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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Brindle Great Dane: A Complete Guide to This Unique Coat Color

Great Dane is a large to giant size German breed of domestic dogs. They have their own imposing personality with a handsome, tall height.

Great Dane is a purebred breed and also consider one of the ancient breeds like Japanese Shiba Inu.

Regarding their brief ancient history, the drawing of the dogs similar to Great Dane is found on Egyptian artifact of around 3000 B.C. and also found in the Babylonian temples built in about 2000 B.C.

It is thought that Assyrians took the breed in various parts of the world and bred it with different breeds.

It is believed that English Mastiff, Irish Wolfhound, and Irish Greyhound were involved in the breed development. Originally, they were also called “Boar Hounds” as they were bred to hunt down boar.

But nowadays, breeders have bred out their ancient hunting abilities. Currently, they are the most affectionate, loving, and playful companions with imposing personality.

Remember that the Great Dane breed is the same for all color coat, the only thing that differentiates brindle Great Dane is their brindle color coat.

Brindle Great Dane Breed Overview

In this section, you will get an overall overview of the brindle Great Dane breed to decide whether or not it is the right dog for your family.

I will discuss the origin and color of the breed, the color rareness, the genetic phenomenon of colors, other interesting facts, differentiation within the breed, different club recognitions, and pedigree of their lineage in detail.

What Is the Brindle Great Dane?

Brindle Great Dane is one of the variations of the giant size Great Dane breed who has a brindle color coat on its body.

Brindle color is a sequence of stripes or patterns of pair colors like a fawn, and black, red and black, charcoal and gray, and many more patterns of the strips are available in the brindle Great Dane.

Origin of the Breed and Color

The origin of the Great Dane breed is Germany. They were originally bred for hunting the animals like wild boars. And hence were called “Boar Hounds” in the ancient times of Assyrians. Their drawings were found on Egyptian artifacts and in the Babylonian temples.

Some folks believe that English Mastiff was involved in the breed development.

At the same time, some people thought that the member of the hound family Irish Wolfhound and Irish Greyhound was also involved in it. In the 16th century, the name of the breed was changed to “English Dogges.”

By 1700 to 1880, the name of the breed refined a lot, and finally, the English name of the breed was set to the Great Dane.

Since then, the breeders tried their best to eliminate the ferocious beast nature of the Great Dane into a polite, loving, and humble companion.

This was the era in which various variations of color coats were introduced by the breeders, including the brindle Great Dane.

Is the Color Rare?

The brindle color coat of the Great Dane is not rare. The rarest color coat of the breed is white because they are more susceptible to genetic defects.

While the most demanding and expensive color coat of Great Dane is Harlequin. But brindle Great Dane has it own unique color coat preferably golden yellow with evenly spread, dense or sparse striping.

Genetics of the Color

The Great Dane is one of the breeds which is available in a variety of colors. Colors that are developed with allowed colors may not be permitted or valid colors.

The breed is primarily split into different color families. Breeders mostly stick within the same color family and rarely crossover to another color family of the breed.

Brindles and Fawns come in the same color family. All the dogs in this family are genetically stable and went through a process genetic process called autosomal dominant modification to makes them brindle.

Autosomal dominant modification is a pattern of inheritance in which the affected dog has one copy of the altered or changed gene (mutant gene) and one normal gene on the pair of chromosomes.

Fawn into brindle and brindle into brindle should produce brindle and may also produce fawn.

Other facts about the Great Dane breed:

  1. Great Dane can easily adjust to apartment life.

  2. Great Dane is also known as the “Apollo of Dogs” because of their muscular body and imposing size.

  3. They are also called “gentle giants” by the breed lovers.

  4. Great Danes have a short life expectancy, which is about 8-10 years.

How Do They Different from Other Great Danes?

When it comes to differentiating brindle Great Danes with other variations of the breed, remember that the only difference is the color. However, the dog’s personality and appearance vary according to the color, but the breed is one.

Brindle Great Dane has a golden-yellow color coat with black markings on the body in a chevron pattern. The mask, eyebrows, rims of the eyes, tail, and tips of the ear are black. Stripe patterns can be dense or sparse but evenly spread out.

Kennel Club Recognition and Pedigree

In 1887, the Great Dane was recognized by the American Kennel Club as a working dog.

Following is the list of worldwide clubs that recognize the brindle Great Dane:

  1. North American Purebred Registry Inc.

  2. American Canine Association, Inc.

  3. Australian National Kennel Council

  4. Continental Kennel Club

  5. National Kennel Club

  6. New Zealand Kennel Club

  7. United Kennel Club

  8. Canadian Canine Registry

  9. Dog Registry of America Inc.

  10. Federation Cynologique Internationale

  11. Kennel Club of Great Britain

  12. American Canine Registry

  13. American Kennel Club

  14. America’s Pet Registry Canadian Kennel Club

The Great Dane is a purebred breed with a brief history of its pedigree. They are believed to be descended from Mastiff-like dogs even though. They were also called German Mastiffs in the past.

