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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Are Siberian Cats Hypoallergenic? What You Need to Know

Are you eyeing a Siberian cat and wondering if it is hypoallergenic? Then, you’ve landed on the right page! Many cat breeds cause allergic reactions to humans, but luckily, the Siberian is not one of them.

Although there are no 100% allergy-free kittens, the Siberian cat is tagged to be one of the most hypoallergenic breeds. It is found that Siberian cats produce very low levels of allergens that trigger allergic reactions. Note, however, that they may still cause allergies depending on the person’s sensitivity.

Stick around to learn some fun facts about this interesting furball and to see if it’s the perfect furry companion for you.

Are Siberian Cats Good Pets for Allergy Sufferers?

Hypoallergenic pets, like the Siberian cat, are recommended for feline lovers who suffer from allergies.

Many Siberian cat qualities allow allergy sufferers to cherish their pet without experiencing serious health consequences. However, Siberian cats can still trigger allergies to some.

Siberian cats, given their friendly nature, will frequently comb their body on your knees or would always hang around their human.

Because of its hypoallergenic traits, people with allergies will not have to worry a lot about these behaviors.

Keep in mind, however, that they are not completely allergy-free. This means their irritants or saliva may still cause severe allergies in some instances.

Watch this video to have a better idea of how Siberian cats act around their owners:

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SIBERIAN CAT (PART 1) | Siberian cat personality | Cute cat video<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SIBERIAN CAT (PART 1) | Siberian cat personality | Cute cat video" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

On a different note, you may also read our article on another known hypoallergenic cat, the hairless Sphynx.

How Can Siberian Cats Cause Allergies?

Siberian cats and other breeds produce Fel d 1 proteins which are the main allergen that causes skin irritation, nasal congestion, or other allergic reaction to sufferers.

The Fel d 1 protein is commonly present in a cat’s skin, saliva, and sebaceous glands. It is not in the cat’s hair, as many may believe. Unlike most cats, this feline produces only minimal amounts of these irritants.

Here are the different ways a hypoallergenic Siberian cat can cause allergies:

  1. Shedding: The coat of this ancient breed is dense, long, and thick. As the national cat of Russia, this cat’s fur thickens in cold weather to survive harsh Russian winters and sheds seasonally during spring and fall. It may also shed more in the summer as it transitions to its shorter summer coat. That said, its increased shedding tendencies may cause allergies to sufferers.

  2. Saliva: Normally, when a cat licks its skin as it grooms, it transfers the allergens from its saliva to its coat. The allergens may then stick to furniture and rugs, which can cause its owner’s allergic reaction. The Siberian cat, unlike other breeds, produces fewer allergens which make its saliva less likely to cause severe reactions. However, the transfer of saliva is still a possible way for these cats to cause allergies.

  3. Dander levels: The Siberian cat is one rare breed that sheds off fewer dander. Also, the irritants on this cat’s skin contain fewer allergens, which make it less likely to trigger severe allergy attacks. However, dander levels still vary from one cat to another. A Siberian cat with higher dander triggers allergies more often.

  4. The cat’s size: The cat’s size is connected to the amount of hair and irritants. The bigger the size, the more allergens it spreads and the more fur it sheds. The Siberian breed is a fairly medium-sized cat breed. It could grow to weigh between 8 and 17 pounds and reach 17 to 25 inches in length from the tip of their nose to their tail. That said, a larger Siberian cat has a greater chance of causing allergies.

Overall, this feline is not a perfect hypoallergenic cat. As you have seen, there are a few ways that a hypoallergenic Siberian cat can still cause allergies.

For allergic pet parents, it is recommended to anticipate your cat’s shedding habits, saliva discharge, and other factors. It also helps to regularly groom your cat’s water-resistant coats.

Are You Allergic to Siberian Cats? 7 Signs and Symptoms

Having pet sensitivity is not uncommon. In fact, many pet owners experience symptoms and show signs that they are sensitive to their cats, dogs, and other pets.

Signs and symptoms of cat allergies resemble most telltale signs of irritations. Because of this, symptoms may be overlooked. It may also be challenging to tell a cat allergy from a different type of allergy.

