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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Can Australian Shepherds Live in Apartments?

Australian Shepherds, also known as Aussies, are known to be active and energetic. They love and enjoy going to the field and play around. However, what if you live in an apartment? Can they live there?

Yes, Australian Shepherds can live in apartments. Although they can adjust in a limited space, they still need to use and prefer open space. They are most active and have to work on their agility regularly. Australian Shepherds need to have a bigger area to practice doing such.

Some traits of Australian Shepherds make it easy and, at the same hard for them to live in an apartment. We need to identify their certain abilities and strengths, and also what can we do to make them good apartment dogs.

Australian Shepherds’ Personalities and Temperament

Aussies have been known to be one of the most energetic and active in the dog’s family. They tend to move around in different places to either exert their energy or just because they naturally do it.

Do not underestimate their thinking ability. Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and learn a lot in the field. When they practice or being trained regularly in a wide area, they get familiar with the kinds of people and situations around them.

Australian Shepherds stand out in obedience. One of their assets that makes them adjust to their new circumstances. They might be used to living in a house with you but suddenly moves into a different home, do not worry because they are such a loyal dog.

Some of them are not suitable to live in a confined space. Especially when they already grew up to a spacious one. Australian Shepherd might get too overwhelmed and stressed out because of their new environment. So it still varies from Aussies to Aussies.

Advantages of Owning an Australian Shepherd

In all things, it is normal that we consider factors that have benefits and consequences. That principle also applies to when you want to have an Australian Shepherd but in a limited space.

Firstly, we consider the advantages of Australian Shepherds:

Australian Shepherds are loyal dogs

As was mentioned earlier, they find it easy to adjust to a new environment and to their surroundings. They are also friendly to their owners and to their children. This will ensure that they are easy to go along with, even if there is limited space for their training. They will not do any harm.

Having a balance between their being loyal and to what they really need as Australian Shepherds can do so much on how they are gonna move inside your home. Make sure that you carefully consider both to have good attention to them.

Australian Shepherds are excellent in leadership

Everyone who undergoes training and practice always has something to bring at the end of the day. When you live in an apartment, buying out time for their exercise will help them to be a leader at their own pace according to what you want them to be.

When the time comes, your Aussie himself will go to his own territory and knows where to find himself in. They are good in leadership so they know how to keep in mind the things you have taught them.

Australian Shepherds have a tendency to be intuitive

When your Aussies act the same way, it only shows that they want to protect you from any harm. As you train them to what is right and wrong, they will believe that being too energetic inside the apartment may lead to harmful happenings as a result.

The moment they got it registered in their minds, they will have the initiative to protect you from any harm inside and outside your home. You will be sure that their loyalty will not come from the place they are currently in, but to who they are with.

Australian Shepherds are not aggressive

These dogs are prone to quick attacks unless they are herding animals. Since they are friendly and not harmful to the people around them, you can expect them to bring you no danger when there are changes.

Some breeds find it difficult when they need to adjust to certain circumstances. That is the reason why they are stressed out or the moment when their system deteriorates.

Therefore, having Australian Shepherd can be of a great benefit when you adapt them to some big or small developments.

Disadvantages of Owning an Australian Shepherd

Now we are done talking about their advantages, let us consider the disadvantages that needed the attention of owners:

Australian Shepherds are highly energetic

They need to have the proper training to keep their energies in the right place. When it has failed to notice, they might have the tendency to cause harm inside your apartment. Even these Aussies could not control their own powers.

It is true that they can be trained. But it is better to train them as soon as possible, preferably when they are still puppies. For that reason, it will help them to keep both you and your Aussie’s safety secured.

Australian Shepherds need to have a lot of exercises

Since they have a lot of energy stored in their bodies, they need to exert in a wide range of space. They need to be moving a lot and use it the right way. When you can not buy out time for walking, playing, or running with them, it might cause them to be sick.

Although they are adaptable to their circumstances, their bodies still have their own preferences. Australian Shepherds tend to have spinal pain or hip dysplasia since they could not move that much.

In worst cases, when they could not do anything, it might cause them to be blind or deaf. Including them in your schedule is undoubtedly a must.

Australian Shepherds are basically noisy

In psychological terms, they are one of the groups known to be extroverts. They bark as a sign of something they want. They might love to play with your kids, or when they want to get their energy out, or just letting you know that they are active enough for the day.

When you can not handle such noise and hearing it daily or regularly, you might want to reconsider. Especially when you live in an apartment.

Compared to the other areas, they can just let them go out to their backyards. Yet apartments have their limited space and it could really be noisy.

How to Keep Your Australian Shepherds Busy?

Thankfully though, you can do something to train your Australian Shepherds. You can keep them occupied to prevent them from getting bored and lead to destructive behaviors such as chewing, digging and barking.

First of all, make sure that you keep your schedule consistent as possible. Your Aussies need 1-2 hours to exercise daily to keep them great for the whole day.

Giving them exercise will not only provide benefits for their physical needs but also keeps them mentally active that will prevent them from being stressed out.

Exercise and going out in a wide space is necessary for their physical and mental health. Make sure that you buy out time for your Aussies for a walk or playing with them to keep away from potential diseases that may trigger them because of their lack of exercise.

Australian Shepherds also like to have interaction with their owners due to their natural personality of being friendly and loyal to them.

Play fetch with your Aussies. This will keep their mind engaged and it will cause them to create different kinds of respond to different fields.

Do not use plastic Frisbees when you play with them. Their health is still our priority. It could damage their teeth and would later deteriorate or weaken when they fail to notice.

Have a game of hide-and-seek. This will also keep your Australian Shepherds become mentally active as they try to find you. They exert effort and energy when they are searching out to where you are.

It will keep them running and roaming that is good for their physical exercise. Though they live in an apartment, keeping them active out in the field will help them not to feel different.

My Final Thoughts

There are a lot of opinions concerning the ability of Australian Shepherds to live in apartments. The decision will still depend much on you on how it should be handled well. They can live in apartments with proper training and recognizing their pros and cons in every situation.

Since they are highly energetic, teaching them how to behave when they are inside the apartment will help them to have the initiative later on in time to keep their vigor healthy.

Most of all, what keeps them physically and mentally healthy is your time, love and attention that you give them. It will be manifested so much on how they respond to the people and circumstances in their surroundings.

Giving them much needed love and attention will keep them energetic wherever they may live.

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