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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Blue Boston Terrier: Everything You Need To Know

Originating from the United States of America, the Boston Terrier is a breed that qualifies as a non-sporting breed according to the standards of the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Due to their attractive color and personality, they earned the title of the “American Gentleman.” Soon after, it became the official dog for Massachusetts. Then it remained Boston University’s official mascot for nearly a century.

They are great companions for every family. Additionally, their small size and affectionate nature make them the ideal house pet. They are known to be great partners for the elderly and the kids.

Their silliness and amusing behavior keep everyone engaged and happy. Just as much as the kids would love this dog, the Boston Terrier itself loves the kids and plays with them a lot. This is why they are a part of many households now.

Blue Boston Terrier Overview

What is the Blue Boston Terrier?

The breed is said to have originated in the US in Boston around the 1870s, precisely in 1875 when Hooper’s Judge was bred to Burnett’s Gyp. Since then, breeders refined it to make it what it is today.

Therefore, any purebred Boston Terrier’s roots can be traced back to “Burnett’s Gyp” and “Hooper’s Judge.” Interestingly enough, the blue is a genetic mutation and is a result of poor breeding practices.

The mutation in the chromosome pool of a Boston Terrier leads to blue color. Hence, instead of coming out with the natural color, it comes out as either blue, grey, or silver.

The other colors that generally exist in this breed are Black and White, Brindle and White, and Seal and white.

The colors have been a very lively debate within the dog circles because the American Kennel Club has some specific requirements as to the color.

Each of the black, seal, or brindle Boston dog would be ineligible to enter the club naturally.

How do they differ from other Boston Terriers?

Well, the answer to this question is pretty simple. As the name suggests, the significant difference lies in the color of the dogs.

Almost all the different colors have a coat of white mixed with another color, out of which the most common one is the black color and a seal color, which, when in sunlight, has a black cast to it.

There are also some dogs with a mostly white coat, and some even have an all-white coat. The usual black and white coat, which the majority of the public refers to as the tuxedo, is regular with a splash of white on the chest, white blaze, and white along the muzzle.

The brindle and white color, here the brindle, refer to the pattern rather than the color. Moreover, the seal and white coat are the most famous ones among the public due to the red undertone in their color.

Some people also have mistaken the seal for brown, but whatever it may be, it is readily accepted by the AKC.

Kennel club recognition and pedigree

There are many small details in which the club has entangled itself to make the dog eligible for the American Kennel Club. Initially, the AKC did not exclude any colors.

Still, later in 1914, it became way more specific and accepted only a particular type of color to the club. The newly excluded colors included solid (self) black, tan and black, liver (red), and mouse (blue).

Even the all-white coat was disqualified. Now, the solid black is still uninvited to the club alongside solid brindle and solid seal with no white marks. Even grey and red (liver) colors are disqualified.

The most recent standards are so complicated that they even have elaborate details about the accepted white markings. For them, the dog’s white markings should be displayed on the chest as a splash, a blaze between the eyes, and a muzzle band.

They may accept dogs that show white on collars and legs, but it’s not appreciated.

Some pet enthusiast feels that this convoluted standard of colors only came into being because it was so crucial to obtain an overall ideal representative of the breed.

The head, his expressions, his whole appearance all makes up almost half of the points that judges give in a show ring; maybe this is why the criterion is so high.

Although, if you are not interested in breeding and making your dog a show dog, then don’t worry about the AKC registration at all.

The blue Boston Terrier descends from the earliest of the Boston Terriers, which can be attributed to Hooper’s Judge and Burnett’s Gyp from early 1875.

The proof of a dog being purebred can be adjudged from the fact if it leads back to the aforementioned two dogs. If not, they don’t qualify to be purebreds.

Similarly, the fact that your dog is a pedigree or not should not be of the essence if you don’t plan on commercially breeding. As long as you get along with him, there really is no need.

Some people are even opposed to this idea of adopting only pedigree dogs as it promotes a sense of neglect for strays.

Blue Boston Terrier Breed Info & Facts


This non-sporting cute little whimsical creature has a very striking appearance. The blaze between the eyes and banded muzzle adds to their uniqueness.

Brown eyes and a black nose make them the cutest little creatures to have in your apartment. The small size makes them a companion fit for the children of the house, and a compact body can fit them anywhere on the bed.

Their erect ears make us feel like they are always interested in our conversations, and who doesn’t want another person in the house listening to us?

