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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Black Cats With Blue Eyes: History, Genetics, Pictures & FAQs

Black cats with blue eyes are arguably some of the most alluring cats in the world. Their stealthy coat color and intense blue eyes are contrasting yet go so well.

If you want to learn more about these unique kitties, make sure to stick around!

In this guide, we’ll answer all the biggest questions surrounding these black blue-eyed cats. What cat breeds are black and have blue eyes?

Do black cats with blue eyes change their eye colors? How are they different from white cats with blue eyes?

These are some of the fun questions we’ll be talking about in this guide. Not just that! We’ll also explore the history and origin as well as the genetics of these eye-catching felines. Let’s get started!

Do Black Cats Have Blue Eyes?

Very few black cats have blue eyes. Instead of blue, the most common eye colors for black cats are shades of green or yellow. A solid black cat with blue eyes is one of the rarest gems in the cat world.

In reality, many breeds can have blue eyes and black coats. However, most of these cats are not entirely black. Some of these so-called “blue-eyed black cats” have coat colors like smoke or pointed with dark coloration.

A black and white cat can also be considered a blue-eyed black cat, especially if its coat has more black patches than white patches. This is also the case for black and tan cats and black and gray cats.

However, there is one cat breed known to have a solid black color and blue eyes — Ojos Azules. The Ojos Azules is a domestic breed discovered in 1984. In Spanish, the words “Ojos Azules” means blue eyes.

What Cat Breeds Are Black With Blue Eyes?

While the Ojos Azules is the only blue-eyed breed with truly black coats, other midnight moggies share a similar look. Most of these cats sport their blue feline eyes alongside two layers of coats with seal point patterns.

Among these cats are the Siamese, Balinese, Himalayan, Snowshoe, Birman, Javanese, Ragdoll, and Tonkinese. Let’s take a closer look at these mysterious-looking blue-eyed cats!

Ojos Azules Cat

We’ll start off with the original, the Ojos Azules. The Ojos Azules cat is a completely black cat with blue eyes.

Aside from its mesmerizing look, the Ojos Azules cat breed is known for its wits, loyalty, friendliness, and affectionate nature. Unlike the other cats on this list, the Ojos Azules carries a gene responsible for its solid black coat.

Siamese Cat

The Siamese is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. These cats have been alongside humans ever since the middle ages. Usually, Siamese cats have white fur, but this one’s different!

Other than its “smokey” fur color, the blue-eyed black Siamese shares most of its qualities with the rest of the Siamese breed. While this kitty is not entirely black, it sports an incredibly stealthy appearance.

Balinese Cat

Black Balinese cats with blue eyes are known for their beautiful long coats, pretty faces, and inquisitive nature. This cat is a fantastic companion that gets along with pretty much anyone!

The blue-eyed black Balinese does not carry a black coat color gene. Instead, this cat has a pale coat with pointed markings. This cat also has darker points on its face, chest, paws, and tail.

Himalayan Cat

Although predominantly greyish, the Himalayan is another breed that sports a stealthy coat and dark blue eyes. This cat breed is famous for its playful nature and affectionate personality.

Blue-eyed black Himalayan cats are one of the clingiest cats out there. These kitties share their clinginess with the Persian cat. Also, these kitties tend to be rambunctious when not given enough attention!

Snowshoe Cat

The Snowshoe cat is the cross between a Siamese and the American Shorthair. This cat adopts the vocal nature of its Siamese parent as well as its deep blue eyes.

Physically, the Snowshoe shares a similar build and head shape with Persian cats.

The difference between the Snowshoe and its parent breeds is that this cat can retain its beautiful blue eyes while having dark-colored points.

Interestingly, the Snowshoe got its name from its creamy white paws, which look like it’s been dipped in the snow!

Birman Cat

The Birman cat is a long-haired kitten that can have nearly black points and blue eye color. These cats are lovable, playful, sweet, and friendly.

The Birman breed is also known for being vocal, but they are not as vocal as the talkative Siamese.

The overall coloration of black Birman cats with blue eyes is similar to black Birmans. These blue-eyed cats also have pointed markings and patches of black on the face, chest, tail, and paws.

