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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Basset Hound Weight: Growth Curve and Average Weights

Basset Hounds make for good pets because they are friendly, affectionate, and easygoing dogs who get along well with people and other animals. But because they are easygoing, it’s easy for them to gain weight.

The Basset Hound typically weighs 40 to 65 pounds. On average, adult male Basset Hounds weigh 54 to 65 pounds, while females weigh 48 to 59 pounds. Basset Hounds reach their full weight between 16 and 18 months, but they are only considered fully grown at about two years old.

Though this data is just an average, it can serve as a guide to help you know whether your pup needs to lose or gain weight. On the other hand, if you’re thinking of owning a Basset Hound, stick around so you’ll know what to expect!

Basset Hound Typical Growth Curve (Weight vs. Age)

The growth curve is important because it gives us an idea of how much our Basset Hounds should weigh by a certain age. Since Bassets gain weight easily, it also gives pet owners peace of mind to have a basis for a healthy weight.

Below is the ideal growth curve for Basset Hounds:

As the table shows, a Basset Hound’s weight can vary quite a bit at a certain age, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a healthy weight!

As long as your pup’s weight falls within the breed’s ideal weight range, you won’t need to worry about getting your Basset Hound to lose or gain weight.

At What Age Do Basset Hounds Stop Growing?

Like many breeds, Basset Hounds reach their full height before they get to their full size. This is why they are considered to be fully grown at about two years old.

Basset Hounds are bulky and have compact muscles, which is why it takes them longer than other breeds to reach their full growth. As I’ve previously mentioned, because Basset Hounds have an easygoing nature, lack of exercise or improper diet can easily lead to obesity.

As a pet owner, you’ll be responsible for finding the right balance that your pup needs. But don’t worry, your vet can help you with that!

Length and Height of a Basset Hound

Although Basset Hounds are only considered fully grown at about two years old, they reach their full height when they are 16 to 18 months old. Bassets can grow up to 15 inches in height.

The Basset Hound’s average length ranges from 26 to 35 inches. Just as they are slightly larger and heavier, male Bassets are also slightly longer than females.

Male Bassets’ average length typically measures between 28 and 35 inches, while females average between 26 and 32 inches.

Bassets have short legs and long bodies, which gives them a sort of rectangular appearance. Because they have short legs and are heavy-boned, Basset Hounds often do not make good swimmers.

Obese and Overgrown Basset Hounds

Bassets are prone to obesity, which is why it’s important to be extra careful with their diet and exercise even as puppies. No matter how cute your pup may look as he begs for table scraps or treats, it’s important not to give in as it’s ultimately for his own good.

In 2018, a survey by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) showed that an estimated 56% of dogs in the United States were overweight or obese.

Obesity shortens a dog’s life, and it makes them more prone to developing diseases. Even a few extra pounds can mean two years off of your dog’s life expectancy.

Overweight and obese dogs are also more prone to injury and are at a higher risk during surgery. For Bassetts, any excess weight can cause problems on their spine and joints because their small bodies can’t take the extra weight.

Here are some of the reasons why you should keep a close eye on your Basset’s weight:

  1. Diabetes Mellitus: This occurs when a dog’s body can no longer produce enough insulin, which is needed to process sugar, fat, and protein from the Basset’s diet into energy. In addition, Diabetes Mellitus often leads to other health problems.

  2. Osteoarthritis: Although osteoarthritis is a common problem in dogs, overweight or obese dogs are more at risk of it. Also known as Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), osteoarthritis causes pain when moving, inflammation, decreased range of motion, as well as the development of bone spurs.

  3. Hypertension: Hypertension is rare in dogs, but being overweight or obese are two of its main causes. Untreated hypertension could lead to heart attacks, and in the worst cases, even death.

  4. Urinary Bladder Stones: Also known as uroliths, urinary bladder stones are a relatively common problem for male and female dogs. Bladder stones can become a life-threatening problem for all dogs because they can block the flow of urine from the bladder.

How to Tell If Your Basset Hound Is Overweight or Underweight?

As a Basset owner, it’s normal to worry about whether your dog is overweight, underweight, or weighs just right.

To find out how you can tell whether your Basset is normal, overweight, or underweight, take a look at the detailed summaries I’ve included below!