A compact body complimented by a short tail and the perfect tuxedo look makes them look like the ideal companion. Their sleek coat makes them the easiest to care for.

Personality and temperament

Clownish and calm, cheerful and majestic, and most importantly friendly and lively. The character of a Boston Terrier is as affectionate as it could get but beware of their temperament.

It’s highly uncommon for them to be aggressive, but if they are in such an environment, then there may be a problem. To ensure that your puppy turns out to be a well-rounded dog, you have to provide them with early socialization.

Exposure to different sounds, people, surroundings, and experiences is essential for a well-mannered and well-trained puppy. However, they are known to be stubborn during training periods, so they must be consistent.

Nonetheless, they are incredibly polite with other pets and always enjoy playing ball games. So the personality of a Boston is at least easy to get around.

Boston Terriers are known not to have a mood or an aggressive nature, but this may be a little difficult to say if the dog hasn’t been raised and trained in a safer environment.

The fact that they are not fond of barking makes them an excellent choice for apartment dwellings. It is difficult to trigger their happy-go-lucky nature, which is why they are great companions.

Astonishingly enough, they were bred for hunting and fighting purposes a long time ago, but later down bred for companionship.

No matter what, just as it is vital to train a child from an early stage. The same goes for dogs, the earlier you start, the better they’ll turn out.

Coat types and colors

The standard colors in Boston Terriers are usually;

  1. Brindle with white markings

  2. Seal with white markings

  3. Black with white markings

However, there are other colors like blue, brown, and even merle, but they are not up to the AKC standards. The merle may be a unique one out of these. It has a patchy coat and blue eyes, although only its eyes could be blue and one could be black too.

Then there is the predominantly white one with only tiny patches of black mostly on their heads and some spots on the body. The brown-colored dog is sometimes also referred to as the liver-colored Boston Terrier. It has a brown nose instead of the conventional black nose.

The blue Boston Terrier remains to be the most famous of them all. Its color is the most attractive feature in it. Even the color of their nose is blue, and sometimes their eyes have a blue color—all the more reason why people tend to adopt or buy them.

In many dogs, there is a grey or silver hue and shiny silver undertone when seen in the sunlight. As they are becoming widely popular, you may have to pay a very high cost for them; it could be as high as $2500.

For many, this cost is unfair, but professional breeders have to breed certain dogs to get the desired colors, which can be a possible justification for the price hike.

The coat of the Boston Terrier is smooth and very fine. This makes them easier to brush, and this is why they shed very little as compared to other dogs. It is advised to brush your dog twice or thrice a week to remove any bacteria that may be lurking in its fine coat.

Size, weight, and height

Broadly speaking the Boston Terrier can be divided into three weight classes;

  1. Under 15 pounds

  2. 15 to 19 pounds

  3. 20 to 25 pounds

Their height is usually between 12 to 17 inches at the shoulder. As your puppy matures, he goes through a variety of physical changes, emotional changes, and growth and weight gain.

These changes are somewhat dependent on the kind of diet they are provided and their environment.

Between the first two weeks, they will mostly nurse and sleep. They are blind and deaf during this time. Still, immediately after being born, their sense of touch and taste is initiated.

In the next two weeks, their eyesight and hearing ability will develop, and his behavior will also start to change depending on his littermates and the owner.

The next 3 to 12 weeks are the prime time for his early socialization and the opportunity for you to train him to be an ideal house pet. You can introduce him to different sounds and develop his eating habits. Introduce him to new people and the pets if there are any present in your home.

After this, their growth continues, and so does the training process. However, some breeders say that it can’t be explicitly quoted how tall will a full-grown adult blue Boston Terrier be or how much his weight would be.

If it is a purebred, then you can decide that according to the parents, but it may be difficult to conclude with a mixed breed dog. Although, the weight of the female and male Boston Terriers varies between 9.92 to 24.25 lbs depending on their size.

For easier understanding, a breakdown of their weight depending on the dog’s age in months is provided below.

The variable weight is only due to the size of some dogs and the difference in gender.

By the end of 12 months, you can expect your male or female blue Boston Terrier to stop growing only for the smallest sizes. In contrast, the bigger ones may stop growing after 14 months.

No matter how big the dog is, its size as compared to other dogs is smaller and compact.


When you’ve raised a puppy and seen it grow into an adult dog, it’s hard to say goodbye when it’s time to go, but that is the circle of life, and it is how it is.

