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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Aussiepoo: Is This Canine Genius Right For You? (With Pictures)

Fluffy dog breeds are often preferred by families with infants or small kids because they have a generally lesser tendency to be aggressive, and they are perfect for snuggling.

Aside from Shih Tzu, Pomeranian, and Chow Chow, which usually top the list of fluffy dog companions, another teddy looking dog is winning the hearts of pet owners these days, and it is none other than the loving Aussiepoo.

The Aussiepoo is a mixed breed dog that was created by crossing an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle. They go by many names, but the most notable are Aussiepoo, Aussiedoodle, and Miniature Aussiepoo. Some breeders and pet owners call them the canine Einstein because they are really smart.

If you want to learn more about this adorable dog, you came to the right page! I’m going to tell you every single thing you need to know about Aussiepoos that will help you decide whether they’re fit to be your next dog buddy.

6 Interesting Facts About the Aussiepoo (Australian Shepherd/ Poodle Mix)

You know that Aussiepoos are perfect for snuggling, right? But what other characteristics do they have that would make you even fall in love with them?

Well, here are some interesting facts about the Aussiepoos that I think you should know:

Aussiepoos love working

The two origin breeds of Aussiepoos are brilliant dogs. The Australian Shepherds are known herders, and they are also often chosen in search and rescue.

Meanwhile, Poodles are traditionally water retrievers. This inclination towards working is also manifested by the Aussiepoos. They love being given tasks, and they work hard to please their owners.

They are excellent therapy dogs

Since Aussiepoos can easily get along with humans, they are one of the best choices for therapy dogs. They can also act as emotional support because they have a pretty balanced temperament.

They like swimming

You won’t have to leave behind your Aussiepoo if you are going on a beach trip because they love swimming. In fact, if you ever bring them to any body of water, they might show off their Olympic skill.

If in case, you are not living near a coastal area, letting your Aussiepoo play with your garden hose or sprinkler will bring them a lot of fun.

They look like stuffed animals

Aussiepoos are known for their soft long hair. They also do not shed much, which makes them fluffier than most dogs.

Many owners compare Aussiepoos to stuffed animals because of these characteristics, and I wouldn’t argue because their origin breeds have the same quality of hair and coat.

They love sharing

Another fun characteristic of Aussiepoos is their love for sharing. They like bringing gifts to their owners and even to their fellow dogs.

However, you won’t be able to get a hold of their toys or whatever they are carrying because they are quick to run once you’re about to accept them. They love playing chase, and they don’t easily give up.

They want to be with their family all the time

Aussiepoos manifest intense separation anxiety once they are far from their family or owner. This is a trait that they may have gotten from their Australian Shepherd genes.

Although this may appear as a negative characteristic, it is useful because it helps them get along well with everyone.

What Is an Aussiepoo?

The facts I have mentioned above are only meant to give you a glimpse of how fun it is to own an Aussiepoo. There are still a ton of things you have to learn about this mixed-breed for you to understand them better. The first one is their many names.

Aussiepoos are commonly called Aussiedoodle, Aussie Shepherd Poodle Cross, and Aussie Poodle. Those who have a smaller build are called Miniature Aussiepoo, Miniature Aussiedoodle, Toy Aussiepoo, and Toy Aussiedoodle.

I have not mentioned all of the names that breeders call them, but they all mean the same thing: a dog which is a cross of an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle.

Unfortunately, Aussiepoos are not recognized by Kennel Clubs like AKC because they belong to the designer breed. Their origins, however, are recognized.

As for Aussiepoo’s main characteristics, they are extremely intelligent and trainable. They can learn tricks in just a few days, and they seem to never run out of energy. They are also quite loyal so you won’t have to worry if you get them off their leash.

History and Origin: Where Does the Aussiepoo Come From?

The Aussiedoodles may have naturally existed long before breeders decided to mix their origin breeds intentionally. However, no written document serves as evidence for this so we can only learn about its mixed-breed history.

This cute medium-sized dog was first developed in the late 1990s or early 2000s in the United States. As I have discussed earlier, its origin breeds are the Australian Sheperd and the Poodle.

Because these two breeds are very smart and hardworking, the Aussiepoo became one of the ultimate canine geniuses.