Brindle Great Dane Breed Info

In this section, I will discuss the appearance, temperament, personality, coat types and colors, size, weight, height, and average life expectancy of the brindle Great Danes in detail, which will help you to exact picture the breed.


Appearance is a matter of fact for every dog owner. It is the first thing that is judged by the people.

When we talk about the appearance of brindle Great Danes, the first thing which may come in mind is their giant size, which is equally balanced by its friendly nature, cool temperament, and excellent adoption skills in a small space that makes them unique.

They have a muscular, athletic body, which is the sign of strength, dominancy, excellence, and power with great size and has a massive head that is narrow and flat on the top.

Ears are drop in the forward direction. Eyebrows are not notable while their neck is thick, long, and strong.

Their front legs are straight, and the shape of the Great Dane body is long and muscular. The tail of the breed is relatively medium in length, which narrows down to the hock.

Regarding the shoulders of the Great Danes, they have light to average shoulders, which completely fits with the rest of the body.

Besides the brindle color coat, out of the box, the most exciting fact is that the famous cartoon character “Scooby-Doo” was also a Great Dane.

Personality and Temperament

Besides the giant tall size of the breed, a well-bred brindle Great Dane is the most affection, friendly, sweet, and playful companion who loves to hang around with the children and are very careful around them.

When we look back at the history of the Great Dane breed, we know that the breed was bred to hunt down wild boars.

At that time, the Great Danes were the ferocious monsters, but nowadays, the ferocious and high temper behavior has been eliminated from the gene of the breed.

In fact, they are called “gentle giants” by the dog lovers, and the title says it all about the personality and temperament of the breed.

The well-bred brindle Great Dane does very well with children as well as the strangers.

But aside from their loving and friendly nature, they still need a variety of training including the early socialization training.

A puppy of the brindle Great Dane must be exposed to different kinds of sounds, experiences, sight, and people till it gets young.

Kindergarten classes may be the best choice to start with. Make your dog familiarize with neighbors and other dogs; take them to busy parks and stores that allow dogs will help to polish their social skills, which will reflect in its personality and temperament.

Coat Types and Colors

Brindle Great Dane has a short-smooth coated breed, which means that they can’t bear the cold temperature for a long time.

There are six primary color coats of the Great Dane which are as follows:

  1. Brindle – The brindle color coat is a mixture of fawn and black color over the entire body and has a tiger stripe pattern all the way.

  2. Blue – The blue color coat of Great Dane is much like a dense gray color without any stripe pattern on the body.

  3. Fawn – Fawn color coat has a primary golden color with a black mask without any stripe pattern or sequence on the body.

  4. Black – Black is the primary color coat of black Great Dane without stripes. They look quite decent in black. However, some people don’t prefer it due to some stereotypes.

  5. Harlequin – Harlequin color coat has a white color all over the body with even black patches on it. Blue spots may appear on the body, which is an undesirable shade.

  6. Mantle – Mantle color coat is an interesting coat with a pure white base and a “black blanket” all over the body, which is very similar to the markings of Boston Terrier.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standards, the brindle Great Danes have the following characteristics in terms of appearance.

  1. The base color coat of brindle Great Dane will be yellow gold.

  2. Stripes on the base color will always be intense black crossed in a chevron pattern.

  3. The mask of the breed will be black, preferably.

  4. Eyebrows, eye rims, ears, and tails will be black.

Size, Weight, and Height of Brindle Great Dane

Brindle Great Dane is a giant size breed. So, we can expect the height and weight of the fully-grown Great Dane according to that. The height and weight of an adult brindle Great Dane gender-wise are as follows.

Brindle Great Danes are very cute when they are pups as equal to other breeds. The matter of the fact that pups are always adorable and sweet.

Once they start growing gradually, the length of their straight legs increases away from the body, which gives them a breed’s iconic look.

The growth chart of the brindle Great Dane breed with respect to height and weight is as follows:


We know the fact that brindle Great Dane is a giant size breed. Remember that the life expectancy of a breed is inversely proportional to the size of it.

The larger the size, the less will be the lifespan and vice versa. Therefore, brindle Great Dane has a short life expectancy of around 8 to 10 years.

Brindle Great Dane Dog Care Guide

In this section, I’ll explain the essential components like food and dietary plan, exercise, and training requirements, cleaning and grooming requirements and other special needs of the breed.

I’ll also discuss some of the best practices which are necessary for the brindle Great Dane health and care.

Food and Dietary Requirements

Starting from the beginning, when you bring your brindle Great Dane pup at home bought from the breeder, you should be aware of the fact that you can’t suddenly switch the food brands.