Their life expectancy is around 13 to 15 years, but the average age of death is recorded to be 10.4 years only. The most common causes of their death are old age, cardiac arrest, and cancer.

Blue Boston Terrier Care Guide

Food and dietary requirements

Regardless of their small size blue Boston Terriers do need to eat a lot of food. Their activity throughout the day is quite a lot compared to other small breeds, that’s why they require a little more than the usual smaller dogs.

According to researchers, a Boston terrier that weighs around 10 pounds would need at least 436 calories each day; however, a typical adult dog would require nothing more than 530 calories.

So you should keep track of the number of calories they will consume in a day to ensure that they have the necessary nutrients for normal growth.

To save you from any troubles in the future, we would like to tell you that no matter what happens, please do not buy foods that use grain as a carbohydrate source.

You must know that Boston terriers are farting machines, primarily if ammunition like this is provided. There is no way to save you and your family from the deadly gas that’s coming out of that small creature.

The essential thing in the food is protein content. Dogs need a tremendous amount of protein, so any foods you buy make sure it has ample protein to cater to the needs of your dog. The protein source could be wet or dry food or a mixture of both.

There is also confusion among enthusiasts about wet and dry food and which one is the best. This question has a highly variable answer depending on your dog.

If your dog prefers wet food, then go for it, and if it is going well with dry food, then keep it that way. The point is to provide as much comfort to your dog as you can, although some people prefer feeding this little man dry food because canned wet food tends to leave a bad breath.

How often your dog should be fed again is dependent on his intake and size. Generally, an adult should be fed twice per day; however, puppies, on the other hand, should be fed at least 3 to 4 times a day.

The size of this serving should be between 1 to 2 ¼ cups each day, this serving size is suitable for dogs over 10 pounds, but if your dog is smaller and weighs less than 10 pounds, then you may choose to serve him 1 cup. Just make sure whatever you feed your dog is per his allergies if he has any.

A table is shown below to make it easier for you.

Note: One cup of dry dog food is around 8 ounces (224 grams).

Exercise requirements

In light of their small size and moderate energy level, according to the American Kennel Club, Boston Terriers don’t need a lot of exercise. They do just fine in a small confined space.

Still, researchers and breeding specialists believe that exercise should be incorporated into their routine either in the form of walks or any other activity your dog enjoys.

30 to 60 minutes of exercise is needed per day for which, two brisk walks would be enough. If you are done with walks, then maybe take your dog swimming, play fetch or hide and seek whatever keeps him going.

Pet parents may be relieved by the fact that they don’t need a lot of exercise but some physical activity must be a part of their routine.

Training requirements

With their intelligence and natural enthusiasm, it is relatively easy to train these dogs. The trick is simple, be as kind as you can.

Try not to use any harsh punishments as they tend to get a little stubborn at times; thus consistency and affection are the keys to giving your Boston terrier comprehensive training.

As to what kind of training they would be needing is that it is crucial to train them the basic obedience, housebreaking, leash training, and socialization. Basic etiquettes such as sit, stop, come, and stay are the key things to train a dog for.

They respond well to clicker training and treats, but make sure that your dog doesn’t only respond to food. However, your dog may be a little more than frustrated during the housebreaking period.

Thus, you must pick out a good training schedule and follow it. A problem that many blue Boston Terriers have is unnecessarily digging.

This usually occurs when they are alone for a more extended time, so you must train them to be alone if you’re a busy owner.

Leash training is by far the easiest for Boston Terriers, their enthusiasm responds well to walking. All you need to be sure of is that you start training them at an early age. The key to the right training is always consistency, affection, and attention!

Cleaning and grooming needs

This dynamic creature, with its sleek coat, does require regular grooming and bathing. You can bathe them as frequently as every week for up to six weeks.

Before bathing your dog, you should blow-dry him to loosen any dirt and shed an excess coat of hair. You could also lightly brush him before the bath to lose any excess hair.

Now you are ready for the shower! Be sure to pick out the right products for your pet shower. What may suit the skin of one may not suit the other.

Also, pay more attention to the facial area while showering because the wrinkles tend to hold more bacteria than you can imagine.

Your little bundle of joy is low maintenance and does not have any specific needs. All he needs is your love and enjoyable playtime.

Pros and Cons of Blue Boston Terrier

Ranking at #21 out of the 190 purebred dogs in popularity, the Boston Terrier known as the “American Gentleman” has many pros and cons. You should be well aware of all the advantages and disadvantages before adopting this high-spirited dog.