Controversy on Mixed Breed Dogs Like Aussiepoo

Mixed breed dogs are also called hybrids and crossbreeds. They are quickly gaining popularity because of their remarkable characteristics.

However, these dogs are also perceived to be controversial because of their breeding history. The Aussiepoo is no exemption to this unfortunate fate because of the conflicting issues on its first and second generation crossbreeds.

To clarify, First Generation Crossbreeds (F1) are the offspring of two different breeds. For example, a purebred Australian Shepherd and a purebred Poodle will produce a first generation Aussiepoo.

Meanwhile, the Second Generation Crossbreeds (F2) are the offspring of two F1. So if two F1 Aussiepoos had an offspring, it would be called an F2 Aussiepoo.

This may sound complicated, but I’m trying to point out that, because of generational issues, some are not in favor of selling hybrid dogs like the Aussiepoos.

Several studies suggest that mixed breed dogs are not really good companions because their temperament is not predictable, and they are a lot harder to train. Meanwhile, other researchers claim that they are potentially safer and healthier than purebred dogs.

Considering this controversy, what I would advise is to find a legitimate breeder. If the person you are planning to transact with cannot even explain the origin of the Aussiedoodle, you better find another more reputable one that can give you an F1.

What Does the Aussiepoo Look Like?

Because the Aussiepoo is a crossbreed of two purebred dogs, their appearance might be unpredictable, just like other mixed breeds. Genes also play a significant role in their development, making it even harder to write an exact rundown of how they look.

They can resemble a lot of their Poodle parent features, or they can also be more like an Australian Shepherd.

Usually, though, they look like a mixture of the two. One good example of this is their coat. Some have tighter curls just like the Poodle, while others have a wavier and thicker coat.

Despite the lack of a definitive description of their appearance, what I’m sure of is that they closely resemble a teddy bear because of how fluffy they are.

How Big Do Aussiepoos Get When Fully Grown?

Before I start discussing the size of a fully grown Aussiepoo or Aussiedoodle, let me first clarify that their size ranges from small to large depending on their Poodle parent. This is possible because Poodles have a variety of sizes.

If the parent of an Aussiepoo is a Mini Poodle, there is a higher chance that they will turn out small. They are usually 12 inches tall and 44 lbs in weight. This variety is called Mini Aussiepoo or Mini Aussiedoodle.

Meanwhile, if the Poodle parent is of the standard size, the Aussiepoo will measure 23 inches tall or almost twice the size of the mini version. They are also relatively more massive with 49 to 70 pounds in weight.

Aside from the mini and standard size, some Aussiepoos have an extraordinarily large build. Their notable features are their broad torso and sturdy back.

How Many Colors Are Available for Aussiepoo?

Perhaps one of the main reasons why pet lovers prefer Aussiepoos is because of their coat color. Since they are hybrids, their color is quite unpredictable.

Sometimes, their coat is an even mix of their parents’, but in most cases, they take after the color of their Australian Shepherd origin.

Here are six of the most common colors of Aussiepoo:

Blue Merle Aussiepoo

This color pattern is a mix of blue, white, and tan. Usually, Aussiepoos have this color when their Australian Shepherd parent has a blue coat and their Poodle origin is light-colored. Many pet owners desire the blue merle Aussiepoo because even its eyes may have merle coloring.

Red Merle Aussiepoo

The red merle Aussiepoo is a combination of red, white, and tan colors. Just like the blue merle, they take after the color of their Australian Shepherd origin. Their eyes also vary in color just like other merle varieties.

Black Aussiepoo

Some black Aussiepoos have a solid color while others have white patches. They were bred from a dark-colored Australian Shepherd and Poodle, thus, their solid dark coloring.

Chocolate Merle Aussiepoo

The chocolate merle Aussiepoo is another variety that was bred from dark-colored parents. They aren’t as sought after like the blue merle because they look similar to other dog breeds and mixes.

Apricot Tuxedo Aussiepoo

Photo from @blmaconnor (IG)

If the Aussiepoo takes after its Poodle parent, it may have a light yellow-orange color just like what was shown below. Most apricot-colored Aussiepoos have a tuxedo pattern or a white patch on their chest.