Javanese Cat

The black Javanese cat with blue eyes is another charmer in our books! This adorable cat has a triangular face shape, nearly black coat color, and a slightly pale pair of blue eyes.

This cat is known for its wits, athleticism, and trainability. Javanese cats share most of their traits with Siamese cats, Balinese cats, and other colorpoint breeds.

Ragdoll Cat

The fierce-looking Ragdoll in the photo above is a blue-eyed black Ragdoll cat. While its coat is not entirely black, it shares the same appearance as the other cats on this list.

Ragdolls are loyal cats that typically have blue, green, or gold eyes. This breed is famous for its gentle temperament, intelligence, and friendly nature.

Luckily, all these good traits are also true for black Ragdoll cats with blue eyes!

Tonkinese Cat

The Tonkinese is a medium-sized cat with short and silky hair. These cats are far cousins of Siamese cats and Burmese cats. Known for their loving nature and friendliness, Tonkineses love being around others!

The chocolate Tonkinese is the closest to a blue-eyed black cat in the Tonkinese family. This cat sports a seal-like coat color with darker markings on the face, ears, paws, and tail.

Black Cats With Blue Eyes History and Origin: What Breed Was the First Black Blue-Eyed Cat Discovered?

The Ojos Azules is the lone cat breed in the list of solid black cats with blue eyes. Unlike other “blue-eyed black cats,” which are not entirely black, the Ojos Azules cats are genuinely black.

In other words, Ojos Azules cats are the only ones that can have truly black coats and blue eyes! However, the pet community knows very little about this breed.

In fact, there is not a lot written about these mysterious kitties. Even the official breed standard for the Ojos Azules is impossible to find on the internet!

According to many, the first black cat with blue eyes was first discovered in New Mexico in 1984. This cat was named Cornflower.

Cornflower was a female tortoiseshell cat with a black coat and piercing blue eyes, which was uncommon for its kind. Because of its peculiar trait, Cornflower was bred to male cats.

To make this more interesting, breeders bred Cornflower with males that do not exhibit the blue eye trait.

Surprisingly, Cornflower’s blue eye genes proved to be dominant. Afterward, the breed was recognized and named Ojos Azules.

But how come the Ojos Azules breed is seemingly unheard of? Why is this breed not listed on adoption websites and cattery organizations? The answers to this are quite predictable.

Firstly, experts at the time were uncertain about what gene causes blue eyes in Ojos Azules. Initial findings were that this dominant trait is not linked to any other characteristics.

As a result, many breeders claim that the trait was a result of a spontaneous mutation. In effect, breeders became cautious in breeding Ojos Azules cats with other purebreds in fear of contaminating lineages.

Later, Ojos Azules cats were reportedly discovered in Australia. Interestingly, there were no Ojos Azules imported there! This further strengthened the hypothesis that the trait is indeed a result of spontaneous mutation.

In 1991, The International Cat Association (TICA) first recognized the Ojos Azules as a breed. However, only a few breeders continued their lineage. This is partly due to the complexity of breeding Ojos Azules.

Do Black Cats With Blue Eyes Stay Blue as They Age?

Newborn cats always have blue eyes. This blue color will change for many cats, but it will be retained for others. What about black kittens? Will a black cat’s eyes stay blue?

According to experts, the eye color of a cat is genetically linked to its coat color. And because the coat color of cats changes as they grow, their eye color also changes.

On most occasions, this is the case for black cats. Usually, black kittens born with blue eyes will grow up to have green eyes or yellow eyes. It is also possible for some black cats to have brown eyes or hazel eyes.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell if your kitten’s eye color will stay blue. Frankly, only time will tell if you will have a blue-eyed adult cat.

Changes in eye color start as early as one to two months. If your cat still retains a deep blue eye color by this time, then there’s a good chance it will grow up with blue eyes. Otherwise, you will see signs of green eyes or yellow eyes around this age.

It is worth mentioning that it is pretty rare for black kittens to retain their blue eyes. The reason behind this lies in the melanin production of black cats. One known effect of melanin production is a change in eye color.

This explains why having blue eyes is more common in a white cat. A white cat will produce very little melanin compared to a black cat. In effect, this helps white cats’ eyes retain their blue color.