  1. One of the most social breeds of dogs. They fit perfectly into a house with children and the elderly. Their charming personality and bouncy nature make them great house pets.

  2. They have a quiet and little to no barking temperament in the house. They don’t bark or yap at things; they will mostly be very calm in the sense that they won’t be making noise.

  3. They don’t require excessive grooming or shed a lot of hair in the house. But make sure that you pay attention to their nails so that they don’t end up injuring themselves. Other than that, you don’t have a lot to worry about.

  4. They remain on the small side and don’t become a problem for people with small apartments or houses.

  5. The overall health of a blue Boston Terrier is not affected by the physical problems that are associated with its skin. 


  1. These dogs have a sensitive digestive system, which means that special care has to be taken regarding what you are feeding the dog. They tend to become farting machines, and it would be close to impossible to bear the smell that comes out of them.

  2. Due to their big protruding eyes, they have a higher risk of eye injury. Short muzzles and big eyes put them at risk of damage when in contact with plants, thorns, or any other natural debris. Scratching of the cornea is very easily possible.

  3. The chirpy nature becomes a problem sometimes too. They eat literally anything and everything that comes into their mouth. This means that flatulence will be triggered even more. You have to be extra careful with the food lying around in your house. They love sugar and have a higher risk of developing canine diabetes.

  4. These dogs have a stubborn nature, so you have to be very careful with them. If you try to be harsh with them, they will become challenging to deal with, and you will make zero to no progress.

  5. The blue Boston Terrier is susceptible to many other diseases than the usual ones. This happens because they have a color dilution gene, which is the root cause of skin allergies and diseases.

Despite the negative impacts, many pet enthusiasts believe that these dogs are relatively easy to care for and very excited to raise them.

The drawbacks and positivities related to this breed of dog are the same regardless of their color because the physical appearance of the dog has no impact on setting its tone for the day.

Prices and Expenses

The unconditional love of a dog requires you to pay the price. On average, the Boston Terrier costs around $600-$1200. Some dogs that may not be purebred can be procured at a lower price.

Their food and treats can cost you around $200-$700 depending on the amount you feed them and the quality of the food you buy. Besides, sometimes you need a pet sitter for your dog if you plan on going somewhere that also puts an additional burden on the pet’s parent.

The veterinary cost can go as high as $1100. If you don’t have any prior experience with dogs, then you may also need extra cash for grooming.

This can be somewhere between $30-$500, again depending on the kind of services you want and the place you get them at.

Specifically, for the blue Boston Terrier, the cost spent on its medication and visits to the vet may increase due to inherited diseases associated with its color. The disorders will be discussed in much more detail later.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Blue Boston Terrier?

Buying a blue Boston Terrier isn’t as hard as it looks. If you look online, you can easily find people sailing it or giving up for adoption. People often search it on Pinterest as there are quite a few options for people to buy from.

There are few online farms where people take care of pets and sell them for some money. There is a famous site known as the American Kennel Club, which gives Boston Terriers in exchange for cash.

Dog Rescue Group, as well as Public Animal Shelters and Humane Societies, take up the Boston Terrier for adoption, and they also give it up for adoption too.

You can buy it from a show breeder. They usually breed the dogs and give them up for sale. The trick to buying a blue Boston Terrier is to be as vigilant as you can get.

There is plenty of scammers online who are always ready to trick you. So if you are a person who just can’t trust someone online, go to a pet store.

So, it will not be hard for you not to find it in the pet stores in your area. The most important thing to keep in mind while you are buying this dog is to be sure if the particular breed can or cannot sustain the living conditions that you are going to keep him.

A responsible professional breeder will give you a certificate of eye registry dated within a year and a certificate of orthopedic from the local institution of both of the parents of Boston Terrier that you are having.

Common Health Risks of Boston Terrier

Although the blue Boston Terrier breed dogs are active and energetic, there are few health conditions they are inclined to suffer from. The most evident of those are breathing problems and eye issues, but there are other genetic disorders as well.

Just like other small dogs, Boston Terrier is susceptible to bacterial and viral infections that include Provo, rabies, and distemper. But these infections are very much avoidable through proper vaccinations.

However, all of these conditions are common to Boston Terriers. The blue Boston Terrier, with its distinct color, has its own set of problems. Let us first discuss some of the problems your dog may face regardless of its color.