To help you detect if you are allergic to a Siberian cat, here are seven signs and symptoms to look out for:

  1. Fatigue or exhaustion: Allergic reactions may trigger fatigue or exhaustion. Health experts call this form of fatigue “brain fog,” which has everything to do with inflammation. This type of inflammation can cause a runny nose, disrupted sleep patterns, and lack of rest. It’s easy to dismiss tiredness as a symptom because it can be caused by a variety of things, but if it’s accompanied by some of the other symptoms listed, it could be a sign of cat allergy.

  2. Constant sore throat: Allergies may make you feel like you’ve had a cold that won’t disappear, which can lead you to sneeze and cough. Feline sensitivity can also induce a post-nasal drip, which occurs when you produce more mucus that is also thicker in volume. This prompts the mucus to slip down your neck and causes a persistent sore throat.

  3. Swollen face: Another symptom of sensitivity that you may miss is a swollen or puffy face. This can happen if you’re particularly congested. Sometimes the congestion doesn’t reveal itself as a runny nose; instead, it presents itself as head congestion, leaving your face feeling puffy and foggy.

  4. Red and itchy eyes: Watery eyes, as well as red, dry, and itchy eyes, are common symptoms of pet allergies. Many people believe that itchy eyes are simply a consequence of pollen allergies from being outside; however, the itchy feeling in your eyes can also occur after being around your cat. This is especially true if you touch your eyes after petting or cuddling your cat.

  5. Shortness of breath: Hypersensitivity to cats also gives sufferers a sense of being out of breath. Many airborne particles are microscopic and can get into the lungs. This exposure can cause severe breathing issues in certain people. Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath can occur 15 to 30 minutes after inhaling allergens.

  6. Asthma: For every three out of every ten people with asthma, being around a feline can cause a severe asthma attack. When left untreated, cat allergy can even lead to chronic asthma. Allow your cat to spend time outside and keep them out of areas of the house with carpets. This can potentially help you manage asthma due to cat sensitivity.

  7. Rash or hives: Cat allergy can result in a visible rash as well as hives. These symptoms can leave your skin irritated and swollen. You should also keep an eye out for general redness on your skin, particularly in areas where you’ve touched your cat.

You may also note that allergic irritation caused by cats comes and goes. It could be particularly bad in the mornings and evenings, or simply when you’re at home.

We recommend seeing an allergist if you suffer any of these symptoms regularly. Doing so will help you identify potential health issues or allergies early on.

How to Make Your Siberian Cat More Hypoallergenic

Although the Siberian breed is one of the few hypoallergenic cats, there are still a few things you can do to minimize the chances of your Siberian kitten causing an allergy.

From your cat’s food to your own clothes, you can adjust a few things to reduce factors that trigger allergies.

Tweak your cat’s food

The diet of your kitten can impact its health and the amount of allergen it produces. Adjusting your cat’s food may help lessen the protein it releases in its saliva and dander.

Boost your cat’s diet with Omega-3 fatty acids since dry skin and dull fur are common in cats, which can lead to the development of allergens. Give your feline Omega-3 fatty acid supplements to keep their skin and hair healthy.

Avoid certain topical treatments

There are topical flea and tick treatments that may intensify your allergic irritations to your cat. If your feline needs certain treatments and medication, it’s advisable to ask for an oral treatment or an injected dose from your vet.

Also, avoid powder treatments for your Siberian. The powder placed on your cat’s coat may increase allergens in its skin and worsen your reactions to it.

Wait for your body to adjust

Some people are fortunate enough to build immunity from cat allergies over time. Many people who have allergic responses to other pets indicate that their bodies acclimate to the animals after six to eight weeks.

While waiting for your body to adjust, it’s recommended to minimize exposure at first. This is to prevent your allergies from suddenly worsening. Also, take note that someone who has no allergy to cats may also develop one after exposure.

Moderately exposing yourself to other animals or cats, especially long-haired breeds, is a good way to adjust.

5 Ways to Minimize Allergies Brought About by a Siberian Cat

While the Siberian is considered a low-allergy cat, there are a few things you can do in your kitten care routine to minimize allergies brought by your cat.

You could ask your doctor to provide allergy shots as an easier way to manage your severe allergies and avoid life-threatening reactions. But there are also other ways to manage your allergy.

A regular cleaning and grooming routine may help lessen your reactions near your feline. Some of these safety precautions can go a long way toward reducing the severity of the reactions.

1. Proper handwashing

Wash your hands immediately after touching or petting your feline to prevent the infection from spreading to other family members.

If you’re allergic to cat fur or saliva, wash your hands frequently throughout the day to avoid allergens getting into contact with your nose or eyes.

