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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Australian Goldendoodle: Are They Really 100% Hypoallergenic?

Designer dog breeders are becoming more and more experimental throughout the years. We now see Bospins, Pithuahua, Whoodles, Cocker-Pei, and many other crosses being marketed alongside purebred puppies.

In Australia, another hybrid is quickly winning the hearts of many pet owners due to their non-shedding coat and stable temperament. They are called the Australian Goldendoodle!

If you want to learn what breeds were crossed in order to achieve this puppy, keep your eyes glued to this article. I’ll be sharing essential facts about this crossbreed as well as where to buy them for a reasonable price.

What Is an Australian Goldendoodle?

An Australian Goldendoodle or Double Doodle is a mix of an Australian Labradoodle and an English Goldendoodle. They are often mistaken as an Australian Shepherd and Goldendoodle mix because of their name but many breeders have clarified that this isn’t the case.

Ideally, first-generation (F1) crosses of the parents are mated together to produce them.

Let’s deconstruct their parents a bit more to understand what breeds comprise their whole genetic makeup.

Australian Labradoodles are not typical Labradoodles because they have more than just Labrador and Poodle blood.

They were bred primarily with American and English Cocker Spaniels to achieve a non-shedding coat, but many breeders claim that there are also other dogs used to produce this cross.

On the other hand, English Goldendoodles are bred through mating English Creme Golden Retrievers to ordinary Poodles. They turned out to be very sweet-natured and goofy which a lot of pet owners desire.

Watch this video to learn more about the Australian Goldendoodle’s parent breeds:

Labradoodle vs Goldendoodle - Which Breed Is Better?<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Labradoodle vs Goldendoodle - Which Breed Is Better?" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Since the two breeds I have mentioned serve as the parents of Australian Goldendoodles, we can say that they are a combination of multiple purebreds and crosses.

This manifests in their appearance which is described in detail below:

  1. They look similar to the Goldendoodle although they are a bit thicker in stature.

  2. Their skulls are broad and round.

  3. Their eyes are often brown, but some exhibit blue and green eyes.

  4. They have long muzzles and their nose is either black or brown.

  5. They have a silky, wavy coat that is messy-looking.

Here are some examples of how they look like:

Red Australian Goldendoodle

White Australian Goldendoodle

Merle Australian Goldendoodle

How Big Do Australian Goldendoodles Get When Fully Grown?

Australian Goldendoodles come in three sizes: mini, medium, and standard. The specifications of their height and body mass are presented in the table below:

There are only a few breeders who specialize in all three sizes. You will really put on work in case the breeder near your area doesn’t have the size you desire.

Australian Goldendoodle vs. Regular Goldendoodle: What’s the Difference?

As mentioned in one of the former sections, Australian Goldendoodles are produced through mating English Goldendoodles to Australian Labradoodles.

They got their other name, which is Double Doodle, in reference to the fact that their parent breeds are both Poodle mixes.

In addition, Australian Goldendoodles are a combination of multiple breeds, unlike regular Goldendoodles which only came from crossing a purebred Golden Retriever to a Poodle. The ancestry of Australian Goldendoodles is way more diverse than their regular counterparts.

Differences Between an Australian Labradoodle and an Australian Goldendoodle

For a pet novice, the difference between an Australian Labradoodle and an Australian Goldendoodle may be quite confusing. But to sum it up, one is the product of the other.

Australian Labradoodles have six parent breeds. Yes, you read it right! The six breeds I’m talking about are:

  1. Poodle

  2. Labrador

  3. American Cocker Spaniel

  4. English Cocker Spaniel

  5. Irish Water Spaniel

  6. Curly Coat Retriever

Since they are a lot of generations away from Labradors, they became non-shedding and very much suitable for people with allergies. This is also their main feature that attracts many pet owners.

When an Australian Labradoodle is crossed with an English Goldendoodle, the offspring will be the Australian Goldendoodle. So you see, they aren’t essentially the same breed, but one is responsible for the creation of the other.

The Process of Breeding Australian Goldendoodles

In producing Australian Goldendoodles, breeders usually choose to mate F1 dogs. By this, I mean that the Australian Labradoodle and English Goldendoodle that they use for breeding are first-generation crosses.

This is done in order to preserve the “hybrid vigor” of the F1 Australian Goldendoodles.