Red/Blue/Copper Merle Aussiepoo

Photo from Pawssie Doodle

This tri-color combination is usually seen in an Australian Shepherd. So Aussiepoos can inherit the same color combination and pattern. The picture below is a red, blue, and copper merle that is unusual but not rare.

Aussiepoo Temperament: Do Aussiepoos Make Good Family Dogs?

The temperament of Aussiepoos is greatly influenced by the genes they inherited from their parents, the amount of socialization they experienced, and the character of their mother.

Generally, Aussiepoos are friendly and gentle, but below is a more detailed list of their temperament, personality, and quirks:

  1. Aussiepoos are devoted and affectionate toward their owners.

  2. Some of them have retained the herding instinct of the American Shepherd. They nip and bump family members for them to stay together. Although this is not a sign of aggression, this trait should be corrected by commanding the Aussiepoo to sit or stay.

  3. They are very smart. They are even called the canine Einstein or canine genius because they can easily follow commands. Trainability is easily one of their strengths.

  4. They are very goofy, and they have a lot of energy. You’ll probably drain your energy playing with them.

  5. Since they love to be around humans, they sometimes stick to their favorite person. Yes, they are that clingy!

  6. They can become destructive when bored, so make sure that you give them enough mental stimulation or you keep them occupied with retrieval games, hiking, and other fun activities.

Considering all these traits, is an Aussiepoo a good option for a family dog? The answer is definitely, yes.

You will surely enjoy playing with these goofballs because of their smart nature. They will also get along with your other pets if you let them slowly socialize with them.

Aussiepoo Health

Whether a dog is a product of crossbreeding or not, they are all prone to common illnesses. Aussiepoos are also afflicted with some ailments that are manifested by their purebred parents.

If in case the breeder offering you this pup says that this hybrid has no known problems, you should probably go check out another breeder.

No Aussiepoo is free from diseases during their entire lifetime. That’s why you must have them checked by the vet from time to time.

Here are some of the ailments that Aussiepoos may suffer from:

  1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy: This disease causes blindness to Aussiepoos. Unfortunately, this is inherited from purebred parents who are also afflicted with this kind of problem.

  2. Epilepsy: Some Aussiepoos who are six months of age and above are affected by Epilepsy or abrupt convulsions. This doesn’t need to be medicated unless severely affecting their consciousness.

  3. Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a developmental disorder that is usually inherited by Aussiepoos from their parents. This causes hindlimb lameness which can easily be detected through x-ray examination.

  4. Ivermectin Sensitivity: The Aussiepoo inherited this drug sensitivity from their Australian Shepherd origin. Some of them cannot prevent the entry of any medication into their brain and spinal cord, which means that they have severe drug reactions. It is crucial that they are evaluated through blood tests before being given any drug.

  5. Cushing’s Disease: Cushing’s disease is not only common to Aussiepoos but other mixed breeds as well. A tumor in the dog’s brain produces stress hormones that cause weight gain, increased appetite, skin pigmentation, and at times, hair loss.

How to Care for Your Aussiedoodle’s Basic Needs

Aussiepoos are very active and energetic pets. However, if not given proper care, they may acquire some diseases and ailments, including those that I have mentioned in the former section.

To avoid this, let us look at how you can ensure that your Aussiepoo receives the care and maintenance they need.

Feeding and Diet

Even though Aussiepoos do not require a special diet, you have to limit their food intake because they have a strong tendency to gain weight and be obese.

You should stick to a regular feeding schedule and avoid leaving food out if it’s not their feeding time. The treats they receive should also be limited.

Ideally, the Aussiepoo should be fed 1 to 3 cups of dry dog food which is divided into three meals a day. Meanwhile, Mini Aussiepoos should eat 0.5 to 1 cup of dog food the whole day.

If you are wondering what high-quality dog food is suggested for your Aussiepoo, you may need to consult a veterinarian about that.

This is because the energy requirement of every dog varies in terms of weight and energy. Your dog’s health condition may also affect the dog food that they should be given.

Cleaning and Grooming

We cannot say for sure if an Aussiepoo or Aussiedoodle does not cause its owner an allergy attack if they are formerly diagnosed with that condition. The best way to somehow lessen this possibility is to give them routine cleaning and grooming.

