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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix: Info, Pictures, Facts, FAQs & More

Experienced dog owners looking for powerful dogs that are perfect livestock guardians should consider taking home the Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix, also called the Anatolian Pyrenees.

This mix inherits the best traits of both its parent breeds. This results in a large dog breed that can be extremely protective of its family and dominant but is affectionate and gentle with kids at the same time.

This guide will talk about everything you need to know about this gentle giant — from its appearance and temperament to the pros and cons of owning this mix.

What Is an Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix?

The Anatolian Pyrenees is the cross between two livestock guardian breeds — the Anatolian Shepherd and the Great Pyrenees. This combination results in a protective yet affectionate hybrid dog. Anatolian Pyrenees dogs make excellent guard dogs for families and livestock.

With an Anatolian Shepherd parent known for its intelligence and a Great Pyrenees parent popular for being a mellow dog with great guarding instincts, expect this mix to be a highly intelligent hybrid dog.

Likewise, in contrast with their enormous size, Anatolian Pyrenees mixes are gentle giants that work well around kids, especially when they grow with them.

However, these dogs may not be the best choice for newbie dog owners since these are powerful mixed breeds. Their size and wits can be quite intimidating for owners who have never had large-sized dogs before.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) does not recognize the Anatolian Pyrenees like any other mixed-breed dogs. That said, they cannot compete in the agility and conformation shows by the organization.

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Origin and History

Unfortunately, the Anatolian Pyrenees’ breed history is undocumented and unclear. That said, tracing the history and origin of this mix can be quite hard.

That said, to better understand and appreciate the Anatolian Pyrenees mix, we must look into its Anatolian Shepherd and Great Pyrenees parent’s history.

The Anatolian Shepherd’s history dates back to 2000 BC in Anatolia, Turkey. This parent breed is one of the original domestic canine breeds and is considered an ancient breed.

The dog breed was mainly used to guard flocks of sheep and goats. It was for the same reason it was imported to the United States before World War II to determine if they were suited to work on American ranches.

However, it was only in 1970 when Lieutenant Robert Ballard bred two Anatolian Shepherd he acquired in Turkey. Since then, the Anatolian Shepherd was used as a livestock guardian to protect farm animals and as a guard dog.

On the other hand, the Great Pyrenees hails from the Pyrenees mountains on the border of Spain and France.

The dog breed shares a similar heritage to the Anatolian Shepherd since they were also used as flock guardians and working dogs until they were declared the Royal Dog of France by Louis XIV.

With the history of both parents, it is safe to assume that the Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees was mixed because both parents are great shepherd dogs that share the same characteristics.

Combining both these breeds can produce an even more powerful dog that can do an even greater job at being livestock guardians and guard dogs.

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Appearance

The Anatolian Shepherd and Great Pyrenees are biologically quite similar. Even so, the actual appearance of their mix will depend on which parent has the stronger gene.

Your Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix will feature a bulk and strong appearance with floppy ears, medium-sized muzzles, and a well-proportioned head.

They could flaunt a double coat like their Great Pyrenees parent or a shorter to medium-length fur if they got its Anatolian Shepherd’s parents coat.

Likewise, they can come in various colors, including fawn, white, cream, or brindle. Often, Anatolian Pyrenees mixes will have black masks marked over their face.

To visualize what an Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixed breed pup looks like, watch this video:

Pyrenees/Anatolian Mix 10 m/o "Poppy" | Best Pyrenees/Anatolian Obedience Training<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Pyrenees/Anatolian Mix 10 m/o &amp;quot;Poppy&amp;quot; | Best Pyrenees/Anatolian Obedience Training" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Size and Weight

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes are large dogs with muscular bodies. When full-grown, this mixed dog grows to about 29 to 32 inches in height and 80 to 140 pounds in weight.

Like most big dogs, Anatolian Pyrenees mixes typically reach their full adult size by the time they are 24 months old. However, their overall health and diet will have an impact on their final size.