The awareness of this fact is crucial that we can’t suddenly switch the food brand from old to new. The primary reason behind it is that it upset the stomach of the pup.

It is not always necessary that you switch the food brand, but if you are not feeling good with it, then consult your breeder for more superior dog food. Once you decide to switch the food, you have to follow the following proportion of both food brands.

What to avoid?

Puppies shouldn’t be given regular puppy foods because they are highly rich for them. They should be given the food designed for large size breeds. Supplements should be avoided, especially calcium, in their dietary plan.

Feeding schedule for the brindle Great Dane

It is recommended that puppies under three months should be set free on the food. They eat a lot in their growing age, but you should keep an eye on them to avoid getting them overweight.

3 to 6 months old males should be given 4 to 8 cups while females should be given 3 to 6 cups daily.

Eight to one-year males should be given 6 to 10 cups while female brindle Great Danes should be given 5 to 8 cups. Similarly, adolescents or teenage males should be given 9 to 15 cups, and females should be given 8 cups.

When they become adult male, brindle Great Dane should be given 8 to 10 cups, and females should be given 6 to 8 cups regularly. Note that from age 4 to 5 months, three meals per day should be provided.

Once it crossed that age, two meals per day are recommended for a lifetime. Remember that it shouldn’t be given one meal per day ever in its entire lifespan.

Exercise Requirements

When it comes to the exercise requirement of the “Gentle Giant,” then it is necessary to talk about that they fit in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Brindle Great Danes are preferable to be taken as indoor dogs because they need the right amount of social interaction with the people and children.

They don’t get along well when there is no interaction with them and are left alone. Being relatively an indoor dog, they need 30 to 60 minutes of regular exercise daily. However, puppies and teenagers may require up to 90 minutes of exercise in a day.

Exercise is a crucial factor at its place for the Great Danes, but you should be careful about not to over-exercise them. Everything which crosses its limits, whether it’s a good thing or bad thing harm.

Similarly, excessive exercise can have a negative impact on your brindle Great Dane health.

They might get hip or joint problems, especially the puppies when they are in a growing age, their bones and muscles are not fully developed.

Training Requirements

Training one of the most loving and affectionate dogs may be the dearest task you will ever do in your life.

It is essential to adopt the best practices which guarantee a well-mannered and groomed giant companion sitting with you on the couch.

Training a brindle Great Dane: easy or difficult?

Brindle Great Danes demands love and affection from the owner more than any other breed.

They can do anything that pleases you and whatever it takes to earn your love and devotion, which makes it relatively an easy breed to train.

Although they can be stubborn or moody sometimes, but overall, they are easy to train companions.

How to train a brindle Great Dane?

The following methods should be adopted to train your brindle Great Danes, which may be involved in a variety of training.

The methods below can be applied from potty training to the house barking, housebreaking, and crate training.

  1. Firm Footing – According to some people, firm footing techniques can be an effective training method to train a dog like brindle Great Dane. These techniques involved the strictness and punishment when the things went wrong. However, it’s not recommended by another half because it can harm the dog’s brain.

  2. Gratifying Techniques – On the other side of the river, gratifying or positive reinforcement techniques are highly recommended to train the brindle Great Danes. When your “gentle giant” performs a task, you should pet his back and appreciate his efforts, which gives a great sense of achievement for him. You can also give him a surprise treat or reward to accomplish the task.

Cleaning and Grooming Needs

Cleaning and grooming are as necessary as the exercise and training for a great healthy lifestyle of the breed.

The following are the cleaning and grooming needs of brindle Great Danes:

  1. Their short coat sheds a lot, regular brushing should be done to address this issue. A firm bristle brush should be used with the shampoo as needed.

  2. They need a bath weekly or every six to eight weeks, depending on the lifestyle. However, some people also recommend giving a bath regularly to maintain a healthy coat.

  3. Nails should be trimmed every four days or a week.

  4. Make grooming a positive experience by making them used to frequently checking of paws and mouth when they are puppies.

Pros and Cons of Brindle Great Dane Dog

Despite the loving nature and affection of the brindle Great Dane, there are some pros and cons too. If you are interested in this breed or you already have, you should be aware of the magnificent potential of the breed as well as the down-side to understand your massive companion better.

The pros and cons of the brindle Great Danes are as follows:


  1. Brindle Great Danes are good nature, loving and affectionate dog for everyone.

  2. They are easy-going despite their big size.

  3. They are the friends of the children at home and get along with them pretty nicely. They also do well with small children, but you should keep an eye on them as they can unintentionally harm the smaller ones.

  4. They are relatively easy to train and groom.

  5. They do well with other dogs or animals at home.

  6. Besides their huge size, they can live an apartment life. Impressive, isn’t it?


  1. They have a relatively short lifespan because of their size. Great Danes can only live between 8 to 10 years on average.

