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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

7 Reasons Why Corgis Sploot (With Facts, Pictures & FAQs)

Corgis are the cutest, especially when they do their signature “bread loaf” pose or the corgi sploot. Adorable as it is, we can’t help but ask why these dogs do it in the first place.

Dog splooting is generally associated with Corgis and other short-legged breeds. However, it is also common in larger breeds such as German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers. Even cats are known to do the sploot position.

To know all about the Corgi sploot, what it means and why dogs do it, stick around and learn everything in this article.

What Is a Corgi Sploot? What Does It Mean When a Corgi Is Splooting?

When a Corgi dog lies on its stomach with the legs outstretched, this is known as the Corgi sploot. The term “sploot” is the combination of the words “splay” and “scooch.”

While most dogs curl their legs up underneath them when lying down, Corgis let their front and hind legs fly out to the side.

Puppies or younger dogs are most likely to do the Corgi sploot. Because of how they look, this popular dog position also goes by cute and funny names.

Common ones include dog frogging, frog dogging, frog legs, pancake sploot, and superman.

7 Reasons Why Corgis Sploot

While there is no scientific explanation for why Corgis or other dogs sploot, many owners observed that they do it for several reasons. Let’s find out exactly why the dog sploot is Corgi’s favorite pose.

1. They want to stretch their bodies

The most apparent reason why Corgis do the sploot is that they want to do a full-body stretch.

Many animals and even humans get pleasure from stretching their legs and bodies. It can also alleviate muscle soreness that accumulated over time.

By splooting, Corgis can release tension from their joints or tightness in any part of the body, much like a form of canine yoga. The pancake or full sploot, for example, can really get the front and back legs fully stretched.

2. They are still flexible

A Corgi puppy is more inclined to do the sploot because it’s easy and relaxing for them. Young dogs are more flexible so that they won’t hurt their hips and legs in any way.

In fact, dog splooting can even help them develop their bones and make their hip flexors stronger.

Corgi puppies are expected to carry this habit as they grow old since dog splooting became second nature to them.

3. They want to cool down

During a hot summer day, you might notice your Corgi sprawled with their hind legs flat on the floor. They do this as a way of regulating their body temperature. Splooting on tiles and concrete can give instant cooling relief.

This is a subconscious tactic of Corgis and even other dog breeds to balance their temperature on a cool surface.

4. They are comfortable in that position

Like how some humans prefer to sleep on their stomach, Corgis find comfort in lying down with their belly and legs stretched out on the ground.

It’s pretty relaxing for them, especially if they feel lazy after running and playing for hours.

5. They want your attention

Let’s admit it. Most of us melt at the sight of dogs splooting. Owners often pet them or give them a good head scratch after seeing their Corgis sploot.

Because they are smart, these dogs figured out that it’s an excellent way to get human attention.

Corgis learned to use dog splooting to their advantage by doing it more frequently than necessary. They somehow know that their owners will be flashing their cameras the moment they see their pets in this cute position.

6. They are copying older dogs

If you have a mix of puppies and adult Corgis in the house, there’s a high chance that the younger ones will mimic the behavior of the oldies. This idea also applies to splooting.

As dogs, they have the mentality of belonging in a pack. Because of this, they tend to follow the leader’s behavior, which is often embodied by the older dog.

When the pack leader is seen lying down in this manner, they will be compelled to sploot as well.

7. They are strengthening their hip

Stretching can help Corgis increase their flexibility and strengthen their hips. The sploot also resembles a yoga pose like the downward dog, which relieves muscle stress and enhances overall strength.

As mentioned, dog stretching is a beneficial way of strengthening the hip flexors which also increases flexibility.

To witness a Corgi in splooting action, watch the video below:

Corgi Puppy Mops The Floor<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Corgi Puppy Mops The Floor" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

4 Types of Corgi Sploot

Although we often see the pancake sploot, this is not the only way a Corgi can do this position. There are several sploot versions that you need to learn and identify as a dog owner. Some of these styles are listed below:

Full Sploot

The full sploot, pancake, or superman, is the most common and original sploot version. To have a Corgi pancake, the hind legs should be fully stretched outwards in the direction of their tail.

The front legs should be pointing to the rear, where their head can rest. Topped with their pointy ears, and you’re all done!

Half Sploot

When your Corgi is feeling a bit too lazy, they might only stretch out one hind leg while the other is safely tucked underneath the body.

The front legs can either be stretched out entirely or tucked normally. This requires less effort but also provides only a slight stretch for your pet.

Side Sploot

The side sploot is similar to the pancake, except this time, your Corgi is angled to one side.

The dog lying down on its left or right side can either have both back legs stretched or one leg tucked. The same goes for the front legs.

Reverse Sploot

The reverse sploot or the upside-down sploot is the equivalent of a Corgi playing dead. However, instead of looking dead, they look extra adorable. In this position, their back is lying flat on the floor, and their belly is exposed.