In grooming them, you first need to identify what type of coat they have. Since Aussiepoos are a mixed breed, they can inherit either of their parent’s hair.

If they take after an Australian Shepherd, their hair will be long and wavy, and they will shed their undercoat during the spring and fall seasons. They will need combing once or twice a week if this is the case.

On the other hand, if they inherited the Poodle hair, their coat will be more curly, and their fur needs to be trimmed every two months.

Aside from maintaining their coat, trimming their nails and brushing their teeth should also be part of your routine. Cleaning their ears to prevent infections is also deemed necessary.


During playtime, you will probably be more exhausted than your Aussiepoo. They are known to have a high energy level all the time and to drain this away, and you should engage them in different activities every day for 90 minutes.

Walking, jogging, and hiking always work for them. If you’re not able to give them the exercise they need, you might have to deal with an overly energetic dog the whole day.


Thanks to Aussiedoodle’s parents, they became a highly trainable and smart companion. You can start training them the moment you bring them home or when they are already eight weeks old.

Waiting until they are fully grown before training will make them hard-headed and challenging to deal with.

The best way to train these teddies is through positive reinforcement techniques. Giving them treats, praising them, and playing with them is a hundred percent effective in making them follow your commands.

If you are having difficulties training your Aussiepoo, you can always enroll them in a puppy kindergarten class when they are already 10 to 12 weeks old.

This will help them learn how to socialize and behave appropriately. You can also look for a personal trainer for your pup if you have the means.

Wellness Visits

Aside from establishing a cleaning and grooming routine, Aussiepoos should also be brought to the veterinarian from time to time to ensure that they are not afflicted with any diseases.

Routine vet visits are also needed to ensure that they are not too thin or too heavy for their age. The vet may prescribe your dog a specific type of kibble for their diet, and he may also vaccine them based on their needs.

Pros and Cons of Owning an Aussiepoo

No matter how gentle and adorable they are, Aussiedoodles are not for everyone. Owning this dog has pros and cons, and you need to be ready to accept all of these once you bring them home.

Below is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of owning this mixed breed. Some of them are already mentioned above, but I include them again so that you can remember them once you are planning to get this dog.


  1. Aussiepoo is a fun and happy-go-lucky pet.

  2. They are very affectionate. They practically love everyone.

  3. They get along well with other animals especially if you introduce them early.

  4. They are incredibly smart and trainable. You’ll be surprised that at a young age, they already know what you mean by “get in the car” and “it’s time for bed.”

  5. They are loyal pets so after some time, they can go off-leash.

  6. They do not shed much as compared to other hybrids.


  1. Because they are smart, they may learn how to outwit you. For instance, they can easily remember how to unlock the gate or how some of your home appliances work.

  2. They require exercise like walking, running, hiking, and playing frisbee. So if you are not an active person, this will be a big problem.

  3. They do not shed much so their hair grows longer than most pets. You should learn how to groom them. If they are your first ever dog companion, you might have to train on pet grooming.

  4. They easily get bored, so they may do something that might upset you like putting bite marks on your couch.

Where to Find Aussiepoo Puppies for Sale?

Finding an Aussiepoo breeder is quite easy, but not all of them should be trusted. That’s why it is suggested that you do a background check of their reputation to ensure that the pup you are buying from them is authentic.

Here is a list of some reputable websites that you can check out if you are interested in buying an Aussiepoo mix:

Infinity Pups

  1. Link: Infinity Pups – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Standard and Mini

  3. Search Options: None

The Aussiepoos offered by Infinity Pups are all in good health condition and have already been dewormed. They were also looked after by a licensed veterinarian, so you are assured that they do not have any defects or health issues.

Lancaster Puppies

  1. Link: Lancaster Puppies – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Large, Standard, Medium, and Mini

  3. Search Options: Price, State, Size, Sex, Birthdate

Lancaster Puppies do not breed or sell pups, but they offer advertising services to puppy sellers and breeders to connect them to potential buyers. They are very reputable, and they were able to give a lot of Aussiepoos new families.