Another factor that impacts this mixed breed dog’s final size is genetics. You may have an idea of what the Anatolian Pyrenees’ size would look like as it grows by looking at the growth curve of its Great Pyrenees parent.

Regardless, given that both its parents are large-sized dogs, expect that your Anatolian Pyrenees mix will be undoubtedly large.

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Temperament and Personality

Anatolian Pyrenees mixes are gentle giants. However, despite being affectionate and loving, this dog breed is definitely a guard dog as it is fiercely protective and loyal, much like its parent breeds.

They are very protective, which makes training and early socialization very important. Without this, this dog can be unruly and can overpower you.

It is also for the very same reason why this dog breed is not recommended for novice dog owners.

When trained properly, Anatolian Pyrenees mixes are pleasing dogs that can be really affectionate with their family. They get along with kids well, especially when they grew up with them.

However, it is still important that you socialize and train your Anatolian Pyrenees puppies to ensure a safer interaction and playtime with kids and other pets.

Moreover, since this breed is a combination of two very active dogs, expect that this will be an active family pet. That said, this dog may not be the best choice for families with a sedentary lifestyle.

Finally, expect some hint of the stubbornness of your Anatolian Pyrenees mix, which will make training them quite challenging.

Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Lifespan and Health Issues

Mixed breed crosses like the Anatolian Pyrenees are generally healthier than purebred dogs. These mixes can live between 12 and 15 years, given a healthy lifestyle and routine veterinary care.

However, hybrid dogs are still susceptible to several health issues as they can be inclined to diseases common to their parents.

The following are some of the most prevalent health issues seen in Anatolian Pyrenees mixes:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: Since your Anatolian Pyrenees mix is a large dog, it may be susceptible to hip dysplasia. This health problem happens when the hips and elbow joints fail to develop or line up normally, resulting in a dislocation of the ball and socket. Severe cases of hip dysplasia may require surgery.

  2. Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Dilated cardiomyopathy is a health problem common to Great Pyrenees dogs. This causes the low chambers of the heart to enlarge, which eventually impairs the ability to pump blood to the rest of the body. The condition frequently causes fluid to build up in some tissues, including the lungs.

  3. Demodectic Mange: Demodectic mange is a parasitic disorder brought on by Demodex mites. These mites live on your dog’s hair follicles. This leads to skin infections and alopecia or hair loss in your Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix.

Although your Anatolian Pyrenees mix is a healthy dog, it is still important that you always have them checked with a licensed veterinarian to ensure that it is in tip-top shape.

Additionally, purchasing pet insurance will also be beneficial as it will protect your finances in the event that your Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix requires any medical emergencies during its lifespan.

How to Take Care of Your Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

Dogs tend to thrive even better in an environment where their needs are provided. Likewise, knowing how to feed, groom, train, and exercise your dog will help them make an even more wonderful dog for your family.

Below are detailed tips on taking the best care of your Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix.

Food and Diet

Large-sized dogs like your Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix will have high dietary demands. That said, you should ensure feeding it proper amounts of food to supplement its growth adequately.

If you opt for a dry dog food diet, you may need to feed them 3 to 4 cups of high-quality dog food daily.

You can also give a healthy amount of dog treats each day or while training. Note that overindulging them in treats may cause obesity and similar problems.

For correct food intake and proper guidance, it’s best to contact your veterinarian so they can assess your dog’s needs depending on their age and activity level.

Cleaning and Grooming

Anatolian Pyrenees mixes will have medium to long coats, making them high-maintenance dogs in terms of their grooming needs. Although their fur is naturally tangle-resistant, daily brushing is still required.

Since this dog is a naturally clean dog, you should only bathe your Anatolian Great Pyrenees mix when necessary. However, ensure that the gap between baths does not exceed six weeks.