Here’s an insightful video showing how a black cat changes its eye color:

The amazing colour changing kitten<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The amazing colour changing kitten" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

The Genetics Behind Black Cats With Blue Eyes

Genes play a significant role in the appearance of a cat. Feline color genetics dictate what coat color a cat will have.

Similarly, it is also responsible for determining whether a cat will have blue eyes, green eyes, or any other eye color.

However, experts believe that the link between the eye color and coat color of blue-eyed black cats is not as significant as we think.

Unlike white cats with blue eyes, black cats with blue eyes do not carry a gene that affects both eye color and coat color. Simply put, blue-eyed black cats get their trait from somewhere else.

This also means blue eyes in black cats are not associated with congenital deafness or vision problems, which is the case for other cats. So what causes their eyes to have a blue color?

For the most part, the blueness of the eyes of a black cat only depends on melanin.

Melanin is the result when the amino acid tyrosine mixes with oxygen in the melanocytes. These are genetic components that produce pigment in felines.

A newborn kitty secretes little to no melanin, which is why its eyes are blue. As the cat grows older, it will produce more melanin, which effectively changes its eye color. However, if the cat retains its melanin levels, it will also retain its eye color.

If you are looking for a black cat with blue eyes, your best bet is to find a cat with seal-point coloring. A seal point cat with blue eyes shares very similar looks to a black cat with blue eyes.

Some seal point cats produce more melanin than others, while some produce significantly less. That said, finding blue-eyed cats is usually a hit or miss.

However, things are pretty different in the case of the Ojos Azules. These cats carry either a homozygous or heterozygous gene responsible for their blue eyes and black coat. Many pet enthusiasts call this gene the “Ojos gene.”

Are Black Cats With Blue Eyes Rare?

Technically speaking, the only cats that have solid black coats and blue eyes are the Ojos Azules. This breed is an extremely rare breed to the point that there is little known about them.

In fact, if you look up these cats on pet adoption sites or sites that sell pets, you’ll hardly find any! There’s also a reasonable chance that many cat lovers haven’t even heard of this breed.

It is estimated that the total population of Ojos Azules is only within hundreds, if not fewer.

This has been the case with the Ojos Azules since its discovery in 1984. It is also worth noting that in 1992, there were only ten known Ojos Azules in existence.

One probable reason why these cats are incredibly scarce lies in their genetics. In the early days of breeding Ojos Azules, breeders discovered a gene curse, which was informally called the “Ojos gene.”

Furthermore, they discovered that when the Ojos gene is homozygous, the resulting litter of an Ojos Azules cat suffers from lethal congenital disabilities.

On the other hand, if the Ojos gene is heterozygous, the offspring are safe and healthy. As a result, breeders were forced to breed Ojos Azules with other cats that don’t have blue eyes.

This meant significantly reducing the chances of having black cats with blue eyes. As expected, this took a heavy toll on the population of the breed.

Another possible reason why this breed is scarce is that it is a fairly new breed. Like other established breeds, it may take decades for the Ojos Azules to fully be developed.

Other cats that share the same appearance as the Ojos Azules, such as seal point cats, are also pretty rare. Typically, these cats outgrow their blue eyes and develop green eyes or yellow eyes.

In the pet community, it is a known fact that blue eyes are more common in light-colored cats. For comparison, a 2015 study states that 5% of the total cat population is white, and only a portion is blue-eyed.

It is estimated that the population of blue-eyed black cats is far lower than these statistics. Simply, these cats likely comprise less than 5% of the cat population.

Are Black Cats With Blue Eyes Healthy Felines?

In terms of health, black cats with blue eyes are relatively healthy. The majority of their health depends on their breed rather than their coat or eye color. In fact, there is no known link between color and health in these cats.

Unlike white cats with blue eyes, black cats with blue eyes are not deaf. That means these cats do not have the gene responsible for a cat’s deafness.

That said, there are a couple of conditions that may shorten the life of a blue-eyed black cat. Some of these include cancers, feline obesity, ringworms, and diabetes.

If there’s anything you need to worry about with blue-eyed black cats, that would be skin and coat health. Since these cats have dark coats, fleas and ticks may be harder to spot.

Furthermore, still related to health, if you decide on getting an Ojos Azules, remember only to breed it under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Ojos Azules can give birth to deformed or dead kittens if it is not paired with a suitable partner.

