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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Brindle Boxer Dog: Appearance, Genetics, Temperament & More!

Floppy ears, boxy heads, and cheerful smiles are some of the amazing characteristics of Boxer dogs.

However, they are also known for their stunning coat colors, which adds to their appeal. One of these shades is the brindle!

The brindle Boxer is a pretty unique pooch compared to the rest of its Boxer siblings. While its most recognizable feature is its tiger-like pattern, the brindle Boxer has more to offer.

Did you know that there’s such a thing as a reverse brindle Boxer? Interesting, isn’t it? So if you are interested to learn more, consider this your crash course to everything brindle Boxer related!

What Is a Brindle Boxer?

The brindle Boxer is a Boxer dog that sports a tiger-striped coat pattern. Its coat has a light-colored base coupled with distinctive stripes of a darker color. The unique appearance of brindle Boxers is primarily associated with a particular recessive gene.

Brindling is not unique to the Boxer breed. In fact, there are dozens of other dog breeds that exhibit this eye-catching coloration. Some of them are the French Bulldog, Basenji, and Greyhound.

In Boxers, brindling comes in a handful of assortments. A brindle Boxer can be classified based on the shade and color of its coat.

Light brindle, golden brindle, fawn brindle, mahogany brindle, and red brindle are some classifications.

Moreover, brindle Boxers can also be classified based on the intensity of the brindling pattern on its coat. For this, there are three main classifications: tiger brindle, reverse brindle, and mahogany brindle.

Furthermore, there are also the so-called flashy brindle Boxers. These are brindle Boxers with white markings covering at least a third of their bodies. We’ll talk more about these classifications in a later section in this guide.

Brindle Boxer Appearance: What Does a Brindle Boxer Look Like?

Brindle Boxer dogs are medium-sized pooches with a squared-off build. These dogs have tight-fitting fur, relatively slender limbs, and a slightly sloping topline.

Here’s a short video you should watch to get a better grasp of what brindle Boxers look like:

Poppy, 12 week old brindle boxer puppy<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Poppy, 12 week old brindle boxer puppy" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

In terms of looks, Boxers are often referred to as boxy-looking Rottweilers. On some occasions, a Boxer may also resemble a Bullmastiff.

The brindle Boxer comes in a wide variety of coat colors and coat marking combinations. Needless to say, these dogs are pretty diverse in terms of their overall appearance.

One thing that brindle Boxers have in common is their full-grown size range. On average, adult brindle Boxers weigh 48.5 to 80 pounds and stand 22 to 24.5 inches in height.

More often than not, slight weight and height difference is noticeable among male and female Boxers. Males are typically a few pounds heavier and a few inches taller than their female counterparts.

In total, there are eight different types of brindle Boxers. These types are mainly based on the different possible Boxer colors that can exhibit brindle markings.

Light Brindle Boxer Dog

From the name itself, the light brindle Boxer dog is the lightest shade amongst the brindle Boxers. Its coat color is close to tan, just a few shades lighter.

Light brindles have dark stripes, which may or may not be accompanied by white patches on the chest area.

Often, these dogs are almost indistinguishable from the fawn brindle Boxer. In fact, an untrained eye will find a hard time telling them apart!

Fawn Brindle Boxer Dog

Speaking of the fawn brindle Boxer, the bossy-looking dog from the image above is a fawn brindle. As you can see, its coat is a little bit more “orangey” than the light brindle Boxer.

Its color is closer to the yellowish-tan color fawns are known for. Fun fact: the highest chance of breeding a fawn brindle Boxer is when a non-brindle fawn is mixed with any brindle Boxer.

Mahogany Brindle Boxer Dog

Mahogany brindle Boxers have the darkest shade of red amongst all Boxer dogs. Its coat color is often described as deep, rich, and bold.

Interestingly, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC), this coat color in Boxers falls under the “fawn” category. A mahogany brindle Boxer has nearly the same coat appearance as the Treeing Tennessee Brindle.

Flashy Brindle Boxer Dog

The flashy brindle is not a color variant in Boxers. Instead, “flashy” is a term used to describe a brindle Boxer with large white fur patches.