Also, remember to brush your Anatolian Pyrenees dog’s teeth daily, if not at least thrice a week, to avoid tartar build-up and gum diseases. Likewise, make sure to trim your dog’s nails and clean its ears at least once each week.

Training and Exercise

The Anatolian Pyrenees is a cross of two purebred dogs that are highly energetic, which makes this mixed breed dog an equally, if not more, active one.

Anatolian Pyrenees require a minimum of 45 minutes of exercise or at least one long walk each day. This will help them exhaust their energy. Remember that dogs with pent-up energy can be troublesome.

It is also for the same reason why it is recommended that Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees owners live in a home environment with a gated yard where these dogs can run around.

A dog sitter or pet walker will also be very helpful if no one in the family can take your dog for a walk.

Training-wise, starting your Anatolian Pyrenees on obedience and potty training while still young is important since these take time and patience to master.

How Much Does an Anatolian Pyrenees Cost? Puppy Prices & Expenses

The price tag of an Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix might be higher than the usual price range of hybrid dogs. It ranges from $300 to $1,000 and may even increase if you buy from a reputable breeder.

The price of the puppies remains reasonable since this breed is quite uncommon. Note, however, that the expenses do not just end there, as you also need funds for your pup’s supplies, vaccines, and other needs.

Here is a summarized table of the initial expenses when owning an Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix:

On top of the puppy’s price tag, owners must prepare around $650 to $2,445 to cover the initial costs. These expenses include all the necessary materials needed to ensure that your pup is rehomed comfortably.

Similarly, you should set aside a budget to accommodate the monthly and annual expenses of owning this huge puppy. Setting up an emergency fund for your pup will be a huge help in case of an unforeseen event.

Places to Find Anatolian Pyrenees Puppies for Sale and Adoption

Finding reputable Anatolian Pyrenees breeders can be challenging due to this breed being uncommon. The good news is that you don’t have to start your hunt from scratch, as we will give you leads on where to find one.

To start your search, here are places where you can find Anatolian Pyrenees mixes for sale:

  1. Rosasharn Farm – Since 1993, this Massachusetts-based family breeder has relied heavily on livestock guardian breeds to protect their goats. In 2002, they started breeding AKC-registered Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherds. They have Anatolian Shepherd mixes several times throughout the year, so it’s best to check them out.

  2. Deep Mountain Farm – Located in West Virginia, Deep Mountain Farm breeds Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes to be used as livestock guard dogs. If you purchase a dog from them, you can take it home at 12 weeks old, already dewormed, vaccinated, and has a certificate of health provided by a veterinarian.

  3. Good Dog – Good Dog is an online pet classified ads website where you can find responsible Anatolian Pyrenees breeders. They have a strong set of standards to make sure that all advertised dog breeds are healthy and high-quality.

Similarly, you can also check out our list of Anatolian Shepherd and Great Pyrenees breeder recommendations. Although they focus on purebred dogs, it may be worthwhile to check if mixed breeds are available every now and then.

You can also refer to our puppy buying guide for some useful tips when finding an Anatolian Pyrenees mix online.

If you still haven’t found one from the places above, you can also try adopting instead. Aside from the fact that you get to save money, you also get to give a dog another chance in life.

Here are some places where you can find an Anatolian Pyrenees mix for adoption:

  1. Great Pyr & Paws Rescue – This organization is composed of a network of volunteers across the United States. They rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome unwanted and neglected Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherds, and their mixes, along with other dogs used as guardians of livestock and guard dogs.

  2. Big Fluffy Dog Rescue – This rescue organization with headquarters in Tennessee is dedicated to helping giant dog breeds and their mixes, such as Anatolian Pyrenees. Most of their rescued dogs were abandoned at high-kill shelters, and some were turned in by owners who could not meet the needs of taking care of these big dogs.

  3. Bluebonnet Animal Rescue Network (BARN) – BARN is a non-profit organization based in North Texas that has been helping animals since 2013. Although they rescue all kinds of animals, they focus on farm-friendly dogs, including livestock guardian dogs like Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherds, and their mixes.