What is hybrid vigor, you ask. Well, this is a phenomenon wherein the offspring of two hybrids are healthier and better than their parents. This can only be achieved if the breeder ensured that the parents used are F1.

On another note, if you decide to buy a puppy from a professional breeder, you won’t only get a healthy crossbreed but also a genetically diverse puppy. They screen potential breeding stocks for specific characteristics they want to see in their dogs.

Aside from the F1 puppies, there are also F1B Australian Goldendoodles, another great option if you want one of these hybrids. They are called F1B because they were bred back to one of their parent breeds which are the Goldendoodle, Poodle, or Australian Labradoodle.

If the Australian Goldendoodle is bred back to a Golden Retriever instead, it can no longer be called an F1B, but an F1 Australian Goldendoodle Retriever. That is for another discussion, so let me just end this here.

Australian Goldendoodle Temperament: Do They Make Good Family Pets?

The temperament of most crosses is not that definite because each of the breeding stock used may present unique behaviors.

However, we can still look at the disposition of the parents that were used to create them since they will most probably influence how the Australian Goldendoodle behaves.

Puppies with a more dominant Australian Labradoodle genetic makeup manifest the following:

  1. They are very loyal to their owners.

  2. They are friendly puppies and they aren’t aggressive towards strangers.

  3. They are happy-go-lucky dogs.

  4. They are curious and active when it comes to a number of activities.

  5. They get along well with small children and other animals when they are socialized early.

  6. They are sometimes tricky and clever.

  7. They show so much affection to their family, which means that they can even be therapy dogs.

If your Australian Goldendoodle has a dominant English Goldendoodle gene, they will most probably exhibit the following traits:

  1. They are perfect for novice pet owners since they are very adaptable.

  2. They are easygoing and they are easy to train.

  3. They love pleasing their owner as well as other people.

  4. They do not like being alone for a long time because they become destructive.

  5. They are affectionate to practically everyone.

  6. They are mellow or laid back, so you won’t have a hard time dealing with them.

Again, all these traits are seen on Australian Goldendoodles only when they are given proper training or socialization. Ensure that right after bringing them home, you start a suitable training program for them to thrive inside your household.

Australian Goldendoodle Lifespan and Health Issues

According to a number of breeders and pet owners I’m associated with, the actual lifespan of an Australian Goldendoodle is between 10 to 15 years. But who knows, maybe your puppy can outlive even the oldest dog alive!

Make sure that they are properly taken care of by providing their basic and most essential needs. Also, bring them to a trusted veterinarian if you notice something different about them. This may be a sign of certain diseases and should be prevented immediately so they can live a longer life.

Here are the common health issues of Australian Goldendoodles that you should watch out for:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: This developmental disease is found in most dogs, not only in Australian Goldendoodles. Basically, the dog’s hip joint does not fit which causes limping, bunny hopping, and lameness.

  2. Cataracts: You can identify that your dog has cataracts when their eyes become opaque, leading to blocked vision and eventually complete blindness.

  3. Patellar Luxation: There are instances where the patella of a dog dislocates and causes difficulty in extending the knee joint. This can lead to lameness if not treated early.

  4. Addison’s Disease: This condition is also called hypoadrenocorticism and is caused by destruction in a dog’s adrenal tissue. Some of the signs of this disease are vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, increased urination, and shaking episodes.

  5. Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis: This is a congenital heart defect that obstructs the blood flowing out of a dog’s heart. The area under the aortic valve narrows, affecting the blood flow and leads to breathing difficulty, fainting, or in extreme cases, death.

How to Care for Your Australian Goldendoodle’s Basic Needs?

The moment you bring home an Australian Goldendoodle, you are also accepting a challenging but rewarding responsibility. To take care of them, consider my tips and advice below.

Food and Diet

If you scour the internet for an Australian Goldendoodle’s suggested food intake, you’ll probably reach a dead end. But remember that the nutritional need of each dog varies depending on its size.

You should have them weighed by a veterinarian and ask for advice regarding what they are allowed to eat.

Generally, Australian Goldendoodles can be fed commercial dog food and homemade food. Since they are hybrids, you should choose nutritious food and feed them three to four times a day. Again, this will still depend on what the vet will advise.

In terms of homemade diet plans, there are many recipes you can watch and copy on youtube that will provide the energy requirements of your dog. Just don’t skip researching what they aren’t allowed to eat so you won’t have any problem.