Underweight Basset Hound

Although Bassets are prone to obesity, that doesn’t mean they can’t be underweight. The most common cause of being underweight is a poor diet. Just like overweight dogs, being underweight can lead to other health problems.

Once adults, Basset Hounds should be fed 1.5 to 2.5 cups of premium quality dry kibble, split into at least two meals per day.

Although exercise along with keeping an eye on your dog’s diet is important, it’s also imperative not to over-exercise your Basset, especially while they are still a puppy. Over-exercise of puppies can lead to stunted growth.

Some signs that your Basset is underweight are:

  1. Ribs are visible or are bony to the touch.

  2. Lower backbone or pelvic bone looks as if it’s protruding.

  3. When looking down at your dog, the curve from your dog’s hips to ribs is prominent.

  4. Dog looks bony.

Although these are tests that you can do at home to see if your dog is underweight, these are only signs that you should be worried about. A visit to the veterinarian can give you a proper diagnosis as well as steps to help your dog gain weight safely.

Ideal Weight Basset Hound

To know whether your Basset has an ideal weight, you will need to use a weighing scale. By comparing your dog’s weight and age with the growth curve I provided above, you can easily find out whether your Basset is of the ideal weight!

Other signs that show your dog has a healthy weight are:

  1. You can feel their ribs and count them fairly easily.

  2. From the side or from above, you should be able to see a clear tuck in at the belly.

  3. You should also be able to feel the length of their spine fairly easily.

With the help of your veterinarian, achieving your dog’s ideal weight shouldn’t be a problem. Following your vet’s advice as well as giving your dog premium kibble and proper exercise are a few simple steps that will bring your pup closer to the ideal weight.

Overweight Basset Hound

With all of the health problems that being overweight or obese can cause, there’s no reason you shouldn’t learn how to look for signs that your Basset may be gaining too many pounds.

Although weighing your dog is the easiest way to know whether he is overweight or obese, here are some other signs that your Basset may need to lose a few pounds:

  1. Ribs can’t be felt because of excess fat.

  2. Fat deposits over the neck, limbs, and backbone can be seen.

  3. When viewed from above or from the side, there is an obvious abdominal distention.

Other signs that your dog may be overweight are:

  1. Your pup plays less than it used to.

  2. Your dog has difficulty breathing.

  3. They struggle to get up or carry their weight.

Spayed or neutered Basset Hounds have an increased risk of becoming overweight or obese. As your dog ages, the risk of obesity also increases so always keep track of your dog’s weight!

Overweight Basset Hound: How to Help Your Basset Hound Lose Weight?

As a veterinarian would tell you, there are many ways to help your pup lose weight. To make things easier for you, here are some tips that I’ve applied myself:

Feed your pup quality dog food

To help your Basset lose weight, you will need to restrict your dog’s calorie intake while meeting its nutritional needs.

Before getting a pack of dog food from the grocery store rack, first, take a look at the dog food labels on the back. Look for kibble rich in protein that has nutrients like fiber but does not contain a lot of grains or fillers, such as corn or wheat.

There are many types of dog food, and some will help your dog lose weight faster.

One example is high-fiber food, which will be good for your pup. Because a high-fiber meal gives a feeling of fullness, it will ultimately lead to a lower calorie intake.

Control your Basset Hound’s food access

If you don’t have a feeding schedule yet, it’s time to make one.

Feed your pup at specific times every day and leave the food out for only 20 minutes. After the time has passed, take away any uneaten food. This is to discourage your Basset from eating whenever it wants to.

Instead of giving your dog one big meal per day, it’s best to feed him two to four small meals, depending on how old your dog is. This helps in burning calories as well as curbing hunger.

Engage your Basset in fat-burning activities

Of course, the main way you can help your dog lose weight is through exercise. Not only is it great for losing weight, but it also helps speed up your dog’s metabolism.

Walking and hiking are two ways you can help your dog lose weight. However, thinking of fun, fat-burning activities for your dog will keep him engaged longer, which will lead to him losing more weight faster.

One way is to play outside with your dog. Playing fetch, chasing your pup around, and playing hide-and-seek are just some fun ways you can keep your dog engaged.

Underweight Basset Hound: How to Help Your Basset Hound Gain Weight?