If a brindle Boxer has at least one-third of its coat covered with white patches, it is automatically considered a flashy brindle Boxer. All colors of the Boxer dog breed can exhibit these “flashes.”

Reverse Brindle Boxer Dog

Reverse brindle Boxers have dark-colored base coats and light-colored stripes. This configuration is “reversed” compared to the other brindling configurations where the light coat is paired with darker stripes.

Seal Brindle Boxer Dog

The seal brindle Boxer is the closest there is to a black Boxer dog. This dog is often falsely advertised as a “black Boxer,” even if it is not actually black. In fact, there is no such thing as a purebred black Boxer.

In pets, the color “seal” is named after the natural color of seals. This color is a very dark shade of brown.

However, for Boxer dogs, “seal” actually means the base color of the dog is sealed off; meaning, it is not visible from the outside.

Are Brindle Boxers Rare?

In general, brindle Boxers are not considered rare. However, some variants of the brindle Boxers may be harder to find than others.

For example, seal brindle Boxers are considered the rarest due to their unique genetics and difficulty to breed.

Unsurprisingly, seal brindle Boxers often come with the highest price tag among all the Boxer dogs.

These pooches typically sell for a few hundred dollars more compared to other brindles. Seal brindle Boxers are dogs with a nearly black-colored coat with dark striped markings.

On a different note, it is a common belief in the pet community that white Boxers are the rarest, but this is far from the truth. In reality, approximately 25% of Boxer dogs are white!

Similarly, reverse brindle Boxers are also often mistaken as a rare color of the Boxer. While these pups are incredibly eye-catching, they are actually pretty standard.

As for the rest of the brindle Boxers and other Boxer colors, in general, they are all relatively mainstream. This means it is pretty easy to find the Boxer color you are eyeing for!

Brindle Boxer Coat Color Genetics: How Is a Brindle Boxer Bred?

Like all dogs, brindle Boxers inherit their coat color from their parents. Genetically, a Boxer can only be either fawn or brindle.

The color variations and flash markings in brindle Boxers are due to pigmentation cells.

Statistically speaking, there is a significantly greater chance that a Boxer is born with a brindle coat rather than a fawn coat. The reason behind this is that a brindle coat is more dominant than a fawn coat.

To review, a dog carries two sets of color genes. For Boxers, these are combinations of recessive fawn (bb), non-dominant brindle (Bb), and dominant brindle (BB).

If a Boxer’s parents both carry the recessive fawn (bb), there is a 100% chance that its offspring will be fawn. Similarly, if a Boxer’s parents are carriers of the dominant brindle (BB), its litter is most certainly brindle.

On the other hand, if a fawn (bb) is mixed with a non-dominant brindle (Bb), there is a 50% chance that the litter will have fawn or brindle puppies.

Meanwhile, combining a non-dominant brindle (Bb) with a dominant brindle (BB) will result in brindle puppies.

As you can see, breeding brindle puppies is relatively straightforward. While this is an overly simplified summary, this is basically what breeders do to breed brindle Boxers.

Brindle Boxer Kennel Club Recognition: Can Brindle Boxers Be AKC Registered?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes the brindling pattern in Boxers.

In fact, all the color variants of the brindle Boxers are accepted by the AKC. Now, this is undoubtedly exciting news, isn’t it? Well, there’s a catch.

The truth is, if you have a flashy brindle Boxer, you may be out of luck. In the latter part of the AKC Boxer breed standards, it is stated explicitly that Boxers with white markings covering at least one-third of the body shall be disqualified.

That said, semi-flashy brindle Boxers should still be able to register with no problems.

If you have doubts or questions regarding the breed standards, you may reach out to the AKC through their dog registration page.

The perks of having your Boxer AKC-registered include eligibility in pet shows, agility contests, and more. An AKC-registered pet will also ensure that your pet’s lineage is well-documented.

Brindle Boxer Temperament and Personality: Are Brindle Boxers Good Family Dogs?

Brindle Boxers are loyal, intelligent, and highly trainable. While these pooches may seem timid at first, they can get real boisterous at times!