Training and Exercise

It might surprise you that Australian Goldendoodles are intelligent hybrids. They can easily pick up simple tricks because they are extreme people pleasers. Start them early with this training so they’ll grow to be perfect family pets.

In terms of their exercise needs, they love highly stimulating environments since they are energetic and active. They love playing flyball and fetch with their families, so you’ll surely enjoy their company. Besides, they can also play some water games thanks to their Poodle gene.

If you are worried that they won’t be able to live in an urban area because of their activeness, you are wrong. They can live in both rural and urban areas as long as there is enough space for them to run and play.

Cleaning and Grooming

Many pet owners these days are able to clean and groom their own pets. They rarely bring their Australian Goldendoodles to a professional groomer because they have studied and succeeded in doing everything that needs to be done in just a home setup.

I highly applaud these types of owners, but I still would suggest bringing your dog to the vet a couple of times a year since there are some little details about pet grooming that you may have missed.

Generally, Australian Goldendoodles need brushing several times a week using a slicker brush to prevent mats and tangles. They would also need to be trimmed every eight weeks for them to look more presentable.

The fur around their eyes, ears, and footpads should be the priority because these areas help them to function well.

Aside from these, their ears should be monitored for possible infections especially if they love to swim. Teeth cleaning is also necessary to avoid any dental-related diseases.

How Much Is an Australian Goldendoodle? Puppy Prices and Expenses

Australian Goldendoodles aren’t cheap. You can’t buy them for a few hundred dollars since producing them requires careful breeding practice.

Usually, they cost around $3,500, non-inclusive of the sales tax and shipping fee. Breeders also ask for at least a $500 deposit or reservation payment.

Aside from these initial expenses, there are some items that you need to buy in order to take care of your Australian Goldendoodle. They are presented in the table below along with their individual cost.

Places to Find Australian Goldendoodle for Sale and Adoption

Here are some of the places to check out if you want an Australian Goldendoodle Puppy:

  1. Natural Goldendoodle and Bernedoodle Puppies – This kennel located at the base of Wasatch Mountains in Utah Valley, Colorado, is an amazing source of Australian Goldendoodles and their Bernedoodle cousins for $3,400.

  2. Sierra Springs Australian Doodles – All the dogs from this breeder underwent genetic testing so you are assured that they only offer the best quality puppies for $3,500.

  3. Swissridge Kennels – This kennel was established in 2004 in Ontario, Canada and boasted of its state-of-the-art breeding facility.

Adopting a puppy is a much better option than spending thousands of dollars on buying one. Visit these rescues if you are interested in adopting:

  1. Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue – Although this rescue is mainly focused on saving Golden Retrievers, they also started saving Goldendoodles and Labradoodles in 2012.

  2. IDOG Rescue – This is a non-profit rescue created in 2006 that saves and fosters Labradoodles and Goldendoodles.

  3. Doodle Rock Rescue – This is based in Dallas, Texas and has been rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming dogs since 2017.

Commonly Asked Questions

Do Australian Goldendoodles Shed?

Australian Goldendoodles are specially developed as a non-shedding dog. You don’t have to worry that they will leave lumps of hair on your couch or on your carpet since they aren’t heavy shedders, unlike Labrador Retrievers.

Are Australian Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic?

I cannot directly say that Australian Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic because all breeds can potentially cause allergies.

However, some dogs rarely cause allergic reactions because of their coat type and shedding tendencies. Luckily, Australian Goldendoodles are one of them.

Are Australian Goldendoodles Heat and Cold Tolerant?

No. Australian Goldendoodles aren’t heat-tolerant because of their wool-like coat. That’s why if possible, try to shave them during summer or put them in an area inside your house where cool air enters.

Final Thoughts: Is the Australian Goldendoodle Right for You?

If this is the first time you have read about Australian Goldendoodles, congratulations! You are now more knowledgeable than half the world’s population!

Kidding aside, I hope that you consider this hybrid if you are looking for a pet companion. They are a joy to own because they are extremely sweet, affectionate, and smart. Plus, they won’t give you too much headache in vacuuming your carpet or cleaning your couch because they do not shed.

Once you have decided that they are the perfect pet for you, go back to the list of breeders above and give them a call. Good luck on your pet journey!

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