2. Regular bath and grooming

The Siberian Forest Cat molts twice a year. They may have loose hairs during the other phases, eventually being shed on your floor or carpet.

Bathe your feline at least once a week and brush them every now and then to keep the loose strands to a minimum. Bathing on a regular basis also removes the most common irritants.

3. Regular house cleaning

Fur and other irritants may be removed from your home by vacuuming and cleaning thoroughly. It also cleans the air in your home, removing any stray fur hairs.

It’s recommended to invest in a good vacuum cleaner designed especially for feline hair, which can be bought at most major retailers.

4. Wear clothes that cover more skin

Skin irritation and red patches or hives are one of the main signs and symptoms you could get from a cat allergy.

Since this is commonly caused by allergens passed on by your cat’s allergens in contact with your skin, wearing something may provide a safety barrier.

Wearing long sleeves may actually help lessen your contact with allergens while allowing you to still cuddle with your cat.

5. Limit interaction

If the people who are affected live in the same house as your cats, limiting interaction with them can be difficult. However, if possible, try to limit your feline’s contact or cuddling with the allergy sufferer.

You can still spend time with your kitten but keep rules to limit contact with it in your home. With this, your family members’ or yourself could keep sensitivity to a minimum.

Tips for Grooming Your Siberian Cat at Home

Siberian cats have long and water-resistant fur, which adds to their elegant and majestic physical appearance. These cats, like many other cats, are self-sustaining when it comes to their own physical hygiene.

However, it’s also good to keep an eye on them as their well-being can also be impacted by their cleanliness and overall look.

Here are tips to remember when grooming your Siberian cat at home:

  1. Be wary of hair matting and tangles. Because this feline is a fluffy breed, it requires regular brushing. However, because the fur is not as long or dense as that of some cat breeds, around 10 minutes of grooming every week should suffice to keep your furball mat-free.

  2. Rinse your cat properly. Siberian cats are known for their fondness for water, but their fur is water-resistant. Wetting the coat can take up to fifteen minutes, and then washing out any shampoo can take much longer. They can get dandruff if you don’t rinse it out, which could increase dander and cause sensitivity. It’s essential to make sure to rinse out all the shampoo before drying them.

  3. Regularly clean your cat’s ears. While cats are able to keep their ears clean regularly on their own, it still needs to be checked once in a while. Siberian cats’ extra fluffy ears can be kept clean with cotton wool or a soft, clean damp cloth. You should know, however, that over-cleaning may also cause irritation to your pet, so keep the cleaning at a minimum.

Siberian cats are very low-maintenance pets when it comes to grooming. Even though this may be, it’s still nice to treat your feline to grooming, whether at home or at a professional groomer, once in a while.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Siberian Cats Shed a Lot?

As a long-haired cat breed, Siberian cats are expected to shed a lot. However, their shedding is seasonal, which means you can easily predict when your feline will shed the most.

Siberian cats molt twice a year — once in the spring, when they shed their longer, warmer winter coat, and once in the fall, when they shed their shorter summer coat.

Do Siberian Cats Cause Asthma?

There is a very slim chance that your feline can cause your asthma attack. However, despite being known as hypoallergenic, it can still trigger asthma attacks.

That said, as Siberian cats produce significantly fewer irritants than most cats, the chance of your feline causing your asthma can be minimal to none. Of course, that will still depend on your cat sensitivity.

Are Half Siberian Cats Hypoallergenic?

A mixed Siberian cat may not be hypoallergenic. According to breeders, some Siberian cat mixes may exhibit hypoallergenic traits, while others don’t.

Simply put, it will depend on the inherited dominant gene of the individual cats. However, breeding a Siberian cat will always increase the odds of having kittens that produce low Fel d 1 protein.

Final Thoughts

The Siberian cat is widely regarded by many reputable breeders and cat fanciers as a hypoallergenic cat breed. However, keep in mind that scientific research suggests that a 100% hypoallergenic cat does not exist.

There are only cats that produce fewer irritants than others, and Siberian cats are one of them.

If you are a feline lover but suffer from allergies, the hypoallergenic Siberian cat is worth checking out. That said, if you want to start your search for the perfect kitty companion, read our guide on ways to find free kittens in your area.

If you already own a hypoallergenic Siberian cat, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. Does your Siberian cat trigger allergies?

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