Finding an Anatolian Pyrenees rescue dog can be challenging, even with the list above. You can check out our puppy adoption guide to help you through the intensive screening and evaluation process.

You can also refer to our article on how to find free puppies in your area for added reference.

Pros and Cons of Owning an Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

Before committing to a certain mixed breed, it is important that you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of owning one to see whether or not this is a good match for you.

I listed here the pros and cons of owning an Anatolian Pyrenees to help make your decision-making a bit easier.

Here are the pros of owning an Anatolian Pyrenees:

  1. Great livestock guardians: Since this Anatolian Pyrenees is a mix of two breeds that are known to be great livestock guardians, this mix is a great addition to families with farms and ranches that need help in keeping their livestock safe and guarded.

  2. Highly energetic: This breed is a perfect match for families and individuals with an active lifestyle. This mixed breed generally loves being on the move and doing something, so they would surely love it if they could go with you on your next hike.

  3. Good with kids: Anatolian Pyrenees mixes work well with kids, especially when they grew up with them. Just remember to always keep an eye on them since accidents may happen because of their size.

Meanwhile, here are some cons of having an Anatolian Pyrenees that you should know about:

  1. Not apartment-friendly: Unlike other dogs that can thrive in apartment living, your Anatolian Pyrenees will need a house with a large yard where they can run and roam around. Along with that, you need to make sure that your yard’s fence is high enough for these dogs not to escape.

  2. Can be high-maintenance: Due to their size, Anatolian Pyrenees can be harder to maintain as compared to other mixed breeds. They will require more food and more time for exercise. Likewise, their double coats may also require more grooming.

  3. Can be destructive if anxious or bored: This mixed breed is not a lap dog and will therefore need to do something to keep them moving. When they are not able to use their energy, these dogs may tend to be destructive.

Hopefully, using this list, you will be able to evaluate whether or not this mixed breed is the right breed for you. This should also help reduce the chance of you ending up with a dog that does not match your lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Anatolian Pyrenees Good Dogs?

Anatolian Pyrenees are good dogs, especially when they are trained at a fairly young age. They can get along with kids and with other animals well.

In fact, some of these designer hybrid dogs grow to be calm dogs, especially when they inherit their Pyrenees parent’s very calm trait. They just need to be socialized and trained.

Are Anatolian Pyrenees Aggressive?

Although Anatolian Pyrenees dogs can come off aggressive because of their nature of work and protective nature, these dogs are not aggressive but can be aggressive when needed.

They may not attack people, especially when trained well, but they will attack predators if they cannot drive them away through intimidation.

Do Anatolian Pyrenees Shed?

Anatolian Pyrenees mixes shed more than average throughout the year. That said, this dog breed may not be the best choice for individuals and families with dog allergies as it can trigger allergic reactions.

To give you an idea of how much these dogs shed, you can check this Great Pyrenees shedding guide. Since this is one of this mix’s parents, it should also give you an overview of how to manage the shedding of the mix.

Are Anatolian Pyrenees Hypoallergenic?

Anatolian Pyrenees shed constantly and drools a lot which means that this pooch is not considered hypoallergenic. Allergy sufferers must refrain from taking home this dog breed to avoid possible reactions.

Final Thoughts: Is an Anatolian Pyrenees the Right Dog for You?

The Anatolian Pyrenees mix can make really great companions and guard dogs. However, it takes the right family and individual for this mixed breed dog to thrive.

The advantages of owning this dog come with a price and a huge responsibility which is why this isn’t suitable for novice dog owners as these dogs can be intimidating and hard to manage.

That said, before committing to this dog breed, you must understand the needs of the dogs and weigh whether or not you are prepared for this lifetime responsibility.

Are you ready to take home this mix? Let us know your thoughts about the Anatolian Pyrenees mix in the comments below!

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