  2. They are prone to some serious health problems. Cancer is the number one cause of death in Great Danes.

  3. They need constant training to remind them of dos and don’ts.

  4. They shed a lot of hair.

  5. They are expensive to keep.

Brindle Great Dane Prices and Cost of Onwing

The price of brindle Great Dane puppy depends on various factors like age, breeder, breed quality, and location.

The average cost of Great Dane bought from official breeders in the United States is around $600 to $3000. While a healthy, reliable, and well-bred brindle Great Dane can cost $1000 to $3000.

When it comes to adoption, $250 is the average adoption fee in the United States. The most prominent expense to bear for this breed is their food bills. It is obviously because of their overall big stature. The budget for food can go from $60 to $80 per month.

The total cost of owning a healthy Great Dane for the first two years will range between $3,000 to $9,000. Primary expenses are veterinary care, food, treats, toys, and pet insurance.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Brindle Great Dane Puppy?

The price for the brindle Great Danes hugely depends on the place where you are trying to buy one. A puppy of the breed can be taken from the following recommended places.

  1. Purebred breeders

  2. Animal or Adoption Centers

Purebred Breeders

It is highly recommended that you buy a puppy of brindle Great Dane from a trusted purebred breeder.

The number one reason to purchase a pup from the purebred breeders is that they maintain a proper record of the pup’s lineage, which helps a lot in determining a lot of factors such as life expectancy and possible health risks. Their high price somehow justifies that.

Animal Shelters or Adoption Centers

The second most recommended place to buy a pup of brindle Great Dane is the animal shelters or adoption centers.

They may not have the superior lineage puppy, but you can find a decent puppy of brindle Great Dane from them at a reasonably low price if you are lucky enough.

Note: Don’t buy a brindle Great Dane puppy from puppy mills or accidental breeders. It is not recommended to buy a puppy from them because there is no guarantee the puppy you get is healthy.

Common Health Risks of Brindle Great Dane

I’ve discussed the fact that the Great Dane breed is susceptible to some serious health concerns which can take their life in no time.

As a good owner, you should be aware of all the health concerns to respond immediately to the mishaps and consult the vet as soon as possible.

The following are the common health concerns of the breed as follows:

  1. Hip Dysplasia

  2. Gastric Torsion

  3. Bone Cancer

  4. Heart Disease

  5. Development Issues

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is the most common inherited or genetic disorder in which the hip joint doesn’t close-fit with the thighbone.

The common symptoms of hip dysplasia include stiffness and lameness in either one or both hind legs. Hip dysplasia can occur as early as at the age of 5 months.

Although it can occur at any age and older, brindle Great Danes may have arthritis with hip dysplasia. It can be treated with anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids that are given as a nutritional supplement in the food.

Gastric Torsion (Bloating)

Gastric torsion is another name of bloating. The Great Dane breed is highly prone to bloat because of its broad and deep chest.

In bloat, the stomach is twisted and filled with the gases which result in shortness of breath and can lead your “gentle giant” to death within hours.

It may happen because of feeding one large meal per day, rapid eating, excessive exercise, and plenty of water intake after eating.

The symptoms may include depression, restlessness, weakness, lethargy, and increased heart rate. It is a cure by releasing the air and gases from the stomach.

Bone Cancer

Bone Cancer is better known as Osteosarcoma. It is the most common bone cancer in dogs. Younger Great Danes are more susceptible to this bone cancer.

The first symptom of Osteosarcoma is lameness, while the disease can be diagnosed through X-rays. The treatment of Osteosarcoma includes chemotherapy and amputation of the limb.

Heart Diseases

The brindle Great Danes have a tendency to develop several types of heart diseases like mitral valve defects, dilated cardiomyopathy, tricuspid valve dysplasia, patent ductus arteriosus, subaortic stenosis, and persistent right aortic arch.

Each heart disease has its adverse effects and healing treatments dependent on various factors.

Development Issues

Due to imbalanced diets like excessive amounts of supplements, calcium, and protein. Growth issues can occur in the breed, which slows down the development of puppies and younger Great Danes.

Final Thoughts

Brindle Great Dane is no doubt an enormously big dog with all the assets of being a gentle, friendly, loving, affectionate, and most reliable companion you can ever have in your life.

The breed loves to socialize with all types of people from children at home to strangers at a park and can easily adjust itself in the apartment life.

They always need affection and love. If you truly want a dog that loves you in every condition and can die without getting enough attention, then brindle Great Dane is a breed for you. Besides their loving nature, their brindle color coat is unique in itself with strips of a tiger.

The major downside of this breed is their relatively shorter lifespan, which is heart-breaking for a dog like this. It is all because of their giant size.

We can’t neglect the fact that larger breeds usually live shorter than the smaller ones. If you are not worried about its shorter lifespan, then this is an ideal household dog for you.

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