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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Are Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic? The Truth About Their Coat

If you’re going to do a quick web search about Goldendoodles, you’ll come across postings that claim that they are hypoallergenic dogs. Many breeders capitalize on this said feature and as expected, more and more people are considering this cross as their pet.

Despite this news, some reports reveal that they aren’t really 100% hypoallergenic because no such dog exists. To put this issue to rest, I intend to explain their shedding tendencies, which directly affects their capability to cause allergies. Let’s begin!

What Is a Hypoallergenic Dog? Does Such a Thing Really Exist?

For a pet to be considered hypoallergenic, it should not trigger any allergic reaction to the people around it. Unfortunately, the American Kennel Club confirms that there are no 100% hypoallergenic dogs.

This may be bad news for people who suffer from extreme allergies and they think that they can no longer experience the joy of owning a pet.

To give you some statistics, the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology reveals that 10% of the U.S. population are in fact highly allergic to a dog’s dander.

What is dander, you ask?

Well, aside from the dog’s fur, they also shed flakes of dead skin which is believed to be fatal for people suffering from allergies. This microscopic material shed by dogs is called dander.

Now, don’t go sulking at the corner just because there are no fully hypoallergenic dogs. I still have great news for you!

There are several breeds that do well with people who have allergies. Yes, you read it right, bud.

These dogs I’m talking about do not shed much, and therefore do not produce too much dander. There’s actually a lot of them, but that’s for another article.

For now, let us focus on what you are probably interested in owning; that’s why you’re on this page: the adorable Goldendoodles.

Are Goldendoodles 100% Hypoallergenic?

Goldendoodles are technically not 100% hypoallergenic, but this doesn’t mean that they aren’t perfect for people with allergies. They are in fact one of the best choices for allergy sufferers because even though they shed a little bit, the fur and dander they produce are manageable.

Now, you may be interested to know how they got this amenable trait.

Thanks to their Poodle origins, they have inherited a pretty awesome coat. Not only does it look nice, but it also makes them the go-to pup of hypersensitive pet owners.

The Shedding Tendencies of Each Goldendoodle Generation

As mentioned earlier, much of the reason why Goldendoodles are carelessly tagged as hypoallergenic dogs is that they shed very little. But did you know that their shedding tendencies also depend on their generation? I bet you didn’t!

Here’s a crash course to all the Goldendoodle generations who are observed to be less shedding because of the percentage of their Poodle blood:

  1. F1 Goldendoodle: F1 or first-generation Goldendoodles is the initial cross of a purebred Poodle and a purebred Golden Retriever. They are not advisable for people with allergies because their Poodle percentage is not that dominant.

  2. F1B Goldendoodle: F1B Goldendoodles are an offspring of a first-generation (F1) Goldendoodle to a Poodle. They are extremely popular among the Goldendoodle generations because they are 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever. They are a lot safer to own for people with allergies than the F1 pup. You can learn more about them through my article about their differences from F1 puppies

  3. F1BB Goldendoodle: An F1BB Goldendoodle is a cross between an F1B puppy and a Poodle. Therefore, they only have 15% Golden Retriever blood in them and 85% Poodle. They are tagged as the safest Goldendoodle for people with allergies due to this breeding percentage.

  4. F2 Goldendoodle: When you cross an F1 Goldendoodle to another F1 pup, the result will be the F2 Goldendoodle. It is hard to predict their shedding tendencies because both parents can be dominant depending on their genes.

  5. F2B Goldendoodle: F2B Goldendoodles are created through crossing an F1 to an F1B parent. As a result, they are 62.5% Poodle blood and 37.5% Golden Retriever. They aren’t that less shedding than some of the generations already mentioned, but they are still one of your best options.

  6. F2BB Goldendoodle: An F2BB Goldendoodle is 81.25% Poodle and 18.75% Golden Retriever. They are a mix of a purebred Poodle and an F2B Goldendoodle. They are almost fully hypoallergenic just like the F1BB so it is safe to add them to your list.

  7. Multi-generation Goldendoodle of F3: F3 Goldendoodles are typically bred through crossing two F2 parents. However, they can also be achieved by breeding two F1B. 

The rule of thumb in choosing the least shedding Goldendoodle puppy is to look at the letter B at the end of their generation name. As you will notice in the list above, all the generations mentioned end in B and are most often crossed with a purebred Poodle.

In buying them, ask the breeder to present a certificate that contains the generation of the puppy you are interested in. If they aren’t able to do this, just find another breeder because this is a clear sign that they are deceiving you.

Also, if you are highly allergic to fur or dander, do not choose F1 or F2 Goldendoodles because they have the most Golden Retriever blood, and therefore more prone to shedding.

Can You Have a Goldendoodle If You Have Allergies?

Yes, you can! I would even encourage you to choose this fluffy ball over other crosses because their Poodle origin makes them less risky to own.

If you still aren’t convinced, I would suggest that you consult a trusted veterinarian and heed their advice as to whether you can own this puppy. You can also talk to your personal doctor if you want.

Do whatever will make you feel more comfortable and safe. After all, they’ll be living with you for quite a long time.

Proven Ways to Minimize Allergies Brought About by Goldendoodle Shedding

Since Goldendoodles aren’t 100% hypoallergenic, they can still produce some allergens that may cause you to suffer. This is especially true if you bought an F1 or an F2.

