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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Black Wolf Dog: Everything You Need to Know (With Pictures)

The black wolf dog is truly a magnificent-looking canine. Their enigmatic charm can easily captivate any dog fancier. But, as captivating as they are, they are quite controversial too.

While some believe that black wolf dogs can make great pets, others argue that these canines can be unpredictable and their wild nature cannot be tamed.

If you are curious about the black wolf dog, keep reading until the end! In this guide, we’ll discuss all the essential information about this mix. Its temperament, color genetics, health, and more. Let’s begin!

What Is a Black Wolf Dog?

A black wolf dog is a black-coated canine that results from crossing a wolf with a domesticated dog such as a German Shepherd Dog, Siberian Husky, or Alaskan Malamute. Though magnificent-looking, this smart and active dog can be very challenging to own due to its specific pet care requirements.

Depending on its inherited dominant traits, a black wolf dog may either look and behave more like its canine parent or its wolf parent.

As such, a black wolf dog is said to be “high-content” if it acquires more of its wolf genes from its wolf parent. This means that its traits resemble more of a wolf than a dog.

On the other hand, a “low-content” black wolfdog is more like a domestic canine. These dogs are usually more manageable in terms of behavior and training as they are more eager to please and are less aggressive.

Meanwhile, a “mid-content” black wolfdog obtains roughly equal traits from its wolf and dog parents.

Owning a black wolf dog as a pet is a much-debated issue. It is even illegal to own one in certain areas of the United States. Because of this, careful research and preparation must be done if you plan to own one.

Black Wolf Dog Appearance

There are no specific standards when it comes to the appearance of a black wolf dog. These medium- to large-sized canines can vary in appearance depending on their inherited traits from their dog and wolf parents.

Generally, they tend to be wolf-like in appearance, having black, thick, double coats and long muzzles. They also have eyes that can be brown, green, or blue.

And as compared to wolves, their heads tend to be smaller, and they usually have larger pointy ears.

Meanwhile, black wolf dogs that adopt more wolf genetics tend to have longer teeth than dogs, allowing for deeper bites.

In addition, black wolf dogs may have dewclaws if they take after their dog parent. But if they are like their wolf parent, they won’t have this feature.

All in all, the appearance of a black wolf dog exudes a mystical, charming, and wild canine.

See a black wolf dog in action by watching the video below:

Getting A Wolfdog out of Bed in the Morning | SO CUTE! MUST WATCH!<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Getting A Wolfdog out of Bed in the Morning | SO CUTE! MUST WATCH!" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Black Wolf Dog Color Genetics

The solid black coat of the black wolf dog is due to its inherited dominant black gene called eumelanin.

This dominant black gene is responsible for producing black pigment over the entire body of the wolf dog and is expressed in the K locus of the dog’s genes.

And because this is a dominant color gene, it only needs one copy to manifest. As such, when a wolf or dog parent carries this dominant black gene, a black wolfdog offspring is produced.

Black Wolf Dog Temperament and Personality

The temperament of a black wolf dog can also vary depending on how much it takes from its wolf lineage.

These intelligent, loyal and active canines can be somewhat unpredictable in terms of how they behave due to their mixed lineage.

As the black wolf dog is a highly social canine, it needs constant companionship both from its owners and other canines.

But because they can be territorial, owners must carefully choose the right companions for them.

Interaction with children must always be supervised as they tend to have a high prey drive and will have the strong urge to chase anything small and moving.

They likewise need adequate physical and mental stimulation to be fit and to avoid destructive behaviors due to boredom.

Furthermore, this mixed breed is not a good choice for a guard dog as they are usually shy around other people and may even become stressed when meeting strangers.

Black wolf dogs are also very curious and are likely to wander if not securely enclosed in a safe place.

Meanwhile, potential owners must also be aware of the likelihood that they will experience winter wolf syndrome during the late fall and winter seasons.

When this happens, the hormonal changes in the black wolf dog may cause it to become more possessive, grumpy, or aggressive.

Overall, the temperament and personality of the black wolf dog require a highly-capable and dedicated owner who can properly handle and raise them. This is why a black wolf dog is not a pet for everyone.

Black Wolf Dog Lifespan and Health Issues

The black wolf dog has an average lifespan of 12 to 18 years. While they tend to live long, they are still susceptible to some illnesses similar to dogs and wolves.

Below are some of the health problems common in black wolf dogs:

  1. Elbow and Hip Dysplasia: Elbow and hip dysplasia are bone problems experienced by a black wolf dog wherein the abnormality in the bone growth in their joints causes pain and difficulty in movement.