BuckEye Puppies

  1. Link: BuckEye Puppies – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Large, Standard, Medium, and Mini

  3. Search Options: Price, State, Size, Sex, Birthdate

BuckEye Puppies is another website that advertises puppies from different breeders and pet shops in Ohio. You will be able to talk directly to the Aussiepoo seller and even schedule a visit to the owner’s house to ensure that they grew up in a good family and they were able to socialize.


  1. Link: PuppySpot – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Standard and Mini

  3. Search Options: Price, Age, Color, Gender, Size, Ready to Travel

PuppySpot is committed to promoting responsible breeders and helping dogs to find new families in Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Washington D.C., and Dallas. The breeders undergo a strict screening process before they are chosen by PuppySpot.

  1. Link: – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Standard and Mini

  3. Search Options: State, Lifestyle, Gender, Birthdate

PuppyFind is a dog breeder directory where you can search hundreds of breeds, not only Aussiepoos. The puppy listings have photos and detailed descriptions and some of them can be shipped worldwide.

Prairie Hill Puppies

  1. Link: Prairie Hill Puppies – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Mini

  3. Search Options: None

The Prairie Hill Puppies has been raising quality doodle puppies since 2003. The parents of their pups are AKC certified so you are assured that they passed the standard. They are also home raised and vet approved.

Greenfield Puppies

  1. Link: Greenfield Puppies – Aussiedoodle Puppies for Sale

  2. Aussiepoos Available: Standard and Mini

  3. Search Options: None

Just like PuppyFind and PuppySpot, Greenfield Puppies is a breeder directory established in the year 2000. They also educate their breeders, so they know the standards for every puppy they will try to raise.

Aussiepoo Puppy Price & Expenses: Can You Afford an Aussiedoodle?

If you browse all the websites I have included in the former section, you must already have an idea of how much an Aussiedoodle is. Usually, a standard-sized Aussiedoodle will cost you around $1,100 while the mini ones have an average price of $1,800.

Meanwhile, if you are interested in owning an Aussiepoo that came from the top breed lines, you should be willing to shell out at least $10,000.

Besides the initial amount you have to spend on buying your new pet, you will also need to bring them to the veterinarian for vaccinations, deworming, and neutering, which will cost you a significant amount. Other expenses include their grooming, training, and food.

Should You Adopt or Buy Your Aussiepoo? Tips on How to Find a Healthy Aussiepoo

Buying an Aussiepoo and taking care of them isn’t cheap. That’s why a good option is to adopt one from local shelters. You’ll be surprised at the variety of Aussiepoos you’ll find there because this dog is not particularly rare.

Best Friends

Best Friends has been America’s largest no-kill sanctuary for over 30 years. They serve as a home to a lot of animals and among them is the Aussiepoo. You can visit their sanctuary at Kanab, Utah.

Aussie and Me Animal Rescue

Aussie and Me is a non-profit organization that rescues homeless and abandoned dogs. Their goal is to provide temporary care until the dog has found a suitable home. You can visit their website for more information in their process of adoption.

Carolina Poodle Rescue

Carolina Poodle Rescue is another non-profit organization that rescues Poodles and mixed breeds. They provide them with proper and maintenance and grooming, and they are neutered before being adopted.

In cases that you really want to buy and not adopt, I would suggest that you find a responsible breeder. Some breeders put more value on profit rather than the welfare of their dogs so you have to be careful.

In ensuring that you will be able to get a healthy Aussiedoodle, here are some questions that you should ask the breeder:

  1. Did they personally breed the puppy?

  2. Are you allowed to see the pup’s littermates? How many are they?

  3. Were the Aussiepoo’s parents screened for hereditary conditions that may affect the health of the pup?

  4. What is the temperament of the pup’s mother?

Below are some other tips that you need to remember when looking for an Aussiedoodle:

  1. When visiting the puppy, check if the place looks respectable.

  2. Observe whether there are people who regularly interact with the puppies so they can become more sociable.

  3. Look for worming records and vaccination certificates if there are any.

  4. If you feel like you are being pressured to make a decision, there is probably a reason behind that. Investigate more.