The brindle Boxer, much like the rest of the Boxer family, needs about one to two hours of exercise a day. This dog is perfect for you if you love exercising outdoors.

Jogging, playing fetch, hiking, and swimming are activities brindle Boxers enjoy.

However, it is worth noting that Boxers are intolerant of extreme temperatures. That said, be sure to work out with your dog outdoors only when the weather is good!

If you have kids and plan to add a brindle Boxer to your family, you can do so with relative ease. Boxer dogs can get along with kids and pets as long as they are raised alongside them.

However, it is crucial to train your Boxer to see your kids as a figure of authority. It will help if you do this early on while your Boxer is still a puppy.

Another thing to take note of about brindle Boxers is that they drool a lot. This may or may not be an issue to you, but it is worth mentioning!

Brindle Boxer Lifespan and Health Issues: Are Brindle Boxers Health Dogs?

On average, the Boxer is a pretty healthy dog breed. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), this breed has a lifespan of anywhere between 10 and 12 years. This lifespan applies to all Boxer colors, including the brindle Boxer.

However, not all Boxers are born equal. Unfortunately, some Boxers are born with life-altering health issues or congenital conditions that drastically reduce their life expectancy.

Aside from congenital issues, there are also other conditions to watch out for. So if you’re planning to get a brindle Boxer or any Boxer for that matter, there are some health-related issues to know about.

Below are some of the common health issues of brindle Boxer dogs:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a physical condition characterized by the misalignment of the ball-and-socket joint. This condition causes excruciating pain, deteriorating posture, or inactivity. Hip dysplasia is often genetic, and many breeders strive to eliminate this condition from their litter.

  2. Kidney Disease: Boxers are one of the dogs that are predisposed to chronic kidney disease. In fact, many studies suggest that kidney disease is inheritable in the Boxer breed. A Boxer with kidney disease will show signs of vomiting, sudden weight loss, increased urination, and increased thirst.

  3. Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is the medical term used to describe an improperly working thyroid gland. A Boxer suffering from hypothyroidism will experience a slow-down in bodily functions. This condition manifests in the form of weight loss, slow heart rate, and high blood cholesterol.

  4. Cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy is a heart condition in dogs characterized by an irregular heartbeat. This health issue is most evident in Boxers that are around two years of age. Cardiomyopathy needs urgent medical attention as it can lead to heart failure or even sudden death.

  5. Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): DM is a neurological issue common in middle-aged to senior Boxers dogs. This disease targets the nervous system of a dog and interferes with muscular control. Often, a Boxer dog with DM will find difficulty moving its rear quarters.

Among the list of health issues in brindle Boxers, those mentioned above are the most common.

As a Boxer parent, you must recognize the symptoms of these health issues early on. While some of these are curable, others are fatal.

It is also essential to watch out for canine diabetes, canine obesity, and bloat. These are life-altering conditions all dogs are at risk of, including brindle Boxers.

How Much Does a Brindle Boxer Cost? Are Brindle Boxers More Expensive Than Other Colors?

The usual price for a brindle Boxer is between $500 and $2,000. But if you want one from a champion bloodline, expect to pay upwards of $3,000.

Brindle Boxers are around the same price as other Boxer colors, such as white and fawn Boxers. However, one particular variant of the brindle Boxer is always priced higher than the average.

This odd one out is the so-called seal brindle Boxer. To quickly recall, the seal brindle Boxer is the “almost-black” Boxer color. This color variant is the darkest possible color of Boxer dogs.

Seal brindles are often called the “black Boxers,” even if they are not black. For the longest time, black Boxers have been one of the biggest fantasies of Boxer fanatics. These dogs are also the most controversial color of the Boxer.

Some breeders take advantage of this controversy and perceived rarity to sell black brindle Boxers for more.

On average, these falsely advertised dogs sell for at least $500 to $1,000 more than the usual price.

Places to Find Brindle Boxer Puppies for Sale and Adoption

Boxers are pretty high up in AKC’s list of most popular dog breeds. Snagging the 14th spot, the Boxer is just one place below the adorable Yorkshire Terrier.