Before you consider bringing your crossbreed in a rescue or shelter or returning them to the breeder, know that there are still ways to reduce the dander they are producing and ensure that their shedding is manageable.

Here are some proven tips:

  1. Brush your Goldendoodle regularly. This will help remove all the loose fur and dander on their coat which are the primary causes of allergies. Bring them outside and wear a facemask just to be more cautious. You can also buy a furminator to make the task easier.

  2. Bring your pet to the groomer frequently. Admit that sometimes, we really need help in grooming our dogs to keep the dust, pollen, dander, and dried saliva from their coat. You can have the groomer cut your dog’s hair a bit shorter for them to be allergen-free. Watch this video to see how this is done:

Teddy Goldendoodle Groom<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Teddy Goldendoodle Groom" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

  1. Bathe them twice a month. When you bathe your dog, I recommend that you use a good quality shampoo that can also make their skin healthier. Remember that when Goldendoodles have dry skin, they will produce more dander or dead skin cells. Also, do not use human shampoo on them because it may cause irritation.

  2. Use allergen neutralizing solutions. In between your Goldendoodle’s bathes, you can use a moist cloth to clean them, or you can opt for an allergen neutralizing solution which can easily be bought from Amazon and local stores.

  3. Feed them with kibbles that are high in Omega 3 and Omega 6. Similar to using a good shampoo, you also have to feed your Goldendoodle with the right food. Ensure that you choose a kibble that can help their skin be healthier, like those with balanced Omega 3 and 6. This will prevent dander production.

What about dealing with allergens that your dog already produced? What are you going to do about them?

I got you covered, as always. Here are some ways to make sure that your house is allergen-free:

  1. Vacuum your home frequently. When vacuuming, do not just focus on your floor. Don’t forget your furniture, walls, curtains, and even your ceiling.

  2. Avoid using carpets. Carpets easily hide allergens. You won’t even notice your dog shed until you’re already sneezing uncontrollably.

  3. Have a pet-free room. Designate a room where your pet is not allowed to enter, so you have a place where you won’t be able to inhale any allergen especially during the night.

  4. Cover furniture with sheets that are easy to wash. I know it is hard to clean furniture especially if they are not made of vinyl or leather. It would be better to cover them with a cloth that you can easily pull off if you feel like your dog shed too much.

  5. Ensure that your Goldendoodle’s toys and bed are clean. Most of their dander accumulates on their bed and toys, so you should wash them regularly. It will greatly benefit you if the bed you bought is completely washable.

If you are always in contact with your dog, some allergens may already be clinging to you. Here’s what you are going to do:

  1. Do not touch your eyes or your whole face after petting your Goldendoodle. Wash your hands first, so no dander or fur will come in contact with your face.

  2. Stay outside when playing with your puppy. This can be challenging to maintain when you are a busy person, but you must still try. This will prevent your Goldendoodle’s dander from circulating inside your house.

  3. Wear clothes where allergens can easily be seen. No-brainer, right? But believe me, this is always overlooked by many pet owners. Right after playing with your pet, wash your cloth with allergen-neutralizing detergent if available.

Being extra cautious isn’t a bad thing. If you hear from people that you are over-reacting over your dog’s shedding tendencies (because they are believed to be safe for people with allergies), don’t mind them.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. Cliche, I know. But we’re talking facts here.

What Are Some Other Low-Shedding Dog Breeds?

Aside from Goldendoodles, there are also some other breeds that don’t shed much. They are also good alternatives if you aren’t sure if Goldendoodles are for you. They are the following:

  1. Poodle: Of course, the first on our list is one of the parents of Goldendoodles, the Poodle. They come in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard.

  2. Bichon Frise: The hair of a Bichon Frise continuously grows, so they need constant grooming. But the good thing is, they are non-shedding dogs.

  3. Afghan Hound: An Afghan Hound’s hair is long and silky which is almost similar to a human’s hair. They are single-coated, so they are minimal shedders.

  4. Bedlington Terrier: This dog has a low to non-shedding coat similar to the Bichon Frise. However, they need trimming and clipping from time to time.

  5. Chinese Crested: This exotic-looking dog is a low shedder. They come in two coat types: the coated and the hairless.

Are All Poodle Mixes Hypoallergenic?

I can no longer count the times where I was asked if all Poodle mixes are hypoallergenic. Again, no dog is completely hypoallergenic, so technically speaking, Poodle mixes are not.

On the other hand, if we are to talk about their shedding tendencies, they are many Poodle mixes that are relatively low shedders than many breeds. This is because their Poodle blood is more dominant than the other parent.

Here are they:

  1. Sheepadoodle: Old English Sheepdog and Poodle mix

  2. Labradoodle: Labrador Retriever and Poodle mix

  3. Yorkipoo: Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle mix

  4. Cockapoo: Cocker Spaniel and Poodle mix

  5. Schnoodle: Schnauzer and Poodle mix

  6. St. Bernadoodle: St. Bernard and Poodle mix

Final Thoughts

I hope that through this article, I was able to clarify that using the word hypoallergenic to describe low to non-shedding dogs is misleading. We can only say that Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic if they don’t cause allergies at all.

Nevertheless, this mix is still your best option if you don’t want to deal with dogs who produce allergens like a freaking machine.

They are low shedders, so you are not only assured that they wouldn’t cause medical troubles to you and your family members, but you will also save time vacuuming and ensuring that your home is allergen-free.

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