Their cute little paws are seen on each side of their face. This version definitely calls for some cuddles and tummy scratches.

Why Is Corgi Splooting So Popular?

Thanks to social media sites like Instagram, Corgi splooting is more popular now more than ever.

We all know how dog owners like to post pictures of their pets online. Others even make a dedicated account to flaunt their irresistible cuteness.

Through these online posts, more and more pet enthusiasts were able to identify the sploot position, and it is no longer that unique to Corgis alone.

Although it is still called “Corgi sploot,” it is now a position that can also pertain to other breeds and animals.

For instance, a different dog breed became an internet sensation because of their perfect reverse sploot. Paningning, a Shih Tzu puppy, was captured sleeping in a very peculiar manner.

The dog is seen lying fully on its back with its front legs resting on each side and the back legs pointing straight across the floor.

While only dogs are well-admired for the sploot, other four-legged animals are known to do it. Cats sploot all the time as well, even when playing.

Squirrels, turtles, rabbits, polar bears, lizards, and other animals sploot to take a small break from their busy lives in the wild.

Why Do Some Corgis Don’t Sploot?

Even though they pioneered this social media trend, not all Corgis sploot. If an older dog lays in a sploot for the first time, they might find it difficult and even cause pain and discomfort. This is because they are not flexible enough to stretch their bodies entirely.

For other Corgis, splooting doesn’t come naturally. They would prefer to lay down or normally sit if they didn’t carry this habit as puppies.

The same can happen to another dog breed with a different bone structure and some joint restrictions.

If your Corgi or other pet can’t sploot, this doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong with them. In the end, it’s just a matter of preference.

Is Splooting Bad for Corgis?

In general, dog splooting is not harmful to Corgis. However, it does have some potential risks.

Frequent dog stretching can indicate or cause conditions such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, rashes, and even injuries. In such cases, you need to take your dog to a qualified professional.

To understand these health issues better, refer to the comprehensive list below:

  1. Hip Dysplasia: This is a progressive joint deformity that affects the hips, specifically the hip’s ball-and-socket joint. This condition results in pain, lameness, and lethargy in affected dogs. Corgis who frequently do the half sploot can be more prone to develop hip dysplasia because one leg is constantly pushing up one part of the hip.

  2. Osteoarthritis: Also known as a degenerative joint disease (DJD), osteoarthritis refers to the inflammation of the joints caused by the deterioration of the cartilage. When your dog lies too often in a position with its hind legs stretched, it might incur damage to the protective layer of the joints.

  3. Rashes: Splooting on dirty surfaces to cool down can cause dog rashes and skin infections to Corgis. If you notice red spots forming on your dog’s stomach or other parts of the body, contact your vet immediately.

  4. Injuries: When Corgis sploot, it can indicate that they have an underlying injury. Check for any wounds, cuts, or abnormalities while walking. You might notice them favoring one leg or the other when doing so.

Splooting may cause these conditions, but more often than not, it indicates that your Corgi is already suffering from these problems.

Help your dog stay healthy by providing a healthy environment and by encouraging an active lifestyle.

Can You Command Your Corgi to Sploot?

Seeing Corgis sploot can instantly bring joy to people. If you are a Corgi owner, you can easily train them to sploot on command. Start training while they are still puppies.

Corgis are generally bright and can learn this quickly. Teach this trick simultaneously with basic obedience training and remember to use positive reinforcement. Treats, head scratches, and positive words always work wonders.

Start by making your Corgi lie down and try to lead them forward with their favorite treat. If they stand up or get distracted, pull away and reset.

For more promising results, use a training clicker to help your dog know the exact moment when to sploot.

However, you should only train your Corgi to sploot on command if you already observed that they are doing it on their own. Never force them to sploot since it can be uncomfortable for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Other Dog Breeds Sploot?

Aside from Corgis, the most popular dog breeds that sploot are Podles, Pugs, Bulldogs, and Dachshunds.

Larger breeds such as Newfoundlands, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, and Pitbulls are also known to sploot despite their size.

Is Splooting Bad for Puppies?

Splooting is not bad for puppies. It makes them feel relaxed and comfortable after a long day of puppy duty.

However, the only thing you need to watch out for is the frequency of their splooting. If your puppy sploots too often, they may be suffering from conditions like hip dysplasia.

Final Thoughts

The Corgi sploot is a natural tendency or behavior of most Corgis when they want to stretch, cool down, or simply seek their owner’s attention.

In most cases, splooting is safe for your pet and even helps enhance flexibility and strength.

Cute pictures and videos of Corgis splooting are circulating on the internet, but this position is not limited to this breed alone. Other dog breeds and animals are capable of doing the sploot, too.

While it might be amusing to see dogs sploot, you need to know if they are doing this to relieve any pain that they are experiencing. In this case, you need to consult a vet to know exactly why your Corgi is splooting.

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