If your dog is too skinny or too light, there’s no need for you to panic just yet! Below are some tips to help your Basset Hound gain weight.

Choose a higher calorie food

If your dog isn’t highly active and can usually be found lounging around your house, feeding him food for canine athletes which is high in calories and protein will help him gain weight quicker.

Before you settle on which kibble to feed your pup, first consult your vet and ask for the premium quality dog food that’s best for your dog’s needs.

Add snacks to your dog’s diet

Supplemental foods made with meat are best given to your dog as snacks because they’re high in fat and protein. These are often canned and come with a label that says for supplemental feeding only.

You might also want to consider talking to your vet about adding vitamins or giving supplements to help keep your dog healthy.

Arrange a new feeding schedule

One weight-gaining method is to feed your dog three to four small meals throughout the day. By feeding your dog small meals, you’ll ensure that he will be intaking nutrients throughout the day.

On the other hand, if your dog is used to eating two meals a day, you don’t need to follow a new feeding schedule. Instead, opt to feed your dog a smaller portion in the morning and a larger portion at night.

This way, your dog will store fat in his sleep instead of burning energy throughout the day.

Tips for Weighing and Measuring Your Basset Hound

Now that you know what your Basset Hound should weigh, you’ll need to know how to properly weigh and measure your pup. Here’s a short, detailed guide on how to do so!

Weighing Tips

There are two ways for you to weigh your Basset Hound at home. The first method is possible only if your dog can sit or stay still on a bathroom scale. If your dog can do so, simply record its body mass, and you’re done!

However, if your pup can’t stay still long enough for you to record its body mass on a bathroom scale, here’s what you should do:

  1. Weigh yourself and record your weight.

  2. Carry your dog, step on the scale, and record that weight.

  3. Subtract your weight from when you were holding your Basset Hound.

Here’s a video you can watch to see a demonstration of both methods:

How to weigh your dog<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How to weigh your dog" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Measuring Tips

All you’ll need to measure your Basset Hound is a soft tape measure. You will need to measure five lengths on your dog’s body, so be sure to prepare a piece of paper to write your pup’s measurements on!

Here are the five body parts and how you can measure them:

  1. Topline or back: As your dog stands on all fours, measure along the top of his spine starting from the base of his neck to the base of his tail.

  2. Chest: Again, as your dog stands on all fours, measure around the largest part of his rib cage, which is usually just behind the front legs.

  3. Neck: Measure around your dog’s neck usually where the collar sits.

  4. Side Length: Starting at the center of your dog’s chest, measure along the side of the body to its tail.

  5. Height: Make your dog stand straight on all fours and measure from the top of its shoulders to its feet.

Here’s a video demonstrating how you should measure your dog at home:

How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="How To Measure The Size Of Your Dog" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Commonly Asked Questions

Can You Weigh Your Basset Hound on a Human Scale?

The short answer to this question would be yes, but the long answer would be that it depends on the dog.

Aside from your Basset needing to be small enough to fit on a human scale, he will also need to stay still enough until you can record his body weight. If your Basset can do so, then you can weigh your pup on a human scale.

How to Determine Your Basset Hound’s Ideal Weight?

The growth curve above will help in determining your Basset Hound’s ideal weight. Consider your pup’s age and look for the ideal weight range on the growth curve.

Another way to determine your Basset’s ideal weight is by calculating his Body Condition Score (CBS), a tool used to measure a dog’s lean muscle and fat.

At What Age Is a Basset Hound No Longer a Puppy?

Although Basset Hounds reach their full height when they are between 16 and 18 months old, they are considered to be fully grown at around two years old. This is because Bassets reach their full height before they reach their full size.

Does Neutering or Spaying Affect the Growth and Development of a Basset Hound?

Yes, spaying or neutering affects the growth and development of Basset Hounds, but the effect depends. If you have your pups neutered before they are 12 months old, there will be health concerns to be wary of.

Final Thoughts

Although I prepared this guide to save you time and effort from researching, remember that the best way to know your pup’s ideal weight is to consult a vet.

Aside from letting you know your pup’s ideal weight, your vet can also give you tips for your Basset’s diet and exercise, which will ensure that your dog maintains a healthy weight and stays healthy.

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