  2. Canine Distemper: Canine distemper is a contagious illness caused by a virus that affects the respiratory, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems of the black wolfdog. Symptoms include eye and nasal discharge, fever, cough, weakness, and reduced appetite.

  3. Canine Parvovirus: Canine parvovirus is a contagious viral disease that initially attacks the tonsils and lymph nodes of canines, such as the black wolf dog. The infection travels to the intestines and also affects the heart. This disease can be fatal and may lead to death.

  4. Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that causes chronic cough, weakness, difficulty in breathing, fluctuating fever, and loss of appetite in affected black wolf dogs. This is a contagious disease that may be passed on to other animals and even humans.

  5. Skin Problems: Black wolf dogs can suffer from skin problems such as dry skin, dandruff, and mange. These diseases are usually symptoms of other underlying health problems that must be carefully examined and treated.

It is important to maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle for your pup to help ensure that they are in good health condition.

In addition, finding a good vet who is willing to treat and work with your black wolf hybrid is crucial.

How Much Does a Black Wolf Dog Cost?

The average price of a black hybrid wolf dog is between $1,000 and $3,000. Meanwhile, adoption fees for this mix range from $325 to $400.

Keeping a black hybrid wolf dog is a serious financial commitment as there are other expenses that are involved in owning one. For starters, there are items and procedures your pup needs once it arrives home.

The table below summarizes the initial expenses of the black wolf dog:

These amounts can serve as your guide as you financially prepare for your black wolf dog pup.

It is likely that your actual spending will differ from these amounts as your wolf dog will have its own unique needs and lifestyle.

Meanwhile, the average monthly expenses for a medium to large-sized pup are from $147 to $404. You need to fully consider these recurring expenses if you are intent on raising a black wolf dog as a pet.

You can also read our guides on the cost of a German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, and Alaskan Malamute as additional references in your budgeting.

Places to Find Black Wolf Dogs for Sale

If you are serious about getting a black wolf dog, you need to ensure that your area allows you to own one as a pet.

And before you begin to look for reputable breeders of a black wolfdog, it is best to start getting acquainted with one by volunteering at wolf dog sanctuaries like W.O.L.F. Sanctuary, Texas Wolfdog Project, and Full Moon Farm.

You can likewise join online communities and Facebook groups dedicated to this breed, like WolfdogZ, to further your knowledge about the black wolf dog and fully assess if you can be a good pet owner of one.

Which Dog Breeds Look Like a Black Wolf?

Black wolves are admired for their stunning beauty. This is one of the main reasons why they are crossed with dogs.

With that said, if you want to own a dog with features that greatly resemble a black wolf, you can look into getting one of these breeds that share the same stunning beauty as the black wolf.

Below are the dog breeds that look like a black wolf:

  1. Black Siberian Husky

  2. Black German Shepherd Dog

  3. Black Swedish Vallhund

  4. Shikoku

  5. Black Finnish Lapphund

  6. Black Akita

  7. Black & white Alaskan Malamute

  8. Black & white Yakutian Laika

  9. Black & Tan Shiba Inu

  10. Lycan Shepherd

  11. Blue Bay Shepherd

Remember to consider their temperament and personality as well in assessing if they are a good match for you and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Black Wolfdogs Legal to Own?

Black wolfdogs are illegal to own in several countries and areas in the United States, including Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, and Massachusetts.

It is also forbidden to own one in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, D.C., and Wyoming.

Some states allow ownership of black wolf dogs, given that owners obtain a permit and have their pets registered and vaccinated.

If you are planning to own one, contact your local government authorities to ensure that this kind of hybrid is allowed in your area.

Are Black Wolf Dogs Aggressive?

Black wolf dogs tend to dislike and fear being around new people and environments. When placed in unwanted situations like these, they become fearful and may resort to aggressive behavior.

In addition, black wolf dogs with high wolf content may experience aggressive tendencies during the late fall and winter seasons due to hormonal changes.

Are Black Wolf Dogs Good Pets?

Black wolf dogs can make good pets for dedicated and highly capable owners who can adequately provide the specific pet care they need.

Raising and training them can be quite challenging, but when done correctly, these intelligent and active canines will show their utmost loyalty and fiercely protect their loved ones.

Final Thoughts

The black wolf dog is indeed a beautiful and attractive mixed breed. With their combined wolf and dog lineage and distinct black coat, they exude a regal and mystical appeal.

Many are tempted to get one as a pet but owning one comes with great caution.

These canines have specific needs in terms of living conditions, companionship, training, and vet care. You must ensure that you have the time and resources needed to provide these.

Do you have experience with this unique black-coated dog? Tell us your thoughts about the black wolf dog in the comments below!

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