether or not he thinks the house is adequate for this kind of dog. For sure, he will have the right answer.

Basic supplies

You also want to supply your Pit Bull with his basic needs. First, you need to calculate how much water he requires. That number will greatly vary according to the time you leave him outside.

But don’t be tight. Always leave a more considerable amount than needed just for precaution.

Depending on the climate, the water temperature should also be monitored. In a cold environment, provide warm water for your dog. If you can, leave a harmless heater as well, so the temperature will always be OK.

Hot weather needs to be managed with extra precautions. You need a much larger supply of, in this case, cold water. That’s because your Pit Bull will not only use it for drinking but also to take baths and refresh himself.

If this resource is scarce, he will likely suffer from overheating and heat strokes, which can be fatal.

Nutrition is also essential, thus, leave him with enough food. This resource must be calculated pretty much the same way as you would do with water. Always remember not to be excessively shallow!

Toys & fun

Provide your pet with his favorite toys as well. He also needs time to play, even alone. Playing is not only a method to exercise his body but also a fantastic way to maintain him calm. Especially being a Pit Bull, this last part is crucial.

Leave him with toys that he can easily use alone, like chewing ones. It doesn’t make sense to provide your dog with a frisbee, for example. Who is going to throw it for him?

Fence for confinement

The last thing you want is to see your pooch running away due to a lack of protection. That’s why you need a high-quality confinement system to maintain him safe.

The best way of ensuring his safety in your yard is with a fence. I recommend you to use a tall and resistant fence. This latter aspect is critical, once your dog is a Pit Bull. As I previously mentioned, this type of dog has significant muscle strength.

This characteristic can be a real problem is you’re not prepared. In a really stressful situation, your dog may be able to jump the fence if it isn’t tall enough or even dig underneath it. So make sure your confinement is capable of impeding him from doing that.

Avoid wireless fencing at all costs. Relying on an invisible force field to maintain animal safety doesn’t seem to be a good idea.

If a Pit Bull vigorously wants to flee, he will undoubtedly do it. Even if it costs a couple of electric warnings.

Training a Pit Bull to Live Outside

Being alone outside for a long time won’t be easy for your Pit Bull the first time. Due to that, you need to train him to be ready when this moment comes.

You should start by training him not to be aggressive with other dogs. Pit Bulls are usually highly friendly with humans, but their posture with other canines is exactly the opposite.

They want to dominate their area and won’t feel comfortable with another dog’s approach. Obviously, the last thing you want is your furry friend creating chaos with dogs in your yard’s gate.

Apart from that, you need to ensure he is capable of dealing with the overall situation in the yard. Things like knowing when and how much to eat, when to stay inside his dog house, or how long should playtime be are crucial.

Wrong timing and poor management can mess up his routine and may lead to a scarcity of resources as well. You may want to read this article to learn how to keep your dogs safe outside.

My Final Thoughts

To summarise everything, Pit Bulls cannot live outside. Apart from loneliness, this type of dog also has a strict temperature window. Anything colder or hotter than the optimal conditions are painful for your dog.

The consequences of submitting him to these moments are bad. They can harm his health, cause behavioral problems, and be an inconvenience for passers-by and neighbors. In addition to it, you will spend less time with him over your life.

However, if you really have the need to keep him outside, it is acceptable sometimes. Just make sure he won’t be alone for too much and that you can provide him with the necessary stuff.

Don’t forget to train him as well, and if you still have trouble, seek for a dog trainer.

References & Citations


  2. K9 of Mine

  3. Friends of Virginia Beach Animals

  4. WikiHow

  5. Canine Journal


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