Here are some of the health conditions that your dog might get affected by; again, these risks might not infect your dog due to your area, the age of the dog, and other factors.

Breathing issues

The constant snoring, snorting, and usual trouble in the breathing of your dog may be a sign of trouble. Brachycephalic Syndrome is quite common among Boston Terriers.

This is caused by irregularity in the upper respiratory system, which results in resistance in the nose and larynx. Satanic nares, elongated soft palate, and everted laryngeal saccules are fewer problems, which are subclasses of this syndrome.

This is a genetic disease, but most common in dogs that have excessive overlying tissues. Don’t worry; there are many suitable treatments for it.

Usually, vets suggest giving medicine through food or advice to provide a healthy diet for the dog.

Obesity issues

This is a common dog problem, but very dangerous for a Boston Terrier. This mainly weakens the joints of the dog as well as causes metabolic, digestive, and heart diseases.

They are very much prone to food allergies; so, they require checking and balance of their daily intake. Common conditions include patent ductus arteriosus and mitral valve.

Orthopedic issues

This is a crucial health issue that the owner of Boston Terrier should be aware of. Patellar Luxation is the dislocation of the knee. If left untreated, it can result in severe problems like anterior cruciate ligament and Arthritis.

The usual symptoms are pain, limping, hindrance in the stretching of legs as well as laziness. You should consult a vet surgeon if you suspect any of the symptoms. Other diseases include hemivertebra and hip dysplasia.

Skin issues

Like humans, dogs get allergies too. But allergies affect their skin rather than sneezing. Skin allergies of Boston Terriers are called atopy. This can lead to pyoderma, demodectic mange, and mast cell tumors.

Usually, the skins, feet, and paws are infected. You can detect it if you see your dog having itchier than usual and also if they have frequent ear infections. There are many treatments available for this disease.

Additionally, Boston Terriers are prone to hair loss too. This causes their skin to dry.

Hearing issues

Your dog can move towards deafness if there is constant itching, bad smell coming from the ear, and unusual shaking of the head. The sooner you consult the doctor, the sooner your dog can be saved from deafness.

Eye issues

Boston Terriers have predisposed eye issues. As they grow older, there are more chances of blindness. But with proper care, it can be avoided.

A corneal ulcer can happen if there is prominent scratching in the eyes of the dog. This results in Corneal dystrophy, which can get very painful and can cause total blindness.

Cataracts are seen among older dogs when the eyes of the dog get cloudy. And it can also cause diabetes. The other eye diseases are cherry eye, dry eye, glaucoma, and entropion.

Health problems of blue Boston Terrier due to its color

Apart from these issues that a normal Boston Terrier may be facing the blue Boston Terrier due to its distinct color has some other problems.

The color that it has itself stems from a genetic mutation and poor breeding practices; thus, it’s highly unlikely that they won’t have any issues.

Blue Boston Terriers have what we call the “Blue Doberman Syndrome,” this is a medical condition among dog breeds that have a diluted coat. This diluted color gene is what adds to the problem.

It leads to a skin condition called Color Dilution Alopecia (CDA), which means that their hair will easily break, and they will lose a lot of hair either in the form of patches that become dry and itchy or an overall hair fall.

The dog may seem reasonable initially, but the symptoms may come to light after the first six months. Despite the name of the syndrome, this condition has been recognized in other breeds as well; hence it’s associated with almost all diluted colored dogs.

Now don’t let this be a reason you don’t bring these beautiful creatures to your house; despite a skin disease, they are in perfect health overall. All their issues may be skin-related, which will require management.

But you should be happy that even though the disease is not curable as it is a genetic disorder. It is relatively easy to maintain with the guidelines of a proper veterinarian.

However, be very careful when breeding blue Boston Terriers. Try not to do that because they carry a genetic disorder.

Final Thoughts

In the end, be mindful of all the pros and cons of this feisty creature and make sure that you can handle all the things that come with this dog.

Surely, if you get one, you’ll instantly fall in love with it; after all, having a pet is entirely about love and care. But the grooming needs may make your decision shift towards this breed.

Still, the critical thing to consider always is that if they will be easily able to fit in your house and adjust to your environment or not. But all that matters is if you are a pet lover, you are going to make it work against all the odds.

So, if you are ready to have a new family member in your home, then you are making the right choice by choosing a blue Boston Terrier. Happy petting to you all!

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