Keep in mind that Ojos Azules cats do not bear the same gene as other black cats. Therefore, breeding them requires utmost care.

Places to Find Black Kittens With Blue Eyes for Sale or Adoption

Blue-eyed black cats are simply stunning, and we understand if you want to own one right away! For that reason, we have summed up some of the best places to find black cats with blue eyes.

The breeders and rescues listed here have long track records and top-notch customer feedback. Make sure to check these out before looking elsewhere!

Here are some breeders where you can find black cats with blue eyes for sale:

  1. Kittens Up – Kittens Up 4 Sale or simply “Kittens Up” is a home-based cattery specializing in breeding and selling luxury cat breeds. They have been in the cat industry since 2017 and have served hundreds of customers since then. Occasionally, this breeder lists some blue-eyed black cats on their site.

  2. Rock Creek Ranch Ragdolls – If the Ragdoll is the black kitten you are eyeing, this breeder is the one to check out. With hundreds of positive feedbacks from customers, Rock Creek Ranch Ragdolls is among the best. However, black Ragdolls are seldom in their listings, so stay alert!

  3. Pets4You – Pets4You is a website where breeders advertise their cats for sale. Because every breeder on this site is verified, this is a great source to find a black kitten. One handy tip when using Pets4You is to look for cat breeds you want, then look for black cats with blue eyes from there.

As always, when buying or adopting a pet, make sure that they are healthy. Ask for health guarantees, medical clearances, and vaccination records. Paying a fortune for a sickly cat is the last thing you would want!

If you think adoption is the better option for you, here are some places where you can find blue-eyed black cats:

  1. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) – ASPCA is a humane society based in North America. Since its establishment in 1866, ASPCA has rehomed countless unwanted animals. You may use their local shelter browser to find cat rescues near your area.

  2. Purebreds Plus – Purebreds Plus cat rescue is an all-volunteer organization that aims to rehabilitate purebred cats. Among their usual fostered cats are Birmans, Himalayans, Siameses, and Ragdolls. You can try giving them a call; they might be fostering some blue-eyed black cats!

  3. Adopt-a-Pet – Adopt-a-Pet is a popular pet adoption website. This service partners with thousands of rescues and shelters to make adoption more accessible to everyone. Using their service is relatively easy as well. You’ll get a couple of search filters that will make finding a blue-eyed black cat easier.

If none of these sources worked out for you, you could try outsourcing to other cat owners. More often than not, there are public Facebook groups and Reddit communities that share specific interests, such as pets.

You can try joining these groups and reading helpful posts. Alternatively, you can also ask other members who may have blue-eyed black cats!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Tell If a Kitten’s Eyes Will Stay Blue?

You can tell if a kitten’s eyes will stay blue once it reaches three to four months old.

At around this time, most kittens’ eyes have already reached their full-grown state. If your cat’s eyes are still blue at this age, then they will probably remain blue.

On the other hand, if you can notice some discoloration around this age, your cat’s eye color will probably change.

If this is the case, then your cat will most likely have green or yellow eyes. There’s also a chance that it will develop copper eyes.

What Color Eyes Do Black Cats Usually Have?

The common eye colors for black cats are green, yellow, and orange. Most cats have eye colors that are variants of these three main colors. Among these three eye colors, green and its shades are the most usual.

On the flip side, some rare eye colors in cats are hazel eyes, copper eyes, and orange eyes.

How Rare Is a Solid Black Cat With Blue Eyes?

The only breed known to have a solid black coat and blue eyes is the Ojos Azules. In 1992, there were only ten of these cats known in existence. Nowadays, there are about a few hundred of them in select catteries.

Needless to say, Ojos Azules is a very rare breed. These cats are hard to get a hold of and can cost thousands of dollars.

Final Thoughts: Is a Black Cat With Blue Eyes the Right Feline for You?

Blue-eyed black cats are undeniably majestic creatures. The contrast between their coat color and eye color makes them absolute charmers!

Aside from that, most blue-eyed black cats are friendly, intelligent, trainable, and loyal.

The only downside of getting a black cat with blue eyes is that they can be hard to find, especially if you want a solid black cat. However, once you get a hold of one, you’ll surely enjoy its company!

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