  5. Notice how the breeder handles the Aussiedoodle and check if the dog is comfortable with them.

Other Similar Dog Mixes and Breeds

There are some other dog mixes and breeds that are almost similar to Aussiedoodles in appearance. They are equally adorable and gentle, too! Read on to learn more about them.


This dog is a mix of Golden Retrievers and Poodles. They also have shaggy hair just like the Aussiepoo and they are very loyal to their owner.


The Labradoodle is another well-loved dog by breeders and pet owners. They are ridiculously cute since they are a mix of a Labrador and a Poodle. The Aussiedoodle’s hair is somehow similar to this breed as well as their tendency to be snuggly.


This is another great hybrid that came from crossing an Old English Sheepdog and a Poodle. Their coats are so soft and they stay small just like Mini Aussiepoos.

One of their outstanding characteristics is that they are very smart which they got from their parent Old English Sheepdog.

Bedlington Terrier

This is not a mixed breed but it has soft curly hair that resembles the Aussiepoo’s. Their overall appearance is lithe and graceful and they are among the best pet companions because they are very people-oriented.

Portuguese Water Dog

Photo from @boomer4man (IG)

The Portuguese Water Dog does not have any Poodle gene but they resemble them in so many ways. Thus, they also look like an Aussiedoodle. Their curly hair is one of their defining features and they are believed to be hypoallergenic.

Related Questions

Do Aussiepoos Shed?

The shedding of an Aussiepoo’s hair is very minimal. Just like humans, they only shed hair occasionally and you won’t find any clumps of hair when you brush them.

If the Aussiepoo takes after its Poodle parent, it is less likely to blow out its hair because Poodles are known to have only one coat. Dogs with this type of coat typically don’t shed much as compared to others.

Are Aussiepoos Hypoallergenic?

Aussiepoos are believed to be “hypoallergenic.” This means that they can be tolerated by people who suffer from allergies.

However, it is necessary to clarify that in many cases, it is not the coat that causes allergies but the dead skin cells that most dogs shed.

It is still important to ensure that the Aussiepoo is given proper care despite being tagged as hypoallergenic.

Are Aussiepoos Mean?

Aussiepoos are not mean companions. In fact, they can get along well with other pets if they were introduced early.

One reason why they are perceived to be mean is that they like to give gifts but run away when their owner is about to get them. They are big teases but it doesn’t mean that they have a poor temperament.

Do Aussiepoos Bark a Lot?

The characteristic of being a barker depends on the Poodle that was used to produce the Aussiedoodle. If a Toy Poodle was the parent, the tendency for the Aussiedoodle to bark a lot is high.

This is because Toy Poodles are very protective of their owners. Nevertheless, you do not have to worry if your dog is a barker because it can be decreased through consistent training.

Can Aussiepoos Be Left Alone?

Unfortunately, leaving Aussiepoos alone is not a good idea. They are very clingy to their owners and they develop separation anxiety once they are far away from them.

This is a trait they inherited from the Australian Shepherd and can be worked out through training and setting a safe cave for them through crates.

Are Aussiepoos Hard to Train?

An Aussiepoo is perhaps one of the easiest dogs to train because they are quite smart. They are called canine Einsteins because they have the ability to follow the commands of their owners quickly. Their retention ability is high and giving them rewards always does the trick.

Final Thoughts: Is This Adorable Canine Genius Right for You?

You have to consider a lot of things if you want to own an Aussiepoo. They aren’t cheap and they require an owner who has a lot of time to play and engage with them.

If you have already decided to get one, there are reputable breeders out there to contact. But if you feel like adopting an Aussiepoo, there are also several shelters that you can visit which will gladly help you through the process.

Owning an Aussiedoodle is greatly satisfying. Perhaps, bringing them home is one of the best decisions you will ever make in your life. Just make sure to remember all the things I have included in this article for you to be guided in taking care of them.

Some Aussiepoo Videos

Let’s take a look at these videos and see how cute Aussiepoo is!

Aussiedoodle Puppies!<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Aussiedoodle Puppies!" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

AussiePoo Training Down<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="AussiePoo Training Down" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Aussiedoodle Puppy Day in The Life - Going to the Dog Park | Torey Noora<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Aussiedoodle Puppy Day in The Life - Going to the Dog Park | Torey Noora" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

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