Needless to say, these dogs are basically celebrities! But where can you buy one?

Because of the breed’s popularity, there are thousands of Boxer dog breeders out there. However, you should always be careful in picking a breeder. It is recommended to only buy or adopt from reputable sources.

To make it a bit easier for you, we have listed the best places to find brindle Boxer puppies!

Here are some breeders where you can find brindle Boxer puppies for sale:

  1. Oakwood’s Boxers – Oakwood’s Boxers is an AKC-certified breeder with a long track record. Boxers raised by this breeder get to enjoy their massive two-acre property! More importantly, all dogs from Oakwood’s Boxers are guaranteed to be healthy and come with a Puppy Protection Package.

  2. Hawk Valley Boxers – Hawk Valley Boxers is a Pennsylvania-based breeder with over 25 years of breeding experience. This breeder prides itself as an awardee of the 5-Star Breeder Award by the American Canine Association (ACA). Be sure to check out brindle Boxers from this breeder!

  3. Beyond Beautiful Boxers – Located in Colorado, Beyond Beautiful Boxers is a small yet experienced breeder. This breeder specializes in raising and selling European and American Boxer dogs. You can browse their available dogs on their ‘Meet our Boxers’ page.

Here are some sources where you can find brindle Boxers for adoption:

  1. The Boxer Rescue, Inc. – If you reside near New England, you should check out The Boxer Rescue, Inc. (TBRI). TBRI is a Boxer-exclusive rescue that aims to rehome unwanted Boxers and support Boxer owners. This rescue indeed has tons of brindle Boxers you can check out.

  2. Northwest Boxer Rescue (NWBR) – NWBR is a foster-based Boxer rescue servicing areas such as Oregon, Idaho, Montana, California, and Washington. This rescue has a couple of brindle Boxers from time to time. If you are interested in adopting from them, feel free to check out their adoption process on their website.

  3. Boxer Luv Rescue – Founded in 1998, Boxer Luv Rescue has been fostering and rehoming Boxer dogs for over two decades now. This rescue has helped approximately 10,000 purebred Boxers and Boxer mixes ever since. If you live in Arizona, this rescue is the one to check out!

  4. Adopt-a-Pet – Adopt-a-Pet is a pet adoption platform with one of the largest databases of adoptable pets. On their website, you can narrow down your search using their advanced filters. You can look for specific brindle Boxer dogs based on location, gender, size, and more.

If you haven’t found the brindle Boxer for you using the sources above, there are a couple of things you can do.

Firstly, you can check out our round-up of best Boxer breeders and best Boxer rescues for adoption. You’ll find a more extensive selection on these articles.

Moreover, you may also opt to outsource from other Boxer owners. You can do this by joining Facebook groups and Reddit communities that share a common interest in Boxer dogs. Other pet enthusiasts in the group will surely lend a hand!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Brindle Boxers Shed a Lot?

Boxers are short-coated dogs with a single layer of fur. While it might be tempting to think that they are hypoallergenic, they are not. In fact, these pooches are still considered medium-to-high shedders.

One interesting thing about the Boxer breed is that it is known for grooming itself.

You will often find this dog cleaning itself many times throughout the day. But since they still shed, these pups are not recommended for pet owners with sensitive allergies.

How Many Different Color Coats Do Boxers Have?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) officially lists three colors for the Boxer — brindle, fawn, and white. On most occasions, fawn Boxers are also called tan Boxers.

Interestingly, Boxers come in a wide variety of patterns and markings. This includes black masks, white markings, and brindling.

Combine these with the three coat colors, and you’ll get a pretty diverse coat color selection!

Final Thoughts: Should You Get a Brindle Boxer Dog?

Boxer dogs make excellent companions. These pooches are loyal, lovable, intelligent, trainable, and pretty famous, too!

However, if you want a slightly more eye-catching pet, you may want to take a look at the brindle Boxers.

Brindle Boxers come in plenty of color variations. Regardless if you want a pet with a bright appearance or a stealthy look, you’ll never run out of options with the brindle Boxers!

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